Oh dang. Charon doesn’t look too great with all those stab wounds and all. That’s a shame that it looks like he’s going to be the next one down…he did have the most cents of the group, after all.
He might be okay; Oscar sustained some similarly awful wounds, and all that did was ruin his coat. I don’t know much about devil anatomy, but I do know they’re not fond of playing by any rules.
Yeah, but he survived that by being a big gosh darned idiot. Somehow I doubt that Charon is quite as dull in the skull, and therefore much more susceptible to having all his fluids leak out.
For the same reason, I’m concerned about the red-masked member of the sibling pair, who’s facial features are taking a stabbing through his tabard. Remind me, what happens to a devil when their mask is broken by external forces?
Hey now, he isn’t a dollared by any means. Quite the opposite, he coined a scheme to get the begger dead to pass him a buck. It also looks like the peso priest only injured him a Bit. He should be Real Och-ay, supposing he can get out of this doubloon-y situation.
Hats off to you, Mr. Head! Or, maybe hats on? Would you like I hat? I have many hats. I hate to see a head go unhatted, especially after a poem like that! A hat of wax, perhaps?
*quietly presses f11 to maximise screen usage*
*more staring*
The action seems to suggest that as the others engage their first opponent, Alison is finishing her third.
While this battle goes well for her (for now) I worry for the one inside herself. 🙁
Fools think that numbers will win the day, when none of them are real to begin with. See how the future king’s mere shades deftly impart the revelation of non-reality onto the dragon’s dogs.
Oh dang. Charon doesn’t look too great with all those stab wounds and all. That’s a shame that it looks like he’s going to be the next one down…he did have the most cents of the group, after all.
He might be okay; Oscar sustained some similarly awful wounds, and all that did was ruin his coat. I don’t know much about devil anatomy, but I do know they’re not fond of playing by any rules.
Yeah, but he survived that by being a big gosh darned idiot. Somehow I doubt that Charon is quite as dull in the skull, and therefore much more susceptible to having all his fluids leak out.
For the same reason, I’m concerned about the red-masked member of the sibling pair, who’s facial features are taking a stabbing through his tabard. Remind me, what happens to a devil when their mask is broken by external forces?
He is taking pounding. he has sterling qualities but eurover estimating his smarts.
charon was always going to be a bit disadvantaged, considering he couldnt bring any beggar dead with
He might have a yenning for survival though.
Hey now, he isn’t a dollared by any means. Quite the opposite, he coined a scheme to get the begger dead to pass him a buck. It also looks like the peso priest only injured him a Bit. He should be Real Och-ay, supposing he can get out of this doubloon-y situation.
Spring! Almighty coil of trap
with iron skin and blood of sap
And strike foes until but a scrap
Of cloth from tongue of shoe remains
The din of strike echoes in brains
Onwards until the fury wanes
Ia! Ia! for holy count
as cavalry goes before mount
but swords do sing and blood doth shout
for light goes in one side and through
the other of a mortal wound
and pistols pop and aim is true.
but Al-Yisun is first to pass
her sword, her blade, her will is fast
and every beat is two hearts last
for she will see the Dragon dead
I’ll wager on my rhyming head:
Place your bets down in this thread.
Hats off to you, Mr. Head! Or, maybe hats on? Would you like I hat? I have many hats. I hate to see a head go unhatted, especially after a poem like that! A hat of wax, perhaps?
I am glad to note the cat is still intact, still observing all with feline indifference.
Cat Master is a good master.
He protects his kitty.
Indifference? Upon close up it looks like the cat is looking at us saying as if to say “…This is my life.”
*quietly presses f11 to maximise screen usage*
*more staring*
The action seems to suggest that as the others engage their first opponent, Alison is finishing her third.
While this battle goes well for her (for now) I worry for the one inside herself. 🙁
The first is third eye blind.
The deadly duo are soon to be besides themselves.
The fourth has quit the fray because they are now a head.
Lo, behold, lorn.
Abbadon, you’re the reason a sad confused monkey once invented the word “Glory”.
Baptised in the sweat of her fury,
the black fragment shatters those before her.
Nice of them to help paint the pathways.
u n d e r r a t e d
Good to see someone has taken responsibility for the cat (lower right corner).
Of course he has. Professionals have to have standards, after all. Otherwise, you’re just a heavily-armed thug.
The Priests of the Count are nutters in a heaven full of nutters. However, they have fantastic job loyalty.
yup, well worth the wait. we need more of these maximalist two-pages per book.
A key for all to see
Holy crap, how’d she forget this? How’d she survive this?
That cat is like “I did not sign up for this. I did NOT sign up for this.”
That cracked me up when I saw it. The expression on the cat’s face is gold.
Also, top marks to Cat Master for being able to fight while holding a cat. That’s style.
Having four arms is helpful.
Called it….
Massively detailed update.
Love the expression on the cat…
Oh no she’s growing white hair
This is bad
His eyes were like flames of fire, and His hair was white as snow.
“His eyes were like flames of fire, and His hair was white as snow.”
This is insane!
Pages like this amaze me.
Six Armed Vajra Allison
Oh thank God. Nobody panic. The cat is safe. I repeat, the cat is safe.
Not yet it isn’t. But I suspect all will be well.
Fools think that numbers will win the day, when none of them are real to begin with. See how the future king’s mere shades deftly impart the revelation of non-reality onto the dragon’s dogs.
This calls for wisdom. Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the Shield of the Dragon, for it is an inhuman number.