From what I remember from my birth father it’s a “Broken Arrow/Danger Close” granted that info is decades out of date by now and my memory isn’t great so… *shrug*
I used to really like that comic until they switched from Paranatural to ‘kids in school waging petty war against other extracurricular activities’. Did it ever get good again?
I’m afraid it never got less than excellent for me, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I believe you will find it more interesting than that. Take into consideration that the author’s wrist is not what it used to be and they have had to cancel a page every other week… it’s a slow burner.
In the history of conflict, there have been a few occasions where someone performed a heroic act that defeated a superior enemy, by calling down fire (artillery or otherwise) on their own position.
For those keeping score. Of the six demiurges, one decided to face tank a sword, two were blocked by their teammates, one has decided to launch an aoe attack that will hit everything but the target. Hope fully the last two can mount some sort of coordinated attack. Raise your hands for! …. Gog-Agog and Jadis…
Oh I know!
Our plucky demiurges will get their collective backsides handed to them, but then Gog-Agog will show them the Magic of Friendship, by making them eat mind-control worms.
You can’t make a group of more than 5 people without including at least one complete idiot. By that logic, Gog-agog is a group of 5 intelligent people and 999,995 idiots.
Zoss over here politely telling Alison that teamwork and friendship are how you actually win the game, and then these Demi-dingdongs prove the point with their discordant mess.
Given some references to works of scholar Kirkbride, that makes sense.
The ultimate way of attaining Royalty and becoming New Man lies in recognizing others, while the way that Demiurges have chosen, to Reach Heaven Through Violence is, ultimately, futile.
As one said prior(heavily paraphrased): “Reach Heaven through violence is a misinterpreted phrase. It is not through means of violence that Heaven is reached, but by pushing through and beyond violence.”
Only reiterating what a fellow pilgrim once shared prior. Nothing more. Truly it would be enlightened of me if I had reached this understanding myself. Sadly, I remain the studet.
Consider the greatest enemy is the one called ‘I’.
That’s been the recurrent theme throughout, and holds equally with reaching heaven. The first and greatest violence is the death of ‘I’. There is no God but ‘I’, and when you meet God in heaven you must kill ‘I’ and topple ‘I’s thrones.
This whole discussion of cooperation reminds me of my old master’s drunken rants about the absolute shitshow that is the meetings he had to sit through. The only difference I can see is that the lords he was ordering about had the common courtesy to put on a semi-polite face until after the discussion was adjourned.
My employer knows ash and cold fire are superior at observing hazardous events, and she’s sent me here to look at the fireworks.
We’re all fucked regardless, but damn if seeing the gods of this world immolate each other doesn’t feel good…especially after working on ice worlds half my career this reincarnation. Ugh.
They’ve been busy running the universe into the ground. There’s just so much of it that it takes a long time, giving the false impression that they’re actually doing any kind of decent job at running it.
Pure brute force. The ones we’ve seen are all blunt instruments. Unfortunately, Jagganoth appears to be a tool of surprising finesse with a very sharp edge, at least when it comes to battle.
This will show you! I’ll bring a wide spray of meteors down from the heavens! …that we’re also standing in front of…and, and…. oh my…
Not a warriors heart indeed…
Inky: Run, girl, run! You’re about to see levels of stupidity beyond your comprehension!
Zoss: and people wonder why I thought giving the master key to a random girl couldn’t be worse than letting a demiurge get ahold of it…
Something tells me they’re not exactly practiced in mounting a coordinated attack.
Do black devils even have blood?
I don’t think Jagganoth is a devil. My understanding was that he’s either a very strange human, or some kind of sustainer that we haven’t seen before.
He’s a human modified probably by the power he holds but mostly by the angel feathers he somehow imbued into himself
He is a dead man. Once his head was empty, it was filled with useful things.
He was a child soldier.
if that’s true, that’s a good fucking pickup
First round of combat? Meteor Swarm. Always works.
What’s the military term for calling a strike from outer space down on your own position? Charlie Foxtrot? Bravo Alpha?
I believe it’s “Whisky Tango Foxtrot”
Maxim 20.
I guess Mammon*is* willing to win
Foxtrot Uniform.
Always remember friends, incoming fire has the right of way.
I believe it’s either “Golf Golf” or “The Only Way”.
A concentrated bombardment like that is sometimes referred to as a Stonk.
No, I’m not making that up. Google it.
I’m fairly certain it’s “Exterminatus”
Maxim 20
Feel like you’re looking for Alpha Strike but I could be wrong
From what I remember from my birth father it’s a “Broken Arrow/Danger Close” granted that info is decades out of date by now and my memory isn’t great so… *shrug*
“Overkill always works!”
Or is that, “Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.”
How about the old follow-up, “Get away from her you ___!”
“Only when you can balance a tack hammer on your head, will you be able to head off a balanced attack” …
And why am I wearing the watermelon on my feet?
Jaggy: Oh No!
Jaggy: Anyways,
This comment has the same spirit than the Paranatural comic alt text. I approve.
I used to really like that comic until they switched from Paranatural to ‘kids in school waging petty war against other extracurricular activities’. Did it ever get good again?
I’m afraid it never got less than excellent for me, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I believe you will find it more interesting than that. Take into consideration that the author’s wrist is not what it used to be and they have had to cancel a page every other week… it’s a slow burner.
pls do not ban me
That was fairly brief and I found it a nice change of pace. Some nice lore has dropped recently too.
Oh, I know what will help us fight an invincible opponent.
Raining a bunch of meteors on everyone!
There is only an “opponent” when there are two sides with at least one alive person on them.
So here we see Mammon: haphazardly destroying the utter possibility of an opponent.
In the history of conflict, there have been a few occasions where someone performed a heroic act that defeated a superior enemy, by calling down fire (artillery or otherwise) on their own position.
I’m not sure this is going to be one of them.
Grandpa is so BIG!
For those keeping score. Of the six demiurges, one decided to face tank a sword, two were blocked by their teammates, one has decided to launch an aoe attack that will hit everything but the target. Hope fully the last two can mount some sort of coordinated attack. Raise your hands for! …. Gog-Agog and Jadis…
We’re all doomed.
Oh I know!
Our plucky demiurges will get their collective backsides handed to them, but then Gog-Agog will show them the Magic of Friendship, by making them eat mind-control worms.
Jagganoth too.
End of conflict, forever.
But… But then nobody would like them and everybody would hate them. That would be terrible.
Hah! You have won the internet today.
I like Gog-Agog tho.
Only Gog-Agog really likes Gog-Agog.
Good thing we’re all Gog-Agog here.
Jadis would never get in the way of her teammates. She will wait until the perfect moment to strike…
And wait… and wait… and wait…
Any year now I’m sure.
Cooperation is a wonderful thing, capable of producing so, so much more than the sum of its parts.
It would behoove the demiurges to start learning this.
Well, to be fair, Gog-Agog knows this. She is cooperation incarnate.
I had the impression Gog-Agog was not cooperation incarnate, but a committee with trillions of members.
Now, think of what a shit-show a committee with 5 people is. Scale that dysfunction up to a trillion.
As the other person said…we’re all doomed.
And most of them are here to have fun
You can’t make a group of more than 5 people without including at least one complete idiot. By that logic, Gog-agog is a group of 5 intelligent people and 999,995 idiots.
An intelligent and cynical person can achieve a lot with a couple of million idiots, especially if she puts one of them in charge of the rest.
Zoss over here politely telling Alison that teamwork and friendship are how you actually win the game, and then these Demi-dingdongs prove the point with their discordant mess.
Indeed. I believe the secret of True Royalty has been finally revealed: To achieve True Royalty one must be able to have trust in others!
Not to mention; the trust OF others.
Given some references to works of scholar Kirkbride, that makes sense.
The ultimate way of attaining Royalty and becoming New Man lies in recognizing others, while the way that Demiurges have chosen, to Reach Heaven Through Violence is, ultimately, futile.
As one said prior(heavily paraphrased): “Reach Heaven through violence is a misinterpreted phrase. It is not through means of violence that Heaven is reached, but by pushing through and beyond violence.”
I think you just cracked the comic’s lore.
Only reiterating what a fellow pilgrim once shared prior. Nothing more. Truly it would be enlightened of me if I had reached this understanding myself. Sadly, I remain the studet.
Now do the same with “Kill Six Billion Demons”
OK, I got it.
‘K I’ll Six billi, on demo, n’s[hit].
Obviously someone’s going to “six” someone called Billi, with a demo. And shit.
Do I get a prize?
Consider the greatest enemy is the one called ‘I’.
That’s been the recurrent theme throughout, and holds equally with reaching heaven. The first and greatest violence is the death of ‘I’. There is no God but ‘I’, and when you meet God in heaven you must kill ‘I’ and topple ‘I’s thrones.
The real True Royalty is the friends we’ve made along the day.
Could it be that the real Royalty was the friends we made along the way??
This whole discussion of cooperation reminds me of my old master’s drunken rants about the absolute shitshow that is the meetings he had to sit through. The only difference I can see is that the lords he was ordering about had the common courtesy to put on a semi-polite face until after the discussion was adjourned.
Cover your ears…
Cover your… everything…
I hope it doesn’t lower his special attack by 2
Jagganoth: “Wait a minute… I’m supposed to be the big one. It’s my whole deal!”
Mammon: “Kisses from heaven!”
Get it, Grandpa.
Make way for Grandpa Dragon! As always, he means well!
Gonna take some time to fail killing Salami DAAAVID today
Unfortunately, Mammon is the least likely of the demiurges to have used Nasty Plot beforehand
He used Amnesia instead. He hasn’t battled since gen 1 so he didn’t know about the special split.
“I may not be a warrior by heart, but I know a villain when I see one!” aaaalmost feels like a reference to The Gay Deceivers (1969).
“I may not know my flowers, but I know a bitch when I see one!”
Pretty close, darling.
They’re marigolds!!!
It is super effective!
Not at killing Jagganoth, though. It’s shit at that.
I was looking for this comment. Kudos.
That’s her talking normally.
She’s not a serene person.
reach heaven through woosaa
Lure a monster into dungeon
slay the villain and become one.
Wield the cleaver and the trucheon.
Pass the gravy and turducken.
Love the Pokemon reference…
Heh. What an amusing display of might.
My employer knows ash and cold fire are superior at observing hazardous events, and she’s sent me here to look at the fireworks.
We’re all fucked regardless, but damn if seeing the gods of this world immolate each other doesn’t feel good…especially after working on ice worlds half my career this reincarnation. Ugh.
Even Mammon’s sigil is senile
Wow. They’re just a bunch of fucking clowns, aren’t they?
Yeah, and the literal clown hasn’t even tagged in yet. How embarrassing.
Watching this shitshow, I have to wonder how these muppets ever managed to run a universe.
By staying out of each other’s way. They do just “fine” when they stick to themselves.
They’ve been busy running the universe into the ground. There’s just so much of it that it takes a long time, giving the false impression that they’re actually doing any kind of decent job at running it.
Torabi is observant.
Pure brute force. The ones we’ve seen are all blunt instruments. Unfortunately, Jagganoth appears to be a tool of surprising finesse with a very sharp edge, at least when it comes to battle.
Who even once implied at all, ever, even once, that they were ever able to do that, be side they didnt
This will show you! I’ll bring a wide spray of meteors down from the heavens! …that we’re also standing in front of…and, and…. oh my…
Not a warriors heart indeed…
Inky: Run, girl, run! You’re about to see levels of stupidity beyond your comprehension!
Zoss: and people wonder why I thought giving the master key to a random girl couldn’t be worse than letting a demiurge get ahold of it…