Wielder of Names – Cover
Chapter: Book 2: Wielder of Names
The long awaited cover.
Kill Six Billion Demons will resume regular updates in early August. I’ll also be updating the whole comic then (dialogue, coloring, some art fixes, etc), trying to get things printed, and launching the patreon, so keep an eye out. It’s a lot of work and I can’t hold myself honest to finishing it unless I give up the regular comic for about 3-4 weeks. But when we come back, it’ll be all out. See you then!
In the meantime, starting next week, for the next few weeks I’m going to try and run some guest art. If you’re interested, please tweet me @orbitaldropkick or message me on tumblr (orbitaldropkick.tumblr.com)
Oskar is back!? My one and only petty wish has come true, nothing else matters! I can die happily. It’s a pretty neat cover, so Nadya will be the first of the Demiurges that Allison must face? Groovy.
wait, was Oskar the demon-thief from the original KSBD game?
Well it wasn’t really a game and more of a forum adventure (that’s our more formal term on the MSPA forums) but yes you are correct. Oskar was in the original version which is why I’m hyped as hell! Also I dug through Abbadons old Deviantart and I think Oskar maybe even older than I thought. (Probably, possibly? I dunno?)
Could you be so kind as to link us to his deviant art page? I must have MORE of him.
Hey! A really late comment, but would you happen to know if the mspaintadventure is archived somewhere? I only found the two first pages :/
Finally! So psyched for this dude. intoducing, the new friend…, OSKAR
Next on Everyone loves Oskar!
As much as I like White Chain, Oskar is a big favourite of mine and probably trumps WC, which is why I feel hyped. I guess I enjoy the devils more than the angels? Something about all of them being so bastardly is really charming.
Glad the big man is back in the scene, and it appears that the Orange Matron is our first boss. See you when you return.
I miss her horns, is there anyway to get her horns back?
Stay in the Void?
Drinking the Devildraught is one way to find out;
in more ways than one.
I can’t wait to give you my money.
Will the early pages be an omnibus or individual chapters? As soon as you get the patreon up I’ll join.
Not relevant to this page but the gf just informed me that 6 Juggernaut Star Scours The Universe was the full name of Blossom’s friend, who went by Six for short. I opened three of my mouths and chortled in the fifteenth manner.
Nothing says Bad Space Ass like draping one’s overcoat on the shoulders. Well, nothing but brandishing a Zweihander.
Also, Cio is rockin’ that outfit. I approve.
Oscar returns! And I have the feeling a devils’ bar is the perfect place to meet him. Looks like Mottom/Nadia will be a prominent antagonist in this book as well. And Cio looks like she’s making a reappearance- with an awesome outfit as well. Can’t wait for the return, but I understand the break.
Woo! Good luck, dude!
It just dawned on me that you (the author) are the same person who would post those hilarious comics on the League forums a couple years ago – I knew the art style of this comic seemed familiar. Anyway, beautiful comic and I love reading it even if I don’t understand what’s happening half of the time.
I thought Cio had four arms.
Six, actually, as she is an arachnid devil. I was concerned by this as well, but a brief expedition into the archives suggests she may have anywhere from two to six at a time. Her personal foray into the divine art of Lying, perhaps?
She was the proprietor of the legendary COAT OF ARMS. She may have misplaced it.
Cio is back! Yes!
She is more of a babe then Allison, who is actually quite an ugly duckling to me.
Cant wait to see this comic continued. Also, where can I find the patreon?
Indeed, ’tis difficult to match the beauty of glistening carapace and inventive swearing–especially when our Cio also has such bodacious taste in spectacles.
Yes, as history has shown us time and time again a hero’s worth is directly proportional to their physical appearance and an unimportant bystanders feelings on their beauty as compared to ducklings. Yes, the archive remembers this well.
It would be a wise archivist indeed that marks who here was first to correlate beauty and worth–and who was so quick to weigh the importance of a bystander.
I approve greatly of this image, for it bears the form of Oscar, a character whose misdeeds I had grown fond of in his last incarnation.
However, his presence here raises a question that my searching has not answered. Cio is a blue devil, the second order of devils. Oscar is clearly a crimson devil, and so stronger than Cio. No problems so far. But why, then, was the devil we know as #1, who bears a crimson mask, subservient to Cio? Perhaps I am making the mistake of assuming because he bears a mask he is, in fact, a devil?
While it is accepted Truth that Crimson Devils are a higher order than Blue Devils, it is entirely possible that individuals have varying power, and as such stronger Blues may be more powerful than weaker Crimsons. One also has to account for social standing (itself a form of power, oftentimes greater even than Strength, Skill, and/or Knowledge), as Cio held a presumably high-ranking position (harem master to a very powerful individual), whereas the so-called #1 would appear to be bottom-rung at best (what does he even do?).
While it is accepted Truth that Crimson Devils are a higher order than Blue Devils, it is entirely possible that individuals have varying power, and as such stronger Blues may be more powerful than weaker Crimsons. One also has to account for social standing (itself a form of power, oftentimes greater even than Strength, Skill, and/or Knowledge), as Cio held a presumably high-ranking position (harem master to a very powerful individual), whereas the so-called #1 would appear to be bottom-rung at best (what does he even do?).
One is made to wonder what circumstance has caused this response to be made twice. It has little relevance outside of its intended context as reply to The Third Predecessor, so kindly pay this duplicate no mind.
What a wonderful post!
Allison Reminds of Billy from Adventure Time
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