Wielder of Names 1-18
Chapter: 1
“Them that’s young and well and free and yearn to do their part,
is tenth as worse as them that’s old with hunger in their hearts.”
-Folk saying, attributed to upper Shades
“Them that’s young and well and free and yearn to do their part,
is tenth as worse as them that’s old with hunger in their hearts.”
-Folk saying, attributed to upper Shades
Great job hero
While the chances of our heroine are slim, I have a feeling the ebon one will be cheated y his wording, and win instead a blonde dyejob.
Oh my god.
Clever af
Such beautiful trickery! If our own Pree Usagi is so clever, I may have to take back all the ill I have said of her~
Chekhov’s Box of Hair Dye. Hell, that might be what the demon wanted all along. This guy’s got a lot of hair, maybe he just wants to be pretty.
All along, Vladok just wanted to be a pretty, pretty princess~
I’m from the future but I do have to say that this comment aged like a fine wine. Truly well done.
It is a really neat detail how the devil’s cane becomes his pipe.
And ohhh dear, Allison has done goofed now.
Believe I have a salve for such boils and nodules, Devil.
Also, get a haircut. Are all Ebon Devils so slovenly?
Ok that was neat, well done!
It’s smart of Cio not to struggle as Vladok casually lifts her from her seat. He’d take that as a sign of disrespect, and I shudder to think what sort of things an Ebon devil would do to somebody who disrespects them. Also, smart of him to use his pipe as a cane when he’s crouched and crumpled together, really completes the illusion.
Well, He seems reasonable.
Probably down to chill.
Riddles and chill
Looks like I’ve gotta eat my words, that is an ebon devil. I cannot wait to see what awesome games they this guy is in to.
Alice-UN, you have truly stepped into the lion’s den on this one.
A wise and cherishable lesson ahead, barring reason; keeping faith. The Ebon Devyl may yet surprise, be chary but recognize. Wisdom trades not as Black Glass. It will well know what touches our lass. Plyed, they may yet be. A shock as cool and faceted as Rime of Aether, fruitwise. And always comes the dance of opportunities.
I love how this devil is powerful enough to violate the integrity of the comic panels themselves.
I want to make a coat for him. Long of thread, and shimmery smoke. A weave of the finest carcers and most mischievous.
He has a good frame for coats I think.
…it was an ebon devil.
Aw crap.
Death, illness, and misery. Alice-UN can expect these in equal measure upon her journey to understanding and power.
It’s strange, every other type of devil has matched up with the sketches thet Abbadon put on his blog a few months ago. But this one looks nothing like the sketch of an Ebon devil-it looks like an old and decrepit Crimson devil, with very long limbs
Some things are one thing until they aren’t. Then they never were that thing at all.
Those could be considered general designs. No reason why unique characters have to look like the rest of the background mob, right?
Never assume that all devils of a certain caliber are like in appearance.
Not because it’s racist, mind. Just because that’s exactly what they *want* you to assume.
Only a few dozen in creation.
Meaning they should, in theory, be more powerful than any of the demigods including the seven. At least in their field of power: That of the black flame.
With those expectations; This has started most prodigiously: I could hear the creaking of old woods and the thickness of a light dimmed.
This should be interesting.
Okay so I’ve been doing some thinking. Devils make deals to get rid of names, right? After a devil has gotten rid of all but one name and becomes an ebon devil, why still make deals?
Nothing says they don’t get bored. Besides, if he knows what she has, he may covet it.
Singular names are not the only things coveted by devils. And a Key of Kings is a tempting artefact for any beings of Throne.
To get rid of their last name? What becom they thus once freed?
The alternate text for the latest chapter says “Vladok, Grandfather of Dhuutholmel.”
Oscar, from the original KSBD appears on the cover. His name there was also Dhuutholmel. Does this mean that the previous version of Vladok, when he was a Crimson Devil, he was Dhuumotholmel
Anybody else notice that as Alison gets pissed off, her soul has started catching on fire?
I wonder if that’s normal in the Void…
Alison’s ephemeral nature while in the void was explained back toward the beginning of this chapter, and you’ll notice wisps coming off of her since then. But now that you mention it, it does appear that she becomes rather more vaporous(?) when emotionally agitated.
“I accept!”
I told you guys it was an ebon devil
If she wished not to be here, I think it something she overlooked was the possibility of returning to her Earth with Cio to speak in a less dangerous setting. Personally, I’d have taken that liquor back too and discussed giving it to one of my roomates.
Dhuutholmel? Does this mean Oscar will be making an appearance soon?
Cio got hoisted by her petard, sho nuff!
im sure he just wanna have his fun, whoever wins everything will be alright 😀
go go ebon!