I’d sure like to see
this multi-pronged attack scenario
translated into a D&D format for my basic understanding…
So I could get a grip on it all.
What’s Jaggy’s AC again ?
Invulnerable ? – Right !
YISUN as DM… “Okaaaaaay,
WHO’s attacking this round ?
Chakravatin already swung and is laying into Gog…
Roll for damage… [ X ]
15,000 of damage vs her 1,000,000 hit points. Okay !
Uh – How did you MISS everyone else ?”
Lord Jagganoth Chakravartin : “UM…”
YISUN : “NEVERMIND ! – Don’t answer that !
We’ll just assume you were Distracted
by 10,000 biting Gog Heads.”
LJC : “Yuh”
YISUN : “Inky – Mammon – you did NO DAMAGE !
You know LJC is INVULNERABLE – Right ?
C’mon guys – you haven’t even hurt his FEELINGS yet !”
YISUN : “Mottom, Solomon – you’re attacking ?”
Mottom : “I must – Because I AM – The Ultra Queen !”
Mottom: “Transmorgify into ArchSorcerous Form and wield my world-cutting whip!”
Mammon: “I am a Giant Dragon. Giant Dragon Firebreath. But like. Lots of it.”
Incubus: “I perform the act of Infinite Cutting with my insane supernatural levels of Sword Skill.”
Alis-Yun: “I shall merge with the most martially skilled angel and the most devious devil into a TriGoddess form of unrivaled beauty and power.”
Gog-Agog: “Imma Summon My 111,111 Universes Worth of Biomass And Turn Into Planet-Sized HeadWorms and Eat Him!”
Jadis, waaaay the fuck down there: *rapidly shuffles her feet against the shag carpeting and holds out a fingertip*
(And somewhere down below, Auntie Maya has sliced gravity into nice step-sized pieces and is using them to climb up to the battlefield, muttering darkly all the while about how her noodles are getting cold.)
Lo, I beheld the Article, and saw it was of exceeding excellence. I spoke in my voice of heaven’s clarion call that swept up the dust of the path and shook the hills, for the Article was pleasing to YISUN and it’s author surely of great majesty and power. “Keep up the good work” was the missive, for it was done with such cool style and was deserving of compliments. B E S T
So can somebody explain what Jagganoth meant by the whole “every cycle a new heir is chosen?” – Does that mean there were other 7 Demiurges before? And he’s special? As in he’s lived several iterations of the wheel?
they are all trapped in a timeloop built by Zoss and Metatron, Jagganoth has a little knowledge of the cycle and what has happened in previous cycles, and thinks the only way out is to destroy everything with the true key of kings that Alison possesses.
15 Guards the Darkest Depths and Recites History to the Shores
Normally Zaid is the heir, by the looks of the Zoss panel a few pages ago, a boy with little sense but a surplus of courage. I suspect the demiurges are more or less the same and the Chosen Heir was always similar until now.
Have there been other Demi-urges? Not necessarily but it certainly seems possible. It’s not clear where the time loop starts, but it seems to be before the universal war, when Zoss chased the angels back to the void and met Metatron. After a golden age, the universal war happened, and the demi-urges were simply the victors to emerge from that chaos. If the time-loop restarts before the Golden Age, at the moment Zoss meets Metatron, and it can clearly play out in different ways… it’s likely that some of those times, different sets of demiurges won the universal war. Sometimes these guys, sometimes others, sometimes a mix.
If the time loop starts after the Demiurges get their keys – perhaps as a result of a betrayed Zoss making a bargain with Metatron – then it is probably always these 7, with the heir being the variable.
What has apparently happened near the end of each loop, is Zoss is betrayed by the 7; he chooses an Heir; the heir kills the 7 except Jagg (or perhaps Jag has not been among their number before); And jagg kills everything. Then the loop restarts.
Jagg apparently thinks that if he “kills time itself”, he will be free of this cycle. He’s built his own prison of the mind, formed himself into such a mighty hammer that the very timespace continuum is a nail.
If the battle gets messy (as it most certainly will), we must expect large masses of GOG AGOG being ejected from the arena and falling down on Rayuba which will thereby be doomed. No ecosystem can withstand such large scale infestation by GOG AGOG. Especially since the mass will be hungry.
Last night i dreamed of the author saying that jadis’ would be the last power to be seen in the whole comic, but when we did see it, it would be spectacular
JADIS will cut the time stream, then the final link will be back to the first page. And all other links removed. Each “new” page will look like the original. But slight differences will start to creep in. By chapter 2, we’ll have a very different story, and the ending will be … who knows?
Isn’t somebody going to mention the 10 Lil’ Solomon’s that showed up to the party?
Us thinkd ems lil babby Salami sperms.
“Attack Rolls !”
I’d sure like to see
this multi-pronged attack scenario
translated into a D&D format for my basic understanding…
So I could get a grip on it all.
What’s Jaggy’s AC again ?
Invulnerable ? – Right !
YISUN as DM… “Okaaaaaay,
WHO’s attacking this round ?
Chakravatin already swung and is laying into Gog…
Roll for damage… [ X ]
15,000 of damage vs her 1,000,000 hit points. Okay !
Uh – How did you MISS everyone else ?”
Lord Jagganoth Chakravartin : “UM…”
YISUN : “NEVERMIND ! – Don’t answer that !
We’ll just assume you were Distracted
by 10,000 biting Gog Heads.”
LJC : “Yuh”
YISUN : “Inky – Mammon – you did NO DAMAGE !
You know LJC is INVULNERABLE – Right ?
C’mon guys – you haven’t even hurt his FEELINGS yet !”
YISUN : “Mottom, Solomon – you’re attacking ?”
Mottom : “I must – Because I AM – The Ultra Queen !”
YISUN : [ Sighs ]
“Okay we’ll do your -[ cough cough ] [ Holds up fingers for air quotes ]
‘damage rolls’ – next round.”
[ rolls eyes ]
YISUN : “What about you Jadis ?”
Jadis : “Powering up for my MEGA-ULTRA-BLASTO-PSKER ATTACK !”
YISUN : “OKAY – that’ll take you at least three rounds. Remind me okay ?”
YISUN : “Triple Demi-goddess Heroine ? Wass-Up ? !”
Aspected Chaos : “Evading and waiting for an opening.”
YISUN : “Aight ! Lemme know ! – BACK to Jaggy !”
LJC : “I Swing again – with a VENGEANCE ! –
OH – and breath attack !”
YISUN : “You don’t HAVE to say – “WITH A VENGEANCE” – EVERY TIME ! ! !”
LJC : “Yes I DO…!
*sees that little blue crackle down below* You can do it, Jadis! We believe in you! Kick his ass!
Mottom: “Transmorgify into ArchSorcerous Form and wield my world-cutting whip!”
Mammon: “I am a Giant Dragon. Giant Dragon Firebreath. But like. Lots of it.”
Incubus: “I perform the act of Infinite Cutting with my insane supernatural levels of Sword Skill.”
Alis-Yun: “I shall merge with the most martially skilled angel and the most devious devil into a TriGoddess form of unrivaled beauty and power.”
Gog-Agog: “Imma Summon My 111,111 Universes Worth of Biomass And Turn Into Planet-Sized HeadWorms and Eat Him!”
Jadis, waaaay the fuck down there: *rapidly shuffles her feet against the shag carpeting and holds out a fingertip*
(And somewhere down below, Auntie Maya has sliced gravity into nice step-sized pieces and is using them to climb up to the battlefield, muttering darkly all the while about how her noodles are getting cold.)
yoooo will this one be a poster??
One syllable missing.
F’in hell, Abbadon! How do you keep doing this?
Lo, I beheld the Article, and saw it was of exceeding excellence. I spoke in my voice of heaven’s clarion call that swept up the dust of the path and shook the hills, for the Article was pleasing to YISUN and it’s author surely of great majesty and power. “Keep up the good work” was the missive, for it was done with such cool style and was deserving of compliments. B E S T
almost missed the previous page since they were uploaded a day apart
Now this is epic
When there is a thought on exercise resistance training is always on the list. So, learn incredible weight training benefits.
Cool, but not one of those attacks is having any effect. Fire and swords and lightning and a million fists, all bouncing off.
It’s raining Gog.
So can somebody explain what Jagganoth meant by the whole “every cycle a new heir is chosen?” – Does that mean there were other 7 Demiurges before? And he’s special? As in he’s lived several iterations of the wheel?
they are all trapped in a timeloop built by Zoss and Metatron, Jagganoth has a little knowledge of the cycle and what has happened in previous cycles, and thinks the only way out is to destroy everything with the true key of kings that Alison possesses.
Normally Zaid is the heir, by the looks of the Zoss panel a few pages ago, a boy with little sense but a surplus of courage. I suspect the demiurges are more or less the same and the Chosen Heir was always similar until now.
Have there been other Demi-urges? Not necessarily but it certainly seems possible. It’s not clear where the time loop starts, but it seems to be before the universal war, when Zoss chased the angels back to the void and met Metatron. After a golden age, the universal war happened, and the demi-urges were simply the victors to emerge from that chaos. If the time-loop restarts before the Golden Age, at the moment Zoss meets Metatron, and it can clearly play out in different ways… it’s likely that some of those times, different sets of demiurges won the universal war. Sometimes these guys, sometimes others, sometimes a mix.
If the time loop starts after the Demiurges get their keys – perhaps as a result of a betrayed Zoss making a bargain with Metatron – then it is probably always these 7, with the heir being the variable.
What has apparently happened near the end of each loop, is Zoss is betrayed by the 7; he chooses an Heir; the heir kills the 7 except Jagg (or perhaps Jag has not been among their number before); And jagg kills everything. Then the loop restarts.
Jagg apparently thinks that if he “kills time itself”, he will be free of this cycle. He’s built his own prison of the mind, formed himself into such a mighty hammer that the very timespace continuum is a nail.
If Jaggy gets trounced, will he congratulate everyone for passing a test?
This… This is gonna be a poster, right? I desperately want to put this on my wall.
Gotta be hard to fight when the position of your arms depends on the perspective…
I think I’m ok with every page taking two weeks if every page looks like this.
I don’t know the season or what is the reason I’m standing here holding my blade.
I wonder if people see me as jag or if they think i see myself as jag
This is the best comic ever made
I was recently gifted books 1-3 in their print form, because mine spouse has heard my many repeated accolades about KSB
Heartily recommend expanding your own libraries likewise. Support our mendicant author.
Feel the terrible weight of creation in your hand.
Know that the flap and the fold and the shape of the pages, when splayed open, is the Shape of Royalty
Close the tomes, have their spines face you and look thrice upon the seventh syllable
Such a gathering brought to the brink could cause yet a new (or even older) deity to emerge.
-no I don’t think that’s where this is going
-yes it could happen
Alt text ghostwritten by Leonard Cohen.
NOOOOOOOO. I Caught up 0_0
Welcome to the waiting
If the battle gets messy (as it most certainly will), we must expect large masses of GOG AGOG being ejected from the arena and falling down on Rayuba which will thereby be doomed. No ecosystem can withstand such large scale infestation by GOG AGOG. Especially since the mass will be hungry.
Last night i dreamed of the author saying that jadis’ would be the last power to be seen in the whole comic, but when we did see it, it would be spectacular
JADIS will cut the time stream, then the final link will be back to the first page. And all other links removed. Each “new” page will look like the original. But slight differences will start to creep in. By chapter 2, we’ll have a very different story, and the ending will be … who knows?