Wielder of Names 2-26
Chapter: 2
“The Devyl is gyven as much to merryment as he is to slaughter. Some may fynd thys puzzlyng. I fynd it necessary.”
-Thulsa Drulle
“The Devyl is gyven as much to merryment as he is to slaughter. Some may fynd thys puzzlyng. I fynd it necessary.”
-Thulsa Drulle
That does it. Kill Six Billion Demons is officially the best webcomic.
Like it wasn’t already ;P
True, but now it’s official. 😀
As far as I’m concerned, it was official as of this page: http://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/throne/ And that was seven chapters ago ^^
K6BD: The Musical
“Forget your singalongs and your lullabies
Surrender to the city of the fireflies
Dance with the devil in beat with the band
To hell with all of you hand in hand
But now it’s time to be gone – forever!”
-Queen, “March of the Black Queen”
Let’s get down to business
To outdrink – Vladok!
Tha flabbergob began this
Now you must walk – The walk!
Tha bubbleheaded lackawit! Tha gormless fool ninny!
Somehow I’ll make a hero of thee.
“I’m never gonna beat this guy,
say goodbye to sobriety!
But even though I know I’ll fail,
I have to try!”
‘Pot-headed fool, does tha not know?
To stay away from Ebon Devils!
But with my help,
tha’ can win this test of skills!’
Hero tha!
Doubtful tha as the cynic Hansa;
Hero Tha!
With all the greed of the Great Dragon;
Hero Tha!
With all the rage of the fool Pree Ashma;
Mysterious as the teachings of YISUN!
Ah, I see. Allison’s story is set in a musical. Simply the best.
By popular demand, KSBD fans need that Tankard!
Contract accepted.
These are my terms:
I will make one inspired by this, but I wish not to insult his eboness by making a replica of the figurine on top of the tankard.
There are stories about the figurine, and rumors about caged angel imprisoned there.
And I´m not this desperate to take on that kind of job.
Buy Six Billion Merch Items!
NEED being the operative word here.
The tune I’m imagining is obnoxious farting trumpets.
A dancing demon?
No something isn’t right there.
I’ve got a theory: YISUN is dreaming! And we’re all stuck inside its wacky broadway nightmare.
Ragged Brass is observant
I’ve got a theory, she should eat that fast.
Because she clearly needs Miss Cio’s help, ‘fore she gets gassed.
I got a theory, it could be cabbits!
Is there any other kind? I hope to never find it.
This page might just be my favorite so far. Cio being badass and generally Cio, some interesting facts about devils and their culture, and that last panel.
And it’s got probably the best dialogue.
“Mash it in thy gob!”
Oh hey, Abbadon, is that an error in the 4th panel? “It’ll do do the drinking for tha.” Although Cio’s syntax can be pretty strange, I’m not sure if the repetition there is really on purpose.
Wow, some neat and clean lines on this page! Much cleaner than usual. I love this comic’s regular fast and loose style, but this is reeally nice too.
And there’s Cio to save the day as usual. She’s got our back ^^
Well, this page lacks the insane amount of details and background characters as mot other pages have. Abaddon can be a bit fancier when there are only 3 characters to draw.
While I cannot say that it’s outright dangerous to find oneself caught up in devilsong, I maintain that it is a singularly unpleasant experience, and best avoided. And because I know what you’re thinking, no, it is *not* just because I have a terrible singing voice. I can sing perfectly well, thank you very much. I just choose not to.
Do not make the mistake of assuming devilsong is just a charming tradition.
ESPECIALLY when there is a fanfiction author among the devils singing. Cio is merely a blue, but when a demonic chorus reaches sufficient strength, it does not matter. The flickering song of the black flame that drew humanity to the Void is great, seductive, and powerful.
More than enough to bridge the gap between headcanon and canon, however briefly.
Driiiink, Drink a sooooong, drink out louuuud, drink out STROOONG!
This explains so many musicals I’ve seen.
Okay, three things;
1. Did you mean for Cio to look super sexy in that third panel?
2. Another name!
3. I’m surprised you left the Yellow Devils in.
… Is Cio actually blue?
My money, if I were of a betting sort, would be on Cio in fact being much more powerful than a Blue devil, with her simply masquerading as one.
It is said that the deadliest foe is that which is not seen.
My bet is that she is indeed blue. Just terribly clever. Cleverness can oftentimes more than make up for not being ‘powersome’.
And besides, if she were to progress in the hierarchy, the next step is an existence filled with violence and the desire for it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she does not desire to be red any time soon. Doesn’t seem the type.
I suspect that she’s some sort of Mary Sue. She’s blue so that people underestimate her. She’s short because she’s a munchkin. Damned fanfiction writers.
Points to whoever records an IRL version of the song.
As the unceasing cataract that cracks its banks
As the unbounded wind that drives the seas
As the unquenchable flame that scars the earth
As the unknowable face of the lunar queen
Cio shall make a hero of thee.
Best webcomic ever. Ten outta ten.
I had thought any musical score to accompany this tale would involve distorted guitars, rapid and uncommon time signatures and gutteral growling. The sudden inclusion of musical theatre into the mix has me confused, as the two don’t often overlap. It is a good confusion, though.
I’m really liking Cio! ♥ I hope she sticks around, and good things come of her at the end. (Like she hops into my car and gives me directions to the nearest adult party store!)
Oooh, I really like the corporeality and sense of 3-dimensionality (bodily presence?) this update’s art conveys!
Check out that eyeball glow.
MASH IT IN THY GOB!! Oh, if only Cio had been the mother of my children…
Why does it not surprise me that cheating is part of a traditional devilish drinking contest?
It is foolish to believe that their cheating began and ended with any wager, but not as foolish as believing life is not a contest.
I wonder what units Cio is referring to when mentioning “two and five”? Certainly not metres; though Pree Allison may be quite tall, I doubt she has reached that extent.
I think she means 5ft 2in