Wielder of Names 6-103 to 6-104 (War of the Teacups)
Chapter: 6
“If it has a pulse,
Take its skull!
If it builds a house,
Smash it flat!
Strength is my God,
The God of Shapes,
If my God should fail me,
I will kill him too.”
– Sword Law Mantra of the Knights Belligerent
I wonder when the palace will fall from the sky and kill all the weak inside?
I wonder if in their zeal to gain power they realize they broke into a high powered tyrant’s palace and started wrecking her property? Hehehe, it’s going to be real funny when mottom shows and reduces them all to mere shrubbery.
If you are AL-YIS-UN the answer is “because I said so”. Everyone else has to explain why.
And the man at the back said,
Everyone attack and it turned into a ballroom blitz♫
And the girl in the corner said,
Boy, I wanna warn ya, it’ll turn into a ballroom blitz♫
Ballroom blitz!♫
~Proverb of the SWee-tuh
The Blood Flower is widely known for having the biggest balls of them all.
That’s exactly what started playing in my head the moment I laid eyes on this glorious panel.
so many wasted movements
such childish tantrums
how uncouth
Hah! And Allison in the background, with a perfect expression of, “this is my life now, I guess.”
Such is the Fate – and Reward – of Royalty.
that gun witch facing down barbaric sword and magic users while in tight corners…
While I could call myself /brave/
In this situation I think it might be better to be a /mouse/ or similar /意気地なし/
As comfortable as it is, a /melee/ is not smart
And I would not think of myself as /rash/
When I was young and wore my hair tall, I would have sought this melee out
and now I am still young, but my hair grows lower, and I will melee when it comes to me,
but I know that, in truth, I am slowly learning to nod deeply and enjoy.
Amazing story and artwork. Wow…always enjoy my reading and catching up!
Layla has automatics and the orange goggles are coming off. Guess things are serious now. Speaking of which those are some dreamy eyes you got there flat-top.
It also appears that our favorite gun witch has learned not to get right in the middle of the melee this time, however impressive her close-quarters shooting may be. She may yet survive the encounter.
Also, I’m noticing that both the guards’ rifles and Layla’s sub-machine guns have a white muzzle flash. That suggests to me either something mystical, or a much more energetic propellant than mere nitrocellulose.
Pro’ly because a gun isn’t a melee weapon and survival means not letting someone kill you. Survival isn’t the prize here, so sitting back a bit would be prudent for ANY fighter. Later you’d be fighting the victors, but they’d be tired.
In truth, there really is no such thing as a gun/sword fight: if you’re close in, it’s a sword vs. idiot fight, and if you’re far apart, it’s a gun v. idiot fight.
Pfft. Guns don’t have minimum range. Its a gun fight versus an idiot fight either way.
What if they end up destroying Jagganoth by getting him to fail his knights
I’d put that two page spread al over my toast.
I love how it’s implied these doofuses will just follow Allison for the entire story, causing chaos.
The winds of change will always carry the chaff to stick in the gods’ eyes.
*clutches tea set in horror* …..no…not the fine china…
By YISUN, this is a surprise – this painting blocks blades exceptionally well! If I survive this ball, I really should ask who the artist is! Some of their finely wrought pieces, scattered about my home, would be invaluable when mother comes over for tea.
I like the sleepy tattooed swordswoman, she’s got panache.
Take stock of your champion’s garb and demeanour
compare with that of Auntie Maya, a page or two to the previous.
Every ear hears a thousand stories, but each mouth can only tell one.
she’s my top fave of the parade of fools! I don’t know her name, so I just refer to her as “sleepy time gal”.
This is just the worst sort of flash mob.
You are mistaken.
It is the best sort.
Pyramid Illuminai Eye has a laser.
I look forward to seeing which of the manor’s soldiers have the talent for Cutting, and for avoiding being Cut.
Even killing devil’s doesn’t do much to alleviate my boredom. But this is still markedly better then the party.
The mantis being held by the baby is freed but finds a new foe. I notice everyone paying special care towards the teapots, perhaps the property damage will be much less than the casualties would imply.
The Pyramid demon awakens ancient memories of mine… but they are hazy and incomprehensible, as if hidden behind a Cipher in my mind.
What beauty in chaos! What delightful bloodshed! What majestic armament Preem Layla has acquired!
Is just this fool or has no one else noticed the submachine guns the gun witch is whipping out?
You underestimate the Forge-Abbesses of the Gun Witch’s order! While such technology is forbidden in throne and nigh-impossible to transport through the void without knowledge of the greatest arts, a talented or determined enough practitioner will find a way.
Young Layla has determination plenty.
Out of all of this, she is my favorite. Screw fancy swordplay and magic, just spray and pray!
If mere copper-washed steel is an effective weapon when faced with so many exotic foes than maybe our pitiful earth won’t do so bad when the time truly comes to “throw-down”, assuming Al-Ysun can handle Jagganoth and the thorns.
What did you expect a gunwitch to wield, noble Fool?
Gun witches are the best witches.
In a the billion Creations across the multiverse, one will find a multitide of weapons most strange and bizzare. Such a machinery for example, pales in front the Essence cannons and other weapons of war in my home.
I would not be surprised if the prowess of the Exalted of thy homeworld could take Throne itself! Be wary of the shortcomings of Essence weaponry though.
Though in its dark second age, things seem tenuous for you indeed.
They’re all staring at the immortali-tea. This may be where the ruling elite gets its daily dose of immortality.
They don’t have their priorities straight, there is not as much life extension in there are there are about to lose (immortal angel aside)