Seeker of Thrones 1-7
Chapter: 1
“It is unfortunate that the only near-complete and exquisitely detailed chronicle of the Rising King was so elaborately embellished [21].
[21] I use the word embellished here with both a great deal of care and an extreme and calculated distaste.”
Pangoxes, Meta-historian of the Retroactive Record Monks, Circa 35 Third Conquest
Really now Miss Cio? That is what you have chosen to fill a servant’s head with?
Such cruelty. I’m impressed.
The is of course the terrifying possibility that servant enjoys the trashy and vulgar tales of glistening orbs and hefting busoms it has been filled with.
While there are many noteworthy exceptions, Servants are not, on the whole, a terribly ambitious people.
So long as they feel they are valued for their abilities, and that they are being properly cared for, rioting can be quite rare.
I believe Cio may have misheard Al-YIS-UN’s title as “Kiss Six Billion Demons”.
That or the prophet’s interpreter is even worse than we thought.
Truly, perhaps it is not the purpose of the bard to share the truth, but to share the truth of the situation!! TRUTH OF THE HEART, THAT IS TRUE HISTORYYY BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA
Therefore bridle thy fanfique sternlie
Lest it become PROPHECIE
& squick the Universe Right Uppe
The fucking anime eyes, oh my god…
So much yes.
I don’t know what I expected, but this is much better.
bad decisions
they happen
poor cio
That’s mad gay yo.
Thumbs up!
I am positively twitching in anticipation of of clarification of some extant plot exposition.
Can’t wait till Allison cuckolds the giant cat demon, seems Cio can’t wait either.
This is not how I expected any part of this page to go.
Future historiography will involve disentangling what is real from what the writer was merely shipping at the time.
Have you read what some of these First Crusade Era princesses wrote about Tancred?
Apparently, the dude was ripped, and his beard could evaporate a lady’s underclothes with it’s mere presence.
I know, right? The First Crusade was terrible and amazing and I love it.
Now that you mention the Crusades, we may need to take a second look at Saladin. All of that “worthy opponent” business might actually mean something else.
The Historians’ Guild appreciates the respect, Preem Krieg, but in that awkward way that you appreciate someone complimenting you on something you have never done and also will never do. It is a poor historian who does not fall in desperate, unrequited love with their subject.
Always embarrassing when the love turns out to be requited, though. The Grand Enemy is ever the worst authority on itself, and offering it editorial control tends to make the story embarrasing garbage.
Kill Six Billion Demons is my favorite yuri dating sim.
Well…. I was not expecting that teir of fanfic
Huh… Did not see that ‘husband’ bit coming.
I suddenly want to see a page or 2 done in Cio’s book perspective. The tail flickering is adorable, Allison’s slightly amused expression is great too
Pangoxes is one of /those/ historian monks who completely disregard historical webcomics. He’s probably more upset about the illustrations in the book than the actual embellishments. >_<
AL-YIS-UN is not happy.
Such is the nature of all Chroniclers. Unlike the Historian, who is interested in being as accurate as possible to their knowledge, the Chronicler will not just describe what happened, but what they think SHOULD have happened.
I’m not sure why you’re saying that, but YISUN VULT!
Let’s take Throne back!
Let’s drive those Devils to the edge of the Void!
They really should arrange a watch. They’ll get jumped by sky-pirates, all this time they’re spending lollygagging in the bowels of the ship. Have they even furled the sails, or is the ship going to keep going until it collides with something, like another ship, or a flock of demons, or the edge of the sky?
Defeated; fallen on her own pen.
This is adoreable! Now I want to be her assistant even more!
That’s about right…
Cio the weeaboo
Another, a pioneer I’d say
would spank you across the desk, before a crowd.
But that’s a Moot point.
that didn’t rhyme.
Oh Cio, never write Friend-fiction. You will always regret it.