Seeker of Thrones 9-118
Chapter: 9
‘O Cleaver of Heretics, come forth,
Let the fetters be upon the blasphemer,
Let the lion tear at his breast;
I will lay fire upon him and punish him with the fury of the Lord God;
Carnivorous dogs will feed upon his entrails;
His shade will not sink to the land of dust,
It shall be torn into pieces by the fiends that dwell by the foot of the Flaying Tree;
Spawn of the beast god, Foul Emission;
The scourge of Akaroth will be upon his flesh’
– Incantation of the Judicator Axe
“Put away your Axe of Judication this instant, young lady!”
000001 wants to be hardcore but her boss won’t let her
hahaha excellent
Hail fickle thought, our mistress be!
I have a grave fear that he is as trapped by his riches as the actual traps setup to protect his wealth.
His obsession seems to be all but all-consuming his attention.
It was mentioned earlier that he only vaguely remembers caring about his wealth and continues out of habit and for something to do, I suspect he brings it back up now to distract her.
It’s not. He’s just senile, with age. Mammon is the third oldest Demiurge, after Gog-Agog and Jadis. The first hardly being sane, and of a different physicality, while Jadis is encased in glass. He is no longer as greedy as he used to be, it’s all indeed out of habit and his bringing it up is just because he considers 000001 to be the distracted one.
Consider that his race is described as naturally docile and giving. In his senility, he’s found that core part of himself buried beneath the calcified greed and ambition.
It appears that 0000001 has just about had it with her god’s blind, senile obsessive bullshit. Maybe in a few millennia she’ll push back.
But not today.
No, that’ not what that is.
Its a frustration tinged with sadness. A quiet misery borne from pity. She knows she can’t disrupt this poor old creature, even when she so desperately wants to.
It’s been a while, Spud. You get around.
I just saw your name lmao
what’s the drop rate for the axe lmao
Make sure you’ve got 10 liquid humanity and are wearing the golden serpent ring before you try killing her.
and every time it drops, it chops
It’s only available through microtransactions.
It can be quite frustrating when your god himself is less zealous than you are.
Just let me smite something, Grandpa!
Woohoo! Grandpa dragon to the rescue!
It seems the Grand Dragon is not only growing senile, but obsessive as well. It is little wonder his priests fear for his safety so.
Mammon is like a BIG old frendly grandpa.
Wait, how is she the third?
Did whoever named her mask two other demons with the exact same name? And then decide that the mighty Yabalchoath would thereafter be named the same thing as two of its former creations?
Rub more salt in the wound why don’t ya?
more names equal a weaker devil. “the third” was probably to ensure Cio was a Blue Devil and thus easier to control. Her husband could have easily made her stronger or weaker, but Pales are mute and Red Devils and up are murder machines.
The same reason that Princess is royalty (lowercase R).
The person who named her mask probably did what our Rising King did and just said names until it calmed down to a nice, friendly blue.
It’s not literal.
I mean, Princess isn’t a Princess or a Squire.
Alison managed to name Vladok “Princess” without actually giving her a title of nobility.
I suspect that Cio is the third in the same way that Princess Mamoru Moonshine Jagermeister Jack Jack Daniels Timothy Tim Bill Freddy Mercury Blueberry Luna, Esquire is a Princess.
I suspect that Ciocie can be the third of her name exactly the same way our dear departed Princess Mamoru Moonshine could have her name end with “Esquire” without being part of the british gentry.
It’s like Princess Mamoru Moonshine Jagermeister Jack Jack Daniels Timothy Tim Bill Freddy Mercury Blueberry Luna, Esquire or Benedictus Raylisia Piakhan Raokones Nafplion Nistiamat Karusearin Valakas Shyanso Karuddanthes Nesaria the Third. It doesn’t mean anything, it’s just tacked on to sound posh.
Quite the contrary. There have been 476 Ciocie Cioelle Estrella Von Maximus throughout what might charitably be called devil history. The number has been steadily decreasing over time.
The real question is what happens when the Count hits zero?
Feller of empires. Savior of demons. Nursemaid to madness. Father to ruin, and mother of murderous desire. Shackle of royalty, and the adamantine talon at the throat of all subject to the Grand Dragon.
Behold, my lovelies, the utmost of curses.
This is why you work for yourself.
Ah, but friend Ulurhad, what of when others wish to work for you?
Also, so that it might be more easily seen, perchance, know you where I might obtain the jumpy lady’s glowing axe? It seems strong.
Also also, while I’m chittering on like a child, surely micromanagement isn’t completely negated by self-employment. A trader such as yourself must make deals, both to gain the wares you sell, and for the license to hold shop so a lawkeeper doesn’t come banging down on your head at odd hours in the morning.
Regulation: A red ribbon’s restraint
Standard practice; boilerplate
Stamped and signed in triplicate.
I think Mammon is my favorite character
I wonder if Alice will “help” him, too.
Ah, I was hoping that the old gentleman would put in a saving appearance.
SOMEONE knows what she wants to be.
And Yabalchoath is dead, Cio Cioelle Von Maximus the Third stands in her place.
And may the poor devil rest forever.
That was a close one. Cio almost got the shit adjudicated out of her.
I have considered all the evidence and come to a reasonable conclusion. I do hereby adjudicate this shit to over here, that shit to over there, this fuckin thing I adjudicate to every fuckin surface in this room, and this gooey piece I do adjudicate to way over yonder. I hope this decision is to the reasonable satisfaction of all parties involved, not the least of which, the adjudicated. Court dismissed!
“i’m gonna have to axe you to wrap this up”
“Don’t make me punish you a second time!”
Good ol’ grandpa dragon. He won’t tolerate treatin’ guests in such a way, even if they did mean to kill him at first. Folks can learn, folks can change. AL-YIS-UN sure did manage to change a fair shake.
Now I do wonder how the folks back at the sorority would react to her bringin’ a blue-masked girlfriend roundabout the house.
“These facial scars? Oh, it’s nothing…we just had a bit of a spat.”
Makes you wonder how many of the priests were just former dragonslayers, who stayed to stand guard when they found their mark was actually a kind, old soul.
Well, relatively kind, I guess, what with the fratricide and all.
Cio will experience the full might of Omega Kappa Phi’s ability to drink copious amounts of booze. On that day will a demon tremble.
I love you gruncle mammon ;_;
This seems like a metaphor for “waiting for your grand-kids to phone”
O glorious juxtaposition or just axe positions… or just posturing. Just or Unjuxt.
“Now hold on now!” I love how it automatically just… becomes an old man voice in my head.
Something about this Scene in the Dragon’s Fortress ( maybe the masses of gold ? ) – makes me remember another Scene – in another world –
The World of MORTAL KOMBAT !
Shang-Tsung: “Look at Him….no dignity, no manners…
-Yet in the Realm of Earth, Men like Him can Amass Great Wealth – and Almost God-like POWER !”
Kano: “Yeah….. – And I’d Like to GET BACK to my AMASSING As Soon As Possible If You Don’t Mind ! Now WHEN do I GET PAID ?”
I know, right? The “Mortal Kombat” movie was a guilty pleasure… I feel guilty that I actually liked it. (The sequel, on the other hand, was just silly.)
Too bad that the actor who played Kano (Trevor Goddard) later died at age 40 of an overdose of heroin, cocaine, temazepam and Vicodin. Suicide was suspected because he was going through a divorce, but his death was ruled an accidental overdose.