And, I dunno, probably something regarding her past self.
My suspicion is that Cio has some history with the Dread Mammon, He of the Vile Hoard.
Perhaps regarding the theft of a Key.
After all, we know that Cio is quite capable: Why was she in durance vile with a creature like Preem Nand? Perhaps because she was stripped of much of her power by an angry Demiurge and sold as a concubine-wife to the vile, but very wealthy slaver, as punishment befitting one as proud as she.
One should never trust a devil’s cooking; firstly, because they are bizarrely fond of capsaicin, salt, pepper, wasabi, bitter herbs and soy sauce all in the same pot, and secondly, because nine times out of ten, the overwhelming flavor of the dish conceals the fact that the devil has forgotten that (at least for those of us possessed of cooler flames) tobacco is not a seasoning, and ninety-eight proof glass-cleaning alcohol is not a marinade.
How dare ye! Tha bobbly-headed heateater!
Of all my many masters, never once have any had anything but praise for my cooking! Even the ones I poisoned! My present master had even cited my culinary skills in his binding of me! Perhaps if tha had a tongue to taste and more than heat in thy skull tha would know!
Devil, I would suggest you still your tongue, but — considering the verdant affection for loathsome sweets and bilious, steaming rum, which, on one memorable occasion, I saw choke a young vatra into unconsciousness with its fumes alone — I doubt you’ve retained enough sensation in it to know whether it was still.
Give the guy a break. It took me several years and a few nights with a party of suicidal iron defilers to get accustomed to the idea of liquid heat glaze on my chocolate muffins. Broader perspective makes for better company, I agree, but substituting basil for tanned stomach skin is something that takes time, you know?
I believe you have not experienced the cooking of our finest Sous-chefs. Asbestos pie with Ghost-pepper ice cream is to burn for, the Rock salt soda refreshing as air, and My personal favorite thing to smoke with such delicacies is a sun-dried nightshade leaf that has had a bottle of Black Mask Whiskey evaporated upon it mixed with a hint of burning hair. All this of course, is to be cooked with only the blackest flame of an unmasked demon, myself excluded.
-from the lips of the Hirophant of Demons whose word is gospel,
Primordial Am-Sxhad Who Breaks Masks And Forged His Own Name
The Red City, when seen on it’s side almost seems to resemble something… Something thin… something enlightening… something vowel-ish… eh, whatever, I’m late for bed.
Were the creditors those who owed the captain money, those to whom the captain owed money, or the insurance agents? Was it good or bad for him when he discovered they’d fled Throne?
Nyave’s compassion may prove a balancing force in days to come. One these travelers desperately need.
Also, the Yamga looks familiar. I think I might have journeyed on it, once. Of course, since I was in a crate at the time, I could be wrong. (Don’t ask.)
Nyave has a conscience and some emotional awareness, all things lacking in in the modern kalpa. Her sensitivity and wisdom are sorely needed amongst this lot. She is even attempting a rudimentary healing.
They will have to deal with that. After all, what are the concerns of mere demons angels and humans to a true king. One who’s will can cut creation. One who could stand in the face of god and strike without thought and hesitation. However they feel about it they are the wind, and she is the mountain. No matter how hard the winds blow, the mountain cannot yield. Zaid IS important. Perhaps, at this point, only second in importance to Al-Yis-Un. Simply because she said so
Of the two demons in that cabin, I’m not quite sure which of the two is more dangerous to AL-YIS-UN. One the one hand Princess Mamoru has a knife and a look on their face that suggests they’re imagining AL-YIS is the carrot. On the other hand, Cio is busy cooking something for her to eat, and frankly the idea of eating what a demon finds edible is not an…enticing prospect to say the least!
Al-yis-un pierced by the vines of the mother queen
Flesh made holy, sanctified by blood and sorrow
Weep, oh holy mother. Weep for the coming war
The king of kings lays waste to stagnation
Oh, for the life of a warlord accountant!
To find, explore
The funds offshore
And skirt the shoals of Bankruptcy!
Yes!! Best reference ever! <3
Not that different from typical warlordry. You just stop calling them retaliatory massacres and start calling them “balancing.”
She knew?
She knew.
I believe her startled countenance may be the result of her past misadventures involving a stolen key of kings.
I wonder what important piece of information Cio neglected to share.
And, I dunno, probably something regarding her past self.
Glad I’m not the only one who so suspects.
My suspicion is that Cio has some history with the Dread Mammon, He of the Vile Hoard.
Perhaps regarding the theft of a Key.
After all, we know that Cio is quite capable: Why was she in durance vile with a creature like Preem Nand? Perhaps because she was stripped of much of her power by an angry Demiurge and sold as a concubine-wife to the vile, but very wealthy slaver, as punishment befitting one as proud as she.
A sad supposition. I find that I hope I am wrong.
I hope you are right, about the first part at least.
I love Princess, so salty and scowly. Also digging Nyave’s look here.
You’d be too.
And so we go.
I really love this name.
One should never trust a devil’s cooking; firstly, because they are bizarrely fond of capsaicin, salt, pepper, wasabi, bitter herbs and soy sauce all in the same pot, and secondly, because nine times out of ten, the overwhelming flavor of the dish conceals the fact that the devil has forgotten that (at least for those of us possessed of cooler flames) tobacco is not a seasoning, and ninety-eight proof glass-cleaning alcohol is not a marinade.
How dare ye! Tha bobbly-headed heateater!
Of all my many masters, never once have any had anything but praise for my cooking! Even the ones I poisoned! My present master had even cited my culinary skills in his binding of me! Perhaps if tha had a tongue to taste and more than heat in thy skull tha would know!
Devil, I would suggest you still your tongue, but — considering the verdant affection for loathsome sweets and bilious, steaming rum, which, on one memorable occasion, I saw choke a young vatra into unconsciousness with its fumes alone — I doubt you’ve retained enough sensation in it to know whether it was still.
Give the guy a break. It took me several years and a few nights with a party of suicidal iron defilers to get accustomed to the idea of liquid heat glaze on my chocolate muffins. Broader perspective makes for better company, I agree, but substituting basil for tanned stomach skin is something that takes time, you know?
Wait, what!? Dammit, now I have to re-evaluate my entire cookbook. I *knew* that red devil’s asking price for it was suspiciously low…
Also there is the fact that they will poison you on purpose.
I believe you have not experienced the cooking of our finest Sous-chefs. Asbestos pie with Ghost-pepper ice cream is to burn for, the Rock salt soda refreshing as air, and My personal favorite thing to smoke with such delicacies is a sun-dried nightshade leaf that has had a bottle of Black Mask Whiskey evaporated upon it mixed with a hint of burning hair. All this of course, is to be cooked with only the blackest flame of an unmasked demon, myself excluded.
-from the lips of the Hirophant of Demons whose word is gospel,
Primordial Am-Sxhad Who Breaks Masks And Forged His Own Name
Oddly enough, barring the tobacco, every other thing listed there is standard in my real world cooking. I call it a stir fry.
I’m pretty sure I could make tobacco work, especially if I pickled it first.
The Red City, when seen on it’s side almost seems to resemble something… Something thin… something enlightening… something vowel-ish… eh, whatever, I’m late for bed.
The Quangle-Wangle’s hat, I`d say.
Albeit somewhat wheel shaped.
The wheel is the tower, the self is the all, the I is nought but a lie.
Were the creditors those who owed the captain money, those to whom the captain owed money, or the insurance agents? Was it good or bad for him when he discovered they’d fled Throne?
Yes to all the above, I suppose.
Nyave’s compassion may prove a balancing force in days to come. One these travelers desperately need.
Also, the Yamga looks familiar. I think I might have journeyed on it, once. Of course, since I was in a crate at the time, I could be wrong. (Don’t ask.)
They’re not going to Mammon’s are they
Dude have you seen the cover
Of course not, as true royalty Alison will go through Mammon.
This one suspects that we shall soon be seeing the beginnings of a prison break!
Looks like getting some stitches to close those open wounds might be advisable.
Nyave has a conscience and some emotional awareness, all things lacking in in the modern kalpa. Her sensitivity and wisdom are sorely needed amongst this lot. She is even attempting a rudimentary healing.
Oh dear. I sense that Cio has visited this place before, when she was more Ebon, and departed one Key heavier.
I wonder if Mammon has noticed yet? Because if he has, he certainly hasn’t forgiven.
I like how these winces don’t go over anyone’s head.
If the captain’s creditor’s fled, does that mean he had more money than expected?
Also, I’m betting Cio has something of a history with Mammon. She did steal someone else’s key at one point. Maybe it was his.
The city is beautiful from here… What happens if someone falls off…
What from external seats maybe sloth
I know in my own case is truly exhaustion.
But that does not mean one should not enjoy the rest.
So about Cio and Mammon.
Either she robbed him, or she fucked him.
Looking at his picture, I’m hoping she stole one of his 111,111,111 keys.
For a devil there is seldom any difference between the two.
I’m not sure if Alison gets that she’s the only one in the room who gives any shits about Zaid.
They will have to deal with that. After all, what are the concerns of mere demons angels and humans to a true king. One who’s will can cut creation. One who could stand in the face of god and strike without thought and hesitation. However they feel about it they are the wind, and she is the mountain. No matter how hard the winds blow, the mountain cannot yield. Zaid IS important. Perhaps, at this point, only second in importance to Al-Yis-Un. Simply because she said so
What is yours is Mammon’s, and what is Mammon’s is Mammon’s.
The face of yon Princess in the second panel seems very similar to my own. Possibly this is because I am up before dawn on this benighted world.
Of the two demons in that cabin, I’m not quite sure which of the two is more dangerous to AL-YIS-UN. One the one hand Princess Mamoru has a knife and a look on their face that suggests they’re imagining AL-YIS is the carrot. On the other hand, Cio is busy cooking something for her to eat, and frankly the idea of eating what a demon finds edible is not an…enticing prospect to say the least!
Al-yis-un pierced by the vines of the mother queen
Flesh made holy, sanctified by blood and sorrow
Weep, oh holy mother. Weep for the coming war
The king of kings lays waste to stagnation
What’s this I see? The sword of the King! I am satisfied.