Chapter: 2
“[…]descended there an angel with a silver sword. An the angel said ‘Come and see,’ and I saw. There upon the great hill of rot, the great and terrible beasts of the earth had gathered, and a hundred thousand times a thousand strong men, girded for war, with chariot and horse and war shade. The ground had cracked and the bowels of the land had split and all manner of ancient things from the cold and old world had crawled from the ash and were making havoc upon the land. There was a sound so terrible it could not be withstood except by those who had, through manner of hardship or war, been exposed to the noise of innumerable dying animals.”
– Vision of Extemporary Monk Lumuu (circa SC 245)
Well if that isn’t the rawest thing I’ve read all day.
Hear, hear
True Royalty is taking yourself seriously enough to drop raw lines, and everyone else taking you seriously enough to write them down.
hoo boy
No. No boy.
Thank your labor. Masi.
Stay Hydrated
I’d rather die with friends than alone – The person who has 35 years of life left
maybe a thread of prophecy no matter the quality and strength of its fibers may be cut
“As [she] understand[s] it” gives a lot of leeway.
Allison might get thrown into a time portal, some kind of stasis, or something else. We already know an older version of Allison was skulking in the background of the first meeting of the demiurges/when she used the key to teleport. Hell, she might get thrown back 35 years in time and arrive right at the Jaggy battle tomorrow.
Would you kindly provide a link to the page with said skulking? I don’t remember the older version
4-79 of the first book, it’s hidden text directly under the comic image.
Oh wow. I’ve added the direct link to the hidden image to my name so you can click on it.
This has been around since 2015? How have I never heard of this before?
I think you’re mistaking Allison viewing the meeting from the spirit side of things with an older version of her being there?
If you look at the wiki page on The Successor, and examine the entry titled “Who”, you’ll find some information.
I see the info but I don’t understand where that image of future Allison actually came from. It that on a comic page somewhere I’m just not seeing?
On 4-79 of book 1 there’s a cheeky little url hidden between the comic and the navigation arrows.
As she said, very few people know how long it will be until Jagganoth is free again.
Maybe prophecies only exist as part of the wheel. Break it and you break fate.
Lemme remind you that the prophecy is “as you understand it” there are more ways to die than one, and one’s outlook might change what one perceives as “dying”
Salami Man lives!
Correct reading of the eulogy is to Johnny Cash singing “When the man comes around”, right?
solomon continues to be my favorite character. what’s this samurai jack thing he’s got going on? is he about to fight six mercenaries in the snow?
Arguably the greatest animated fight sequence ever put to the small screen.
I want his salami in my buns!
I think the comparison being drawn is more towards Thanos becoming a farmer
C. J. Cherryth’s Mefrovingian Knights had an “Angel With A Sword” similar to Allison, but with a mission a bit more like Jagganoth’s. Even the language was similar.
Ooh, thanks for the reminder. I need to go back and read some of C. J. Cherryh’s early works. Always been meaning to…then haven’t.
I read the Foreigner series, but she’s handed some (all?) of the writing of that off to her wife and it’s not as good or tight as her early stuff like Chanur.
Well that explains a lot. Thanks for letting me know.
Also, I resemble that remark.
The Angel With A Sword stuff may actually be better, certainly clearer, in the comic books her brother had them rewritten into.
God damn this comic is good.
Allison’s character arc is enthralling
Looking back on the early books now its astounding to see how far she’s come, she’s a completely different person.
wait how did dave and jaggs escape the big purple ball dave made?
Evidence suggests that Jaggs hasn’t yet escaped the ball. Salami Dave was never trapped, since he granted White Chain is power immediately after imprisoning Jaggs and then peaced out for parts unknown.
Ol’ Salami looked rather the worse for wear after punching Jagganoth in the Jaggahogg so hard he collapsed into a black hole, but it seems like the key part of Ki-Rata is Absolutely Never Getting Stuck In A Bad Situation, so it’s hardly surprising he walked away from it.
It never ceases to amaze me what a punch from Davey can do. Just ask White Chain.
Ia! Venerate the Dragon!
Incubus asks the tough questions: What if Sephiroth had turned up in a Phantasy Star game?
Incubus is really rocking that Melnibonean drip and I love it.
Hail Elric!
I wonder who will replace mottom and mammon
Nobody. Jagganoth absorbed their keys.
Mammon’s emissary still has a sliver and Mottom might have some left too.
Pretty sure Maya still has a fraction of the key Incubus took and that Solomon kept some for himself too.
From what we saw, Mammon’s battle nun might have had more of the key’s power than he did by the end. Pity the Dragon
I’ve always been curious about this. It appears that the keys can be copied – Allison’s key has them all, for example. While she isn’t the most experienced Wielder, does anything technically prevent them from creating copies of her key, or a portion of her key?
I think they’re not so much copies as they are fragments, as I understand it big Z tortured the 7 part name out of 1 Metatron and then granted each of the subsequent proto-demiurges entering Throne a whisper of his own key corresponding to the gate of their world. The modern Demiurges are blood-drinkers that absorbed the 777,777(?) keys scattered across Throne and each have 111,111 keys under their purview but can distribute them as they see fit. You might have fractional keys? But the point is there’s a set finite amount that get divided or combined.
Allison has also only had her key for less than a decade whereas the others spent lifetimes mastering their arts and then lived for centuries during and “after” the 2nd conquest/Universal War and as such have had much longer to hone their strengths and set up the world around themselves.
[fans self] Phew! So much to unpack in one page!
Holy shit, Mammon’s Number One still live an kicking?
Royalty is a continuous series of glowups.
“Tell me, Dragon of When, why are you smiling; Knowing our doom?”
“Oh, Dragon of Why, because I know that nightmares are only real when you dream of them.”
Whether her friends like it or not, or even if they know thier her friends yet, Alison is gonna Kill God With The Power Of Friendship.
what if she reaches royalty and its just sailor moon what then huh
Gogagog: “Yup, definitely a human person. Totally not a sentient pile of worms. Nope not me! “
I wonder how Mammon’s old Caretaker is coping with his death, probably not well knowing this comic.
Question is if she blames only Jagganoth for doing it, or Allison for kicking the war off. She didn’t seem to like Allison much.
But I’m glad 001 is still around. I wonder a bit sometimes if Zombie Jesus is her son, and whether she’ll bring him around if Allison recruits her.
… Zombie Jesus?
If she’d gone fully postal around Throne and had to be put down by a platoon of angels, I wouldn’t have been at all surprised.
Wonder where they’re keeping Mammon’s skull? The infinite vault got infinitely fucked over.
I guess that explains why we haven’t seen a splash page with White Chain as a new demiurge, she hasn’t accepted the mantle properly.
Such royalty!
Amazing page.