Chapter: 1
“There is only one step on the path to royalty. It is the idiot’s step, and it stretches to the horizon.”
-Ya’at death poem
“There is only one step on the path to royalty. It is the idiot’s step, and it stretches to the horizon.”
-Ya’at death poem
YOOO Allison has a fully fledged halo
You know, it is somewhat surprising: Allison has the Key of Kings, and besides, a human-demon fusion that is supposed to turn one imba strong. And yet.
The power scales of this comic require units such as the Goku. I can imagine the kiloGoku (k孫, or scouter’s ninth in imperial units) is going to be mentioned at one point.
Or the teraGoku.
Or the petaGoku, also known in scientific jargon as “a bad mistake.”
amusing concept, but not really? lets be honest dragon ball is long past the point where goku could blip most if not all of what scale is readily apparent in the far less defined world of k6bd, and even then goku is perhaps not the best choice of unit, on account of his level of power both varying wildly over the course of the works and continuing to grow as more is written.
might i suggest an alternative more final/stagnant shounen mc? perhaps you could measure it in pre Sea-Of-Despair Simons?
I think we underestimate the power levels of DBZ in this case. Saiyan Saga Vegeta could blow the earth up with a well placed gallick gun. Add in the exponential increases of not only Z (Super Buu effortlessly genocided the entirety of earth’s humans when he got impatient with a well aimed energy wave) but also Super, and I think Goku could give at least Salami a run for his money. However your point stands about growth, DBZ/S’s problem has always been being unable to properly scale things for the sake of spectacle(hence literally the first major arc having planet busters). I’d posit that FMA has a pretty empirical system that could scale. How many city scale philosophers stones does it take to become Jaggy? Maybe Truth would be a better scale for the breadth of magic?
Goku would be easy pickings for any mage, though. Illusions, poison, time suspension field…
And he could never move a star, so David is still stronger.
By the way, my favorite superpower based manga is Alive! The final evolution. Though Worm made a science of sorting powers… Time freeze a spiderweb in mid air in front of Goku’s door and see if that doesn’t do him in.
Man, the insanely clever tricks that Taylor could pull with such a seemingly innocuous power as controlling bugs. The time frozen spider web was absolutely inspired.
I dont know in the dragon ball universe seer powerlevel prevents hax ilusions and the likes
Salami Dave put up some magical lightbulbs in the sky; frankly most star-fuckery feats in ksbd are more magical than physical.
Y’all really should stop wanking ksbd and downplaying dbz.
Perhaps Flamefist Ace would be an ideal meter, being both reasonably well documented and no longer growing in power (R.I.P.). My only concern would be in having to use too large multiples of said character when measuring someone such as Salami Dave or the above Goku.
She still needs to develop her own front symbol, but very nice
Or perhaps White Chain’s fills that in when she joins the party.
Allison Ruth
Barista and a sorority sister in Omega Kappa Phi.
Bearer of the word “Fuck” and Queen Bitch of the entire seven-part world.
«Bearer of the word “Fuck” »
So far just the word, as she is still a virgin (unless they used strapons).
From what distant world hails Pree Blissex that this one defines sexual achievement by penetration?
Presumably the same one in which getting head isn’t the same thing as having sex. The fact that “oral sex” can still be a different kind of sex than intercourse, and virginity used to mean “not having had intercourse” leads to such verbal and pedantic confusion as the one present here.
I would never seek to define how sex works for others, they can do what they like, but the fact remains that the concept of fellatio is still different from that of intercourse, and gives rise to this very discrepancy.
When you have two specific concepts and then include them in a broader concept, you end up with two things equal to the same third thing, but not equal to each other, because language doesn’t usually function like math.
I got whiplash from this sagely, well-articulated discussion on the topic of fucks.
Well they were my last, i hope everyone enjoyed them, the field where i grow them is barren this year, I’ll grow some more next year.
There’s even more division than just fellatio and intercourse. There’s people who consider anal intercourse as not compromising one’s virginity.
If you must be so obtuse about how virginity works (and honestly, the concept should be done away with altogether in my humble opinion), let me offer you a theory that might ease your troubled mind.
Cio used her tail.
Alternatively, Cio used her penis, because we do not know if she has one or not, and it would be certainly be within the realms of possibility for her to, ahem…appearing such an appendage.
I recommend doing some actual education when it comes to fornication, your worldview is sadly lacking and that is a tragedy easily rectified. Good luck on your journey to enlightenment, Pree(m) Blissex.
Some teach to educate, others do so to brag about how much they know.
Only one can be called a teacher, however, since the other doesn’t actually care if or try to make it so that others can learn.
I wasn’t even aware they had sex, guess i missed that page
Honestly I’m in the camp that is unaware of her having had sex, so the description of that sex is not at question here, instead the existence of it.
While I admire the brash spirit with which you cut into your favored enemy, the perceived ignoramus, never ascribe to malice what can instead be ascribed to stupidity.
Just like i don’t assume that you knew they meant something different and purposefully chose the worse interpretation of their words just to suit yourself, i won’t assume the question of quality when the real question here is quantity.
If they’ve had sex, good for them, that’s just news to me.
That they’ve given themselves to each other is of consequence, but pages of intricate detail and trumpets there were not. Even so, king-of-swords-4-38 / 39 is the most obvious instance.
Let us be kind (even on the internet!) the comment Blissex made did not reflect any deep thinking on the subject, but did not seem malicious. These responses may provoke some thought on his/her/their part regarding what ‘virginity’ is or means which is a good thing.
Virginity, like all else, is a lie.
When one acts as if knowledgeable on a subject, the lack of knowledge is clear.
Y’know its funny, Cio got to where she is because of her greed in stealing a fragment of the Key of Kings but she ended up getting a far stronger key through her heartfelt relationship with Allison.
So the real Key of Kings was the friends she made along the way is what I’m hearin’.
A satanic Sailor Moon.
Sailor moon IS Satanic! It promotes incest, don’t you know.
I jest, devil worship is Lucifarian. Satanists are atheists.
They never do resolve sailor moon’s daughter having a huge crush on her dad. And those cousins were dating!
That makes waaay more sense than it should. I hate in equal measure the fact that I did not realise it and that you made me realise it, cause I don’t have time to rewatch the show, but you left me no choice?
Getintherobot on YouTube broke it down for me. I never watched a full season. :-p
Hark the Flames of Black Yis join once more into a Conflagration
Wonderful the synergy between the flames of Allison and Cio. But what of the cold white flame of Un? One could see it joining the conflagration when there was just a stone shell to cast off, but now there would be the human White Chain vessel to consider, or merge in somehow, so soon after having been created too. And whilst the devilskin we have seen before, to ‘keep moving forward’ would seem to require that extra element.
If White Chain is kinda human now she could put on Cio for some angel-devil fusion action, but relationship-wise it probably wouldn’t fly with any party involved.
A hot black flame feeding directly from a frigid white flame…
I’m assuming the most obvious direct reaction would be a very large, very powerful explosion.
I’ve heard those are called mostly peaceful protests.
Couldn’t resist.
Better than producing a damp gray squib.
I myself am waiting for a threesome.
The comic was good.
I love to read.
That’s a interesting comic.
Royalty is a continuous cutting motion and babe, we’re a pair of scissors.
So, get to scissoring!
*is splashed with rotten tomatoes
A pair of scissors against the silky smooth gift-wrapping paper of reality!
*just that one office meme of holding up a sign that says “Hot*
… *groooooaaaan* okay, okay, it’s not that bad a pun that I need to call the pun police on you. I guess we’re cutting that really thin gift-wrapping paper…
That Fire! That Hot, Killing Light! Opalescent, Heavenly, Blooming, Silver Edge!
Let it come, carried in the eye of the Starlit King!
Get in loser, we’re going deiciding.
Always be’sing and do’sing, never cheesing or choosing
No worries, there’s going to be some cheesing in the next few pages.
bigger than before
Yesterday’s gone
Scale is just a cheap tactic to make weak art stronger
I’m so confused as to why you would say something like that. It boggles the mind.
First off, they’re not any bigger than last time, we just have a different perspective.
If we take your comment as true.. a difference in perspective can sometimes be used to hide certain shortcuts in drawing, but I don’t think anyone could ever make the assertion (in good faith) that the art here is “weak” or “shoddy”
I won’t even call it lacking in detail, it’s style is what it is, if it were something else it wouldn’t be this style.
If you personally dislike the art, that’s on you, go behold some beauty elsewhere, but you don’t say any of that, you just condense a very thick concept into a one liner say it out into the ether, and honestly I’m flabbergasted.
I’m a chris ray gun gif, with a pained expression, a fade in WHAT, and a windows noise.
It was a joke. A reference to a line said by a character in reference to fusion in Steven Universe.
Oh, applying that comment to SU makes it make perfect sense, and i agree with it completely.
Reminds me of the fat space wonder woman. Drawn by children almost.
Pacify thine tits, knave.
Let’s get it ooooonnn!
All I wanna do
is see you turn into
a giant woman
All I want to be
is someone who can see
Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make good character designs cooler!
You’re just mad ‘cuz you’re single.
Abaddon read this comment and started counting to ten, cause 34, baby, what you just said is not fair. (👈 Read alt text.)
As the great Logarius once said, “Acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good.”
There are no endings, just points where the storyteller stops talking.
So… the thing that couldn’t touch Solomon is going to matter HOW against Jaganoth?
They don’t think it will do matter.
They don’t have a choice.
Break your hands against the face of God.
Break your feet against the face of God.
Break your skull against the face of God.
Break the face of God. It only takes trying.
In breaking all of yourself against the unbreakable you will abolish the great enemy called I.
Did you know that penecillin kills guinea pigs? Something that is harmless to one creature may be the doom of another.
He’s INVINCIBLE. That is his THING. God this fight has been a disappointment; just let Solomon get killed already.
Being unwoundable doesn’t mean undefeatable.
Yeah they are going to go full Freud on him and talk him outta genocide.
Clearly they want to send him somewhere outside of the Wheel where division/teleportation isn”t a free “get out of jail” card.
It will obviously fail, because story demands it, but at least it’s less ridiculous than invoking the power of friendship.
Jagganoth seeks more than genocide, he is pursuing UNIVERSIDE!
I believe the term is omnicide.
Yup, Vaum’s got it right. Booze?
To quote YISUN -“A conquering king must splay the guts of his enemy with no weapon but his heartstrings. His lips must spit sweet music that pulverizes his enemies, and his eyes must tell a brain-cleaving tale of loveliness. He must quench the sword of his tongue in the love of his enemies.” This is how the Red God must be defeated.
I mean, abby straight up said YISUN couldn’t kill Jaggy if he wanted to.
Then perhaps he could do so without even trying.
Someone understands Royalty!
The main theories on what to do with Jagger seem to be:
1. push him off the edge of the wheel
2. eternal imprisonment
3. talk him out of it
Did I miss anything?
How about:
4. Rip all the angel nails out of him when he isn’t looking.
I thought of including that because someone suggested it a while back, but it’s too easy. Certainly Yisun could do that if it was at all possible, and Abbadon nixed that idea. Fortunately I came up with another approach:
4. withering sarcasm
Bludgeon him with cold stares
5. Let him put his case and see if his aim is actually righteous. (It may not be omnicide any more.)
That could be, but when Allison did not get what he was saying about Metatron, he just went all NARY A MOTE OF UNDERSTANDING. I mean, talk about pedantry, am I rite?
Well, he *is* tied down at the moment. Maybe a billion-cubit spear?
Use bgute fowce. If it doesn’t wogk, you’g not gusing enough of it.
“A great fool I know well believes that in the face of unstoppable evil, action is better than nothing at all, even if it seems hopeless.”
This fool is observant. To break the cycle is a fool’s errand, and the greatest challenge of existence. Yea it is their only charge, handed not down by authority, but branded on their soul the day they accept foolishness into their heart. Be grateful of the fools: they break the cycle so we may begin the great outward spiral.
The answer must be in the attempt.
We’ll see what kind of Deus Ex Machina they will pull.
Kind of expecting dea ex vitro first. The solution to Jagganoth may need perfect and arcane knowledge.
Maybe White Chain will fuse with them? Triple fusion?
it wasn’t that she couldn’t touch solomon, she had given forfitted the contest wi white chain. she was also battered from her fight with White Chain and the other contestants. Allison theoretically has access to the greatest power in the universe of she can actually harness it, and I think possession helps her get a bit closer.
More importantly, it’s in addition to six of the seven other most powerful being in the universe, so all together they should be able to do . . . something, hopefully. If they can coordinate . . . maybe . . .
We’ve seen the two-banger before, is it time for the three-banger?
Has anyone ever done a three banger? Is it possible? Although I suppose if nobody has ever done it, then nobody would know if it was possible, and it wouldn’t be proof it was impossible.
The two banger was a bit lacking in impact though, so a three banger would be good if White Chain can be talked into it. Reminds me of the old nickname we had for Kawasaki 750’s many years ago: Triple Death.
As far as we know, nobody has EVER been the kind of being White Chain seems to be. Who knows how the white and black flames might interact in such a union.
I do hope it is at least attempted.
it would also mean Abbadon doesn’t have to draw Allicio over and over – he gets to draw White Allichaincio and he better makes her easy on the artist’s hand.
*me looking over at my four banger*
I better not tell anyone about the advancements in calculator science then.
Well, now I’m hoping for a Cio/Allison/White Chain combo again. Allicio-in-Chains. I thought those hopes were dead.
That threesome of awesomness should happen after victory is secured as epilogue chapter, after all we saw Allison will need a hand.
If I could would you?
Abaddon, let us settle on a safe word, please.
White Chain looks very unhappy with the return of Allicio. A lecture about repeating past mistakes cannot be far behind.
I wonder what she will suggest instead? It was her idea to stick around in the first place…
This certainly seems futile, so I hope she’s got something good.
I’m guessing that she’s more unhappy with the situation in general than she is at Alicio’s response to it. Having to participate in the futile fight of 6 minor demiurges against a literally invincible demiurge is Not Fun Times all around, no matter how determined you might feel about it.
Here’s a thought: Alicio still has a blue mask. What would be the effect of Cio “doing a Princess” and upgrading herself a notch or two?
Abs for days, clearly.
And goodbye to her old wardrobe, which I have always enjoyed.
So many abs. Just a real long gal.
Alicio has a blue mask with red lines. On ejection from Alicio first time round (KOS-9-120), Cio’s mask kept those lines for just two panels and then they disappeared. Perhaps she was changed a little by the experience?
But her body is black, and her spiderish extra arms look like those of Cio when she was black, before her downsizing.
Not really important when you are a devil, since her true self is the lie of the mask. Her body is just a formless howling mass of black flame the mask lies into a Cio shape.
So what would the mask do on an angel?
You paid your dues with banisters and teacups. Who would a thought? Not bad for a fool. Not bad at all.
Dressed to kill…
I have returned
We ride again, brother.
White chain looks so annoyed in the last panel, like “ugh, not this again”
White Chain: Yo I’m real happy for you girls, but can I please go find some pants first?
Two flames combined inevitably burn hotter, but often briefer.
Or so I was told once, by a wandering ashen knight.
Opal Queen, Take Thy Steps With Courage! Honour Upon Thee!
Magical girl transformation theme plays.
I’m still curious as to where the rest of the outfit comes from. Allison wearing Cio like an Edgar suit, I get, but the jewelry? It’s so elaborate that it feels like it has some significance, but I’m not sure what it could be.
In the first fusion, I think the green and gold accessories came from Cio’s pendant. Dunno where they got them this time. And we don’t know if the pendant has particular significance. It could be an expressed part of her being.
When they separated at the final match with White Chain, Cio was naked. She then summoned clothes out of thin air when announcing she was going home. So, it is irrelevant where some piece of jewelry comes from.
Think about the ranks of devils. In order from least to greatest you have Pale/Palid, Blue, Red, Green/Verdant, Gold and Ebony.
The white in Allicio’s color scheme is most likely from Alison’s hair/key, but all the rest are from the various ranks of devil.
The two large beads on her head are Sailor Moon references…Allison was a big fan. I expect the rest of it is also references to various things.
If I recall, didn’t Allison minor in world religions or something? Or did I somehow make that up? The hairstyle and (prayer?) beads seem references to various Asian cultures and religions.
abbadon really said Im Gonna Give The Gays Everything They Want
I’m not even gay, and I’m still getting everything I want (and some I didn’t know I wanted)