WHEEL SMASHING LORD 4-111 to 4-112
Chapter: 4
“The master of masters – the king’s essence is in inaction. He must be perfectly still. Otherwise he ceases to become a man and becomes a force above human will, and none shall see a better day for it.”
-Annals of the Yellow City
“Elaborate on that.”
The ultimate manifestation of chadness. “…that doesn’t make any sense-” “I don’t care.”
“I don’t know and I have no opinion.” –Jet Black
Movement through stillness – alternate cut by mettii ryoou || #killthegods #toppletheirthrones #free #guilders || unleash yuor potential – gog ly / l u c i f e r i a n e d i c t
*finger wiggling intensifies*
The world must also learn to respect peace, by force if necessary.
Ah, but the rub is that different times of peace serve different purposes. An economy, or one’s wellbeing, can decline in peace just as easily as it can in war; and all it takes to have conflict is for merely one person who desires conflict to act on that desire.
That said, I do believe I have an answer to the question Pree Allison seems to have inherited – I’ve been putting more thought into the subject than I usually do, given certain… recent matters. When it comes to whether we will be so ruled by the violent and brutal… it will always happen eventually. But by the same token, it will never happen forever. Everything dies eventually, and though peace and the peaceful will always expire at some point, so shall tyranny and tyrants, just as inevitably. It might be a bit of a cold comfort… but it’s a comfort, nevertheless.
The Wheel turns.
Even a broken Wheel turns right once a day…
.. wait, no…
A wanewright turns a wheel once a day.
A doctor a day keeps the apples away. Apples are scary.
One with the qualities to lead a better world must understand two things.
The first, that violence is the ultimate authority, from which all other authority is derived.
The second, that the first is no reason to wield violence without good cause if what one’s better world needs can be had without it.
If a man desires peace, he must do two things.
He must forge himself a power absolutely unrivaled, that all men who are willing to pursue war, will instead flee from the field of battle before him.
Then he must carry the burden of that power for all of time, neither laying it down, nor letting it loose.
Or be very willing to run very far and never stop.
Either way, it’s a LOT of effort.
You have forgotten that occasionally there is need to use such a power, not only because otherwise the world will forget it exists, but also because sometimes it is the best and only thing to do.
I shall see you in Samura…
zamn what that cyclussy do
commenting on my own site for the first time in years lol
This is what pulled you out of your silence? lol
Gods do not fall slowly, they crash all at once leaving a creter of Lola.
Crater of lols, screw you autocorrect.
Who hath summoned me
An artificial inaccuracy pushed by a mortal who did not seek to be precise before speaking upon the globe wide pentagram.
A refund claim has been sent, cease your existence, as you were.
oh no what have I done
it’s just like the fortune teller said
Tha be hilarious, o goldy one
Oh my god.
But why this reply lmao
Alison should seduce Jaganoth. Or make a barter related to sex.
Can’t believe it was Cyclussy that pulled you back in.
haiii :3
Comment so vile the wheel’s architect had to pause.
What’s going on with people’s memories? And how did drunkenness cause Nukoku? I remember The White devils visit to Alison after the bender, and the threat, but I assume nukaku would have eventually manifested anyway.
Comment so vile it pulled God out of the sky.
Pondering existence
Does Yisun fear what he has created?
I don’t think they care.
The whole ‘reproduction via fission’ that is suicide for that sort of being after all.
Like a sword, it is prudent to always find oneself exactly where one is needed.
A good deal starts with food.
The empty blade may work well.
The empty belly, not so much.
these pages have been getting so beautiful
Characters engage in deep philosophical questions. Maya arrives and suggests they make a hotpot. This woman has her priorities set straight.
No sense philosophizing on an empty stomach.
Never cut God on an empty stomach.
Maya is pretty much Batman at this point
A very, very, VERY dangerous Batman.
And much more efficient.
Batman doesn’t bisect his opponents, nor can he cook well.
He’s supposed to have Alfred for that.
Thus, Maya is better.
Alfred can cook and doesn’t have the same code against killing (he was a former solider and still owns at least one gun), so he might be a better match up.
Maya meeting Alfred ends up with everyone being very polite, the Joker being turned into a red mist, and the entire Justice League being very confused about where all the food came from.
Ah yes, the Thirty-Eighth Shadow’s well documented secret technique: The Batman.
The sanctioned act is to eat.
Good point. Time for lunch.
I’ll believe this lie. You can be YISUN today.
Nukoku! I’m dying/have died/will rise again!
If the naming convention is anything to go by, Nukoku will not be long for the world, and soon we will see Ciocie Cioelle return.
Although, given the story elements (how devil masks work and all), I don’t know how that would be possible…
By what do you think that will occur? I honestly can’t see how we could possibly have Cio back.
determination magic bullcrap obviously
The joke is that New Coke didn’t last and Coke Classic returned. Ciocie Cioelle is pronounced like spelling Coca-Cola (See-oh-see-ay See-oh-ell-ay). So Nukoku will cease so that Coke Classic can return.
What became of the other shards of the mask?
Dissolved in the carbonic acid when Cio was slain. Names have chemical power.
CioCie Cioelle Cielle Aseic
People say Al-Yi-Sun is the protagonist and great wheel breaker but I think Maya//her aunt are the ones who properly began the breaking the cycle, with White Chain and the other lesbians following up with a steel chair and sheer fool’s stubbornness
Perhaps then Alison is the wedge, and Maya is the hammer?
Wait, White Chain is a lesbian? She gave me strong ace vibes
Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive, but also like aside from vague Allison/Cio/Chain vibes (what’s gayer that fusing together to form a giant wonan?) I don’t think anything’s been canonically stated on her front.
You can argue that. Or argue that, because the dark flame of hunger and the dark flame of mortality are both flavored with the feminine aspect, all mortals are therefore lesbian.
But I don’t know if transitive property logic works fully in this universe on SOULFLAME, so y’know.
I like Nukoku.
I won’t lie I am torn because I miss my sapphic Allison and Cio combo and I admit a part of me wants to see this whole new person, Nukoku, ignite a new love for this new Allison.
But I can settle for regardless of how this all shakes out or their relationship status, I just hope they are happy! (…together, haha nah jk… unless?? Nah just messing around!… but maybe!? Got you a third time jk, totally, hahaha…)
But just imagine the fireworks if the three of them make Aspected Chaos again.
Oh, miss New Coke, don’t let it get you down. *A LOT* of people’s “how I came to be” is someone else’s “I was very drunk”. You’ll turn out alright.
That’s poetry. Literally. Most of your comment is in iambic pentameter.
What a happy accident, wow o.o’
The path goes forward, the struggle continues, even in times of seemingly endless suffering and death, this too shall pass. Let the wheel roll onwards, even though we ourselves may be crushed.
See, that’s the thinking of people who went to the Promethius School of Running Away From Things.
Don’t run FROM the wheel. Run perpendicular to it.
“Thou speaketh of the chakrvartin… or thyself?”
Oh boy I think I know where this is going…
This world started with two true gods, opposing and complementary, birthing 777,777 gods where they once were One.
How fitting is it that it might be ended by two false gods, complementary yet opposing, breaking the wheel in a place where 777,777 gods have died?
But yet, a burning question still stands… where are the six billion demons?
has it not occured to thee that. kill “six billion demons” follows the same naming convention as angels, the number refering to the number of reincarnations.
It did not at first, but memories flow back like whispers on river currents and the supposed nature of the name Kill Six Billion Demons is apparent once again.
But my same mistake can serve as the foundation for a new question, resonating with the old; If the Angels desert their posts in the final days of the Wheel, who will hold back the faceless demons that claw at armies of sterile pale flame? Will no-one? Will they reach Throne?
But that is mere speculation, counting raindrops before the sky becomes grey. Who knows how this story will reach its conclusion?
the sanctioned action is to cook
She’s good at noodles.
Not sure how or why, but you managed to draw a hot tyranid
Drawing hot tyrranids is it’s own reward
Life is change. To truly live is to keep growing and changing. When people love one another, they will most often grow and change together.
What givest thou the right…?
What dost thou wilt? Truly?
Big talk in a cold, empty place.
Also, Maya can teleport!
Probably. After all, she is very good at cutting things, people, and even angels. Why not angles? Or distance?
One is merely swapping the positions of two letters, and the other is variable where the Atum holds primacy.
If history is followed… Nobody will like Nukoku, and we’ll get Cio Classic back due to popular demand? Somehow I doubt it.
Given recent events, Allison’s waxing philosophical seems especially fitting, though the timing is almost certainly coincidental.
Also probably coincidental – that head over Allison’s shoulder right before Maya shows up looks… rather like Maya?
Similar/same statue is crying in panel one as well
How the… don’t with about it.
The Maybe Pot does not feed anyone. But those who have the ability to choose their own fate will be fed regardless.
Listen. Think very carefully. And answer me very truthfully.
What do you think about lunch?
I’m thinking… Arby’s.
Someone has the meats.
It is up to you to choose if it is you, or not.
is Maya… a ghost?
is nukoku’s eye suspiciously similar to Alison’s missing eye?
are the explanations getting a bit too conspicuously hand-wavey?
are these pages beautiful? (yes)
I mean, Maya does say the only thing keeping her around is hate. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was some manner of ghost.
As an oldest and most secret part of a man once said:
It’s the living who are ghosts. The dead are silent. They don’t rattle windows or write letters in blood. The living do.
Allison and Nukoku both having only one eye is not an accident. Their similarity is a writer’s trick to show how they’ve been both changed by their journey, in similar ways – they literally see the world in a different way now.
It also means that Allison’s single-minded, single-eyed, myopic determination has been inflicted on her friend, whether she wanted it or not, a warning of repercussions of taking action, even with good intentions, that one cannot escape. Very clever!
Is Maya still alive? Because I’m getting some major Zoss vibes from her appearing shenanigans and mysterious knowledge. Considering Incubus knows she survived near decapitation it’d be very strange for him to leave her in one piece after winning a second fight….
She’s Royalty, she’s not bothered by little things
Death is but a setback.
And annoying. Do you have any idea how long it takes to re-sync with a new body? AT LEAST 9 months!
Barely worth it. Remember- you don’t have to answer EVERY summoning! Especially if they don’t have a fully formed body for you from the start!
This whole ‘grow the body you are using’ thing takes forever, and the bodies aren’t even that good!