Seeker of Thrones 6-59
Chapter: 6
The final winner of the devil contest! But not quite the final member our party.
This was inspired by a written entry and a drawn entry together. I really liked the first idea of a devil that had somehow cajoled the beggar dead into working for him, and I really liked the cape of coins/coin eyes in the second design, which both help play very well into what is going to happen next!
I’m glad that Cio is still on the staff. She departed so suddenly that I haven’t even the chance to give her birhtday gift.
For thrones sake people he’s green.
He’s not ebon.
You can tell because his skin isn’t ebon, it’s green. A muted reptilian green. Like ‘Traitor’s Green’ from privateer press.
I never thought I’d say this, but thank Mammon that I’m not at Yre right now. It ought to be a divine shitstorm when the Grand Dragon splatters the so-called “Rising King” across His walls and makes servants of the rest. But I’m sure my pal Coranuld ag Scorpio will be able to tell me all about it at the next meeting.
Cio’s booty is looking DAMN FINE in that tight suit. Unf.
“Look after me hat, will tha” she said.
I never saw her again.
Damn. Cio is going back to her bad habits, and Allison is probably too screwed up by the chunk of Incubus in her head to notice or care.
Deals with devils rarely go well, but deals with Demiurges? The trapdoors may be bottomless.
O gathered blades, O ye who lay damned by all the five rivers.
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