Chapter: 3
I want to do this next bit properly and I have a bit of an odd schedule next week. Kill Six Billion Demons will return with the next update 10/25/24. When we return, it will mark the start of the end of this comic. Updates during this part may be sporadic or intermittent depending on the art load. I’ll keep you updated as we go and I’ll post work in progress on patreon.
Also don’t worry, as I think we still have a few years of comic left. Enjoy Arihorr.
Yes, I know that I could just teleport.
No, the jacket is NOT getting shared.
Well damn Ciocie Cioelle Estrella Von Maximus the Third, I can’t control the weather.
She’s not that name anymore. It gets reset when they respawn.
Hate this new tiny runes. The old ones were bigger.
hey…how are you’ll doing? l don’t know any of you’ll but like. idk, i feel a strange sort of..i guess fandom kinship? with you’ll, and also i have nothing else to say. so…how are you, if you want to tell me?
..no, no that was a very stupid question to ask, kindly ignore me. PLEASE.
TO LATE I’m feelin great hbu?
..ah. good enough. failing my second year in college if i don’t do something SOON(and maybe that won’t be enough)and going throgh a bit of a rough patch with the ol’ anxiety, but otherwise fine.
i’ve been lurking here for years. i’m an older reader. mid 40s. i always enjoy this place, filled with silly comments while we all read this comic of love and destruction. i just wanted to send you some thoughts, idiot. because i’m not that different from you. just further along the path. and before you know it, you’ll be where i am, and i’ll be further than that.
you will make it. and so will i. and we will meet at the end of the path. as too so Pree Aesma before us.
“you will make it” gods, I hope so. In all hope, I’ll meet you there at the end of the path indeed, although I really can’t see it from here. Thank you.
i have faith in you.
also, i can’t see the end of the path either yet. lets hope neither of us see it for a while.
after all, we both still have a continuous cutting motion to continue.
If you’re feeling bad at the moment, I’d highly recommend A Psalm for the Wildbuilt. It’s a relatively short story, and both the print versions and the audiobook are great. It has an interesting message about purpose that fits well with the chaotic world we live in.
I’m currently in my third year of college and didn’t think it would be as hard as it ended up being. Especially with the hurricane that recently hit my neck of the woods. However, in my experience it helps to keep your nose to the grindstone, so every break (such as the one you can take to check if comics you’re reading have updated) feels that much more special. Hedonism is great, but it kills motivation something fierce. Oh bother, that’s my problems though. Not your concern.
I wish you luck on your courses!
“fine” when I was in my second year of college (35 [!!] years ago) was understood to be an acronym for F’d up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional 😅
Sorry to hear you’re in a rough patch. Anxiety can be a bear. I had all sorts of undiagnosed unmedicated issues of varying degrees, and after a lot of life experience came to realize that while my anxiety, mild autism, etc. are part of me, they’re not *me* – and for me at least, I can recognize when my brain is being a complete a**hole. Doesn’t make it easy to live through but at least I can make dark jokes about things and occasionally do things in spite of my brain chemistry.
At my ripe old age I’m doing pretty good now, although spiritually I’ve never really aged past the person I realized I was around age 20. He’s a good dude and I like being him despite his issues. Over the years, trying new ways to do things, etc. I’ve figured out a decent set of strategies to make it all work (but by no means have it “figured out” 😆)
Hope you keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep on keepin’ on! Good luck!
Thank you. I can actually tell when my brain is being a as@hole, thank gods, and yes, it is quite hard to live through it, but you give me hope I’ll manage.
Imagine chat that you are just standing there naked in blizzard and your ex-incarnation’s girlfriend just won a staring contest with Would You Still Love Me If I Was A Worm by saying “no u” and she won’t even give you her coat?
Also a lurker, don’t think I’ve commented before. I’m basically done with uni and it feels kinda weird, a bit of a “what now?”-situation. I’m doing great otherwise, just gotta figure out what to do with myself 🤷♂️
Honestly I think you’re gonna be fine. I failed pretty much my entire first year of uni and while that did suck pretty hard I did manage to bounce back and now I’m graduating. I wish you the best of luck with your courses tho 😁 hopefully you won’t have to play catch-up like I did
Thank you so very much for the luck on my courses, although I’m not sure if I could go through the entire collage thing AGAIN.
Hey, so I uh did the whole fail out of collage thing about 5 years ago. It felt really fuckin bad at the time, especially since all of my friends graduated and got degrees and felt like their life was ahead of mine.
But at the end of the day we’re all still struggling and I’m not doing worse than them. Most of them have burnt out and hate their job. Idk, end stage capitalism and all that aside, just try to be nice to yourself. You deserve it.
Also, im doing good! I have a clown performance in January and I’m excited to perform already
As an enternal being of sacred flame, this one has only a limited ability to understand and relate to your own mortal plight.
The closest parallel to draw would be dropping out of college, but that is a stretch. It is vanishingly unlikely that the college attended would fall within your own definition and your own world, as that realm has yet to be connected to Throne.
It hurt. But as can be discerned from my name, it was not my end. There were and are many more things in the worlds beyond.
Perhaps this one will return someday, now that the correct additives for my flame have been aqquired.
But wait…”a idiot”. Could it be…is that you YISUN? Are you attempting a physics/botany double degree in plums *again*?
Hey, just a random guy on the internet, but I’ve been there.
I dropped out after my second year of college, got a job working at a pizza place, and limped along for the next eight years, living life, going back when I had saved up enough, and finally got my degree just before I turned 29.
I found out, at 30, that I had undiagnosed ADHD, which had been causing the actually diagnosed depression and anxiety I was struggling with.
I can tell you, from the other side, that I’ve known people who had to take breaks. I’ve known people who, like me, took a long time to do it. I’ve known people who’ve only realized after failing or dropping out that college wasn’t for them, and went on to do great things still.
Your heart is strong. You will make it through this year – and the next, and the next. You will find what you need to do what you need to. It feels terrible now, but that’s always how it is – and no matter the outcome, you will know more, understand more, and be more than you were before once it’s done.
And to the extent that it helps, I may be some random stranger, but I’m rooting for you.
hey. been there. for me it was my fifth year. took me three years to recognize that i’d burned out hard and fast and was just in a sort of slow-motion crash landing up to that point. lethal shit.
i spent a long time feeling like dirt for that, but the nice thing about being alive is that you wake up every morning a different person. it took some mornings for me to heal. here i am, though, very much different and very much alive and sleeping next to the love of my life for the second time after two years’ separation.
you don’t grow by subjecting yourself to needless suffering, but the reflection of that suffering has lessons in it. i learned, for one, that the only way out is through. and that if you don’t listen to your soul, you’re already dead.
listen to yourself. and, of course, good luck.
Echoing the person who said “Dear idiot, you’re not.”
Another first-time commenter, decade-plus-long lurker here. Been there too. I crashed hard in my first year of law school, horribly stressed and depressed (then-undiagnosed ADHDer). The only reason I made it to the second semester, nevermind the second year, was because U.S. law schools – contrary to what they’d like you to think – hate kicking people out. It tanks their rankings. It has been over fourteen years since then (oof). Against all odds, I pulled it together in my last two years, got my JD, passed the bar, and have been practicing for over a decade now.
A buddy of mine had a different path: she decided not to continue college at the end of her junior year after crashing hard and dealing with an obscene amount of family stress. Her friends supported her through this – it was a tough decision. But then…she went back to school five years ago, finished her four-year degree and then went to law school herself. She graduated this spring, and is about to take the bar exam. She made it too!
Another friend left college entirely and now runs his own business. Traditional uni didn’t do it for him – he made it too.
My wife just went back to school in the spring of last year! She’s making it too and I’m super proud of her.
Whether you keep going this year, or come back later, you’ll make it. It sucks now, but a bunch of us are waving from the other side. I didn’t think I’d make it, but (somehow) I did – whichever path you take, you will too.
Best of luck – listen to yourself, and hang in there!
Currently catching up while waiting out the last few minutes of a very long night shift… Cheers.
In the world of the comic and outside of it, I am anticipating a great upheaval. Whether it is to be a victory or ruin remains to be seen.
then i wish you victory. good luck.
This one understands the feeling of anxiety. Welcome my sibling.
I think I’m doing pretty well, but am also anxious about whether that’ll continue to be the case in the future – or, even worse, about whether it’ll turn out I was never really doing as well as I thought I was at all. Which I understand to be a pretty common human emotion to have in these uncertain times.
Specifically, I’m living with my parents right now while I look for my first job out of grad school, and while some interviews seem to have gone well, I’ve thought that about other interviews in the past and been rejected. Actually, last month I got hired for what seemed like a nice little part-time job, but then I got suddenly fired after only a week with no warning and with no coherent reasoning behind it. So I’m still pretty shaken from that, but trying to soldier on anyways and hope the next one turns out better.
Community is a complex beast. We all long for perfect in-person communities that accept and love us, but don’t always get them. Even online friends, a lesser but more accessible substitute, can fail us. When that happens, I think it’s a commendable thing to cry out to the cold vacuum of anonymous online communities, especially fandom. It may seem foolish and impossible, but one can find hope, meaningfulness, and understanding here, in some small form, if one tries.
Good luck out there, and stay safe!
That bit about community… OUCH. And thank you, stranger-i will most certainly be safe, if nothing else.
The kinship is felt by me as well.
Blessings and good tidings to you.
Remember: your feelings are little goblins that live inside you.
Learn to speak their language. Understand what they need from you.
They become quieter, when they know the message has been understood.
This wisdom was passed to me by my therapist, I now pass it unto you.
…at much cheaper cost as well.
Thank you for your advice, stranger. I will keep it in mind.
My wife and I just lost our first pregnancy. We’re devastated and everything reminds me to feel anger for what i have lost.
I’m okay, just dreading having to go into work tonight. Not that my job is bad. I’ve held way worse jobs for far, far less money, but I’m coming to the realization that I moved up the chain to the top so fast that I’m going to be doing the same job every day for the next 20 years.
Thanks for asking. I like when people just want to vibe with this comic and not go all RP In the comments, but I respect people’s right to fan how they want. I’ve rarely been drawn into a piece of fiction like I have with this. I want sourcebooks and endless lore and to know everything that’s hidden but I also love that so much is hidden. And I’m doing OK though I’m still processing my audhd diagnosis and wish the SSRIs were doing something besides making me perpetually tired.
Dear idiot, you’re not.
My second year of college was 34 years ago (hi ardaglash). Keep going, you’ll get through/around/over/under whatever you need to. And if you don’t maybe you should change direction and go a different way. There are many ways to get through, and you don’t need to invent everything yourself, so reach out and talk to people. Connecting on a fanpage is as good a place as any to start.
I took a fairly conventional path, got a bit comfortable in a fairly conventional way. As a person, I’m much changed from my 22yo self. I like to think I’ve grown, as a person, husband, father, spiritual being (I was not any of those things at 22. Oh, I was a person I suppose XD ). Gone through ups and downs on the path. Fkg big ups and downs. Now at a different phase of life, new challenges, new things to learn. Difficult sometimes, my wife has stage IV cancer now. God/Yisun prompts us to grow, and I find that if I don’t take the lesson, the prompt gets stronger. When things are difficult, I take a deep breath, go for a walk and at the sky.
It all passes in the end. I’m grateful that I found this place (thanks Abbadon!), one of the many blessings that have been bestowed upon me. I wish you good health and many blessings upon your path.
My upper back has been killing me for more than a year and I still have not called either of the two physiotherapists whose numbers I have asked for explicitly for this purpose.
Other than that, everything is quite fine.
If you want to know about another “failing college” story: I failed my first year of college and dropped out, went to a trade school, job market was impossible back then. Then I went back to college and I passed half of my classes the first year and half of it the next Then I failed my second year (turns out I had ADHD!), then I had to do half and half again. Then failed my third year twice. And then I dropped out again. My mental health was in shambles during all of that time. I lost friendships that I don’t think I will ever recover. I missed a chance to do a wild thing I still regret to this day. A couple years later I went to ANOTHER trade school. Then, as luck would have it, I got a job in a place where they wanted someone with the specific combination of skills I learned in both trade schools and college, and here I am, writing this post from my work laptop.
I’m not good at encouraging speeches so all I can say is that, yeah, life just sucks for long stretches of it. It’s not your fault. Rest and ask for help when you need it. Stay honest with yourself. Do the things you want to do. Things will get better, eventually. They may not end up as you wanted to, but they won’t be bad forever either.
Hi there – I’m also in college (a first year myself.) Just trying my best to adjust to living on the other side of the country. it’s little things like this webcomic that bring me comfort in a big scary new place. Good luck to you 🙂
It rained today, the sort of mildly inconvenient rain that makes everything feel like a chore, and for once, I’m on break. So I did nothing, and that was okay. I’m glad I got to do nothing today, and I’ve finally accepted that doing nothing is just as nice as doing something, sometimes, and I hope that maybe you all have had some peace today too
Hello, fellow star in the body of Nuit(/Yisun)! I’m embracing learning to oil paint, bending all of my will towards my works, rather than the works a modern-art education would require of me. I hope my parents won’t mind me living with them for a long while yet, I love them and they love me, but I’ve lived here a little too long.
Dear ID,
My son is away from me for an extended time for the first time. I’m learning to let go. If you are failing, it means that you are challenging yourself. A being that never fails is one that failed to try.
blessings to u. may ur days be many and ur woes b few :3
feeling generally worthless in an undefinable way. a bunch of people seem to be able to do what they wish to while being a mess, but i’m just a mess and unable to attain much of anything.
Honestly, I’m at a pretty weird crossroads in my life now. I’ve been here before – but the last time, I was vastly underprepared, and crashed, and burned, hard.
Crippling self doubt, an increasingly nonsensical world, and the movements of forces beyond my control have me pretty scared, hah. I kind of miss the blind ignorance I last had when i stumbled this way…
I just have to hope I have the strength to cut my way out of this stasis, really.
commanding him to live? sounds like we got a code geass watcher here
Or firepunch..
The teachings of Hadria Seven Cloaks tell us that “the gods died because they could do all things but one, the hardest trial ever faced: the thousand-mile hurdle of the will to keep going.”
Happy hunting everybody!
It’s the beginning of the end… and I feel fine. Fine I say…
Assuming the final conflict even has a physical battle component, now that he’s been commanded to live and to do as he wilt, I sort of want Solomon to come out of nowhere at a dramatic moment and brain Jagganoth with a folding chair.
While Solomon certainly has experience in doing exactly that, I’m not sure Jagganoth is going to fall for the same trick twice!
Thank you for that image.
Thank you for your commitment
Where can I get Allison’s brand of matchsticks? Hell of a trick to light a smoke in a snowstorm.
Kindle the flame of will and none will resist your fire. The royal motion is to light up.
The wisdom of UN-Hansa.
Royalty is an eternal burning motion…
Heh heh, heh heh heh, fire, FIRE!
The days, months, seasons.
King Tut’s Revenge had reasons
when brass turns gold, that’s treason
“Damn Zippos never light.”
I… actually really like this.
It’s sweet, and hard, and like… Saltana Domino is kind of a jackass… but also the symetry compared to him giving his Power to White Chain is good.
It’s a very weird father-daughter vibe, but I kind of like it.
I have greatly enjoyed the progression along the Road.
Not the literal or metaphorical Road as described within these pages.
But the Road to invent even zanier nicknames for Solomon David.
Thank you for your contribution, o multiplicity of gardens.
I’m glad you said there are still a few years left, despite coming up on the “beginning of the end,” since I thought you were expecting to end things much more quickly than that and it feels like there’s still a lot to cover.
I’ll be looking forward to what comes next.
Damn Alison, at least lend a girl a coat if you’re going to invite her out for a smoke in the snow while she’s still naked like a newborn.
Meti was right, being a swordsman really does make you thoughtless.
May the empire prosper with strength, and may the comic bless us with more Cio
Alison dying in the next 32 yrs not because of murder or war but because she gets lung cancer
honestly I could see that happening, she’d probably beat it with magic thing in forehead bullshit though
You’d think that, but none of the Demiurges have innate immortality(besides Mammon I think) – they all have some fuckery going on keeping them alive and occasionally youthful.
Given Allison’s “fuck it I’m dying anyway” approach to all this I consider natural causes entirely viable, honestly.
“Hansa was discontent with this answer and rubbed the stem of his long and worn pipe which he always kept with him and would eventually lead to his annihilation. Since he was royalty, he knew this, and kept it close to him as a reminder of his circular death.”
“Endure pain, find joy, and make your own meaning, because the universe certainly isn’t going to supply it. Always be a moving target. Live. Live. Live.”
Chilled Nukoku anyone?
She lost the strap on her formless black bra this page. Given that Solomon probably didn’t have a sports bra in his cave, is it a shapeshifting censorship bra out of nowhere?
yeah that wasn’t meant to be a reply. i can’t believe i went through three captchas for this
headcanon: that strap broke when her wings came out
There is an older Law than that of the Wheel and Yisun, a more irresistable one. The learned call it the Kuh-mik Kowd.
We all think we look badass until we’re shivering in the cold and someone in mittens and hoody is staring at you like you’re an idiot.
Despite what someone else has said I have a feeling Allison will share her coat, or at least that cigarette, with Nukoku.
Abbadon says we have “a few more years of comic left”???!!! YAY!!! BEST NEWS OF THE DECADE!!!
Who so ever aspires to more than to merely learn, take heed:
I am but a student.
When so ever I’d once deviated from that path, was always foolishness.
Just making the case for it now, in response to Abbadon’s announcement we are entering the endgame.
I will pay SO MUCH MONEY for a hardcover(s) of the whole story once complete. So. Much. Money.
Oh my god, same. So much money. I’d pay extra for special editions with gold-foiled covers or whatever too. *raising my voice a little so that maybe Abbadon overhears*
Seconded. Also all the preliminary sketches and rejected designs for characters that we haven’t yet seen, as an appendix volume. And any stories that didn’t get shown because lack of space.
The only paper edition of KSBD really worth it is the one containing ALL the alt-texts, parables, fables, aphorisms, lore bits and Aesma legends as an appendix, with page references. Which will probably make the appendix longer than the comic itself.
Which is exactly the point.
Yes Grandpa
I’d like the comments, too. They add so much. Not practical I know, but still…
heavy enough 2 kill some1 with! the home intruder when they see me & my 6 inch thick hardcover tome of webcomic religion
I would not quite give my firstborn in exchange for such a tome, but I might offer, say, a kidney.
Hardcover(s) please including the texts! And let the endgame begin! Abbadon you’re a legend.
Holy crap… that is freaking COOL.