I am impressed with your observation. The Queen Ascendant will need all aspects and all syllables of royalty to be incorporated into herself before her journey is through. She must master each one in turn or find it to be her undoing.
Depends on whether or not you are going by Inside-Out colors. If you are, then Disgust looks more pissed off than Anger, and Joy looks like she just finished a stint in Superjail that was never supposed to be finished.
52 Alpha Bathes in the Burning Sun, Vagrant Angel of the Knights Mendicant
My question was more why Anger was not at the helm, but I am afraid that the answer is that Pree Allison is young. While the flames of youthful fury may blaze brightly, they soon sputter into sulky coals.
If Incubus’s influence is indeed for any good at all, he is teaching Allison to harness her rage. She only seems able to access her powers when under extreme emotion, and if she is to pass the test and break through Incubus’s trap, it will be through raw power. Anger is the teeth in the bite of the blade, and a King’s sword must be sharp indeed if he is to maintain his rule.
108 Reaver Full Of Heresy Who Defies The Will Of Fate
I think you misunderstand Incubus and his deals here. Incubus does not “teach” anything. “You yourself are insufficient, so I take the wheel for a sec and MAKE you be sufficient. And in exchange you become my eternal lackey.”
And as it stands…I don’t think they are Inside out colors. Green if I remember is self hatred (as evidenced by the scowl while looking at Our Ego In White, not at all paying attention to what Incubus is doing). Red seems to be…impressed with Incubus’s work, while Self-Pity over in blue is just moping away. Not sure which emotion/facet of personality is the Queen in Yellow though. Whatever she is, she seems very shell-shocked, so I’ll just call her PTSD/Trauma until told otherwise.
108 Reaver Full Of Heresy Who Defies The Will Of Fate
On another note, surely the heir has the strength to throw off the shackles of her captor, even if she may have put them on willingly. She needs only to realize it of course. No amount of struggle will change what she thinks will not.
I’m not sure we can count this one, since Allison isn’t the one in control. It’s going to complicate the numbers, though, since we’ll always have to write it as something like “3/6,000,000,000, footnote, one of them might not count” or “2/6,000,000,000, footnote, maybe actually three if you count that one bug thing killed while possessed by Incubus.”
She’d better kill an extra demon later on just to be sure.
1. Black lipstick? On a SORORITY GIRL? Um, hello!
2. PINK eyes? They’re blue! ROOKIE coloring error, tbh.
3. Ouch, that speech bubble’s poking her in the eye! Another rookie mistake.
Please fix these errors soon, thank you. I hope they don’t continue happening. Or grow in number and prominence. Because if that happened, Allison would look like a totally different person!
Allison is also acting REALLY out-of-character. This is something I notice happens a lot in stories (especially fanfictions). The characters suddenly start acting completely different: crueler, more confident, and so on.
This is exactly what seems to have happened in this story. Clearly, Allison isn’t acting like herself, which is weird!
>> Allison isn’t acting like herself, which is weird!
Yeah. She’s clearly having a ball killing and blasting and prancing. That’s a heck of a lot better than the whiny little twit we’ve all come to know and love, innit?
At least with the third point, the speech bubble is supposed to be poking her because it’s not Allison talking it’t her “inner monologue” that’s stuck in her eye.
Also in the last panel, the big hole on the right is her pupil.
Damn division is so confusing to this aeon sometimes especially when possession is added to the mix. Is this merely an out of control personalty aspect run wild or the sinister incubus taking control to get things going. Truly things are gonna get real weird soon.
Just wait until we have to learn how to divide fractions! Reciprocals and factors are enough to make ones mask explode… so I hear. I don’t dare try it myself.
This one wonders, has Cio not noticed the sudden and dramatic change in Alison’s behavior and abilities? Perhaps she is too caught up in her own internal drama to notice.
What are supposed to represent each one of those colored girls?
Blue doesn’t want to watch, green is like ‘Duh’, red is sitting, waiting, somewhat ahead of the others and yellow is derping around like one of those kids playing with sand in the playground
Abaddon, you’re about three books late with that warning. It’s alright, I’ve figured it out myself by now, but a little heads-up would have been appreciated before I got into this story. Ah well, I’ve enjoyed the ride thus far!
Ah! What glory, what adventure, what pure, visceral, brutal good fun! This is exactly the kind of outing suited for an aspiring hero. I have few doubts that Allison’s irritation at not being able to participate will be rather important in the process of regaining control over her body.
When the AI is better at a game than you are.
Incubus is just trying to show up Nyave, because I said she was the best party member.
Oh, so pages 3 through 293 weren’t the weird part?
Another +1.
I said baby, baby. Baby/
you ain’t seen nothin’ yet/
Nobody in the party questions the new lipstick and eye color choices?
Suppose you notice that your fellow criminal is possessed by a god. Would it be wise to demand answers from Him?
Frankly, other than Cleo, I doubt any of the other party members care that much about Allison to notice.
I meant Cio, obviously. And as we’ve seen, she’s not exactly on good terms with her right now anyway, so that’s an issue as well.
Plus, she is kicking way too much ass right now to be safe confronting.
Our kingling needs to step it up! Royalty is not a continuous backseat drive.
Color buddies!
All we need is orange and purple and the ensemble will be complete (since pink is currently in the driver’s seat)
I am impressed with your observation. The Queen Ascendant will need all aspects and all syllables of royalty to be incorporated into herself before her journey is through. She must master each one in turn or find it to be her undoing.
Do you happen to be related to Time by any chance?
Yeah. I don’t think you can be controlled by another and be Royalty still.
Yes, that’s what happens when a damn god takes over your body.
So Incubus has taken over the ship, and poor Alice-UN has been thrown in the brig along the cast of Inside Out?
You have summed it up exactly, though why Anger isn’t bound hand and foot is beyond me in this instance.
Anger is about to throw Clockwork Orange alice right through her pupil
Depends on whether or not you are going by Inside-Out colors. If you are, then Disgust looks more pissed off than Anger, and Joy looks like she just finished a stint in Superjail that was never supposed to be finished.
My question was more why Anger was not at the helm, but I am afraid that the answer is that Pree Allison is young. While the flames of youthful fury may blaze brightly, they soon sputter into sulky coals.
If Incubus’s influence is indeed for any good at all, he is teaching Allison to harness her rage. She only seems able to access her powers when under extreme emotion, and if she is to pass the test and break through Incubus’s trap, it will be through raw power. Anger is the teeth in the bite of the blade, and a King’s sword must be sharp indeed if he is to maintain his rule.
I think you misunderstand Incubus and his deals here. Incubus does not “teach” anything. “You yourself are insufficient, so I take the wheel for a sec and MAKE you be sufficient. And in exchange you become my eternal lackey.”
And as it stands…I don’t think they are Inside out colors. Green if I remember is self hatred (as evidenced by the scowl while looking at Our Ego In White, not at all paying attention to what Incubus is doing). Red seems to be…impressed with Incubus’s work, while Self-Pity over in blue is just moping away. Not sure which emotion/facet of personality is the Queen in Yellow though. Whatever she is, she seems very shell-shocked, so I’ll just call her PTSD/Trauma until told otherwise.
As for needing a sharp blade…I’d rather a King that did not follow in YISUN’s footsteps.
I had my fill of Gods who abandon their Throne out of boredom aeons ago.
On another note, surely the heir has the strength to throw off the shackles of her captor, even if she may have put them on willingly. She needs only to realize it of course. No amount of struggle will change what she thinks will not.
Okay, I am now resisting the temptation to quote Labyrinth.
Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered…
I’m not sure we can count this one, since Allison isn’t the one in control. It’s going to complicate the numbers, though, since we’ll always have to write it as something like “3/6,000,000,000, footnote, one of them might not count” or “2/6,000,000,000, footnote, maybe actually three if you count that one bug thing killed while possessed by Incubus.”
She’d better kill an extra demon later on just to be sure.
The events of these pages are straight out of a FoMO nightmare.
At least Alice-UN is not alone in her Prison
Many humans dislike being alone with themselves.
Um. Abbadon, I need to bring up some errors.
1. Black lipstick? On a SORORITY GIRL? Um, hello!
2. PINK eyes? They’re blue! ROOKIE coloring error, tbh.
3. Ouch, that speech bubble’s poking her in the eye! Another rookie mistake.
Please fix these errors soon, thank you. I hope they don’t continue happening. Or grow in number and prominence. Because if that happened, Allison would look like a totally different person!
And that would just be craaaazy.
Allison is also acting REALLY out-of-character. This is something I notice happens a lot in stories (especially fanfictions). The characters suddenly start acting completely different: crueler, more confident, and so on.
This is exactly what seems to have happened in this story. Clearly, Allison isn’t acting like herself, which is weird!
>> Allison isn’t acting like herself, which is weird!
Yeah. She’s clearly having a ball killing and blasting and prancing. That’s a heck of a lot better than the whiny little twit we’ve all come to know and love, innit?
At least with the third point, the speech bubble is supposed to be poking her because it’s not Allison talking it’t her “inner monologue” that’s stuck in her eye.
Also in the last panel, the big hole on the right is her pupil.
Also, why is Allison in that weird little room? Is she in two places at once or something? The narrative is COMPLETELY falling apart, right now.
Incubus has taken over her body, and she is trapped inside it. This happened a while back. Do try to keep up.
i believe they are making a joke 😉
Damn division is so confusing to this aeon sometimes especially when possession is added to the mix. Is this merely an out of control personalty aspect run wild or the sinister incubus taking control to get things going. Truly things are gonna get real weird soon.
Just wait until we have to learn how to divide fractions! Reciprocals and factors are enough to make ones mask explode… so I hear. I don’t dare try it myself.
This one wonders, has Cio not noticed the sudden and dramatic change in Alison’s behavior and abilities? Perhaps she is too caught up in her own internal drama to notice.
Maybe she’s aware, but how else are they gonna get through so seemingly easily?
When one wrestles with the Grand Enemy, one has little time to notice their designs at work in others.
Given her eyes in panel 3, I think she and Princess have some inkling.
This? THIS!? only now it gets weird.
But really think about it. She’s a barista.
Inside Out: Mind Control edition.
Inside Out (2015)
What are supposed to represent each one of those colored girls?
Blue doesn’t want to watch, green is like ‘Duh’, red is sitting, waiting, somewhat ahead of the others and yellow is derping around like one of those kids playing with sand in the playground
Probably the seven deadly sins.
Anxiety, Jealousy, Depression and Anger/Hatred, most likely. Notice how Jealousy is currently up to bat for ‘Actual Alison’™
I don’t remember this scene from “Inside Out.”
I see Alison has gone to the Azarathi school of emotional management.
OK, but Cio must have worked something out already, right?
This raises the question, does tiny eye allison have even tinier symbolic allisons looking out her eyes?
It’s eyeballs and tiny symbiotic eyeball residents all the way down, man.
It’s eyes all the way down!
Yes. They happen to also be the Allisons surrounding her.
This bank isn’t the only thing that’s infinitely recursive and weird.
Well, she is the Heir of Zeus.
Mouseover Text: This is where is gets weird
Abaddon, you’re about three books late with that warning. It’s alright, I’ve figured it out myself by now, but a little heads-up would have been appreciated before I got into this story. Ah well, I’ve enjoyed the ride thus far!
But at what cost, dear?
Though you will lose yourself, you will gain the Multiverse
Ah! What glory, what adventure, what pure, visceral, brutal good fun! This is exactly the kind of outing suited for an aspiring hero. I have few doubts that Allison’s irritation at not being able to participate will be rather important in the process of regaining control over her body.