Chrysalis, or “Pale C+”, you’re big and you seemed vulnerable and even huggable when first met. I felt sympathy for your searching/lost condition.
Here, compelled to speak, you’ve cracked that carapace. Frightful mandibles that sealed your silent self tear open. Your inner self – a dripping wound.
Your hidden face has fearful symmetry…and the terrifying wicked teeth of a predator. Do you now return to the black speech, with black speech bubbles ?
What do you hunger for ?
take a closer look at that snout.
Her sharpened teeth seem awfully familiar in color.
Awfully sharp like shattered fragments of…
Well. Sometimes when you die, and your ego is gone, but you need to keep on going for those around you, you pick up the fragments of your old persona, and wear them like a mask.
Who has masked Cio++? She must be masked, all we know of unmasked devils says that they are non-sentient, hardly capable of wanting to return, let alone saying so.
I think the carapace is a pseudo-mask and Cio++ made it. She is possibly the first devil ever bind herself.
Aaaaannnnd Nooooowwww It’s !
Spring Time! For GOG-AGOG! And Divinity!
Winter! For Dave and, White Chain
She’s Writhing At a Faster Pace!
Look Out! This is a Wormy Place!
(don’t be stupid, be a smartie. eat the worm and join the party)
Imagine putting on all of those costumes. Is the magog hivemind simultaneously aware of all this? The rote tasks of a thousand people would be maddening, much more so the millions involved.
I think I get it. I see it. This is my theory. Zoss restarted the universe again and again, because every time Allison – or the role she played, his lover – died, as Cio died. And every time he wanted another chance to save her. Until, after uncountable attempts and uncountable universes, he finally, finally learned. And gave her the power instead of himself.
No, it’s quite clear in several flashbacks that he always picks a different person each cycle, but always PRIOR to Allison always picked someone within the same General archetypal parameters. He hesitated for some weary reason when meeting Zaid when before he would have driven it in immediately, perhaps remembering how similar he was to all the others & wondering “What’s the point” which caused him to drop his guard for the first time ever, which cost him his head. His muscle memory took over as he died & drove it into HER head instead, someone he’d never have otherwise given it to in a billion years, LITERALLY.
Has Chio always had her own insectoid motif throughout all her forms? That could give her an edge in mastering the worm over more strictly mammalian Or reptilian devils. A bug knows the ways of other bugs.
Anyone else notice a missing Gog-Agog on the dancers row? The amounts should be symmetrical, but there’s one missing. Bet that’s the current host after the previous snapped her own neck. I love little details like that.
Chrysalis, or “Pale C+”, you’re big and you seemed vulnerable and even huggable when first met. I felt sympathy for your searching/lost condition.
Here, compelled to speak, you’ve cracked that carapace. Frightful mandibles that sealed your silent self tear open. Your inner self – a dripping wound.
Your hidden face has fearful symmetry…and the terrifying wicked teeth of a predator. Do you now return to the black speech, with black speech bubbles ?
What do you hunger for ?
take a closer look at that snout.
Her sharpened teeth seem awfully familiar in color.
Awfully sharp like shattered fragments of…
Well. Sometimes when you die, and your ego is gone, but you need to keep on going for those around you, you pick up the fragments of your old persona, and wear them like a mask.
Oh yes.
Who has masked Cio++? She must be masked, all we know of unmasked devils says that they are non-sentient, hardly capable of wanting to return, let alone saying so.
I think the carapace is a pseudo-mask and Cio++ made it. She is possibly the first devil ever bind herself.
Himself doesn’t have a mask.
frontier psychiatrist
Everyone’s certain that’s Cio, but I’m thinking it’s Delicious Assassin reincarnated.
Aaaaannnnd Nooooowwww It’s !
Spring Time! For GOG-AGOG! And Divinity!
Winter! For Dave and, White Chain
She’s Writhing At a Faster Pace!
Look Out! This is a Wormy Place!
(don’t be stupid, be a smartie. eat the worm and join the party)
I believe that this is the first time she has been explicitly referred to as a woman.
I spy Luffy 🙂
second row to the front.
Targete spotted.
Double tail mermaid.
Clear nod to Alisons time as a barista.
FIRST: There was Yabalchoath
NEXT: There was Ciocie Cioelle Estrella Von Maximus the Third
“Coke”?! Great, she’s going to look like one of the Cola Santa’s elves.
It’s an old easter egg someone pointed out to me a while ago. Say her name outloud and its the phonetic spelling of coca cola.
Ci-o-ci-e Ci-o-ell-e
Ci[C]-o[O]-ci[C]-e[A] Ci[C]-o[O]-ell[L]-e[A]
Imagine putting on all of those costumes. Is the magog hivemind simultaneously aware of all this? The rote tasks of a thousand people would be maddening, much more so the millions involved.
She’s made of metamorphic insects, she can literally spin her own clothes out of silk.
Just don’t ask what she uses as DYE.
I think I get it. I see it. This is my theory. Zoss restarted the universe again and again, because every time Allison – or the role she played, his lover – died, as Cio died. And every time he wanted another chance to save her. Until, after uncountable attempts and uncountable universes, he finally, finally learned. And gave her the power instead of himself.
To be clear, Zoss is Zaid. That’s also important to this theory.
No, it’s quite clear in several flashbacks that he always picks a different person each cycle, but always PRIOR to Allison always picked someone within the same General archetypal parameters. He hesitated for some weary reason when meeting Zaid when before he would have driven it in immediately, perhaps remembering how similar he was to all the others & wondering “What’s the point” which caused him to drop his guard for the first time ever, which cost him his head. His muscle memory took over as he died & drove it into HER head instead, someone he’d never have otherwise given it to in a billion years, LITERALLY.
Has Chio always had her own insectoid motif throughout all her forms? That could give her an edge in mastering the worm over more strictly mammalian Or reptilian devils. A bug knows the ways of other bugs.
Anyone else notice the “One Piece” homages?
I love how hilariously weird the audience is. So many mermaids, so many people in mascot-style costumes.
Salami Dave puttin’ them garden instruments in their place.
Luffy spotted, Gog-Agog is a fucking weeb. Why am I not surprised.
Anyone else notice a missing Gog-Agog on the dancers row? The amounts should be symmetrical, but there’s one missing. Bet that’s the current host after the previous snapped her own neck. I love little details like that.
Eel Smashing Lord
That chrysalis is some real funger penance armor shit
Doesn’t anyone see Gog Agog cosplaying as Luffy? As part of the cast in the bg
“girl fuck you is the best 3 word combo invented”
Salami dave:
Tank washing company in Medina
Straw Hat!