Chapter: 2
“The Wheel-Turning King will have three characteristics: a fierce glare, hands as large as ox carts, and red skin. His body will boil like the surface of Hell. He is the annihilator of falsehood.”
Well we fell far short of six billion didn’t we. Good run, good run.
Well, Jaggy’s probly gonna off a whole bunch, so we can call that delegation?
Gonna implies that he hasn’t already. There were devils in the audience when he struck the coliseum, and both Solomon’s descendant’s and Gog-Agog’s hosts would’ve permeated the surrounding city.
For you roleplayers out there seeking perspective, this is what happens when your opponent increases his size beyond “Colossal” into measurement units normally reserved for starships.
“what size class is the monster?”
“umm, 1×10^6”
E notation is quicker. Even better to use engineering E and multiples of 3 for the exponent.
How big is this thing?
Mother of gawd…
In my last 3.5 game, My animal companion was colossal++++ when fully buffed. Needless to say, I am no longer allowed to play arcane heirophant.
What a chonker. Absolute unit
Those must be mighty wimpy and pitifully small starships.
Sea ships would be a better comparison than that.
Sure, he’s already gotten started, my POINT is that we can maybe call that delegation? I didn’t expect the tense I used to be so thoroughly nitpicked.
Taking down Jagganoth is probably equal to killing at least a few billion demons, right?
That still counts as one!
This is option 3.
It DOES count as one, because even though Caterpillar Jagger has a multitude of arms and an elongated torso to support them, he’s got just one head and a single pair of legs. So yeah, as Bono would say, “He’s One, but he’s not the same. We get to carry each other…”.
I’m JUST SAYING, If Aspected Chaos manages to bring down this guy I’d say that earns Allison an honorary Six-Billion-Successfully-Killed Award.
It would likely count as killing an infinite amount of demons due to the timeloop stuff. Tragically, that is way overshooting the goal of exactly six billion, and thus cannot happen.
Holy shit
I always thought that ‘6 Billion Demons’ was a name. Like ’82 White Chain’. So what angel is ‘6 Billion Demons’?
I believe Kill Six Billion Demons is Al-Yisun’s quest and name, due to the way it was presented during the title drop scene.
I thought Allison’s name was “Kill Six Billion Demons”
o_o I’ve thought that for years. pls dont say it isnt true
That’s right but WHY is that her name?
Reach Heaven Through Violence. The Better the Hevean, the more Violence is needed.
Out-of-story it’s because the original incarnation of this comic actually had her destined to actually kill 6 billion demons.
As Abaddon said, a much more apt title would be Kill Seven Black Emperors.
Well, this is no good.
Maybe the six billion demons we’re the friends we made along the way
Came here to say this.
Another fun character model for Abaddon to draw!
Ascended chaos: “oh is so difficult to draw”
Jagganoth: ” Hold my thousands beers”
I like his shorts.
He flexes his might at all levels, including our fashion senses!
Let’s take a moment to appreciate that flex, actually. Those shorts manifested out of nowhere, implying Jagganoth more-or-less willed them into existence during his Sailor Doom transformation. That means those flowers were a conscious choice he made.
The man was busy shackling infinity, yet he still found the time and willpower to design some stylish clothes at the same time.
Sailor Doom.
Loved it!
Jagganoth has mastered that most ancient of arts: CLOTHES BEAM!
[DBZ Abridged reference]
They’re comfy and easy to wear!
Such fancy underwear.
I didn’t know you could get compression shorts in XXXXXXXXXXXXL, and with flowers to boot. I guess we’ll never see the root of all evil now.
The angels could not acknowledge their fleshy eventualities at the end of every universe, and so Metatron had them craft the finest garment to cover the Jaggahog. Some say its deep peaceful blackness brings peace to the peasants as their universe is sliced apart and burns before them. For the stars will shine no more, only flowers now.
I hear the Jaggahog also has fifty heads, facing every direction.
Check Amazon Demigod Essentials. Free same day shipping, only $14.99 for instantaneous manifestation.
I know, right? That is a dope-ass fabric pattern our cosmic gigachad antagonist has on, there, and I am immensely jealous. I’m only gonna ask you this one time; gimme the cool shorts, Jaggy.
Ksbd branded cool shorts
They /are/ nice, aren’t they?
I wonder…
Are those shorts worm proof?
Shorts are comfy and easy to wear!
ah, well, that is the end of all things i suppose
Hmmm. Maybe Zoss turning back time is a good thing…
Oh dear.
And I thought he was intimidating before.
“BOI” indeed
Hey, you’ve stolen my words!
Pankrator Jagganoth is a poor student of sword law to believe that any number of swords, however large and well-crafted, are equal to the cutting motion of ROYALTY.
With that being said… it seems our demiurges and the Heir may have their work a bit cut out for them. Time for worm?
gog-agog will finally mantle her transcendent core and assume the form of a fabled alaskan bull-worm
now thats a comment
We should take the multi-verse and push it somewhere else.
That idea might just be crazy enough.. TO GET US ALL SENT TO THE VOID!
Time for worm, you posited. Time for Maya?
It would certainly be fitting and a clever twist if she were to take the word BLADE from Jagganoth instead of reclaiming FLAME from Incubus. The Sword of Maybe is certainly the manner of weapon for the task.
The question, then, is how in creation did she get onto the island before it went skyborne?
It wasn’t easy.
A+ comment.
What are Jagganoth’s thoughts about death?
Probably that he gives it out freely and without bias.
A generous god!
I still have a feeling Maya is not going to be the hero we want her to be. She is a likeable person, but driven by revenge not justice. Such stories usually end in tragedy.
Hrmm… Nothin’ wrong with a tragic hero. Especially when yer lookin’ for any hero you can get!
Justice is subjective. Revenge is pure. There are no doubts about whose revenge is truly revenge. All revenge is as it seems to be, no illusions. Justice, however, can be a multitude of conflicting things without harmony.
I said before, she just stacked bodies high enough to climb. In other words… REACH HEAVEN THROUGH VIOLENCE
Judging by the red stone in Maya’s forehead, isn’t she one of Jagganoth’s emissaries/followers?
No. It is a simple ley-stone. One with her skill and knowledge would find one effortless to obtain.
Yes Maya! Who better to deal with work cut out for them, than one who has mastered the art of cutting? Murder the gods and topple their thrones.
nice shorts
Seriously, the embroidery is on point. Where can I get me some?
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
Now *that* is a God-King of the Multiverse. Magnificent.
I can’t read the word “magnificent” any more without seeing Sol’s beaming grin from 10-154
Huh, not kidding about the DMK comparison – let’s just hope this one doesn’t take half of the comic to defeat
Shit I’m hoping he does
Demonhead Mobster Kingpin is one of a major pair of villains in Andrew Hussie’s work Problem Sleuth, a precursor to Homestuck. He had tentacles, an armored mask, regenerative health, the ability to spawn more health bars, laser eyes/mouth, and the ability to resurrect if insufficient damage was done to his seedpod before it launched.
My bet is he’s one shot killed on the next page. That wasn’t a look of fear or worry from Allison/aspected chaos… it was pity.
Lord almighty.
That is correct.
“Hey Incubus, I found you a sword!”
Heck there’s probably still more in Mommon’s neck
The Wheel-Turning King? Two pages ago Jagg declared he would “crush the wheel-turning kings”, all to stop Metatron and Zoss also turning the wheel.
He has become the very thing he swore to destroy.
Jagganoth’s failing seems to be that he believes destroying the world will break the wheel. The seven part world is not the wheel at all, though it resembles one. I still think we as readers have yet to comprehend the full scope of “The Wheel”
The wheel is the cyclical nature of time, which forces the world to re-create itself, over and over again, re-enacting the myth-narrative of existence, because the godhead is addicted to the story (stories) it has imagined, and cannot bear the sterility of its own true existence.
The myth narrative gives birth to this god over and over, and each time, that god cannot bear its own existence, and dies to rebirth the world narrative.
To break the wheel, is to break this cycle.
This implies one of three things.
1), GOD is destroyed, and the universe ends. All things are void. There are no new stories.
2) GOD refuses to kill itself, having been sated with its own fantasies.
3) The world narrative refuses to give rise to God ever again, preventing rebirth.
Of the 3, the last is the most desirable.
You forget the fourth option: the wheel gets jolted out of its circular rut and rolls once more along the road of possibility. There should be new stories told for the glory of YISUN, new holy lies, undreamt-of paths should open and allow growth by slaying the grand demon of stagnation.
Right! Such a wonderful paradox a wheel is, isn’t it? It seems to only turn, unchanged, and yet, when used properly and guided with care, can take you new places you have never seen before!
This is option 3.
Perceiving the universe as a wheel is known to be a mistake. The Wheel-Turning kings have always turned it along it’s axle, which is the wrong direction; their true purpose will be fulfilled only when they turn it onto its side so that Allison may see the secret name of god.
I is O, and O is I. To percieve the Tower and have your consciousness not be shattered — to break past the boundary of this world and realise its true nature without breaking — is to achieve CHIM.
Wait… wrong franchise.
-TGurning King is the role he was given by the multiverse, we’ve yet to see if he will defy said role.
What happened to that comment? How do you edit comments on this thing?
Only the Demiurges can edit comments. Mere emissaries like you and I should stand aside and watch as the world crumbles around us.
Even Demiurges and the Multiplicity are bound by Abaddon’s laws, here in his realm.
Speak carefully, for your words are immutable.
Yes. He included himself in the things that wouldn’t exist in the new world, as he was Zoss and Metatron’s dust man and the force turning the Wheel each iteration.
abbadon you madman you’ve done it again
Keep your heads down, O’ princes of creation. Lest you lose them
Well uh. Huh. Well good luck with that. I’m out.
For a time, there has been peace
Everything changed when the Jagganoth attacked.
Holy shit…… *slow clap.
This is the definition of the sublime.
Once again, we robbed of the Jaggahog. Nice shorts, though.
Abbadon did give us a nod though with that suspiciously shaped belt-clasp-thing. It is surely symbolic of the glory that lies beneath.
The next page is just the color red
He was the best of gods; he was the worst of gods.
Escalation not only in sheer scale and power levels, but also in character design. Incredible.