And suddenly, I had a vision of this palace’s collapse.
Mykos will feast on it’s corpse, as it is just and proper for the maggots to feast on the remains of God.
On that note, “Heavy Metal Thunder” appears to be really popular name for songs. I found 6 different ones with that title on Youtube that I’d call metal, plus one I’d say was pop-rock.
1) I knew eating butts was bad juju. I knew it in my bones.
2) Those poor fools. At least they die to the most badass angel this side of the Wheel. I bet Mr. Doorman’s not gonna escape their fate either…
3) Technically, you could call Om a vampire, right? They that depletes the youth and vitality of lesser beings in order to perpetuate their own existence? I could be very well jumping the gun on that, but that’s what I’ll think until we get some confirmation on that. So, yeah, I… well, no the Twilight reference falls flat around here, so. I was gonna say ‘I was in love with a youth vampire’ but I don’t think I’d want to be in the same universe as Mottom.
Also I really love the uniform of Mottom’s guards.
P.S. I once read some great words of wisdom… I relay them to you my fellow readers. ‘When you invoke the thunder, one must be ready to face the whirlwind.” That poor fellow has done exactly that, it seems.
“If you ride like lightning, you’re gonna crash like thunder.” Ben Mendelsohn as Robin in “The Place Beyond the Pines.” Great line in an otherwise terrible movie.
No, that’s 6 Juggernaut. Notice the shape of the helmet matching his soul as well as the hooked halo. Also the flames coming from his body, being an igneous angel. White Chain is still only vapor.
There aren’t any spikes because this is his armor. His skull-face is contained within. Same with all the other Thorns with their circle-heads. Their shapes are contained within their armor.
Ah, my mistake, I assumed the transformation was a bit instant when she accepted, as the old body looks much more like it’s still inert than it does inhabited.
It appears that the ball has an uninvited guest. That or he got an invite and missed the part about the dress code, or he has a dashing suit tucked away in that bike somewhere.
I would very much like to see a spin-off comic where these two go on a number of wacky and improbable adventures that end abruptly with this panel for obvious reasons thank you very much.
I’m not sure that’s White Chain. I mean, it looks like her old body strapped on there, but the angel riding the bike doesn’t look like what the body they were going to give her looked like.
That little devil is loitering! Arrest them!
He’s not just loitering, he stole the level of the building those men were standing next to between the first and last panel!
Damn those space warping devils. THEY ARE A MENACE!
And suddenly, I had a vision of this palace’s collapse.
Mykos will feast on it’s corpse, as it is just and proper for the maggots to feast on the remains of God.
I like to imagine the lightning bolt was accompanied by the slowly increasing in volume sound of death metal.
As we all know that Thorn Angels generate such noise ambiently.
If this ever gets animated. THIS ^ must happen.
And playing the song “Highway to Hell”
On that note, “Heavy Metal Thunder” appears to be really popular name for songs. I found 6 different ones with that title on Youtube that I’d call metal, plus one I’d say was pop-rock.
Your word of wisdom please me, oracle. Let us have thee phrofecy come true
I know three things.
1) I knew eating butts was bad juju. I knew it in my bones.
2) Those poor fools. At least they die to the most badass angel this side of the Wheel. I bet Mr. Doorman’s not gonna escape their fate either…
3) Technically, you could call Om a vampire, right? They that depletes the youth and vitality of lesser beings in order to perpetuate their own existence? I could be very well jumping the gun on that, but that’s what I’ll think until we get some confirmation on that. So, yeah, I… well, no the Twilight reference falls flat around here, so. I was gonna say ‘I was in love with a youth vampire’ but I don’t think I’d want to be in the same universe as Mottom.
Also I really love the uniform of Mottom’s guards.
P.S. I once read some great words of wisdom… I relay them to you my fellow readers. ‘When you invoke the thunder, one must be ready to face the whirlwind.” That poor fellow has done exactly that, it seems.
“If you ride like lightning, you’re gonna crash like thunder.” Ben Mendelsohn as Robin in “The Place Beyond the Pines.” Great line in an otherwise terrible movie.
They’re in for a bad time.
chapter 5?
Huh. Expected 82 (83?) to have a newer body.
They do, they’re the one riding the bike. They just took their old abandoned armor for some reason.
No, that’s 6 Juggernaut. Notice the shape of the helmet matching his soul as well as the hooked halo. Also the flames coming from his body, being an igneous angel. White Chain is still only vapor.
I disagree, no spikes out of the eyes.
There aren’t any spikes because this is his armor. His skull-face is contained within. Same with all the other Thorns with their circle-heads. Their shapes are contained within their armor.
Ah, my mistake, I assumed the transformation was a bit instant when she accepted, as the old body looks much more like it’s still inert than it does inhabited.
*rubs hands*
Dis gon b good
In the most awful way possible.
Death faster than sound, heralded only by a terrible light.
Thus Spake YISUN, and Their Word Was the Light, And the Black Flame Was the Death, that was Life made True in Its Lies.
It appears that the ball has an uninvited guest. That or he got an invite and missed the part about the dress code, or he has a dashing suit tucked away in that bike somewhere.
I would very much like to see a spin-off comic where these two go on a number of wacky and improbable adventures that end abruptly with this panel for obvious reasons thank you very much.
Me too, I’d love to! <3
That certainly is one way to make a crashing entrance to the party. I only hope things go well for our guest of honor inside.
Tell me that’s the new body she’s wearing and her own rad bike and that she’s about to use her old body as an hammer!
Huh. No. This is 6 Juggernaut Star.
I’m not sure that’s White Chain. I mean, it looks like her old body strapped on there, but the angel riding the bike doesn’t look like what the body they were going to give her looked like.
That’s Juggernaut Star, you can tell from the three-pronged helmet.
…I had assumed it was Juggernaut Star. This is a much better option and I hereby assume that it is true in the hopes the gods agree.
“Thunderstruck” beginning in 3, 2, 1…
I disagree. One *cannot* be too into drawing that motorbike.
Typical of angels to turn up to a party uninvited.
It’s always the one you don’t hear that gets yah.
well, never has my name been more appropriate
“The party don’t start ’till I walk in”
Or, in this case, ride.
Thunder? There are going to be more then thunders.
These men require time they do not have.
I see the guards are well taught in Planar Cant.