Seeker of Thrones 7-84
Chapter: 7
“Though the lord of the pit clads himself in finery and smiles, do not be bedeviled. He is a wretched, stinking king, and the minds of men are playthings to him.”
– Solomon David, Celestial Emperor
“Though the lord of the pit clads himself in finery and smiles, do not be bedeviled. He is a wretched, stinking king, and the minds of men are playthings to him.”
– Solomon David, Celestial Emperor
Welp, that’s a matron
#1 God
Nega-AlYSUN is lookin’ FIERCE
Meanwhile, there’s probably an even tinier, Little Allison and her Inside-Out Co-Cast inside the brain of that Big Allison.
I’m in love with Cursing Alison
I think that one might be Impotent Rage
Oh hi Alice’s royalty. This makes some sort of sense now. Probably. Maybe her identity has just become heavily disintegrated, or dissociated as the pros call it. Then all she’ll have to do is beat up her selves until they integrate or at least let her drive the Alice-car. I mean, this purple-wearing persona in the big chair seems to be 200 times her size and made entirely of the cruelty and self-assurance she needs to tap into those infinite magic powers, and she probably knows on some level it’s the only thing keeping her alive right now, but I’m sure she’ll find a way.
Do you ship it?
We all ship it, whether we admit it or not.
Giant Allison is hawt!
That #1 God coffee cup is so perfect.
#1 GOD?
Everyone knows first god is Jagganoth!
Ah, so it’s less mind control and more artificial schizophrenia.
She told him to give her the strength to survive.
He just had to seal away everything holding hr back.
Consciences aren’t useful, right?
Do I know you?
Oh damn
You dont know your own mind Aly-shun, and in this case its a bit troublesome
Red-self has the right idea, it seems.
I approve.
Same, Sure-Curses-A-Lot. Same.
That is such a wonderful name
Sometimes the truth we seek is the truth that destroys us in the end.
Motion to start calling the red emotion “Nerd Rage.”
Motion seconded, as long as it is simply a question of ethics in video game journalism or a discussion of how the ‘Ghostbusters’ reboot is an existential threat.
Seconded. Motion carries.
All in favor say “Aye.”
All opposed say “Nay”
Nay say I. I liked Sure-curses-a-lot, or even Sure-swears-a-lot better.
Motion seconded
I call a ruse! The Fire-Daemon’s revelation was a hidden, but obvious answer. That does not mean it is true. Recall the identity of our protagonist: Worm-that-will-not-be-devoured-or-tread-upon bends Fate like a pretzel! That defiance will still attract birds seeking to gobble it up. Look to the skies for the giant obscures BIRDS. Those are the true target. They are mobile weak points of “the heavens.” We must pierce through those heavens and rise above this illusionary ceiling! Maybe our little worm will see the truth.
Yass queen?
SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.. all your enemies in cold blood by the thousands
Billions, surely.
Oh Yassssss.
Don’t worry- I’m sure she’s not as tough as she looks. She’s probably much worse.
Dang, Allison in control is T H I C C with power.
Also, white-hair-black-leotard wears the same earrings as Incubus. Good chances she’s the personification of the push Incubus gave Allison.
Birds are for scale.
Finally, Allison has found that terrible enemy called I. Will she find the absolute truth within, I wonder – that which is built from wondrous lies?