Chapter: Book 3: Seeker of Thrones
“There! – A star, in the depths,” said Enyis to the Boar King.
“The journey is dark and perilous,” said the Boar King, “And we have no vessel with which to hold it, neither of clay nor iron.”
“I will swallow it,” said Enyis, “And even should my body be consumed by flame, it will at least light our way to the surface.”
– The Song of Maybe
HOLY SHIT MAMMON LOOKS AWESOME…also that pile of gold makes sense if he is the grand dragon, but does that also make him a part of the KKK? Whatever, Alison’s hair is on fleek!
Have You ever seen a devil?
Those shoes are hardly battle ready
They certainly are if you’re a sorority sister!
Of course they’re battle ready; they adorn Royalty.
The Lady of Seven Blades informs me that they’re a major improvement over platform shoes and only inferior to her preferred stilettos in that they cannot be sharpened.
Forsooth! The next stone to be trod upon in AL-YIS-UN’s rise to greatness has been CHOSEN!
Oh, my. Allison is going full Motoko, isn’t she?
We talking classic 1995 or new 2015 model?
>mfw I have no face after seeing the new haircut and next target
>yfw you’re 82 White Chain Born in Emptiness Returns to Subdue Evil
The future Queen has obtained a haircut, I see. Will she now proceed to get the “real job” of Rulership?
So it would appear that Mammon is next on AL-YISUN’s to-do list.
study your pages, and recall the plot.
the prize, ostensibly at least, was Zaid
and Mottom disclosed that he was prisoner of the grand dragon
oh, thank you; I had forgotten
Maybe she’s channeling Willie Sutton?
the hair cut of character development appears
Gotta keep those hardcore fans buying all the new toys with the new character designs.
That looks like a gigantic waste of gold.
You have apparently never felt the joy and refreshment of a swim in a giant bin of gold.
I’ll grant you one pile for swimming, one for gloating over and one as a source of spare coasters. But if you’re reduced to sitting on them, you should melt down the coins to make a proper throne and pave your streets with the rest.
If you think this, you do not understand the joys and the POWER of The Hoard. It is an advantage every Dragon knows well in their heart of hearts, and that all Bankers come to realize.
How powerful must Mammon be, if he is both Dragon and Banker, as well as ruler of 111,111 worlds?
They’re actually very shiny eggs.
Kill Six Billion Dragon Babbies?
Unless they hatch into birds.
A hoard of any sort, even treasure, whispers of a poverty of one sort or other.
Truth. Cio CLEARLY overpaid for her outfit. Vault looks alright though.
He owns a bank.
I assume that this is a very fractional reserve compared to the volume of notes he has issued against it.
The master numismatists of the Grand Dragon had cause some thousand years ago to invent a new character in Ur-script. Solely, mind you, to reduce the amount of space on coinage needed to render the Bank’s promissory text.
The character “Rho-ak,” a crowned triple-V. “An agreement backed by both wealth incalculable and the certainty that the first to break it will be the first devoured.”
It is only in the realms of Jadis and Jagganoth that it hasn’t caught on, really.
How odd.
It is in keeping their bargains with me that mortals find themselves devoured, yet they never seem able to break the deal, even when they find themselves wanting to.
Never gamble with death, for it is not a matter of if you win, but when you lose.
First comment!
A new volume starts.
Everyone looks so stylish.
This will be splendid.
You’d think that by now folks would know better than to call “First!” from the middle of Abbadon’s approval bin.
Most of us “peasants” lack the will or ability to cut ourselves into new and more adaptive shapes. Indeed, even when bludgeoned, we are slow to change.
As the harvest has it’s season, there too are new springtimes, when new shoots rise up to learn the cold truths of life and comment moderation.
There were no comments when I typed that in. 😛 There’s probably a filter so unruly and lewd comments about Cio’s rear end don’t flood the comments section.
Oh hi there, Cio’s ex.
dear oscar,
or was it
looks like the
ancient thread
was erased…
A part of me wonders if we won’t be seeing AL-YIS-UN with a different big sword that she won’t actually use on the cover of every volume.
Well, the sword is an ugly piece of metal and its adherents idiots, after all.
The Grand Dragon stirs.
Time for Allison Wanda Ruth to get her Saint George on.
Strangest looking dragon I’ve ever seen, I tell ya hwhat.
I can appreciate White Chain finally understanding that having a face is rather overrated.
I assure you, Pree INGSVLD, that queens do love faces.
Maybe if you had one you’d get laid more often.
Speak for yourself.
Next up: cover-less books.
Now that’s just ridiculous.
Having torn off your face, it makes sense to remove the mask from your armor.
There is nothing left to stab.
Is that Allison I see with a dashing new haircut
It’s really rather jarring on her.
It’s Eglamore.
You win all of Mammon’s hoard for that comment
Jawis-Tel, singer of songs, teller of tales. A coveted cover indeed, bard demon abbadon!
I love young allisons hair!
Fuck Yea!
Mammon seen in his natural habitat: the multiverse’s largest collection of foil wrapped chocolate coins.
And here I thought it was just useless gold!
Truly this is a hoard to behold!
Allison reminds of Max from life is strange game, for some reason.
I wish to cpmment more on the artwork of this page, but I couldn’t stare for too long at such gorgeous wealth and avarice without becoming a little hypnotised.
Dude why did you give Alice-UN the same haircut and attitude/pose as one of her roommates?
I am disappointed. I loved her long hair. Very Mottom-ish.
Perhaps that is why she cut her hair, to emphasize that she has chosen a different path from the fallen tyrant. It does not suit a royal to imitate their fallen foes after all.
Timing is a cause of fury.
Nothing happens if you’re early.
But when I’m late you’ll wish you were me.
Far over the Misty Mountains cold…
“To question one’s face is troublesome,” said Hungry Ghost Denies Everything, who had eaten his face to avoid questioning it.
“To question a hero’s hair,” he continued, noting how in the breeze Alison’s hair resembled an ushanka and becoming filled with unwarranted mirth thereupon, “is less so.”
So it is said.