Seeker of Thrones 2-16
Chapter: 2
“Enyis kept with him in his descent a totem – a gleaming trinket of sorts. This served two excellent purposes: first, when the deeps began to tear at Enyis, he would rub it with the pads of his fingers, and it had a wondrous soothing effect.
Second, should Enyis die, the glimmer of the trinket would make finding his body quite easy.”
-Enyis and the Boar King
Vanity is curious.
Turmoil leads to toil, which leads to failure.
Effortlessness is cool as fuck.
>/u/ confirmed
Praise YISUN.
The cage reminds me of one that once held a certain Red monarch, shortly before Aesma tried to use the wheel as a bludgeon.
Reminds me of another glowing girl with a short haircut and a tube of lipstick that could cut a man clean in half.
Hell yes.
The Hysterical Dame?
I don’t care how janky Ceo’s vernacular is. That at the beginning of the seventh panel is a grammatical.
“To march into hell for a heavenly cause”
“Cio… did you *rehearse* this speech?”
“Shhhh no words”
How’d you already get the next panel’s script? 😛
All aboard!
(No disrespect intended)
A dangerous woman from a far-flung world that may never have been once fell afoul of a most insidious demon. Her soul she lost, and won again, and with it great power, which she used both for good and, alas, for great evil. A man she met, and a child, who stole her withered heart and gave new purpose to her strength. To this child she once said, “A monster I may be, but I’m your monster.”
That woman’s name was Ilna os-Kenset, but it’s her I see in Ciocie’s eyes.
|A Note: Ilna os-Kenset is a character in the Lord of the Isles books, with which I am not in any way affiliated, nor do I intend infringement on her or those books.|
I think her hair was better before Cio was done with it. Should be interesting to see the Devil’s Court but I hope we have an interlude with Mammon before then. If he’s half as interesting as Mottom ended up being…
I think we’ll probably see them go to the Heretic’s Court first and then the action with Mammon, just based on Cio’s own former misadventure.
At this point I’m no longer certain if what we’re seeing are just artist flourishes on the part of the author, or if the world of dear Cio’s fanfiction is bleeding through into reality. Both she and Al-YISUN are starting to look suspiciously…prettier than before?
If she’s not careful there will be cherry blossoms and glowing romantic sunsets following her everywhere she goes in Throne.
I noticed that as well. Cio’s proportions have also become less spindly and more humanlike. Hopefully it doesn’t last — I rather liked watching a horned girl and a walking spider running around screaming.
Yeah, anybody else remember that when we first met her she had four arms? Wonder where she’s tucked them away.
That particular thing was a function of the Coat of Arms she had on at the time. It does that.
The general idea does hold, though- her appearance and the art in general have indeed morphed slowly over time.
Clearly, Cio still has a very deep-rooted grudge against Mammon. This is for a good reason, of course.
Love the last panel!
Lovem all, but especiall the last one ^^!
This is so gay, I’m gonna die. You’re going to destroy my small gay heart and I am all for it.
The Codex of the Rising King had the most remarkable narrative effect, that just when one thought it could not possibly get any gayer, one was, without fail, proven wrong. Pleasing, but remarkable.
I’m fairly certain Cio took her glasses off mid-page just so she could be all dramatic when she put them back on.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. God only knows how much I’d do stuff like that if I had glasses.
she absolutely did.
[And I might do the same if I didn’t have glasses I desperately needed to be able to see. Ho hum.]
One can tell these quotes will be going straight into the fanfic- er, the Codex of the Rising King, was it not?
Why exactly are they robbing Mammon? Has Allison gone power mad?
Zaid’s there.
less robbing, more.. un-kidnapping?
Of course, when the keeper treats the kept as a piece of property, maybe it is robbery.
To save Zaid, of course! Even though he is a creep…
A creep he is; that, no-one can deny.
And yet, to leave him in that prison dire?
He’s done no crime so vile that fate to earn.
A rescue, then, must Al and friends supply.
There’s the matter of the boyfriend.
They think they are doing it to rescue Zaid, but obviously Zoss has arranged for a meeting between Alice and each of the Beast’s seven heads.
A likely insight.
Un-fel is observant.
There’s something special about Cio in the seventh panel.
AL-YIS-UN is as she says, “fucking fierce” but Cioelle is particularly…
I know there is a word for this feeling but I seem to have misplaced it.
Determined. Fiery. Hot! 😛
So… does this count as a confession, or an oath of allegiance? (Both?:3 )
Is Al-YIS-UN masking her true self or shedding a false skin? And how reliable is the loyalty of black devils turned blue?
Try shedding an old skin — it wasn’t false, but now she has changed.
Look at the loyalty the Rising King engenders in their allies.
So, we shall now see a thing that is a rare sight for an Aeon- the Heretic Court, and an audience with Himself.
I’m for thee !
The allegiance of a devil so fickle, fierce, and true could be both powerful and dangerous for you.