Chapter: 2
“The Wheel-Turning King will have three characteristics: a fierce glare, hands as large as ox carts, and red skin. His body will boil like the surface of Hell. He is the annihilator of falsehood.”
“Yeah so I fucked up hard enough that I became king and made universal tyranny a thing forever so obviously I have to destroy the universe instead of abdicating power and guiding the next generation of godhood seekers to not be like me while still getting shit done.”
Hrmm… Guiding godhood seekers is like herding cats. Reckon destroying the universe would be the easier solution.
Now that is a Boss!
And record holder for the largest bonfire in the 777777 worlds.
“When you were partying, I studied the blade.” – Jagganoth
Knife Party fan located.
Uh Abbadon, you really sure you want to commit to drawing this in action scenes for who knows how many pages?
I so want him to, but I also don’t want him to keel over and die
Now THAT’S a complicated character design. TO Abbadon’s wrists, RIP
Have we even seen his final form? How many months will it take for the last 5 minutes of Namek to be destroyed…
This comic regularly shows me The Coolest Shit I Have Ever Seen In My Life Thus Far like once or twice each chapter
punch him in the dick!
No you fool! That’s his hardest point!
indeed. twas where the first angel feather was driven.
That goes far to explain his ill temper and pessimistic outlook.
Incubus needed a sword, I think Jag can spare one.
It might take a while to *disarm* him, though.
I like that there’s one arm with a mace, one arm with a whip, one arm with a gauntlet and the rest of the fifty or so arms are swords.
That’s no mace, that’s a flail.
oh fuck
Well, I hope everyone else brought their brown pants, because I think we’re gonna need ’em.
Okay seriously this is probably the single best page in the comic so far. Holy fucking SHIT.
This was definitely worth waiting a week for.
Now to see what fancy destroyer forms the others pull.
So, something pretty interesting that stuck out to me about Jagganoth’s title card.
One of the titles listed is Red Eyed Heir.
To me, there’s two implications I can think of about that title. The first is that Jagganoth is the heir of the Red Eyed King, Aesma’s one time crush who almost conquered the universe until she threatened to beat him over the head with said universe. Rather notably, the Red Eyed King was also invulnerable.
The other implication is that once, perhaps the first time Zoss spun the wheel he chose Jagganoth as his heir. That he saw the potential for Jagganoth to break the Wheel but, due to Metatron’s influence, he’s now obsessed with breaking it literally instead of metaphorically.
I reeeeeeally like this take. Hoping it’s true due to its situational poetry
The “threaten to beat him up with the universe” trick is not going to work here.
If the threat of it don’t do, then you just gotta carry through.
They say Aesma alone was foolish enough to lift the universe, but who could be more foolish than The Fool?
damn… religious motifs on point here
I bet thee thousand gold pieces and an immortal soul I “borrowed” on the Big Red Angry one!
Indeed, this is what i longed for. I repeat, i could have an entire year of updates like these, nonstop, without any need to move the story along at all. The problem is that, having seen this form for one of the seven, i now need see it for all of them. I doubt this will be the case, however, though i am not sure why.
The other 6 aren’t universal constants, sovereign from the laws of god and man.
Ok, I realize I’m probably spouting blasphemy here but it’s time to Stephen Universe this one up. We’ve already seen what comes of three joining as one. What would happen if the demiurges joined in?
We saw this when the different parts of Allison’s personality joined together to defeat the influence of Incubus. The symmetry would be pleasing. I hope they kiss.
Hey, he’s actually wearing more pants than ever.
Also there goes the “Bearer of the word Mind” theory.
There is no bottom. Its pants all the way down.
makes sense
They’re gonna talk it out.
*Man catastrophically annihilates himself by somehow creating even more complicated character design just before an action scene*
Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes I am here for this!