Wielder of Names 4-79
Chapter: 4
“It’s said a man should put prudence before power. Well them that says that don’t have power do they? And them that has power don’t have the time to think about prudence. They pull their bloody swords out and hack away!”
-Mars Pallatrix, Belligerent Knight
I know Mottom’s the wrinkly evil demon lady who can open one eye in reality but Gosh Diddly Darn if she’s not spicier than a ghost chili.
Also eternal life being a condition… scares me.
Also also, those fruits look like butts but in a scary way. Don’t eat butts.
No, no, it’s fine if it’s the clean parts. Not the dirty parts. Ew.
I applaud your discerning butt behavior.
This foolish Angel(?) seeks to guide you astray.
Eat the butts, you will thank me later.
Well, at least it’s not a fatal condition.
All conditions are fatal eventually
Eternal Life might stand as the singular exception, sadly.
And now, Japanne, we know who eats those fruits.
That is the eternal conundrum… immortality, at the price of eating butts.
sorry fella, she’s married
to godhood
indutibably, shall we call this ah goddess, buttface?
Eternal life is both a blessing and a curse, for one will either die horrifically through being destroyed quite violently or one will live to see their own sun die before their very eyes, until the entire universe itself dies & begins anew, countless eons from now.
I suppose once all other non eternal life has died, including all the stars, black holes and the very fabric of reality begins to rend itself apart, at least then you will finally meet your end, for nothing not even the gods themselves can exist once reality itself begins to rot away into nonexistence, for one to exist, there must be an existence to exist in- and if they exist while nothing else does, they will become the existence. As the chaotic Yisun once did.
Is.. Is she the reincarnation of Aesma?
much too smart for that
also not quite as violent
Aesma would never have had enough patience to sit through 90 hours of receiving gifts. She would just have them pile it all in the middle of the room and belly flop into it and be done with it.
So true lmao
There is no difference between good decisions and bad decisions because fate cannot be changed. So sayeth YISUN!
ALYISUN exists as a denial that people cannot make bad decisions, in fact the ability to make bad decisions separates kings from fools.
“the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: ‘theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron'”
-Preem Dril, He Who Hollers At Zoo Animals
It is an axiom.
So seyeth YISUN!
The wise man does not question one who has walked backwards into Hell.
Nothing you do can make Sithrak angry! He was already angry!
Praise Sithrak! He’ll torture you forever in the afterlife, no matter what you do!
Huh, really now? Fate… Cannot be changed? Hm, how odd- the conceptualization of immutibility and complete and unquestionable lack of change.
so the peaches make you temporarily younger, eh? no wonder mottom’s known for her appetite
EVERYONE is temporarily young, spejoku. I imagine her soul simply can’t lie to reality forever about her true age.
My wealth says that the food items aren’t special in any magical way, save in terms of ownership. Food eaten by the Guest takes the youth and vitality away, to be consumed by the Host through what food she indulges in.
No, Alice-Un is becoming younger as well. Look at her fingertips, she is literally “shedding” age like a snake.
The peaches are from the tree that was made of the angry king about 10 pages back.
She is eating another persons vitality.
Peaches have been connected with youth in a lot of cultures, the Chinese fable about the immortal peach garden and the Japanese peach boy ‘momotaro’ come to mind.
I think the more worrying possibility is that the condition the peaches force on you is looking like MOTTOM when they wear off.
Yes, because you will live long enough to look like that. Eternal life without eternal youth or health….
I agree. It is the same with her host’s aged skin in the following panels. You can see bits and pieces falling as she grabs and devours the fruits.
The word “immortality” never had the meaning of “eternal youth”, the peaches are the drug to fool the eyes.
Immortality can certainly be a blessing, so long as one possesses the willpower for endure an eternity of both strife and boredom. As the truly infinite lifespan will include and infinite amount of both.
A moment alive is a paradox, at once infinitely more joyful, and more painful than one dead. Eternity is no more an infinite than is a moment. Choose then the step you tread next, and have no fear that the sum of all footfalls will break your feet.
well thats not good..
well thats never good
You just had to try the but fruit. Everything else looked so much more tasty, even the purple not-a-turkey.
So immortality isn’t regrowth, but shedding — shards of the current self peeling away like orange rind or a chrysalis or a Matryoshka doll to reveal the younger self within.
The question, then, is: how many years has Al-YISUN lost?
If Alice’s hair does not return to ill-favored brunette from popular gold then it is not exactly shedding.
The effect must be transitory otherwise why does Mottom revert to her true age so often.
When someone explains TIME, you’ll get an answer.
Mottom did say that she performs absurdly demanding exercises in magic and willpower. Maybe she burns right through the extra life and youth she steals from the young.
So Mottom rigorously abuses the “Cast from Life-Span” shtick?
Could be tolerance buildup. Maybe it used to be a peach every once in a while but now its an entire basket before she gets to see any change.
Mottom looking impishly adorable. Didn’t see THAT one coming.
Who knew that eating mini butts would accomplish such things?
While Mottom’s orange gluttony is on display, Allison turns green with envy!
Dammit Allison, you don’t just eat food offered to you by an untrustworthy immortal. Have you learned nothing from the snake of Eden? Hades and Persephone? The gotdamn Pale Man?
“untrustworthy immortal”? You mean like Jehovah?
And boom goes the dynamite.
And pop goes the weas… naw, your saying expresses it better.
Ah, but is Jehovah really untrustworthy– or is his greatest fault that he is so VERY trustworthy, and so very concerned with consequences?
All immortals are untrustworthy. Anyone who lives that long is -bound- to have a great many skeletons hiding in their closet.
True, I imagine it’d be rather boring to be a decent deity.
If you didn’t believe her you wouldn’t have bothered to eat it.
Look at her eyes as she puts the fruit in her mouth and calls Mottom a liar. It is an insult. Alison struggles for dominance.
Her brain tells her that she should be humble and polite, but this is not her nature, she does it poorly with halting speech.
When her speech and choices are congruent with her will to rule she shows forth true power, though, alas, not wisdom.
aw dang shes gonna be like marty mcfly. this is freaking awesome
I at first read that as Martyr McFly. Construct your own meaning from this error, if error indeed it was.
True, when deep in her cups the Rising King bound an ebon devil without pause.
A display of incautious metaphorical self-defenestration such that would make Pree Aesma chortle giddily in amusement. Well done, Alice-UN.
Young Mottom is hot. Im just gonna say it, shes hot yo.
Wow. Teenage Nadia is the cutest and prettiest.
Oh my YISUN! I’m craving for young Nadia xD
Oh brothers, how doomed am I?
Very. but not in the way you think. Your heart may smitten by the Glory of young Nadia, but this lustful craving binds your soul ever more tightly to the power of Incubus!
The sad road of temperance is your only salvation.
As beautiful as that art of Allison peeling is, I can’t not smile at little Om :3
There has to be some manner of awesome catch?
I’m betting that the fruits obey the laws of diminishing returns in some fashion.
Like, they will grant one eternal life as long as they are consumed however the youth that they impart lasts for progressively short periods of time; at this point Nadia only gets a day or two at most of youth and beauty.
You may note that Nadia consumed the entire bowl and Allison a small fraction of one. This may be the diminishing returns effect.
To be fair, Mama Nadia’s birthday candles have emptied many a world of its tallow. She’s got a lot more years to shed than Lil King Alice.
This form of immortality reminds this fool of an animal it once knew. An insect that constantly shed it outer skin to reveal a stronger more youthful creature underneath. It would have been beautiful if it didn’t crave the ash my armor was made of and try to eat me.
And this one of a rather more mundane creature which does the same, up until the point where its body gives out from underneath it and dies.
This is likely not the case here, but is interesting nonetheless.
What wonders a god can achieve. Though she seemed so tricky and belligerent before, her youth has transformed those traits to make her look mischievous and coquettish.
I wonder if her manner changes to match her appearances? It’d be entertaining to see Mottom go from an impish and cheery young girl to a regal and dignified countenance then finally to her previous bitter self as her appearances ages and changes (as I assume it does).
Mottom is both Maiden, Mother and Crone.
She was already pretty mischevious — indeed, one could say childish — as a crone.
Always glad to see that Allison didn’t play it safe and decided to choose the weird magical option.
If the offer was immortality, an eternity wondering if the right choice was made is always preferable to an infinitesimal lifetime wondering what could of been.
Besides… what is a little godlike power good for if you can’t break down the flimsy gestalt of time, identity, and self?
Apparently Queen Admira from The Hugga Bunch did the same thing!
The missus told me this, I did not know it offhand despite my vast collection of useless trivia.
She said “condition”, little barista, not “benefit”. Mind the difference.
I wonder whether she has just eaten a piece of good King Pryan fruit, or one of her fellow maidens who already brought their white table-cloths along.
The good King had the most life in him. None of those other groveling fools would have made nearly as effective fruit. The zest is important!
By the dead gods, Al-YISUN, she hasn’t even done anything to you yet and you’re already bent over in metaphysical agony. What are you going to do when she actually tries to contest your power?