“Cut once, think not at all. Every situation must be handled this way. Any more than that is excessive and will only burden your sword arm with the weight of regret.” – Ryo ten Ryam, sword saint
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“YISUN once said this: Never step in your own footprint. This is the most grievous sin I can imagine.” -Spasms
“The kings of old could move mountains by lifting a finger. The kings of yesterday can crack a boulder with the backside of a hand. The kings of today can scarcely move a pebble. I shudder to think of the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The song of loving – the song of strength. The heart-armor, blood red, that withstands all obstacles. Set this in your center like pillar of star-iron – You exist. Oh lover mine, oh enemy mine, you will stand erect forever. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Oh aye, you’ve fought many a doughty warrior. Monks vested in shimmering atum, warriors wielding caraptine plate and dragonbone swords. Do you think you’d last one second against a real immortal?” – Graves, Belligerent Knight
“Once, a long time ago, in my youth, I served as a caravan guard crossing the deserts of Qeen, a trip of around a half turn all in all, crossing through the kings road. I made the crossing about four […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…