Chapter: 2
The embassy entrance of the Celestial Empire in Throne is built after the Dragon’s Gate of throne, in imitation of the most popular point of entry for commoners, according to legend, into the mighty halls of the gods.
You showed the LAST shopping trip to get a new costume…
My last month’s paycheck was 11000 dollars. All I did was simple 0nline work from comfort at home for 6-8 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me 45 dollars every hour.
Visit for more detail.. www.Payathome7.com
Well, the spambots certainly didn’t waste time….
They are agents of the Worm! Ïa! Alas, not the kind we might tolerate round here; they are not clowns, just ugly vile parasites.
Dear spam bot. I hope whoever made you has to shit in a bag the rest of their life.
Isnt this Zoss’ drip?
Preem Watcher, it was told in a previous page that Auntie Maya provided her with these garments.
I fucking love her. God’s she is such a badass
Though with those who pick up swords I suppose they’re one in the same
A dumb badass, perhaps
A badumbass?
a fool with a sword know not their limits
and thus shall exceed them without knowing.
Unfortunate for everyone in the blast radius though.
Such is the Emiya way.
My first thought. This arc is going to be so good.
Hell yes. She is such a fuckin’ boss!!!
Man, who is even left??
Our good friend wormie :o)
Jaggs is locked away.
Inky is having fun.
Wormy has it too.
Jady certainly doesn’t.
And you could, maybe, count Mathangi.
Or, maybe, Salami. We have not seen him in a spell, but who knows.
… or Allison.
White Chain probably makes the most sense, since the whole world watched her “defeat” Solomon in the match just before Jaggy wrecked everything, so in the chaos they could easily just assume she’s Solomon’s official heir now. I can see Nynave acting as her top advisor. If so, the two of them are probably having an EXTREMELY rough time right now.
more badass women should be smoking pipes
Our girlie is serving Preem Hansa
Hansa is obstinate. His own circular death may subside from time to time.
I feel Prim is more of a guide for our Allison.
Prost-Phet is observant.
It is no mistake that Hansa and Prim both were ROYALTY.
“He was not an aspirant for royalty and thereby attained it through little effort.”
“Actually, I don’t think about it at all.”
From a certain perspective, this is false, since pipe tobacco is extremely unhealthy and this habit would surely eventually result in more badass women contracting lung cancer.
However, from an alternate perspective, many badass women (like Allison) have brief lives anyway, and they are no less badass for being brief…quite the opposite, in fact.
From an ALTERNATE alternate perspective, it looks really fucking cool so why the hell not.
What makes you think it’s tobacco in that pipe?
“We children of dew and lightning, brief and terrible in our passing” – The Archer, aPGtE
That pipe! Now Allison reminds me of Mammy Yokum from L’il Abner, the baddest heroine literature has ever seen.
See: Catherine a foundling of PGTE
Good thing she’s not just anyone
Solomon David gave it his all and you tore down his statues! Ungrateful peasants! 600 years hard labor!
Actually it looks to me like something caused them to topple and they’re trying REALLY hard to keep the remaining one up? That’s why it’s got lashing going in opposite directions.
But nothing else seems to be in any form of disrepair. Even the smaller statues on the roof seem fine. It really seems like the statues of Salami Dave have been deliberately torn down (with maybe the last one not getting fully ruined and then propped up to avoid it collapsing)
Be wiser, little ferret. The people, maybe even the functionaries, have been toppling the statues. It is a Republic now. Excess adoration to past leaders is discouraged. See what happened to the Lenin and Stalin statues after the fall of the Soviet Union.
They are not keepingthe last one up. They are carefully taking it down.
Siri, play Mr. Smith Goes to Washington – Break Stuff MV
Hot women smoke yk/s
I see the residents of the Celestial Empire are beginning to make an inner emigration.
For a second, I thought Allison was visiting Solomon David, but she’s really visiting White Chain, isn’t she?
Who would, naturally, consider requests for asylum VERY seriously, since that’s just how she rolls.
I’m very much looking forward to seeing White Chain. She’s always been one of my favorites.
Wait, so, she got installed as his successor? The republic stuff certainly makes sense.
That is brilliant! Would have never ocurred to me but it makes perfect sens… I mean, Domini is observant.
Ah that’s a good prediction, feels properly set up
Step aside, and let the boss come through.
i want that coat so bad
It would be rather neat if someone were to put one together after seeing more panels with it. It looks like it would be particularly cool in real life.
I love the face of the guy in the bottom right pannel
Can’t help but feel like this is the perfect time for some W4R cameos (or at least a mention). Very interested to see what happens with Solomon’s empire now that their god-king’s been stuck in a bubble for a few years.
Royalty prefers the pipe to cancer sticks, I see.
Consider that Hansa and Zoos both made use of a pipe. It’s simply tradition.
Huh. I wonder if White Chain got herself a key or two.
The Line-Smashing Lord, whose name shall be
Royalty is a continuous cutting in line motion.
Underrated aphorism
The KAREN of a million worlds!
Now there’s some quiet swagger
If the Celestial Empire has managed to transform itself into a Republic in merely three years of Solomon’s absence instead of just falling apart, then he did a much better job shaping it than White Chain gave him credit for.
But what sort of republic? It could be a republic in name only.
Still, I agree, if it’s managed to stay intact, then Solomon has certainly done something right to prepare it for his absence. Still though, if he had a plan set up, going full democracy is an odd choice given demiurge, but perhaps a wise choice.
White Chain may be squishy an all now, but she was still made with The Law beat into her hot white flame. Even if she had to work twice as hard as ol’ Sally Dave, I’m sure the legal system has her fingerprints in it as deeply as his by now. Much improved, surely. Most of the changes were probably voted for, too. But I doubt more than half were authored by another.
“You can’t just walk into the Grand Embassy of the Celestial Republic!”
*Quest Objective: Walk into the Grand Embassy of the Celestial Republic*
Achievement Unlocked: Walk into the Grand Embassy of the Celestial Republic
Too late
Is the merchandise link ever goingnto be fixed?
I can’t wait to see who’s picked up the pieces. It’s a tad strange that Solomon’s people are still so organized. Especially because, to me, it seemed as if every single one of their leadership structure was evaporated by an infinite number of Jag swords.
They probably have a backup plan somewhere, though what they did have is a plan for succession, so, I wonder if this is White Chains doing. Though it’d be a hell of a challenge to keep the system from collapsing on itself especially for someone with zero knowledge of how governments work.
Much more than zero knowledge. She were an ANGEL. The Law was beat into her hot, white flame good an early by Koss. And of course, Nyave, an advisor fit for a demiurge by her side. Odds stacked in her favor, you ask me.
Knowing how the law works and procedure and stuff is one thing, being politically savvy is another, backroom deals, favor swapping, what have ya.
Cold White flame, not hot.
How is she going to find out how long the sphere is going to last? Did Solomon somehow transfer all of his ki rata knowledge to White Chain?
We did see that White Chain had at least some knowledge of ki rata by sheer force of will when she won against Salami.
I suspect White Chain is mostly irrelevant in this instance, except as a convenient passkey into the deepest stacks of records within the “Republic’s” filing system. Demiurges obviously have to keep their secrets very well, but it’s possible they could find some sort of precedent, historical notes from a long ago age when Solomon actually used the Technique of Relief on somebody else. It’s kind of a long shot, since the Big S obviously only used it as a last resort against a universe-ending threat, but it’s possible!
Somehow I doubt that Solomon kept written records of his techniques, but if she is looking for historical documents, the Celestial Empire seems like the best place to find intact ones.
Just hope they have a quick searchable database and computers aren’t a thing in this universe. At least not electronic ones.
I find it unlikely, but with Solomon being out of the picture, the sole other disciple of Ki Rata may be relevant. Especially if white chain truly learned. If he got wind of that, he would either have to kill her or train her, methinks.
Well at least they’re humanitarian enough to process and accept refugees.
It’s not like it’s Florida, after all.