“Trust me,” said a devil. –Will the lady paladin make her will-save? (Did she take an archetype that forfeited Divine Grace? …toss that d20, dumpling….)
There was an awkward panel where they got stuck, and then fell off, and then Alison had to put them back on, but it ruined the dramatic flow so the author didn’t show it. At least that’s how I always interpret things like that.
You haven’t figured out that everything’s a lie yet? This is only the question of which lie is conveniently the truth at that time, the glasses or the horns on the mask.
It’s like one of those computer case covers—the chin pops out and then the face (and horns) slide down. They just skipped the frame where she had her face down by her chest. 🙂
That’s my interpretation, too, but the necklace seems like it’s kind of getting in the way. What’s it doing?? Is it part of the mask somehow?? It has an eye??
Actually it would be cool if the glasses shattered, given that Cio’s glasses shatter a lot. Maybe Abaddon could keep that in mind while editing. I was doing a full readthrough some days ago and noticed he’s fixed many of the problems in the old pages, such as the assymetrical lift Swoledave did of that block of stone.
I think it’s also a reference to Berserk, with the eye pendant that Griffith carried around which ends up being significant. I forget what it was called.
edit: Actually, it was seen the first time we saw Cio, back in book 1, part 3-40, though she doesn’t always wear it. I’d post a link but this comment system likes to eat posts with links in them.
(Hail, El-Ahrairah! May silflay be yours with little struggle.)
The mask was light as lover’s touch, and drew forth breathy cries
Its straps were tight as true love’s chains, and then there were the eyes:
You cannot quite see through them, though they both are open wide
For the world about sings plaintive sounds about the world inside
Wear the mask! It’s secrets carry strange and potent gifts
Feel the mask! Its power thrills as your heart behind it shifts
Accept the mask! Rebuild the reservoir you thought was drained
Become the mask! Conjoined your strength will soon be unconstrained
“We” are the corset bursting,
Eight armed, Four faced, Four legged
Fire-spitting Fusion, Ali-Choath.
Taste our Eight Flaming Palms.
See your entrails go flying from the caress of our
Delight in our “Flailing Foot Flashes Through Fortresses” Scissor Kicks.
Reel backward through Upteen Dimensions when We Smite Thee with
“Rock Noggin meets your Soggy Cranium and You Achieve Orbit Strike.”
Chortle with Mirth as we banter,
Cower in Wonder at the Frightful Unleashed Potential before You.
Sweat with Fear as we paint the arena in Black Flames.
Breaks ? Oh Brakes !
No, there are no brakes on this Hellion !
Beware, beware, and beware !
Allison, “Will I get to know you better ?”
Cio, “Oh Tha Shall INDEED !”
If you prepare the two beforehand, perhaps? There are no (surviving) records of such, but… White Chain’s Flame has grown darker lately, and they seek CHANGE, of all things. Cio, a Dark Flame, seeks stability.
The times, they are a-changin’.
Do you think that perhaps all three – human, devil and angel – will fuse into one being before the end of our tale? Is Al-Yis-Un’s destiny to become a little Yis-Un by incorporating a piece of every flame into one person?
I believe we have some examples in the guardians/jailers of Himself. Though I hesitate to revisit the depravity of the pit, the knowledge there contained may be relevant.
At this rate, I won’t just be fabulously wealthy, I’ll be even wealthier than I was as a regional manager at the Bank of the Grand Dragon, and back then my estate encompassed galaxies!
When this game is done and I take home my prize money, I’ll fill my veins with PLATINUM blood, and turn an entire planet into a rotating palace! And then my authority will be so great that my command of the Pimp Hand will be godlike!
“Trust me,” said a devil. –Will the lady paladin make her will-save? (Did she take an archetype that forfeited Divine Grace? …toss that d20, dumpling….)
And…… it’s a 0. You fail so hard you broke the laws of physics.
It’s the quick way to shift multiple alignment steps.
Divine grace is worth less than dirt for things may grow in dirt. The possibilities have narrowed down to one option. CUT
I’ll take “statements loaded with innnuendo” for 400 Alex.
Hot Black Flame singles in your area!
There’ll probably be a scene transition in the next update, so that we don’t get to see Cio riding Allison’s face.
Oh heck no, I wanna see Allison transforming into Sailor Devil :p
Yeah, that’d move the whole work into another genre…
…How did the horns get through the glasses?
Magic. She’s a devil wizard who does magic. She has magic glasses that magicked themselves through her magic horns.
There was an awkward panel where they got stuck, and then fell off, and then Alison had to put them back on, but it ruined the dramatic flow so the author didn’t show it. At least that’s how I always interpret things like that.
This explanation is best explanation.
Ahh so this is what English teachers meant when they said read between the lines
You haven’t figured out that everything’s a lie yet? This is only the question of which lie is conveniently the truth at that time, the glasses or the horns on the mask.
It’s like one of those computer case covers—the chin pops out and then the face (and horns) slide down. They just skipped the frame where she had her face down by her chest. 🙂
That’s my interpretation, too, but the necklace seems like it’s kind of getting in the way. What’s it doing?? Is it part of the mask somehow?? It has an eye??
Clearly they’re the kind of glasses with a magnetic nose strip, so they can pop apart and go back together.
She slipped it over then took off the mask.
Actually it would be cool if the glasses shattered, given that Cio’s glasses shatter a lot. Maybe Abaddon could keep that in mind while editing. I was doing a full readthrough some days ago and noticed he’s fixed many of the problems in the old pages, such as the assymetrical lift Swoledave did of that block of stone.
mmmmmmmmm I’m a little worried about this what with the accent coming back…….
She tends to do that when stressed, and this is a pretty dang stressful situation.
Just like any other girlfriend; So concerned about how she doesn’t have her face on…
wait.. WHAT?!
The Rite of the Murdered Heir, Preem Threadbreaker.
I say don’t you know. You say you don’t know. I say: put me on.
Bravo, mad sir, bravo!
I think Yabalchoath is starting to show up a little, though that eye style is different from Yabalchoath I think.
Also, third eye or something in that crystal that is shattering on the final panel.
Her pendant swung up and smashed into the forehead of the mask.
I’m not sure if the mask or the pendant or both broke. What is that thing made of, Ovis’ glass?
Whatever that hole is in, the eye looking out belongs to the Pure Hot Black Flame.
Looks to me like it’s something coming from within the gem, which appears to have been hollow.
Nah, Unfie’s got it, I think. As you remove a demon mask, the host shape begins to unmake itself, and the truth of Chaos beneath slithers through.
… Eyes Do Not Belong Here is a Chaos mainstay sign, after all.
I think it’s also a reference to Berserk, with the eye pendant that Griffith carried around which ends up being significant. I forget what it was called.
I think this is the first time we’ve seen her with that pendant though…. not sure.
edit: Actually, it was seen the first time we saw Cio, back in book 1, part 3-40, though she doesn’t always wear it. I’d post a link but this comment system likes to eat posts with links in them.
“Come into my parlor” said the Spider to the Fly. “Wear my mask” said the Demon, her voice so sweet and sly.
(Hail, El-Ahrairah! May silflay be yours with little struggle.)
The mask was light as lover’s touch, and drew forth breathy cries
Its straps were tight as true love’s chains, and then there were the eyes:
You cannot quite see through them, though they both are open wide
For the world about sings plaintive sounds about the world inside
Wear the mask! It’s secrets carry strange and potent gifts
Feel the mask! Its power thrills as your heart behind it shifts
Accept the mask! Rebuild the reservoir you thought was drained
Become the mask! Conjoined your strength will soon be unconstrained
Good fortune and fortification to thy will.
underrated comment
That’d work better if Cio was red, but if she were, she wouldn’t be Cio.
Still good.
“We” are the corset bursting,
Eight armed, Four faced, Four legged
Fire-spitting Fusion, Ali-Choath.
Taste our Eight Flaming Palms.
See your entrails go flying from the caress of our
Delight in our “Flailing Foot Flashes Through Fortresses” Scissor Kicks.
Reel backward through Upteen Dimensions when We Smite Thee with
“Rock Noggin meets your Soggy Cranium and You Achieve Orbit Strike.”
Chortle with Mirth as we banter,
Cower in Wonder at the Frightful Unleashed Potential before You.
Sweat with Fear as we paint the arena in Black Flames.
Breaks ? Oh Brakes !
No, there are no brakes on this Hellion !
Beware, beware, and beware !
Allison, “Will I get to know you better ?”
Cio, “Oh Tha Shall INDEED !”
Reach heaven through violence is VERY Gurren Lagann, I aproove.
Alloys are often stronger than pure elements. Combine the One Power with the heat of the pit and something wonderful and terrible may rise.
Forgive me for any potential sacrilege, Oh Azrael, but this raises an important. question. Can the white flame combine in any similar manner?
Can the Aeons and Servants combine?
It has not been done in all the ages. Cold flame and Hot flame together; unstable at best.
If you prepare the two beforehand, perhaps? There are no (surviving) records of such, but… White Chain’s Flame has grown darker lately, and they seek CHANGE, of all things. Cio, a Dark Flame, seeks stability.
The times, they are a-changin’.
I assume it would be rather like mixing matter and antimatter. An act of simultaneous annihilation and creation. Probably very mystical.
And explosive.
With Allison in the middle. Flanked by the white and black flame.
The threesome to end the wheel!
Do you think that perhaps all three – human, devil and angel – will fuse into one being before the end of our tale? Is Al-Yis-Un’s destiny to become a little Yis-Un by incorporating a piece of every flame into one person?
Allison is dilithium? 😛
…and Alison wonders how she should ask Cio whether she needs to turn the mask around first…
ah shiet.
Well, considering that we have established Alison’s *checks notes* ‘insatiable lust for devil flesh’, this should be a breeze!
This is not usually consensual for which party?
The mortal. It’s… quite unpleasant. I would not recommend it for most, but there can be advantages.
I believe we have some examples in the guardians/jailers of Himself. Though I hesitate to revisit the depravity of the pit, the knowledge there contained may be relevant.
– Link, Majora’s Mask
Cio, is the really the time to be trying to get Alison inside you?
Or, rather, to try and get onto Allison xD
A devil’s mask contains the whole of their identity, and so to put it on another is to give all they are to that entity, for good or ill.
Yes. It would be really sweet if it wasn’t so scary.
But really, isn’t that true of all love?
Yabalchoath’s eyes stare from the mask, as the crystal smashes on her forehead.
And Cio’s erstwhile body chips and drips and evaporates away.
This ties back to something we saw near the beginning of this story.
Are you thinking of Preem Nand, the sphinx, or his weird servants that possess those faceless women?
Well, this is sure exciting.
At this rate, I won’t just be fabulously wealthy, I’ll be even wealthier than I was as a regional manager at the Bank of the Grand Dragon, and back then my estate encompassed galaxies!
When this game is done and I take home my prize money, I’ll fill my veins with PLATINUM blood, and turn an entire planet into a rotating palace! And then my authority will be so great that my command of the Pimp Hand will be godlike!
Holy shit
That last panel is so boss!
Also, soooo intrigued/excited for thiiiiisssss
Detailed. Personal. More. Personifying. Daring. Trusting. Giving. Taking.
Dangerous? Frightening? Attractive? Intimate?
Woman, Devil, Lover, Fighter, Woman, Adventurer, Protagonist.
The serial one word poet.
I burn, I dance, I sleep
The one who awakens at dawn,
is it still the same me?
I know that you were hoping
for the Cage to be opened
The fever is t’revolten
i would like to take this post… down
wearing your girlfriend* as a facial accessory
*to brutally crush one’s enemies, no less
Truly, the best of times