One cannot lie if one speaks something one believes to be true. He may be entirely unaware of the truth and still be incorrect.
Whether he is lying or not is a good question, I agree that he seems to harbor little intellectual malice towards the characters or the audience, but ultimately I do believe that he is an Unreliable Narrator.
You fools. You horny fools. Jagganoth does not need a jaggahog to screw you over. You are simply not prepared for what jagganoth has in his pants. It is not mere genitals. It’s KINGSHIP. The Red King requires no heir. The Red King needs only power. You want genitals? Ask the lust-monger, Incubus. You want inheritance? Ask the beast-who-is-her-own-mother-and-daughter, Gog Agog. But the Red King needs neither. The Red King has no body save for a weapon.
I think Jag’s design draws from several inspirations, and I suspect one is Kali / Mahakali – goddess of doomsday, destruction, and rebirth. Many arms, sometimes fangs.
Regardless, if you can lie to the universe, why not tell it you are simultaneously the 100 most badass versions of yourself at the same time? Remember when he became 20 archers a few pages back?
Rudra would be a better fit: the original destroyer of the Vedas, before he got mixed up with Shiv. He was a stroppy bastard, and was generally known to be ‘against birth’: if anything had the temerity to take a material form, he would return it to formlessness. Eventually Brahman had to trick him to allow existence to begin.
I can’t imagine what Jadis has to worry about since she’s wanted to die for quite a while now. And if anyone needs to mantle their transcendent core, it’s Jagger – he needs to put on some big boy pants right away.
What ever happened to that “eternal void” that Dave wanted to drop the big guy over? Ain’t this just the right time for that? I know the big rock may be bottom-heavy, but nearly everyone on it is all talk talk talk.
Honestly that would be the funniest and most unexpected end to this whole fight. Just. Dunk Jaggy into the abyss, recognize that he’ll get back *eventually* but go “Okay, now we have time to plan. PHEW.”
Oh by the sweet rotting gods of the wheel he’s assumed his war form hasn’t he?!?! From his radiant red light and multiple arms this one can only assume we are about to witness a rakshasa with the power of a god… may the wheel have mercy on our poor souls.
“Come on, get up! Attack me! You’ve only suffered the loss of your legs! Summon up your familiars! Transform your body! Heal your severed legs and stand! The evening is still so young. Come on, hurry, hurry, hurry! Pull yourself together – the fun has just begun! Come on! HURRY!”
There’s a certain liberating feeling in being free to fulfil your true purpose. And Jagganoth was broken down and rebuilt into an engine of war long ago. I’m sure he’ll get a little satisfaction in doing what he’s best at.
The one positive of his cyclical existence is that, because he does not remember his past victories, they never get old. They say it’s never as sweet as the first time. For Jagganoth, it’s ALWAYS the first time.
The host laughed, jeered and mocked. But Pre-Vata’s head stod taller than any Ebon Spire of the Last City.
“Here we are! None of us. All of us. All of me. But none of you.” They spoke, with every tounge and every speech and every word. Grinning from circle lips, square eyes, triangle smiles.
“We are The Infinate, child King. We are inumerable. Even with an eternity of days of battle would you be able to best or beat I.” It lectured with wet words, dry mouthes and hollow eyes.
Pre-Vata answered by one line.
“Then I will fight you, for an eternity; And one day.”
Abbadon is too much of a coward to show us on-panel the totally-canon event of supersonic Solomon David removing Jagganoth’s anal plug.
Shaking my head, fam.
I read that too fast and thought you described it as a “totally cannon event”, the mental imagery of which made me spit coffee out my nose. So thanks for that 🙂
All hands on deck.
Brace yourself for twelve
Women and children first
“Nearer my god to thee”
Gentlemen. It has been a privilege playing with you tonight.
bail, sailor
Everybody was complaining about a non-world ending size fight. Abbadon claims to listen to user suggestions. It was inevitable.
And I am become Death, destroyer of worlds
Jag looks like a very handy demiurge… he….. he….. hehe…
Don’t you mean, ahem… one man armies?
I hope his body cracks like an egg and reveals a tiny baby chicken inside. <3
Surprise! This whole time Jaggy was actually three children in a trenchcoat.
Jagganoth Adult Man
… And now those three children proceed to beat the crap out of everyone still in the arena.
Is he… shedding his human form so that his own soul can fight as would an Angel ?
I suspect it’s closer to the Amunan Mantle Pree Allison manifested – though presumably a rather more advanced version.
Both are merely different orders of the Inheritors of Yisun.
The Great Liar lives through them all.
The final boss
Jagganoth just got through telling us that Metatron is the final boss, and that’s if we even believe him.
Why would he bother lying? He seems so sure he’ll win.
One cannot lie if one speaks something one believes to be true. He may be entirely unaware of the truth and still be incorrect.
Whether he is lying or not is a good question, I agree that he seems to harbor little intellectual malice towards the characters or the audience, but ultimately I do believe that he is an Unreliable Narrator.
Jagganoth only sees dimly through a mirror.
Ah. A man of culture I see
Good thinking. Even Jaggy will die of cringe when he beholds… The Beyonder!
It’s time, we shall finally see the 7 part infinite Jaggacocks.
You fools. You horny fools. Jagganoth does not need a jaggahog to screw you over. You are simply not prepared for what jagganoth has in his pants. It is not mere genitals. It’s KINGSHIP. The Red King requires no heir. The Red King needs only power. You want genitals? Ask the lust-monger, Incubus. You want inheritance? Ask the beast-who-is-her-own-mother-and-daughter, Gog Agog. But the Red King needs neither. The Red King has no body save for a weapon.
so what you’re saying is its spiky?
I understand what you’re saying completey. Jagganoth doesn’t need the Jaggahog because he’s a power bottom. Your wisdom is truly great.
THAT’S why he hasn’t reached his limit yet. Makes perfect sense
Inside Jagganoth’s pants there is no hog, just another fist.
He IS the second most skilled magic user of them, and studies science.
Why would the other demiuges discourage science?
You’re actually already seeing it. If you don’t believe me, count ’em, last panel.
Release the #HogCut
Fractal Jaggahog
Ah, like a lightning, he has many arms. A pair of arms for each DemiUrge to strangle. And Allison x)
So what ARE those arms? Is it about The Dead rising up to join the fight and drag him down? Has it all come down to voodoo?
I think Jag’s design draws from several inspirations, and I suspect one is Kali / Mahakali – goddess of doomsday, destruction, and rebirth. Many arms, sometimes fangs.
Regardless, if you can lie to the universe, why not tell it you are simultaneously the 100 most badass versions of yourself at the same time? Remember when he became 20 archers a few pages back?
Rudra would be a better fit: the original destroyer of the Vedas, before he got mixed up with Shiv. He was a stroppy bastard, and was generally known to be ‘against birth’: if anything had the temerity to take a material form, he would return it to formlessness. Eventually Brahman had to trick him to allow existence to begin.
Also just want to point out that “Rudra” could potentially translate to “The Red One” or “The Red God” if you stretch the sanskrit just a skosh…
Break the wheel with the raging fire from your souls
Build a little fire in your soul
Not to put too fine a point on it, say I’m the only Demon in your bonnet.
Wow. They Might be Giants deep cut. +1000 nerd karma to you sirs.
He has a secret to tell, from inside his cyclical hell.
It’s a simple message, and he’s leaving out the whistles and bells
So the realm must listen to me, filibuster vigilantly.
My name is 2 Blue Canary, Night Lite Spelled “L-I-T-E”
In the cosmos infinite, it’s so unfortunate, you’re gonna die.
This looks so cool, but it almost feels like it is missing a lower half. Those arms have me intrigued!
Also, wouldn’t it be funny if by shedding his skin to break the binding he accidentally shed the feathers that make him invulnerable?
“You raising this platform has only given me more room for my multitude of health bars!”
Problem Sleuth: “Oh no, not this shit again!”
Little does he know this is the first loop they tried candy corn
I can’t imagine what Jadis has to worry about since she’s wanted to die for quite a while now. And if anyone needs to mantle their transcendent core, it’s Jagger – he needs to put on some big boy pants right away.
She’s not actually worried; her face simply got stuck like that.
Holy shit a PS reference, that takes me way back. Is it time to pose as a team yet?
Shit is getting pretty fucking real.
It’s time. For the Sepulchritude.
Already? Aspected Chaos hasn’t even donned their treacle aegis yet.
Tsk tsk tsk, no respect for the proper order of diplomacy.
PS was better than Homestuck and I will die on this hill.
PS was the best part of HS, and still not as good as the original.
Midnight Crew for me.
What ever happened to that “eternal void” that Dave wanted to drop the big guy over? Ain’t this just the right time for that? I know the big rock may be bottom-heavy, but nearly everyone on it is all talk talk talk.
Didn’t they try that already and managed to seal Jagganoth in what ended up being a coccoon?
Honestly that would be the funniest and most unexpected end to this whole fight. Just. Dunk Jaggy into the abyss, recognize that he’ll get back *eventually* but go “Okay, now we have time to plan. PHEW.”
Oh shit he’s going full Asura’s Wrath.
Oh by the sweet rotting gods of the wheel he’s assumed his war form hasn’t he?!?! From his radiant red light and multiple arms this one can only assume we are about to witness a rakshasa with the power of a god… may the wheel have mercy on our poor souls.
Moisture for the crackling skin.
The human race is stretched too thin
when naan bread tries to listen in.
Ah, of course. We haven’t even seen his final form.
In the wise words of Master Qui Gon Jinn: “There’s always a bigger fish.”
There’s always another form.
“Come on, get up! Attack me! You’ve only suffered the loss of your legs! Summon up your familiars! Transform your body! Heal your severed legs and stand! The evening is still so young. Come on, hurry, hurry, hurry! Pull yourself together – the fun has just begun! Come on! HURRY!”
…I read that in TFS Alucard’s voice. If this was reddit, then you would have my gold
you and me both XD
PS: give me a hug
exactly what Jaggys tirade reminded me of as well XD
This is exactly what I was looking through the comments to find. Well this, and an acknowledgement of the alt-text.
That scene is just so great.
ominous hands, what will they do?!
The Red God may dread the turning of the wheel but damned if he isn’t going to enjoy its last moments destroying the universe once more
There’s a certain liberating feeling in being free to fulfil your true purpose. And Jagganoth was broken down and rebuilt into an engine of war long ago. I’m sure he’ll get a little satisfaction in doing what he’s best at.
The one positive of his cyclical existence is that, because he does not remember his past victories, they never get old. They say it’s never as sweet as the first time. For Jagganoth, it’s ALWAYS the first time.
The host laughed, jeered and mocked. But Pre-Vata’s head stod taller than any Ebon Spire of the Last City.
“Here we are! None of us. All of us. All of me. But none of you.” They spoke, with every tounge and every speech and every word. Grinning from circle lips, square eyes, triangle smiles.
“We are The Infinate, child King. We are inumerable. Even with an eternity of days of battle would you be able to best or beat I.” It lectured with wet words, dry mouthes and hollow eyes.
Pre-Vata answered by one line.
“Then I will fight you, for an eternity; And one day.”
Has Gog tried like. Turning into thousands of worms in Jagganoth’s ass like Antman in Thanos
Has anything you’ve seen indicated that he ever stops clenching around the rod jammed up there?
It’s probably part of the armor. Maybe Solomon took care of it, who knows.
Abbadon is too much of a coward to show us on-panel the totally-canon event of supersonic Solomon David removing Jagganoth’s anal plug.
Shaking my head, fam.
I read that too fast and thought you described it as a “totally cannon event”, the mental imagery of which made me spit coffee out my nose. So thanks for that 🙂
It is a mass driver, with the capacity to shatter a large moon.
Summon up your demons! Give me a hug!