Wielder of Names 4-76
Chapter: 4
“I like thunderclouds. As soon as ye see ’em, ye can be assured when they’ll come around. It’s a damn courtesy when one rolls over the horizon, I tell thee.
It’s the thunderclouds you don’t see that get my worries all astir.”
– Splitpin, devil binder
I wonder who was it who spoke to the Red God, 6 Juggernaut Star, or 2 Michael? Curious. I did not expect to see Mottom so vulnerable before Rising King AL YIS UN, it appears as though our young hero now has two allies amongst the Seven- one who expects to live through it, and one who simply wishes a while longer.
Of course, Mottom could be lying. An heir to YISUN must be a consumate liar.
Why either? It could well be Metatron. Consider his state of being riddled with spikes- become more like an angel to become more like an angel?
It’s obvious that it is Metatron
Who says it wasn’t Metatron himself?
Well, the goal of destruction seem to line up with that of Juggernaut Star and Metatron, so the feathers are likely his. As for liars, while Mottom is a very skilled liar going by her magics, her being ruled by fear matches what we saw of her earlier interaction with Jagganoth.
Thinking about liars, Metatron was all cracked and broken, like white chain did when she decided to lie. Could be that is because he speaks of Royalty, but he might be spreading other lies (lied to Jagganoth perhaps?).
It’s also possible he tried to lie repeatedly to the Conquering King while the secret names of god were being forced out of him, ruining his own body in the process.
Lying causes angels to crack only when they are in their ash-forged material bodies. I suspect this is a result of the contract that was made when those bodies were forged.
You forget what the Conquering King Zoss did to 1 METATRON. That It still lives is truly a miracle of YISUN.
Or maybe it was Metatron.
Mottom says he was given FEATHERS. I would immediately begin to suspect 2 Michael after seeing him in the void as a large bird-like specimen. It would make sense.
Have we seen a single angel without feathers? Other than skelly bois I suppose.
The true lies of YISUN are reality. The true lies of an HEIR to YISUN are indistinguishable from the reality they created and were birthed from. All our paltry lies are easily shown to be false thus proving how far from true royalty we all are. Mottom, who has the self confidence to dance on the table tops and call out the chosen of Zoss on her lies, has no need to stoop to use such paltry things, especially since she hasplans to kill her confidant when she is done.
Somehow I doubt she will kill her; but by keeping her scared, unable to lie, and thus weak, she has a grasp on her.
I see. The Six are the GOOD GUYS.
If you believe this, then you’re blessed by YISUN, for They look at the naive fools favourably.
This is why fool’s look is an existing phenomenon, incidentally.
So every king says
At least they are the lesser evil.
Tyranny is preferable to destruction… Mostly.
I think Pryan Sor would disagree with you.
Which is more evil – maggots gnawing on the open wounds of a deathly ill or the iron spike through the heart ending his suffering?
You’re assuming your conclusion, that the patient can never be healed.
And you’re assuming that a life full of pain and suffering is better than no life at all – which to us seems rational, but to the ever-tormented, ever-suffering… would they not plead for release?
The teachings tell us that that the world is ever in decay. Creation is a rotting corpse.
Every derived religion shares this. The end is nigh.
But the secular lot begs to differ, and from their point of view I agree. Science marches on, and pain and suffering is but a problem to solve and make go away.
If you are willing to wait, you may grow further from the divine light of creation, but you will grow closer to the enlightenment of science.
They are not. Clearly the best option is to destroy both maggots and nail and mend the damage, but does any being have enough raw power to do any of the three?
Well, strictly speaking, maggots now are known for usually only eating necrotic tissue, avoiding the still loving flesh and actually helping clean the wound. So it’s more of a matter of whether the still living parts of the patient can be recovered, and if not whether they can be made comfortable in the time they have left.
Depends on whether or not you’re a maggot, I suppose.
The wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: Theres actually zero difference between good things and bad things.
Great Sage Wintius Dril educated you well, young flame.
Lesser of two evils (possibly more) but Alison has come to whip ’em into shape! Or not. :p
At the very least they are interest in their own continued existence. And by extension the cosmos.
Or Mottom intends to use Alice-UN to eliminate a powerful rival, and possibly turn her on the other 5 as well. This one does not trust her.
Or the Six want Allison to perceive them as such. It is yet to be seen if Mottom speaks the truth.
Every word that comes out of this woman’s mouth makes me wanna party with her.
From what we have seen of her vices, I believe that would be the revel to end all such events. Do take care you bring a hostess gift, though.
Yeah yeah yeah, jaggonoth exposition, *I* for one can’t believe Solomon David went from All Of The Hair to No Hair to Magnificent beard. It’s not a progression that makes any sense!
Your studies lack completion, Preem Truet. It is indeed a hallowed path to greater enlightenment, as demonstrated by the Emissary of the Prophets, Smiter of Deity, Master Reluctant of Terok Nor and the Emptiness Beyond.
The good Captain’s beard followed his character growth during his sojourn near the gate of the Celestial Temple. So many answers at last fall into place
The worm Queen, meanwhile, has gone from Grim Reaper to Valley Girl. Who can fathom the makeover secrets of the Demiurges?
Perhaps his hair is too magnificent to make it into the void
His deal is pride, isn’t it?
Why shouldn’t he be constantly changing up his look?
The Art should allow him as much control of his appearance as Mottom.
No, I believe he was no hair first, then a lot of hair, than finally only beard.
I cannot believe Solomon waged war so hard he let his hair grow that much. Or can I?
Historians are eager to forget Solomon’s Beastmaster Pirate Captain phase, most agreeing it was largely a later invention by fanfic writers. Especially those historians with families to threaten.
This is one of the most badass things I done ever read.
This crown of destruction reminds one of the Metatron.
There are many plans afoot, and often the greatest are joined.
Waging war against the cosmos, what an undertaking. Hopefully our Fated can prevent this from happening!
or she could chose to crash the system and start over, in an epic plot twist where the hero sides with the omnisidal maniac.
Alternatively she could in an epic plot twist side with the him and go along with cosmos crashed…so that it van be reformed.
For most people, waging such a war would mean never being out of a job.
But now there is Jagganoth!
So Jagganoth become the ultimate steel inquisitor. Bent on multiverse domination.
+1 Cosmere reference
You can use Compounded Gold for infinite healing, but I don’t think there’s anything for true invulnerability – perhaps Compounded Iron and Compounded Pewter?
I have never seen someone so evil look so heartbroken. T_T
To acknowledge a thing lies beyond their grasp is the closest thing Royalty knows to sorrow.
when gods realize their strength is relative, they too can be humbled
Your eyes see well the selfishness and sorrow of war made flesh.
Methinks Incubus just told a rather off-colour joke, going by dear, sweet Mottom’s expression in the upper panel. What a scamp! What a sassy bitch.
I think she’s glancing nervously over at Jagganoth, actually.
Tonight, in your dreams, do /not/ open the velvet chest if you want for your soul’s flame to remain intact.
Mottom×Incubus OTP!!!
Incubus is the funniest demiurge (left). Though, I bet Zoss is also a joker!
You know how it is, when you spin the wheel and laugh at God you need to have a good enough sense of humour to never run out of jokes to tell.
Though the bitchiest bitch here is clearly Jadis. Damn look at her smug face! Probably thinking that pale skin is better than tanned.
No wonder why Nadia is giving her the killing gaze.
I’m reminded of Blackwolf preparing for war in Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards.
I can’t take this much lordliness! Back to the Road with me!
Mottom is a master at showing only what she wants others to see.
I think you will find this is less a sharing of concerns and more a clever method of tricking one all powerful being into fighting another.
Regardless of who dies, she has gained much and lost nothing.
Solomon’s fashion sense is KILLING IT.
That’s how he killed all his opponents during the War.
With his fashion sense. FA-BU-LOUS
The true Fashion Souls starts here.
Is Metatron 1 using good old Jagganoth as a pawn for his plan to return throne to pre YISUN death state?
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
That passage is a tricky one. The concept expressed is kAla I believe, which has connotations beyond any single english word and involves the role of time in ending all things. If I was translating it I would go for something like “Now I am Time-The-Devourer, come forth to annihilate the world”
Ah, deeply interesting.
Interesting development. This may shed a new light on Mottom’s words in this page…
“I know you are the same as I.
Waiting around.
For HIS blade to be driven through our guts.”
I, too, had assumed the blade was that of King Zoss. It appears it may be our dear Pantokrator.
My my, perhaps the Pankrator serves Metatron?
OK, if the “multiverse” is reduced to one universe, then there is still one universe but the multiverse is no more. Annihilated, in the imperfect English of comics. It’s yet another game of Last Man Standing!
1 Metatron is playing everyone.
Including 2 Michael.
Mottom really just looks like a sad, tired old lady in that last panel. :C
Perhaps, but she is still a demiurge, and a consumer of worlds. A reminder that the greatest of tyrants may still be pitiful creatures indeed, when compared to the raw might of an ignorant brute.
I sense a “but” and “your key” employed in the future…
Jagganoth walks a righteous path.
Jagganoth wishes to take my mission upon himself as I have foretold it.
My blessings.
What a quest! Defeat the Juggernaut; save the Wheel!
As grand as the ant that circles the giant! As succulent as a fresh plum! As clear as pure water!
Which leads us, inevitably, to a question.
“Is it the truth?” 🙂