Wielder of Names 5-102
Chapter: 5
“Mastery: the power to fill a man with death before his next exhalation.”
– Book of War, Knights Belligerent
The next Kill Six Billion Demons update will be Friday, August 5th with a two page spread.
Going to give this one another day in the oven to not rush it, but here’s something if you want to spoil yourself a bit
This is why I tend to be against the forging of siege-constructs. When one starts down the path of enlightenment, the result is irritatingly disruptive.
But then again, giant golden baby. There are pros and cons here.
I imagine it sounds like this. Pro or con?
This video has brought me much laughter, my thanks.
I am awash with joy.
Multidimensional Kool-Aid man moments
Love the visual comedy on the bottom row of the page. I guess you could say that bird man really…wait for it. FLEW!
I’m still feeling peckish for more puns. Would your feathers be rustled if I asked you for more? Or would you soar at the chance? You could probably do it on one leg. Don’t be shy, spread your wings. Show us your colors.
This looks exciting. What I wouldn’t do to be amidst it all…
“No fucking way”
As in “this is glorious”, right, Alice-UN?
Let the feast start
A feast of flesh, blood and steel!
Not literally.
…I hope.
“L’équipage vous souhaite un bon appétit”~
yes literally. one hopes.
Who lets this baby in here?
Beat me to it. -.-
The hover text beat you both to it.
Koolaid-ing through the wall like a big baby boss.
And now with all the the predators circled like the hungry jackals they are, will she who chooses to be king over peasant choose to fight or once more opt for flight? What say you INGSVLD? Is this crowd of combatants just a bit too much for such a newborn power?
You ask me to judge our quarry’s bravery? An odd request. To have the bearing of a king (and indeed, to wield a key of kings) is a matter of a great and terrible will. But for her to fight here would be a waste of that power, and supremely foolish besides–key or no, she stands no chance against the forces arrayed against her.
In her place, I would fight were my oath at stake, and by this determination I would be girded. A Peregrine would battle in their duty to the King’s Road, a Belligerent would dive into the fray for such is their bloody wont, and a Beggar would no doubt invite the entire crowd to join them for drinks. But the girl has no such thing binding her to this place, and no reason to fight. She shall flee, and I shall chase her down and claim the power to fulfill my geas. Such is my will.
A story ought not be certain of its end before it has reached it, dear fellow.
Though a fool’s wager it may be, I’ve got 20 rupees on Princess Ruto winning the day.
My rupees on Irene the witch
Am I the only one who feels that she’s actually gonna…”recruit” a bunch of these guys? Meti at least, since she’s on the prophecy picture, maybe more? Like, she does something stupid and awesome and it impresses a bunch and they decide to hitch their wagons to hers?
Man, Thorn Knight and Androgynous Angel are slow.
i guess this is fair, given she just committed an act of terrorism (technically)
Well, kingling, don’t leave them waiting. Be sure to introduce yourself.
We are roughly two angels away from the best party ever.
Mottom’s digs. Mottom’s party. I’m sure Mother Om really appreciated that thoughtful gift of mortality. What will she give Allison in reply?
I don’t even dare guess who is on whom’s side at this point, and our party crashing pair of angels still hasn’t shown up yet, and the whole place is on a self-destruct countdown as Mottom ages into oblivion on fast forward. Oh, and she’s lost that sword she was carrying around, but I doubt it will do her much good or evil at this point. Mmmm Hmmm, yep, situation normal.
Tis a mighty shrine to FUBAR, goddess of things going horribly, horribly wrong. As usual.
She left the sword behind to disguise herself as a sacrificial concubine. Cio probably snagged it, since she liked it better when Alice carried it.
She left the sword back with Cio.
I can’t help but wonder: what kind of purpose could possibly be served by a race of gigantic babies?
I bet you a soul donut that the baby is Om all juiced out on burnt peach blood.
Our storyteller indicates elsewhere that this is likely a being which is only a century old, and will take many more before they are physically mature.
One wonders what their purpose is, with such a life cycle.
That girl, with the Goggles… An assassin from a place i never got a name of, ofcourse she’s really just the eyes atop her head there… the goggles are to blend in.
Ah the old kool aid man entrance never gets old even after eons. And knowing how thing go down it’s going to be a free for all with buildings on fire and half the fighters dead.
I am NOT changing that diaper.
Make bird boy do it once he finishes being all handy.
Oh God, I just realize that Layla Brimstone, Gun Witch, is riding a rifle like it’s a broomstick.
She was shown doing so during her introductory scene. You are welcome to look back through the archives to witness again.
I’m certain that what you really meant to say was “riding a rifle like it’s a BOOMSTICK.”
I have oft been told that humanity is weakest in its infancy. Tiny, babbling, immobile, defenseless, squishy.
“They are in this fragile state for years!” my brothers would urge. But I say nay. For it is in this stage of life that humans have the greatest willpower, untainted by time and others’ words. Babies have but one need. AND THAT NEED IS DESTRUCTION.
It is known that to shatter the vessel of an angel would require a great number of powerful martial artists working in concert.
One ponders if this qualifies.
Maybe, but it’s claimed otherwise on page /ksbd-3-36/ and on page /ksbd-4-63/