And Felecia walked away with some phat stacks. She’s down one arm, of course, so it evens out. Though depending on the tech level available, she might be able to afford a replacement.
Looks like the gold with come in…HANDY after all! *Double Finger Pistols*
Unfortunate that Felicia won’t be sticking out. Then again, cats have always come and gone as they please. They also tend to know how to save their own hides. Given the adventure to come, not an unwise move.
The sad thing is, they’ve achieved basically nothing at all. They did not find Naid, and the tower would have blown up whether they went there or not. Allison got superpowers, lost them, and is now in the same state she was in after the Mottom debacle.
Ah, alas, the Cat Man lives to see another day, as well as his felid friend! I am glad the Green Devil lives as well, as he was not of harm. Though, the question remains… Where is the most beautiful, the most gorgeous, the strongest of Red Devils? Where is Princess Jack Moonshine? Has she been thrown overboard? She was not injured. I sincerely hope she is simply loitering with White Chain… However, if she does not come back, perhaps I will simply cry and weep and moan for the rest of my days…
Two bodies missing, surely they won’t turn up at the most inconvenient times. Oh who am I kidding, missing bodies never have the courtesy to wait for convenient times to show up.
The shepherds continue to draw breath. We have observed this and are pleased. Wise would they be to return to their flocks in peace – though certainly such peace is relative.
It would be best for all involved if they were to never again cross paths, but as the order of the universe unravels, such predictions become moot. Regardless, We remain committed to observing what may come.
Kitteh Lives!
At this point im pretty sure of these two things.
Kitteh is fan service
And Kitteh is much more than he/she/it/they/them looks
I believe I speak for many here when I say: Cat!
Yes, Cat
Across the unbridgeable gap of time, Icy Glaive, I say: Cat!
So relieved that all three of our cats survived
Kitty has been reunited with it’s caretaker, and all is right with the world.
Oh, and Charon’s OK, I suppose that’s good too.
And Felecia walked away with some phat stacks. She’s down one arm, of course, so it evens out. Though depending on the tech level available, she might be able to afford a replacement.
Looks like the gold with come in…HANDY after all! *Double Finger Pistols*
Yay! Cat demon and skeleton money deathclaw made it!
Was hoping Felicia would stick around though. Ah well.
Hell yeah, Felicia is alive and kinda well, so is the cat demon. This heist was so good
Well, I for one am happy that Cat-boi and Snake-man are a nice unit.
The strongest and the weakest survived. Nobody is surprised.
Wakened cadavers at night
haven’t slept ‘cos things are shite
or they’re on an early flight
Unfortunate that Felicia won’t be sticking out. Then again, cats have always come and gone as they please. They also tend to know how to save their own hides. Given the adventure to come, not an unwise move.
Tag yourself I’m the blue bird just sort of chilling
Can somebody pick up that phone? Cause I fucking called it Catmaster and Charon weren’t dead :V
Ah, I see you are also a person of culture, judging from that choice pun. Nice.
The sad thing is, they’ve achieved basically nothing at all. They did not find Naid, and the tower would have blown up whether they went there or not. Allison got superpowers, lost them, and is now in the same state she was in after the Mottom debacle.
The scales have not yet fallen from your eyes. The Journey is more important than the Destination.
This Journey was most fruitful.
Yes all the cats lived im happy
Ah, alas, the Cat Man lives to see another day, as well as his felid friend! I am glad the Green Devil lives as well, as he was not of harm. Though, the question remains… Where is the most beautiful, the most gorgeous, the strongest of Red Devils? Where is Princess Jack Moonshine? Has she been thrown overboard? She was not injured. I sincerely hope she is simply loitering with White Chain… However, if she does not come back, perhaps I will simply cry and weep and moan for the rest of my days…
Two bodies missing, surely they won’t turn up at the most inconvenient times. Oh who am I kidding, missing bodies never have the courtesy to wait for convenient times to show up.
quality commentâ„¢
The shepherds continue to draw breath. We have observed this and are pleased. Wise would they be to return to their flocks in peace – though certainly such peace is relative.
It would be best for all involved if they were to never again cross paths, but as the order of the universe unravels, such predictions become moot. Regardless, We remain committed to observing what may come.
Ciocie should’ve read Homestuck. She would’ve known that it’s important to never turn your back to a corpse.
As an aside, I think Aradia Megido would love it in this comic. Every day is a Corpse Party, with Allison’s crew.
Delightful. Should be wary if encountered again, but their need for revenge should prioritize Oscar long before Allison.
Master o’ cats, master o’ lives,
Master o’ landing on 4 feet survives.
They went missing you say? Is there any way you can find them? Is there any way you can find me?
Cats always land on their feet
Joke’s on Felicia; what with the ensuing inflation, she might as well be hauling a cartful of bolivares.
But they are HER bolivares. They have sentimental value.
thank you for letting the cat have his dad back.
Felicia: You fed me to a door, and I still came back to save your asses.
You owe me at least this much.
To be fair, it was Oscar who did the feeding, unilaterally. And Felecia already paid him back with a bullet.