Kill Six Billion Demons is going on a holiday hiatus for the week of 12/19 to 12/27 so the author can take a break from being a comics goblin.

In the meantime, I’m looking for fan art/guest art to post on the site. If you have anything you’d like to submit, please submit it to the kill six billion demons tumblr or e-mail it me at by Monday the 19th of December.

Please include a little info about yourself and anything you’d like to plug or promote. I’ll post the top submissions by themselves a day at a time, starting Tuesday, and the rest of them in a bulk post on the final day. Like last time I’ll put them up in the fanart gallery on my site once the comic resumes its regular schedule.

Have a great holiday season and stay warm!

EDIT: The next update will be Friday (12/30) and we’ll resume our regular schedule

EDIT: Having some tablet issues, update will instead be Saturday (I just want to tease you one last day), but I’ll do the page preview here tomorrow and also post the fanart mega-post.

– Abbadon