Chapter: 3
“In his fundamental nature, man fears what he cannot destroy. He allows this fear to burrow into his heart and in defense he obsesses over control. Abandoning this notion is the most important principal of kingship. A man can set a sail but can never get the breeze to blow on its own. If he tries, it shall surely drive him mad.”
-Au Vam
And thus dies the demiurge
And so goes my last chance of being paid for my services in providing concessions for the Tournament of Power directly.
A few years ago, I would have raged at this. Now…Jagganoth is trapped in a void I am told will collapse any day now, and in the face of the end all my business seems tiny.
…on the plus side, I *did* make a large quantity of money selling cryotechnics for a certain other demiurge’s celebration of our certain doom. I suppose it will be worthless, but I can at least consume expensive forms of plum alcohol as the Red God escapes his cage–and enjoy the cold one last time.
Perhaps I will enjoy it.
Highly doubt this is the end of Solomon. Still a very powerful immortal. White Chain also seems very near to a performance of Ki Rata. That fish is either getting sent to kingdom come or is going to leave them alone. I don’t think the end of this fight is death – I think it is a return to mutual respect between two very powerful entities.
solomon the demiurge dies, but solomon the man, lives on
I think Solomon the demiurge died long ago. I think he died as soon as the people lost the belief that they had a “god protecting them.” Solomon the demiurge is his empire, and his empire has grown past the need for a Solomon.
I am guessing that Solomon will die here. I think the nature of the story requires all the demiurges to die, with the possible exception Gog-Agog who does something that is neither dying nor continuing to live.
Solomon shed his mortality long ago, I feel he is something in between
That “I’d rather die fishin'” t-shirt is about to pay off in screeds
You have to be patient with her, she has a few millenia of angelic baggage to work through before she can ever feel worthy of anything
There’s no time for patience when a giant fire-breathing fish is coming right at you. Sometimes people have to put their baggage aside and act.
RIP bozo
L+dead+ratio beeg monarch
Cool, now try breathing the water to do ki rata, I’m sure it’ll work great.
No worries, the fish can teach her Koi Rata instead. It involves blowing bubbles.
This is the best thing
It is for this reason Solomon and the Fish maintained a mutual respect, as masters of their respective Ratas.
I think the Godfish will soon be whistling a different Tuna.
I hope so, or we’ll have lobster, & no one will have ever flounder again!
You bastard. I laugh snorted spaghetti up my nose.
isn’t that why she slapped the water away first
Slapping away the water wouldn’t make oxygen, it would create a vacuum 😐
Except for the part where Salami did exactly that 7 pages ago and it created a bubble of breathable air.
which means they probably broke apart the water to create gases to fill the void and breathe, as well as force apart the water
I think the second page here was added after the original comment was made.
What the did he add the second page just to spite me this is EXACTLY what she did.
Solomon struggle 💃 solomon struggle 💃 solomon solomon solomon struggle 💃
Salami Dead
Wiser words have never been uttered across all layers of layered commentary. Those two words have somehow echoed within me like the big slap of a metaphor about the intertwinement of death and liberation through absurdity. In this essay I will
Sashimi soon to follow
True for Immortal and Mortal alike that a day of ice fishing with dad leads inevitably to an emotional argument and a silent ride home.
There are some laws even gods cannot bend.
This fish is a certified hater
This fish craves reaching heaven through violence.
Violence may be about to reach heaven through this fish.
There is another page on twitter, it seem Abbadon forgot to upload it here
How might one view this page without a twitter account?
The fool asks how, the wise man waits… and presses Refresh.
I am neither fool nor wise man. Still, I waited, as a wise woman does, and yet I see no extra page.
And this is how Solomon achieves R O Y A L T Y.
The road to Samura is long, and harsh.
Good to see he finally set the first foot on it.
Royalty is an eternal cutting motion. The internal cuts are the hardest…
Solomon David found a plateau where he thought he could stop cutting, and thus stopped being royalty. White Chain and his empire’s broken faith in him awoke the knowledge he was wrong, these last cuts will set him free to be royalty once more.
Women hate him, fish hate him.
The fall of Solomon David marks an important beat for me for several reasons.
A year ago a friend who loved this webcomic passed away just before Jadis arc began. He never found out how this would end, but he was obsessed with the story. We discussed it together.
Solomon dying, the diamond finally shattering, his light fading away. The one true normal, most normal most wise, closest to Zoss in enlightenment demiurge, most main-character and wise-sensei like of the demiurges, if he dies here, albeit fitting, will always remind me of my friend and of the fact that life is fleeting. Just like the ruler Solomon threw into the mountain.
A sad, sad realization.
That which one person yields, another must take.
Beware she who wears in her brow the words of sovereignity:
her sigil: a sea beast, black crystals covering its eyes
Next project – the sequel to K6BD – will be Fish: The Origin
I’m not quite sure I buy this being Salami biting the bullet, but if it does happen, I can only imagine him showing back up as a “Force Ghost” with Zoss. And if that happens, I can’t help but see him as being profoundly underwhelmed by the experience. “Oh sure, everyone goes on and on about how great Royalty is, but once you achieve it, this is the only guy you get to talk to without using cryptic doublespeak… is what I would say, if I were talking to Zoss about it… or would I…”
love that when the two of them use this power, they are creating oxygen, not just parting the water. the bubbles don’t connect to the surface so there’s no outside air flowing in. that’s some real royalty shit
you gotta level with me.
Is the fish the guy Dave threw through a mountain?
The inheritor of King Guy’s dying will.
Hi, I finally got around to starting this comic a couple of days ago and I’m already caught up
Can I suggest the loo, a drink, a meal, and a shower, in that order?
Rest in piss that fishe
It’s… beautiful.
I was wondering what the connection was between the two scenes. Now I get it. Accepting legacy and the power to change things. The power is not destroyed, but if the wielder has the will, it can be used to make things better. White Chain and Allison are facing similar choices.
White Chain is about to give that overgrown sardine The Finger.
Salami wants to die and he cannot do so until White Chain takes the mantle.