Now I’m wondering if Gog has formed a shell to protect the rest of reality from their world-breaking might, allowing them to go wild? Or if the sphere is more for attacking.
She saw that everything was repeated endlessly, that she, and everyone else, were doomed to replay their cycles over and over again; no choice, just the veneer of it.
But now what is happening has never been seen before. History is perhaps finally being made anew. Those endless loops, or infinities if you like, are in the process of being broken. She surely takes heart from that.
Looking at the smile and the shadow I’m not 100% sure that is Jadis, well, at least I’m not sure if it’s the same Jadis.
I wonder if she saw Metatron’s grand cycle when she gazed upon the wheel from without. If she did, is she now also outside it to some degree?
If the cover art is to be believed, there is going to be time travel (or, most probably, turning of the wheel) involved. Notice how Jagganoth has both eyes.
Mottom has changed to a young form before, like when she was visited by Allison on the flying city. She can do so whenever she wants to, but probably doesn’t waste the power on it most of the time.
Yeah, Mottom has the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone to choose from. It looks like she’s taken on the Mother persona for this round, or given the way that persona has looked before, more like the “Mama” persona, as in “Red Hot.”
Were I to fantasize about making whoopie with a comic character, Red Hot Mottom Mama would be high on the list, but my fear would be she’d pull a number like what happened to Jack Nicholson’s character in The Shining, and at a peak moment of ecstasy she’d morph from busty babe to a cackling wrinkled crone, just for the hell of it.
That would be just the kind of thing she’d do, and if the thought of that doesn’t take the magic out of your mojo, well, you’re made of sterner stuff than I.
As cool as this is, they’ve fought the Pankrator a thousand thousand times before and their bodies litter a thousand thousand repetitions of the Wheel.
Only the Rising King can stand before Jagganoth. Only she can Kill Six Billion Demons
Actually, they haven’t. They have fought the Rising King and lost. This is the first time they are fighting Jaggy, since Allison being chosen broke the timeline apparently.
42 Fragments the Universe Beyond All Reintegration
This is not the first time they’ve fought Jagger. They fought him in this cycle and arrived at the seven part pact that has lasted for eons, didn’t they? Though I don’t get the feeling that they were fighting him in his ultimate form then, if indeed this is his ultimate form now.
They didn’t fight him and arrived atthe seven part pact. They all seven fought in the Demiurge War (which is still ongoing) and reached a standby thanks to their working together. With Jagganoth.
Well good thing that She’s (They’re?) standing right there, then. Probably more than a big creeped out by all the big wormfaces, but She (They?) usually recover(s) quickly.
Not really, they’re focused on the individual demiurges and have their color auras filling the background, the focus isn’t GogPlanet, it’s each of them.
And the most notable thing on this page? Our Nadia either took the time to nom a peach… or she has achieved true immortality on the fly through being more Royal than she has in millenia.
Also I have to say, Grandpa Mammon is looking in fine form and more lucid by the minute. Everyone is cooperating and growing in the process of this. I’d say that this could be the best thing that happened to Throne for millenia.
I kept waiting for Incubus to take a sword from Mammon’s chest.
I wonder what Jadis and Chaos/Allison are doing. guess we’ll see in the next page but it’s not entirely clear what Gog is doing beyond being a mini dyson sphere either.
Now war is declared and battle come down
war were declared
Come all ye mighty and despair
Well played
For the glory of mighty Dundee!!!
But I, I live by the once healing waters of throne
Ruin has come. Death, despair and red war.
Rayuba calling to the underworld!
The Clash of the Titans indeed…
Many thanks for sharing good information with us. I like your post
I love that Inky pulled a sword from Mammon’s chest. See, no problem, there’s plenty!
Yep, and somebody called this the moment that Incubus lost his sword. Kudos.
But that’s like, “I need a pin!” (grabs from pin cushion)
In this case, the pin cushion is a tad larger than normal. Easy to forget it’s there.
missing the trees for the forest
I think it’s also the first time that the dragon has actually had a dragon demeanor, eh?
Watching him slowly realize “oh right I’m a DRAGON” over the course of the series has been tremendously inspiring
He did breathe fire (or molten gold) earlier in this book.
Does he breathe molten gold or is it more like coughing/belching it up? That’s like saying I “breathe” saliva.
Whether he breathes molten metal or spits it matters little to the person encased in molten metal.
Now I’m wondering if Gog has formed a shell to protect the rest of reality from their world-breaking might, allowing them to go wild? Or if the sphere is more for attacking.
Also, sick hair there, Mottom
I would have to guess that “surround them” is Gog’s go to strategy that serves them well in a variety of situations.
maybe it cuts of a power of Jagganoth? He lost WiFi?
Or it’s an attack.
Jagganoth Wi-Fi . ROFL. You got me there 🙂
Hey , maybe that what all these nails Jagganoth has in him for , its actually WiFi antennas. A theory !
Can’t even get 5G.
Haven’t had his vaccination- smh
TEN FINGER ATTACK! Now we’re finally gonna see what Ki Rata can really do.
This represents a significant threat and danger to Gog….
Perhaps, but I suspect that Gog has much power and mass stored elsewhere
Good on Incubus for finally finding a sword.
I can only imagine how Gog will fight. Extend-o mouth? Spike tongue? Worse?
Maybe one single worm…
It must involve banana peels and thrown cakes. Must.
Can’t Gog do like Ant-Man and go up Jag’s butt?
Gogs within gogs
I guess Jadis is just gonna… chill. Or do something cool on the next page with Gog and Jaggy.
She wants to die. Fighting her fate would not suit that purpose.
One has to wonder if she still wishes to die.
She saw that everything was repeated endlessly, that she, and everyone else, were doomed to replay their cycles over and over again; no choice, just the veneer of it.
But now what is happening has never been seen before. History is perhaps finally being made anew. Those endless loops, or infinities if you like, are in the process of being broken. She surely takes heart from that.
If the cover art is to be believed, she will step out of her iceblock somehow.
Looking at the smile and the shadow I’m not 100% sure that is Jadis, well, at least I’m not sure if it’s the same Jadis.
I wonder if she saw Metatron’s grand cycle when she gazed upon the wheel from without. If she did, is she now also outside it to some degree?
Maybe they’ll like meet a past version of her? Back when she was happy?
If the cover art is to be believed, there is going to be time travel (or, most probably, turning of the wheel) involved. Notice how Jagganoth has both eyes.
I fear for the violence they shall inflict.
Even Aesma Herself might look upon this and think “Isn’t that a bit much?”
No way. They are still welllllll behind her in way of scale and stupidity likewise.
I wonder if Mottom has some Magical Peach Powerade she’s taking swigs of for the fight?
Yeah, she calls it Estus.
Maybe she’s channeling Mike Tyson: “There’s nothing like being young, and happy, and fighting.”
so what you’re saying is that Mottom is mantling MIKE TYS-UN, Supreme God of Fighting?
I think she just finally got it together and remembered that she’s a God, and that she can choose to be whatever physical age she darned well pleases.
After all, can you guess how old Gog is? Older than the world, older than the stars, as old as worms. But she’s still looking perky.
Mottom has changed to a young form before, like when she was visited by Allison on the flying city. She can do so whenever she wants to, but probably doesn’t waste the power on it most of the time.
Meanwhile somewhere else a palace falls from the sky.
Yeah, Mottom has the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone to choose from. It looks like she’s taken on the Mother persona for this round, or given the way that persona has looked before, more like the “Mama” persona, as in “Red Hot.”
Were I to fantasize about making whoopie with a comic character, Red Hot Mottom Mama would be high on the list, but my fear would be she’d pull a number like what happened to Jack Nicholson’s character in The Shining, and at a peak moment of ecstasy she’d morph from busty babe to a cackling wrinkled crone, just for the hell of it.
That would be just the kind of thing she’d do, and if the thought of that doesn’t take the magic out of your mojo, well, you’re made of sterner stuff than I.
As cool as this is, they’ve fought the Pankrator a thousand thousand times before and their bodies litter a thousand thousand repetitions of the Wheel.
Only the Rising King can stand before Jagganoth. Only she can Kill Six Billion Demons
Actually, they haven’t. They have fought the Rising King and lost. This is the first time they are fighting Jaggy, since Allison being chosen broke the timeline apparently.
Indeed. Further, in previous cycles, Jagganoth _defeated_ the Rising King, after the demiurges are dead.
This is not the first time they’ve fought Jagger. They fought him in this cycle and arrived at the seven part pact that has lasted for eons, didn’t they? Though I don’t get the feeling that they were fighting him in his ultimate form then, if indeed this is his ultimate form now.
They didn’t fight him and arrived atthe seven part pact. They all seven fought in the Demiurge War (which is still ongoing) and reached a standby thanks to their working together. With Jagganoth.
Well good thing that She’s (They’re?) standing right there, then. Probably more than a big creeped out by all the big wormfaces, but She (They?) usually recover(s) quickly.
Happy Pride, everybody
Hello Rain. Fancy seeing you here.
yes, indeed
Happy Pride! Let’s all take a moment to appreciate this beautiful gay rainbow of demiurge auras.
Ah, yes. Purple, orange, magenta, orange. The classic pride colors.
I guess it’s an out-of-order lesbian community pride flag?
Motton has been the best part of this
Oversight in the panel backgrounds: The world of Gog is gone lol
Not really, they’re focused on the individual demiurges and have their color auras filling the background, the focus isn’t GogPlanet, it’s each of them.
You can’t see stars in moon landing photography because the extreme brightness of the moon.
NOW incubus remembers that Mammon has a crapton of swords lodged in his neck? Lol
But you can tell he’s a poor swordsman because he thinks he needs the sword at all.
Maya certainly doesn’t need one
His beard has come undone. Shit is about to get real
Yep, time for the ten finger attack. Solly is gonna play Flight of the Bumblebee on the red piano!
Prepare to be awed by the might of Solly’s fullsome fighting follicles. Things are about to get hairy!
Definitely read that in the Bo-BoBo Narrator’s voice lol
That’s certainly one way to get a sword.
And the most notable thing on this page? Our Nadia either took the time to nom a peach… or she has achieved true immortality on the fly through being more Royal than she has in millenia.
Also I have to say, Grandpa Mammon is looking in fine form and more lucid by the minute. Everyone is cooperating and growing in the process of this. I’d say that this could be the best thing that happened to Throne for millenia.
Pity that it’s the end of the Wheel.
Solomon’s holding up 10 fingers there…
I kept waiting for Incubus to take a sword from Mammon’s chest.
I wonder what Jadis and Chaos/Allison are doing. guess we’ll see in the next page but it’s not entirely clear what Gog is doing beyond being a mini dyson sphere either.
The one demiurge missing here is Jadis. I wonder what, if anything, she’s up to…
I concur. What is she planing and where is Aspected Chaos? I doubt their assault will do anything except distract the red god from Jadis and Chaos.
Maybe not with her, but don’t you feel a buildup to someone’s redemption?
As awesome as the visuals of the fight are … I kind of want the fight to be done and return to advancing the plot
At this pont the obvious question is: how many ways can they still fuck this up?
The answer is yes.