Yes, o King. Drink of the font of Mammon’s power. Consume, and be consumed. Cut all ties to those who make you weak, and summon forth crazed sycophants to watch over your holdings.
Become an Emperor, vast and terrible, over a realm that fears to so much as speak your name.
It will make your death easier for your priests to smooth over, when it comes.
As a simple soldier, I am ill-equipped to provide a well informed opinion on the topic, and hope you can help me, friend Ulurhad.
Why in any black name would anyone desire the powers of kingship and rule? Either you don’t desire it, and you end up like Mother Om, withering away behind a facade you don’t wish to carry, or you end up like Allison Ruth here, consumed and drunk on power. In both situations, you lose freedom, which I am given to understand is the first thing all living beings desire.
Incidentally, do you happen to peddle freedom? Not asking for any pertinent reason, I just thought it would be fortuitous of you to theoretically show up and sell freedom to Allison Ruth.
There is a truth we have glimpsed, as yet, only in he who granted the Rising King her newfound… audacity. Consider the Sword King of the Middle Army, whose fellow Demiurges look upon him with mockery and pity. For the Army is not his; its master abandoned her throne, and wanders the worlds a desolate beggar.
One seeks to be king. And one seeks Royalty- the ultimate expression of freedom.
The first can be found wherever power is exerted over others. The second, well, it is a rare and much desired good.
Aye, the first virtue as well. It is impossible to obtain Sovereignty without realizing that this is axiomatic, at least to my understanding.
The flipside of this is that it is important to remember and understand that there are other truths and other virtues completely separate from violence and power in order to be a Functioning Person.
There are no truths, and there are no virtues but violence.
So we overcome truth and build something better than it, build a paradise from our honeyed lies and promises.
Do it Allison.. Become who you were always meant to be. Kill the demon bitch. Kill your fly-by-night-boyfriend. Kill the weakness within yourself. Slay Mammon, Om, and anyone who could ever contest you.. Become a True Monarch.
Gundhram the Reader, Belligerent Knight and Amateur Historian
This is the moment for AL-YS-UN to shed the pitiful “gift” that Incubus has bestowed upon her, or perhaps for the great demoness once known as Yabalchaoth to shed the azure lie and climb back up to her true GLORY.
Or perhaps they are both dead. Explosions can be ever so fickle.
Behold, the Great Enemy called ‘I’ has revealed itself! All becomes ash!
Kyrie, kyrie allison
I see what you did there. Nicely done 😉
Truly Allison must realise the truth that the tower is the wheel, that the “I” is the “0”
Panel 9: Cio’s new blue mask gets overgrown, overwhelmed and framed by the flesh of her devil flesh. It doesn’t want to end this way, so diminished.
But it remembers.
It used to be greater.
Allison ded. The End!
And no one could order her around!
Yes, corpses are truly free.
That is, unless a necromancer comes along…
Probably not. Cio’s body will have shielded her from the worst of the blast.
Cio ded.
And perhaps Cio’s cue for a new form?
Yes, o King. Drink of the font of Mammon’s power. Consume, and be consumed. Cut all ties to those who make you weak, and summon forth crazed sycophants to watch over your holdings.
Become an Emperor, vast and terrible, over a realm that fears to so much as speak your name.
It will make your death easier for your priests to smooth over, when it comes.
As a simple soldier, I am ill-equipped to provide a well informed opinion on the topic, and hope you can help me, friend Ulurhad.
Why in any black name would anyone desire the powers of kingship and rule? Either you don’t desire it, and you end up like Mother Om, withering away behind a facade you don’t wish to carry, or you end up like Allison Ruth here, consumed and drunk on power. In both situations, you lose freedom, which I am given to understand is the first thing all living beings desire.
Incidentally, do you happen to peddle freedom? Not asking for any pertinent reason, I just thought it would be fortuitous of you to theoretically show up and sell freedom to Allison Ruth.
There is a truth we have glimpsed, as yet, only in he who granted the Rising King her newfound… audacity. Consider the Sword King of the Middle Army, whose fellow Demiurges look upon him with mockery and pity. For the Army is not his; its master abandoned her throne, and wanders the worlds a desolate beggar.
One seeks to be king. And one seeks Royalty- the ultimate expression of freedom.
The first can be found wherever power is exerted over others. The second, well, it is a rare and much desired good.
I am told it can be found in Samura.
The second option does not feel bad. Moreover, only oblivion provides true and complete freedom.
Death is a truth most uninteresting.
Thus follows: freedom is uninteresting.
Arrogance is quite the equalizer.
A hint to the True/{FALSE} nature of the world, for I am YISUN and YISUN is WE.
As a verbose ghost was fond of saying: overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
Right. Well this is a fuck-up then. You get that.
Violence I hold, is the first truth.
Perhaps the only Truth, for YISUN is a consummate liar.
Aye, the first virtue as well. It is impossible to obtain Sovereignty without realizing that this is axiomatic, at least to my understanding.
The flipside of this is that it is important to remember and understand that there are other truths and other virtues completely separate from violence and power in order to be a Functioning Person.
There are no truths, and there are no virtues but violence.
So we overcome truth and build something better than it, build a paradise from our honeyed lies and promises.
Violence is a crude tool for idiots. The first virtue is ramen.
Well then…
At the very least, she stayed her blade.
For now, at least…
A mighty blast, to fray the borders of reality so.
A ship never sinks, it only becomes a submarine.
That got a chuckle.
Hrmm… Just remember…
“There are more airplanes in the ocean than there are submarines in the sky.”
– Old Submariner’s Mantra
Someone’s getting a bit big in her breeches.
there’s no cure for hubris quite like explosions
Do it Allison.. Become who you were always meant to be. Kill the demon bitch. Kill your fly-by-night-boyfriend. Kill the weakness within yourself. Slay Mammon, Om, and anyone who could ever contest you.. Become a True Monarch.
You can’t be a King if your kingdom is nothing but ash and tombstones.
And in any case, such a description would never fit Zoss and the OG Demiurges, who were like the Kingest Kings who ever Kinged.
Jagannoth is about to become the King of ash and tombstones. Just wanted to be obnoxious here.
This one begs to disagree, for there is the Void, and as Father UN proves, One can Rule over Nothing. And Yea, even still He wielded Infinite Art.
One and Zero Make One! IA! IA!
Nay, the easiest to Rule over are the Dead.
We see the Ruler of the Dead flee, though, bloodied and bruised. To Rule is to Die. The Dead do not Rule themselves.
Ozymandias begs to differ:
True Royalty need only ever kill itself. The path to kingship lies through regicide.
Two argumentative, idiot children waste time arguing and get blown to kingdom come.
Film at 11!
The situation really blew up, eh?
You could say Allison exploded in anger.
Greed itself defends the dragon.
If only because It wishes Its possessions to be undamaged
Who put that sword in your hands and told you to stop being so helpless?
Cue “Man Who Sold The World”.
I’m nuuuuuucleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar, I’m wiiiiiiiiiiiiild
Boom goes the dynamite.
Haha. I get it. Fireflies.
I really really really hope this causes our two love birds to get separated. I don’t want to see them come to blows
I’m still holding out for a Yabalchoath vs. Icuballison showdown.
It is in strife that we arise to greatness.
This is the moment for AL-YS-UN to shed the pitiful “gift” that Incubus has bestowed upon her, or perhaps for the great demoness once known as Yabalchaoth to shed the azure lie and climb back up to her true GLORY.
Or perhaps they are both dead. Explosions can be ever so fickle.
And the chains bind her.
Not a cube(ik) nor carnival goer
Here, I’d avoid the gold berg for Heath.
In any case, small details have effects
Technically, now is when she’s dealing with her devil, but OK.