WON 3-54
Chapter: 3
And YISUN came forth from the plum garden and spoke a Word called Royalty, and that word had seven parts, and each part shone equally with the brilliance of Law and the ripeness of Chaos, and the heat was unbearable to all those that were there. No man could stand before it, and no god either, and all the beasts of sky, sea, and star, and all the crawling things of the earth, and all the hungering potentates; all the argent saints and hell-forged heroes were bent to the dust by it’s enormous blast. For the Heat of the Word was the Heat of YISUN’s Voice, and it was fed by the Flame Immortal.
Such is the initiation of many into the Art.
What trial it must be to angelic fire, to be confronted with a thing beyond order or understanding.
Those bird legs coming out of Meta’s body are undoubtedly a bad sign, but I’m also intrigued by their avian appearance.
I might be wrong, this is not my thing at all, but…
I think they’re just its body.
I gotta say that armour does look pretty kickass though. So it’s a tempting offer if I was in White Chains place, hahah.
So it is that the Voice of YISUN themselves has become the Progenitor of Thorns, a scion of Punishment, that which is Law turned towards unholy violence.
Beware the part that thinks itself whole, for it shall unmake all which it does not find within itself.
Hmmmn, I wonder how sane (by the standards of angels) Metatron has stayed though his imprisonment? For I think, trapped inside his body and tortured by Zoss and left in the void for eons ye has quite lost ye’s mind. And if freed would attempt to usher in a fell fate for all…
12 Questioning Fate’s design is so ridiculous, I love it. He’s just a sphere made of polygons with a tiny halo.
I wonder what compels Angels to become more human, if it’s their desires or compassions. And what this implies about the others, if they’re more removed from human elements and experience.
The word you’re looking for is “rhombicuboctahedron”.
It is notable for being the dual polyhedron of the Shining Trapezohedron.
So the scribe really is the closest to god after all. To speak a truth so frighteningly true yet also a lie crafted so tantalizing sweet and horrid that an angels mind, soul, and very body quacked. Such a being truly is worthy of being close to such a paradoxical deity so peaceful yet violet, beautiful but ugly, and so centralizing powerful yet weak and fragmented.
Not to be THAT guy but… Did you mean “cracked” or “quaked”?
Condescendy clearly meant “quacked,” yes like a duck, and if you had heard it you would have quacked too
such is the power of Truth
Looks like she either refused, or reminded Metatron that the main reason for recruiting White Chain was she’s less threatening to Alison than the thorn knights by being soft. Adding spikes sort of goes against the whole point.
You mean because she isn’t wearing the spiky armor? I guess that’s because she still has to work for it.
My personal theory is that the matter state of an angel is not just age, but also resolve. It is how fixed or flexible the outlook and philosophy they hold is. No angel not set in his views would become a solid matter state, for instance.
“Blood is sound, sound is words, and words are power!”
I have attained a quick fondness for 12 Questioning Fate, but his information is sadly mistaken.
After all, and to alter a phrase all here know well, it is silly for the thorns to await their master’s return… when he has already arrived.
Or rather, they never left?
Though this one would argue that awaiting the return of someone who has already arrived/never left is the ground state of all children of YISUN, who is both immortal and eternally dead.
It’s entirely possible white chain was unable to understand as there was no real understanding. Who is to say Metatron is still sane, even by the measures of angels?
I was operating under the assumption that he was not, at least by mortal standards.
First we’re teased with Cio’s cool Black Mask devil past, now we’re teased with White Chain as a thorn. Oh Ys-Denesh, Patron of Character Design, how you tease me so with these alt costumes.
Also, this page will be great to look back on once we can learn the language and alphabet of the throne. My bet is that that floating white sign means either “THRONE” or “INCARNATE”. But, I’ve been wrong before.
I’m pretty sure it’s simpler than that. “YS UN”, perhaps, or some other name of God.
Whatever it is, it occurs on the mural in KSBD 4-78, and the first character also appears in KSBD 1-5.
Why havent the Prime angels reincarnated even though they’ve been dead a long time? (my apologies if this was previously explained or answered)
Good question. I don’t know.
Presumably because nobody has built new bodies for them to inhabit.
It’s also possible that they don’t *want* to.
It is as Sir Godspeed says: For 30 Kalpas the prime angels stood guard. Imagine that impossible length of time: To know that every star and universe will be born and die time and time again before your job is done. That every story will be told and told again a myriad times and you will still not see the end of even the first cycle.
I suspect that the only reason Michael came back so soon, was that of all the Primes, only he was truly able to live that sort of life for so long.
For the others, I can only surmise that death is a peace after knowing YISUN’s own pain, like a long awaited and welcome sleep.
the last syllable of Royalty is not spoken with a tongue of flesh.
The last syllable stands behind you dripping in spectral ichor.
Reach heaven through violence.
I can’t wait until Alice uses her voices. Will she use all at once? By accident the first time or will someone tutor her? If by accident I suspect all at once and it will be glorious.
Turning down power is most revealing on the spirit of our dear White Chains. We hope his spirit will continue to prove as strong in the future, or she may find himself at odds with the heroine in our story. It would break our hearts (such as it were) if this were to happen.
This one can not help but wonder what words were uttered, what words would the scribe of god choose to say to a lowly law keeper?
Only the truth.
Based on the mouse-over text, I have a guess.
Maybe something like “I know you’re going to help out Alison for your own reasons anyway, but YISUN wants me to stir up conflict since it makes for a better story. So yeah, I’m just setting things up so the hero has to fight one army of angels or the other for whatever reason. Of course, you won’t get to remember the details of this explanation, for the obvious reason that I can’t have you ruining the tension with reassuring foreknowledge.”
Beyond ears is spoken infinity. Sound a thing without form but not without power yes. yes.
Beyond Ears spoken infinity. Sound a thing without form but not without power, yes,yes.
Doesn’t discerning if something is true require thought? By her own account, the voice prevented just that.
More likely, she has found the reason the thorns exist. Metatron can suppress the will of those that get too near, and while they are compromised, he finds a way to bind them to his bidding. Perhaps his goal is to hasten his own reincarnation, though what path this takes could lead to any end.
Will just having followers do? Are they to be a sacrifice, or does his plan wish a more powerful angel dead, in order to create a power vacuum?
This all assumes he is even Metatron. An entity that can eliminate thought can feed lies as truth with impunity, meaning even their name is subject to potential falsehood. Perhaps it is some parasitic worm, living within the corpse of the long-dead scribe, fooling lost angels into selling what they have for what it proclaims they want.
How much remains between incarnations? On 2-22 23 Liminal Blossoms talks about what heshe will forget after death. If Metatron has a plan, it likely requires that he remain who he is.
What’s it called when order breaks down again? Because mettatron looks like he’s pretty broken down.
Currently accepting wagers on the winner of Thorny White Chain vs Black Devil Cio, which is /totally/ happening. Eventually.
Mmmhhhmmm. Tough call. Black Cio has been cited as being a devil most powerful, yet by Cio’s own reckoning “Nobody beats an Angel ‘cept another Angel.”
Ahaha, this page is great!
Probably not much of a prediction, but I’m guessing Allison will need to face Metatron (or whatever he turns into – those wings and claws look like they’re sort of emerging, honestly) at some point.
It’ll dovetail nicely with how Zoss put him down in the first place.