Infinite swords. Infinite will. Infinite destruction.
Their foe is one who has broken The Wheel countless times. He will ensure the cutting motion through sheer force.
In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of Gog hovering above? At least, it is true that man has no control, even over his own will.
I think we did some napkin math a few pages back, and IF every universe is comparable to ours, Gog-Agog could constitute about 1-5 galaxies worth of meat-mass.
That much mass all warping to one location would probably result in collapsing into a super-massive black hole. Destroying the entire star system, everyone on it, and the other Demiurges (though possibly not Jagganoth).
First, Gog Agog has voiced a desire to “make everyone happy” (even if the methods are questionable), and destroying the system in a gravitational singularity is contrary to that goal. Second, killing all her “friends” might make it hard to beat Jagganoth.
It was a calculated risk, only sending Loads of Worms, rather than the Full Mass. Time will tell if Gog Agog is bad at math.
On the one hand, a full power Gog Agog is rightfully awe-inspiring. Conqueror Worm indeed.
On the other, Jagganoth has consistently ground several universes underfoot like chaff, and each had it’s own Gog Agog who presumably took some offense to the matter. The Queen of Faces may not be enough.
Until Solomon demanded it of her, she was perfectly happy just lounging around, despite the fact that Jagganoth explicitly said he will destroy everything, and even then she only started focusing after he managed to make her angry.
If the situation unfurled just a bit differently, she might have just not bothered to help, so I wouldn’t put it past her to simply not care.
Since this cycle is so different compared to the previous ones, is it possible that the Great Devourer never truly went all-in like this before?
My concern is that she has gone all out, in every iteration. And that jagganoth’s only metric of success is that the wheel was obliterated and time was turned back. I think that Gog’s gonna become everyone’s problem real soon.
Thinking about it further, I’m getting a bit confused. The cycle as it always has gone before has the rising king slay the usurpers and taking the throne. (also since the heir slays all the demiurges, how can Jagganoth be left to clean up?)
But Allison is fighting WITH the demiurges, not AGAINST them, which made me think that what was always missing was true teamwork. The obvious meaning of “annihilating the seven-headed beast” would be to kill the Seven, but destroying the power structure to unite it would also fit, I think.
But I might be completely off the mark here. I hope I’m not missing anything obvious. In any case, I am very curious what is going to happen next.
I know that many have assumed that Jagganoth is the seven headed beast, or simple demiurge, or just one of the extremely powerful beings of this universe, among the 6 other kings and Alison. Don’t get me wrong, those titles are not given lightly here. Yet has anyone else noticed that the title of the entire story has the title of an angel. “6 Billion Demons”. What if there has only been 6 cycles to this universe and only Metatron, remembers this, being the keeper of knowledge. Thus every time there is a cycle Metatron is able to prophesy to Zoss the outcome of each universal incarnation possibly destroyed by an angel with the name of “6 Billion Demons”.
The way the arms on Jagganoth true form looks pushed back kind of like wings
The way his original skin was extremely plain and solid, like clay. much to what other angels were first given form in.
Angles are able to manipulate their size to fit within that clay form.
The way Jagganoth only spoke in truths, this is also said by both by 82 White Chain and 6 Juggernaut Star
I cant take all credit of thinking along these lines, some other watchers of the story has mentioned some of these ideas.
I don’t think so. Wasn’t Yaun Ten Jantris a boy from a village destroyed by dead men, who was taken in and taught to be a dead man himself? His childhood was torn from him and he was taught to forget his origin, but his origin remains, and he is not an angel. I guess you could argue he’s ascending to be an angel
Something I noted about the prophecy is that after mentioning the seven-headed beast, it says that the new king will annihilate the beast. An alternative reading is that the Beast will be annihilated. As in Gog
but when zoss first properly speaks to alice-un, he does say “Heads. Yes, the beast has seven. Slay it, kingling. Free us all!” which sounds like a clarification that the beast and seven-headed beast are NOT referring to two different things.
i feel like gog bearing the word beast is a red herring, because that interpretation just seems too obvious. and so far, gog certainly does not seem involved enough in all the happenings to be the lynchpin
I like your interpretation, but you are thinking too small. 6 billion Demons could easily describe an angel who has been reincarnated 6 billion times, which could be the number of universal cycles so far. And the name would only make sense if the angel got carried through the universal reset retaining memory of it. This could mean that kill 6 billion Demons could mean to kill Metatron.
42 Fragments the Universe Beyond All Reintegration
I believe that ultimately, slaying the 7-headed beast will mean destroying (or disempowering, or hiding or otherwise putting beyond use) all the keys. Allison’s insight will be that no mortals are really safe when gods are around, so no gods should be allowed.
She might first consider keeping power herself to force peace, but then remember: “When they offer you the throne, think of Me. Think of the poor Devil”. I.e. the Ruling King puts themself into a metaphorical iron box and their life is shit.
well, the main point of the resets was picking an heir, and by the time the heir receives the key, the history of throne is long set in stone. so i assumed that the heir and his subsequent acts change what happens in each cycle, but the stuff before the heir is chosen stays the same
42 Fragments the Universe Beyond All Reintegration
It bears on how far back the resets go: all the way back to YISUN alone, or only to just before the heir was chosen.
The idea that Zoss can bring YISUN back into existence is alarming and a little distasteful. However, if that has been happening, it starts to explain other paradoxes, like how Metatron, an angel created by Koss after the division of YISUN (and of YIS and UN), can have been the scribe of YISUN and speak with His voice.
I would posit that the earliest possible “reset” point would be the instant Metatron taught the secret names of YISUN to Zoss. Zoss could not alter the past beyond that which he had the ability to influence. This, then, would present a plausible scenario where Zoss is able to affect which entities become demiurges and how their affinities manifest.
According to the tales, YISUN has clearly survived the divine suicide and continuted interacting with the various gods similarly to how Zoss survived his own decapitation and can probably reset himself into full existence. The source of the power is the same.
That being said there will be no bringing YISUN to existence – YISUN clearly still exists but only chooses to remain unrecognized and I would not be surprised if Alison meets them before the story is over.
I think you may have misunderstood the fundamental way the world works: YISUN’s division was a lie. And similarly all of existence other than YISUN is a lie. But YISUN is a splendid liar, so the lie believes itself to be true.
(personal extrapolation) Royalty is a matter of active willful self-actualization. If all existence and separation from YISUN is a lie that YISUN tells itself, then that means that you too are YISUN. And because YISUN emphatically does not want to return to the cosmic oneness, instead of achieving Nirvana, you too become the liar telling your own story.
Royalty thus being the act of willfully seizing control of your own part of the story YISUN tells itself in order to achieve your desires. And this ties back in with the the power of the Keys of Kings relating to the names of gods and catching the divine words: they enhance your ability to claim yourself as YISUN.
All of which sums up to “a strong enough will can warp the Matrix, which runs on divine lies as its hardware”
The angle of the infinite arms feels like it would continue on forever no matter how you look at them. As it would stay going backward away from how you are viewing the Jagganoth. Very kaleidoscopic!
And every sword is fully capable of cutting you in half despite being angled differently to every subjective observer! When you have godlike power you don’t have to worry about the little things.
Yeah, I love the idea that he has near infinite arms but it’s all about which angle you look at him from and just messing with the mind like those impossible/cursed 2d pictures that appear 3d but mess with your perception to appear like they create reality breaking 3d shapes.
I’m sure that enough time spent in the presence of the Demiurges would cause people to have little more wits about them than someone spending time with Cthulhu. Reality just doesn’t apply to them and your mind simply can’t bend that far sideways to see it.
That’s no moon.
It’s a space worm!
spacr worm, its a worm in space! while viewers may at first think this is multiple space worms, it is actually only one (we believe) gog!
I’m getting that end-of-“Berserk” vibe here, when Guts realizes that he’s not in Kansas anymore, and his sword won’t work.
Infinite swords. Infinite will. Infinite destruction.
Their foe is one who has broken The Wheel countless times. He will ensure the cutting motion through sheer force.
No, their foe is one who tries to break the wheel countless times but instead just kept turning it.
Poor Salami, so small and fragile…
Probably intentional, considering the alt-text.
Now, witness the power of this fully operational space worm!
I respectfully request you cease voicing my thoughts before I can voice them myself.
Thank you.
Actually, I was thinking of “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”
This is FAR too many Gogs-Agog
No such thing
Actually, I think that now counts as one.
Dammit, Gimli!
One whelm is made of countless Gogs, and now Mick is overwhelmed. I sure would not want to be wearing his skin…
I just hope it’s enough.
Never tell me the odds!
In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of Gog hovering above? At least, it is true that man has no control, even over his own will.
Gog-Agog is like Dakka, one can never have enough
Clem is in D Mode.
Check the link.
if you think about it, this is really a tiny tiny Gog Agog
she is supposed to be the ultimate ruler of what, 111.111 worlds?
can you even COMPREHEND how much biomass she could have accumulated if she spread her worm self across all of those worlds?
she could easily make an entire planet out of herself, this tiny satellite is a mere fraction of Gog Agog
I think we did some napkin math a few pages back, and IF every universe is comparable to ours, Gog-Agog could constitute about 1-5 galaxies worth of meat-mass.
So, yeah, hard agree here.
That much mass all warping to one location would probably result in collapsing into a super-massive black hole. Destroying the entire star system, everyone on it, and the other Demiurges (though possibly not Jagganoth).
First, Gog Agog has voiced a desire to “make everyone happy” (even if the methods are questionable), and destroying the system in a gravitational singularity is contrary to that goal. Second, killing all her “friends” might make it hard to beat Jagganoth.
It was a calculated risk, only sending Loads of Worms, rather than the Full Mass. Time will tell if Gog Agog is bad at math.
Universe-threatening singularities are not unheard of during final boss fights…
It’s me, your pal, Gog-Agog!
If Gog did not exist, it would be necessary to Agog
Solomon: Honor the pact!
Solonon: no, not like that! ….actually, Im okay with the world getting destroyed now.
Give this man the 20 dollar bill. 💵
All is good
All is Gog
We are all agog at Gog!
a granfalloon…!
A wampeter.
A wormpeter?
It’s like what Japanese honeybees do to Asian giant hornets
only, yknow
I think Jag is starting to feel the gravity of this fight.
It should quickly become hot and stifling inside the Gog moon.
Find Gog in the lowest of BEASTs
Dear Gog… What hath she wrought… Truly, a World of Gog… This is one of the sickest (good) pages I have seen!
The great counter to Summon Greater Fish: Summon More Worm!
That thing was too big to be called a worm. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large chunk of flesh.
Are you fat-shaming the King of Worms?
Are you suggesting that Incubus is worthy of that blade? Or that Incubus can start swinging around that green moon?
RIP Miura
I can’t believe we got a berserk reference now of all times
(but the entire comic’s a berserk reference so whatever)
This comic has a lot of references.
Ominous page is ominous.
Now to see what horrors Gog is going to unleash.
𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀 ⓕⓤⓒⓚ ʄʊƈӄ Բυ८қ f⃫u⃫c⃫k⃫ ꎇꀎꉓꀘ ꄞꐇꀯꀗ !
6 21 3 11!
.._. .._ _._. _._
Puta que pariu, fudeu!
The Gog Moon is awake.
Gog Moon Rising
I see, Agog on the way 🎶
On the one hand, a full power Gog Agog is rightfully awe-inspiring. Conqueror Worm indeed.
On the other, Jagganoth has consistently ground several universes underfoot like chaff, and each had it’s own Gog Agog who presumably took some offense to the matter. The Queen of Faces may not be enough.
Until Solomon demanded it of her, she was perfectly happy just lounging around, despite the fact that Jagganoth explicitly said he will destroy everything, and even then she only started focusing after he managed to make her angry.
If the situation unfurled just a bit differently, she might have just not bothered to help, so I wouldn’t put it past her to simply not care.
Since this cycle is so different compared to the previous ones, is it possible that the Great Devourer never truly went all-in like this before?
My concern is that she has gone all out, in every iteration. And that jagganoth’s only metric of success is that the wheel was obliterated and time was turned back. I think that Gog’s gonna become everyone’s problem real soon.
Thinking about it further, I’m getting a bit confused. The cycle as it always has gone before has the rising king slay the usurpers and taking the throne. (also since the heir slays all the demiurges, how can Jagganoth be left to clean up?)
But Allison is fighting WITH the demiurges, not AGAINST them, which made me think that what was always missing was true teamwork. The obvious meaning of “annihilating the seven-headed beast” would be to kill the Seven, but destroying the power structure to unite it would also fit, I think.
But I might be completely off the mark here. I hope I’m not missing anything obvious. In any case, I am very curious what is going to happen next.
And as always, the true treasure was not the dominion over the Seven-part world, but the friendships we made on the way
I know that many have assumed that Jagganoth is the seven headed beast, or simple demiurge, or just one of the extremely powerful beings of this universe, among the 6 other kings and Alison. Don’t get me wrong, those titles are not given lightly here. Yet has anyone else noticed that the title of the entire story has the title of an angel. “6 Billion Demons”. What if there has only been 6 cycles to this universe and only Metatron, remembers this, being the keeper of knowledge. Thus every time there is a cycle Metatron is able to prophesy to Zoss the outcome of each universal incarnation possibly destroyed by an angel with the name of “6 Billion Demons”.
The way the arms on Jagganoth true form looks pushed back kind of like wings
The way his original skin was extremely plain and solid, like clay. much to what other angels were first given form in.
Angles are able to manipulate their size to fit within that clay form.
The way Jagganoth only spoke in truths, this is also said by both by 82 White Chain and 6 Juggernaut Star
I cant take all credit of thinking along these lines, some other watchers of the story has mentioned some of these ideas.
I don’t think so. Wasn’t Yaun Ten Jantris a boy from a village destroyed by dead men, who was taken in and taught to be a dead man himself? His childhood was torn from him and he was taught to forget his origin, but his origin remains, and he is not an angel. I guess you could argue he’s ascending to be an angel
Something I noted about the prophecy is that after mentioning the seven-headed beast, it says that the new king will annihilate the beast. An alternative reading is that the Beast will be annihilated. As in Gog
but when zoss first properly speaks to alice-un, he does say “Heads. Yes, the beast has seven. Slay it, kingling. Free us all!” which sounds like a clarification that the beast and seven-headed beast are NOT referring to two different things.
i feel like gog bearing the word beast is a red herring, because that interpretation just seems too obvious. and so far, gog certainly does not seem involved enough in all the happenings to be the lynchpin
I like your interpretation, but you are thinking too small. 6 billion Demons could easily describe an angel who has been reincarnated 6 billion times, which could be the number of universal cycles so far. And the name would only make sense if the angel got carried through the universal reset retaining memory of it. This could mean that kill 6 billion Demons could mean to kill Metatron.
I believe that ultimately, slaying the 7-headed beast will mean destroying (or disempowering, or hiding or otherwise putting beyond use) all the keys. Allison’s insight will be that no mortals are really safe when gods are around, so no gods should be allowed.
She might first consider keeping power herself to force peace, but then remember: “When they offer you the throne, think of Me. Think of the poor Devil”. I.e. the Ruling King puts themself into a metaphorical iron box and their life is shit.
the wheel doesn’t always turn the same way. There is not always a solomon david, there is not always a gog-agog.
Are we sure every iteration had a Gog-Agog? The only for sure constants we know of are Zoss, Jagganoth, the Heir, and Metatron.
well, the main point of the resets was picking an heir, and by the time the heir receives the key, the history of throne is long set in stone. so i assumed that the heir and his subsequent acts change what happens in each cycle, but the stuff before the heir is chosen stays the same
It bears on how far back the resets go: all the way back to YISUN alone, or only to just before the heir was chosen.
The idea that Zoss can bring YISUN back into existence is alarming and a little distasteful. However, if that has been happening, it starts to explain other paradoxes, like how Metatron, an angel created by Koss after the division of YISUN (and of YIS and UN), can have been the scribe of YISUN and speak with His voice.
I would posit that the earliest possible “reset” point would be the instant Metatron taught the secret names of YISUN to Zoss. Zoss could not alter the past beyond that which he had the ability to influence. This, then, would present a plausible scenario where Zoss is able to affect which entities become demiurges and how their affinities manifest.
According to the tales, YISUN has clearly survived the divine suicide and continuted interacting with the various gods similarly to how Zoss survived his own decapitation and can probably reset himself into full existence. The source of the power is the same.
That being said there will be no bringing YISUN to existence – YISUN clearly still exists but only chooses to remain unrecognized and I would not be surprised if Alison meets them before the story is over.
I think you may have misunderstood the fundamental way the world works: YISUN’s division was a lie. And similarly all of existence other than YISUN is a lie. But YISUN is a splendid liar, so the lie believes itself to be true.
(personal extrapolation) Royalty is a matter of active willful self-actualization. If all existence and separation from YISUN is a lie that YISUN tells itself, then that means that you too are YISUN. And because YISUN emphatically does not want to return to the cosmic oneness, instead of achieving Nirvana, you too become the liar telling your own story.
Royalty thus being the act of willfully seizing control of your own part of the story YISUN tells itself in order to achieve your desires. And this ties back in with the the power of the Keys of Kings relating to the names of gods and catching the divine words: they enhance your ability to claim yourself as YISUN.
All of which sums up to “a strong enough will can warp the Matrix, which runs on divine lies as its hardware”
*readies sword with malicious intent*
Gog sings…
The angle of the infinite arms feels like it would continue on forever no matter how you look at them. As it would stay going backward away from how you are viewing the Jagganoth. Very kaleidoscopic!
And every sword is fully capable of cutting you in half despite being angled differently to every subjective observer! When you have godlike power you don’t have to worry about the little things.
Yeah, I love the idea that he has near infinite arms but it’s all about which angle you look at him from and just messing with the mind like those impossible/cursed 2d pictures that appear 3d but mess with your perception to appear like they create reality breaking 3d shapes.
I’m sure that enough time spent in the presence of the Demiurges would cause people to have little more wits about them than someone spending time with Cthulhu. Reality just doesn’t apply to them and your mind simply can’t bend that far sideways to see it.
Now this is the horrific shit that I read this comic for.
– From hit band, “The Worms.”
Bone apple tit Ms Worm
nows your chance jagg, kill jadis and tip the odds in your favor