Seeker of Thrones 6-66
Chapter: 6
“The king Au Vam was known for keeping a peculiar member of his council – a low-born scullion, who would serve tea for his grand war parties. This country maid kept the company of ten of the most powerful generals in the Yellow City, and was privy to their most tenebrous plans, yet was scarcely sixteen summers of age and educated not a whit.
Her purpose was thus: if the grand designs and monolithic schemes of any of these mighty and august men could not pass the base judgement of a girl of sixteen summers, they were immediately discarded.
Thus did Au Vam win nearly all of his battles.”
-Histories of the Yellow City, Vol. 32, paragraph 3 (A.S.C. 189)
To destroy one’s own dreams is the most metal act of all.
I submit that in this world keeping your dreams alive is the ultimate Metal.
Keep the dream alive no matter how long, whatever it takes…
The longer the dream, the more metal it is to destroy it.
To destroy ones own dream by achieving said dream, is the best way to destroy it.
Nothing is more metal than Tea. Oceans of blood have been spilled for tea, more than for gold and silver.
Not to mention carts full of cabbages. Those have been spilled for tea, too.
Actually, most wars over tea were really over the fact that the people with tea monopolies were rapidly collecting the literal global supply of gold and silver.
Before the widespread adoption of paper money, tea monopolies caused a lot of economic recessions.
>> I really should have … line up with something far
>> more metal than an interlude with tea
Clearly you’ve never met my Great Aunt Betty.
Drink, drink!
The path of the righteous has no place for dreams, little girl. That’s why you should go where you please, much like our friend who appreciates noodles.
Ow. Niave, that’s an interesting version of the Art of Cutting.
There’s a little bit of Al-YISUN’s clarivoyance in you, I see. Good, perhaps even the Sucessor will have need of it soon enough.
It is interesting because it is the opposite of cutting. Niave intuitively recognizes that White Chain has tried to cut out the dreams of “her” own childhood. This has obvious left White Chain as a hollow shell (pun intended). The pain comes when previously raw cut-out feelings are re-united to the whole by Niave’s gentle words.
This is a healing in similitude of the Great Healing, the second grand principle of creation. Observe:
The Divine suicide, The First Great Division resulted in the war of YIS and UN, an eternal stagnation. Except, The First Great Healing occurred. YIS and UN reunited, not into YISUN, but in the amorous embrace that birthed the multiplicity. In this fashion, all division is opposed by a healing that brings meaning and the universe does not tear itself apart in an exponentially expanding orgy of cutting.
The multiplicity is young and expanding. Lies abound, Division dominates. But towards the end of all that is and is not, all things will begin to contract. Healing will dominate until the last story is told, infinite meaning created and all are once again YISUN. But this time the holy visage will not be wracked with tears but laughter.
Whether or not the cycle will repeat again after that is, of course, a matter of complete speculation.
Oh, just say you ship these two weirdos. It’s a safe bet that most everyone else does, too.
I avoid relationship by clouding it with philosophy and fancy words?
Hello, 82 White Chain. Still the soul of every party, I see.
Even during Throne’s golden age, angels were notorious for their bluntness and lack of people skills.
I’ve always maintained it’s one of their most admirable features.
Yeah, they’re just a ray of sunshine, aren’t they.
Griffith invents parallels
that give the reader a split
in place but keeps the time intact.
The missive with the Number of the Beast, six of six of six, shows the newest of the Consorts to be a fine student of the Art of Cutting.
Her name may be Niave, but she is not naive.
It takes perception and courage to so flense an Aeon, even with but a word.
discussion of angels losing their faith is befitting the symbolism
It may not be metal as such, but the contrast between the bloodbath in the fortress and the elevator music scene here is just fantastic. 😀
The Evil Overlord List is essential reading for any who aspire to Royalty; Au Vam is wise indeed to have taken it so closely to heart.
Heh, she is right Allison is a fool, but methinks White Chain just envies.
Eh, just add a page of black padding before they get into Yre and renumber the page where Allison bisects the desk shoggoth as 6-66.
A black page filled with speech balloons of humorous bitching and griping as they crawl through the tunnel(s) to Yre. And eyes. Speech balloons and eyes.
Ah, Au Vam was wise to read the Evil Overlord List
Au Vam has learned from venerated list of the truths of the evil overlord. As it is written: “One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.”
His Majesty Au Vam is well advised by the great list of the Evil Overlord, in which is written: “One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.”
Thus the follies of age is tempered with the wisdom of youth.
That kind of fantasies is bitter even when it seems to be sweet.
I see White Chain is still channeling the Pillar Men.
This is the worst date.
At least they are talking.
Au Vam was smart af, we should do this too
I see that King Au Vam has read “The Top 100 Things I’d Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord”. This is how you know he was a wise king indeed.
Fear the shy ones, for they shatter shells of faith.
Ah one of the old supreme ruler guidelines always wonderful to see some of the classics like this one.
Ha. Nice to see Au Vam read the Evil Overlord List.