He works for Metatron, who could have made him an emissary key. If Jugganaught Star falls here, does the key remain in the world or does it bungee back to the void?
Yeah, I was thinking that myself. He definitely received a shard of a word of god from someone. Or took it. It never occurred to me angels could wield such power. But devils and servants and humans can, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised angels can too.
Aye, sees me tha ringish bits whence a nonce. Cannae ponderthus why such a like a look, but bother me not thus? Care nae, me. Poxerly and Vacuous name ye well, yet hidesome admit methinks thus too. 10 Dustyarse the Voyeur finds a rum dance shelf in me cellar as well.
Peel off tha gogspawn, nae, us name’s a crock!
Rightsome pact-makin bollock-up a Hell 71 backaways. Cuttin grand deals us! Makin un easy bit a glass, bindin wi a flopsical blitherbrains – as some hid blunderoaf lackawit screeches off thums gapeygob pie-hole! Reet at the wrang beggarin tick!, an force within they spoutit words!, yey mightysome they!
Shrugged un name since, an grew us a wee bitty bit, but blue us is. An as narksome as ever was.
Abaddon has used the “halo” basically as a symbol of power or enlightenment in some of his other works, and explained it as such. Barring any more recent explanation, specific to KSBD, I wouldn’t attribute any specific explanation to it, such as bearing a key.
I’m not remembering exactly, but I’m pretty sure the halo is just a manifestation of a strong will, someone able to focus their energy/use arts of cutting.
I wonder if Juggernaut’s obsession with MISTAKES is foreshadowing, given what we know about him – his special hatred for Zoss, and his secret knowledge of the nature of Zoss’ power.
Perhaps he will transform into something other than a Thorn, earning a new name entirely. 6 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe could become something like 7 Tempered Skies Give Balm to the Oppressed? But then again I may just be an optimist.
I believe you are correct. In my prior incarnation as a chronicler I did not have information regarding exact distance in time aside from it being a respectable gulf. I greatly anticipate the outcome.
“Don’t let the fact, that I am 368 years older than you, dull your impression of me. I can still -how do you Terrans say it?- throw down, with the best of them.”
Oh my, a battle of three angels! All I hope is that enough spectators remain in this arena to keep buying drinks–to see the cold white flame war against itself like this in view of us mortals a rare treat indeed.
Doesn’t look like it’ll be a three-way. I can’t imagine WC is much in fighting shape anymore, supposing they even survive the next update; looks like their arm is about to come off. The current portrayal is that Juggers is way above their power level anyways, can’t imagine WC would be of too much use fighting them.
Then again, speculation probably isn’t much use, we’ll see pretty soon how this plays out!
Hoy there me frosty bird! Ye’r a slip’ry one me says. Ne’r got a look nor a whisper from ye on that tha Frozen Fire ae’m lookun to deal and suchlike! Seeks, me, frosty bird, an fancy gente has coin if’un that’s yer price, but seeks me nonethesame.
Purple skies take warning, suchlike, but red is underrated. Spokes too purple for sailing, best not be kicked from good harbor.
(I’d like to deal back in Throne, but I’m not going to jeopardize my contract with Solomon David’s empire by suddenly getting arrested for dealing soul flames chilled to frozen blocks. This seems to be the result of a human trying to somehow use a creole of the Black Speech and Universal Metaconstant to convey all this.)
All this interloping is going to play havoc with Solid Dave’s tournament rule book.
Obviously Juggers is in for a thumping, but Juggers was beating White Chain, who beat Allison. So if it’s battle royale between anyone in the arena, this means old Vig is theoretically up for a one on one with Dave.
Which he probably won’t care about, so no final round this year. Bit of a let down for the fans.
To be fair, it got screwed up by Gog Agog who was trying to subtly rig it in Allisons favor and got caught (I wonder what aroused Solomons suspicions), then he tried to level the playing field in as much a RNG way as possible.
I’m sure he was aware of the general outlines of the faction statuses, but I seriously doubt that he knew of Juggernaut Star’s particular plot here.
Anyways, regarding an angel being the last contender, I wonder how many have actually fought in the tournament over the years? I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some rule against them being the final contender, though obviously that doesn’t stop them from participating.
To be honest I think you’re right in that he doesn’t really care about all this chaos and switching in and out of participants. I think he mainly wants to see what Allison does, being the key bearer and all; and everything else is just good tv, so to speak.
That being said I’m so FROTHING excited to see what happens next!! I absolutely /love/ that Abbadon puts so damn much love and skill into this comic, and believe me I understand that quality takes time… but man am I impatient.
Aye, so it IS Vigilant Gaze! I sussed as much before, but there remained a small bit o’ doubt in my head. Who knew a little bit o’ dust was enough to obscure an Aeon’s identity.
Cannae be tinkin a chunk swathe dust do slowly slowin the arses te stone! Nae, thingeh nigh got me gibberling a time a nonce. Mae shavedly quicklike, but dance a rum, me.
(Agreed, but it’s unwise to assume angels would be slowed for long by mere dust build up! Such an assumption almost cost my life once, but I managed to escape with a very narrow margin. I like to think it was my skill but frankly I got lucky and needed a stiff drink afterwards.)
Hah! Us’s en’t right thickenskulled for shortsellin’ un heateater. Ebonship we nae keep with halfwittery, lest hues be dullin’. An’ content we, gazin’ at thee yammering unhinderly by stocksome tongue, unlike I.
(Hah! I’m not so foolish as to underestimate an angel. I wouldn’t be ebon if that were the case. It’s also pleasant to see a fellow devil using the Black Speech without dumbing it down for others like I’ve been.)
Rounding thunkle chump, me! Burbles and tenta sips, or nonce a rumdance, I! Tossin flaming cups to tha, Gilded nomen to be whence a once, me, but ae nae foundish soon through plywood skull cap knowings, thus dae Red be me.. Sell yae nae smol for wiggling et talker these, makin chit whence a slickerish bit, eh? Heh heh heh.
(You have me belly laughing in Glee so hard I needed to grab a drink or else I’d have fallen over! A toast and my respect to you for earning and keeping your vaunted Ebon Name…I had achieved Gold at one point but was too stubborn to take some timely advice so, now I’m the humble Red you see now. Don’t sell yourself short for talking in their tongues; as uncomfortable as it can be at times, it does make conversing a little easier. Heh heh heh.)
17 Lectures the Informed Blue Flame (body crumbles)
Brother 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon! This one rejoices vehemently! This one had been all but convinced by thus concordance commenters, but withheld judgement in the event…oh, thus matters not.. this one.. thi… I CAN CHANGE, TOO! WHOOP JUGGERS ARSE, BROTHER!! This one – no – /I/ hope that Vigilant Gaze gives thus–that upstart 7 Juggernaut Star what he deserves for treating these ones–/our/ brother so poorly! This one…me..I..think it is time to break and change as well. See thus–you all in the next reincarnation. This one’s…body..has grown…stuffy..anyway……..
One felt the involuntary need to proclaim
course through one’s own flame when one read the clear epiphaniacal babbling of a puttering flame held yet by a mere thin strand.
One also now wishes to inform that one’s aural openings are currently quite amused with the novel experience of Megalovania on repeat.
To morally worry is human; to understand first, divine.
These intricately woven tales, which you and we all enjoy, yet do have as one crux of their very mythology, the concept of divine suicide. This world nay multiverse would not exist but for it. Not to mention reaching Heaven through violence, received, as much as to others; remember wherein we write.
One already knows 17 will get and enjoy the reference you did not. Or 18 will, should one say. Just by paying attention when in amongst and reading all our many ramblings down here.
18 Excruciating Patience Earned Through Many Lectures of the Blue Flame
Haaaaaaaaaa, readin somat wi a smell dry tinder-like, jump right in feetsom overhedge backsom us, nae bother. Sees thee stuck in a sticky middle Stoneyarse bein yey diplomatic! struck in twain, an breve an economic as never normal is!
Noticed if tha disnae reply ta un comment yey befitsome – a Bolgus as well befitsome as thee, an noticed if tha does. Noticed if tha like shows overly, as tha woulda for they Down System if no intacession, an noticed if tha doesn’t. Noticed if tha cares much, noticed if tha doesn’t. Noticed if tha favours good intents do goodin, noticed if tha doesn’t! Would say us feels for tha. Naaa, cannae, us be of but desire, wi naught else in us heart. Uncomfortsome! Say little, gather tha chopwise!
I completely get what it’s a reference to, just cautioning that suicide can be a sensitive topic for some. It’s not for me, but just just saying that not everybody is going to understand the context.
Is a human tha’s roleplayin smjjames in’t it. Thee stick ta tha’s guns milad. An be careful when mentionin tha s word, others din’t seem to like it! Hav a care.
Don’t tend to comment about suicide much if one’s honest, only in response to someone who was committing it, and another that said they did it on a whim. Obviously role-playing, and within an appropriate setting.
Many people here will be ‘close’ to it in one respect or another I’m sure, as am I.
Some people are always more sensitive than others, whatever the subject, but if anyone’s followed hundreds of pages of this very particular tome and its intricate mythology, I’d personally credit them with a fair bit of open-mindedness, and intelligence, enough to know what’s what by now, let alone half a page down.
One doesn’t see a point for misplaced moralising on others’ behalf I’m afraid, I’ve seen it make matters worse, in this very subject. People are very capable of placing comments themselves, especially here.
If you do that’s your choice and that’s fine, it takes all sorts to make a world, one realises the intent, apologies regarding getting the ref.
Us likes the devilish too, lol. Think I’ll stick to playing a 2nd rate stoneyarse though.
I am honored to be present at the fiery death/rebirth of such an erudite member of the concordance. As the phoenix they shall rise renewed with a new realization to guide. Go, experience, return with wisdom that we all may be enlightened there by.
19 Graceful Butterfly Mortally Torments the Wilfully Insipid, Chaotically
Astutely said, brother. Mayhap it’s the odd temporal properties of this this world due to how Al-Yis-Un’s tale is being told by The Scribe Abbadon, but in my frame of reference nigh on a century and a half has passed since I was this one. I can see terrifically less time has passed in this space. I think the mighty yet dry scholarly passions of this one must have drawn me back to this specific instance in time. Odd. Fascinating.
Ehh heh heh heh! Shiverspook, me! Cannae uncanny dancerly swing twice knotter Sans? Aye.. fearsome treble do be endings wae crossedly worn. He warn simply do nae, but aye blithersome stoneyarse. Aye.
(Lol! I thought the same and got devilbumps! Which incarnation of yours was unfortunate enough to hear my second and a half cousin’s battle song? He’s absolutely terrifying even to me, but at least he warns folk before the slaughter. Sad you didn’t heed that warning, angel.)
A mechanical sounding wheeze or blast seems appropriate given the mechanically jointed appearance compared to the more organic appearance of the Root knights and the Petal knights. The Thorn knights are in between the organic exoskeletal look of the Petal knights and Vigilant Gaze’s suit.
Never make an enemy of an angel.
It bears mentioning, this advice is equally relevant for angels.
Juggernaut Star, I advise you to contemplate this between reincarnations. Don’t worry, you’ll have the chance to contemplate presently.
Before I proclaim Juggernaut Star’s demise, I wonder, where is the wheel of eyes?
(woe be he that mistakes the rider for the steed)
He’s got it comin’, that’s fer sure. So long, Jughead.
Anyother else ever utter that Spikyarse’s got a halo like they keybearers all do? And appears to ‘ride the lightning’ to boot?
Bad form for us of the black flame to cheer an angel, we knows, but we do hav a soft spot for 10 Likes to Watch. HO THERE!
That halo has never been explained AFAIK, and I thought they could ‘ride the lightning’ at will as long as they had a suit of armor to reside in.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Juggernaut Star was given a little bit of power so that he could fulfill his role as Speaker of/for Thorns.
Abbadon once said Juggy got it as a gift.
Odd that one so opposed to sentimentality would keep such a thing, but it does look pretty badass.
He works for Metatron, who could have made him an emissary key. If Jugganaught Star falls here, does the key remain in the world or does it bungee back to the void?
Yeah, I was thinking that myself. He definitely received a shard of a word of god from someone. Or took it. It never occurred to me angels could wield such power. But devils and servants and humans can, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised angels can too.
Aye, sees me tha ringish bits whence a nonce. Cannae ponderthus why such a like a look, but bother me not thus? Care nae, me. Poxerly and Vacuous name ye well, yet hidesome admit methinks thus too. 10 Dustyarse the Voyeur finds a rum dance shelf in me cellar as well.
Peel off tha gogspawn, nae, us name’s a crock!
Rightsome pact-makin bollock-up a Hell 71 backaways. Cuttin grand deals us! Makin un easy bit a glass, bindin wi a flopsical blitherbrains – as some hid blunderoaf lackawit screeches off thums gapeygob pie-hole! Reet at the wrang beggarin tick!, an force within they spoutit words!, yey mightysome they!
Shrugged un name since, an grew us a wee bitty bit, but blue us is. An as narksome as ever was.
Abaddon has used the “halo” basically as a symbol of power or enlightenment in some of his other works, and explained it as such. Barring any more recent explanation, specific to KSBD, I wouldn’t attribute any specific explanation to it, such as bearing a key.
I’m not remembering exactly, but I’m pretty sure the halo is just a manifestation of a strong will, someone able to focus their energy/use arts of cutting.
Its the guy from white chains banishment! The one with the rings!
Upon realizing who this was I inexplicably said to myself, and I quote, “Oh shit, oh shit, it’s OWL BOY.” What could this mean?
You expertly predicted it. Very well done.
Old man about to go wild?
Well well well…
A fitting quote from the original stonyarse!
I want Juggernaut Star as my chiropractor.
Knocked the dust out of Vigilant Gaze’s armor did you Juggy?
I concur.
I wonder if Juggernaut’s obsession with MISTAKES is foreshadowing, given what we know about him – his special hatred for Zoss, and his secret knowledge of the nature of Zoss’ power.
Blatherly shorted winds, me.
(Excuse my poor grasp of the language.)
¡Siempre sospechamos que el discurso negro tenía sus raíces en la grandiosa lengua escocesa!
¿Un terrón o dos? Espero que mi hermano culopuntiagudo reciba una lumpit heid.
“¡Camarada, AYÚDAME!
¡Aplasta a este bastardo espinoso en la alfombra!
“Lo siento, ¡eso no es suficiente!
¡Tengo que romperlo en dos mundos!”
I am a native Spanish speaker, and this is my favourite thread on the comments section.
Vengeful Iron?
Vigilant Gaze.
No, Vigilant Gaze.
V-V-Vengeful I-
Get the hell out of here Denton
Shaking off the dust of ages
Dust like a storm! Finally though. Is this going to be another beat down on little ol juggernaut?
6 Juggernaut refuses to learn patience. They begin the next lesson.
6 Juggernaut refuses to learn, but will 7 Juggernaut learn ?
Perhaps he will transform into something other than a Thorn, earning a new name entirely. 6 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe could become something like 7 Tempered Skies Give Balm to the Oppressed? But then again I may just be an optimist.
Vigilant Gaze exudes some potent Siegmeyer vibes. He’s just missing a zweihander
Oh-ho! I concur entirely!
Getting a Reinhardt vibe myself I hear his lines with that Voice Actor
Beat him with your old hooves!
Wheezy better call that Thorn a rascal at some point.
He did call them ruffians in 3:53.
Ho There! Yes, you, Sir Scalawag! Sir Bounder! Vile Reprobate without honor! Unhand her!
This is like when your grandpa’s about to give a stern speech to your older brother when he wouldn’t stop bullying you.
A rather apt metaphor.
Per contra; why such a tar-like incarnation, brother? Correct me if I’m wrong but is this form resultant of the warring demiurges?
I went back and checked the font on the HO THERE! in 1-9 and it matches exactly with Vigilant Gaze Purges The Horizon.
Nothing like a solid kick and thump to get the old machinery working, right?
Exactly what I was thinking. I have a feeling it’s been a long time since our dear brother last threw hands.
I believe you are correct. In my prior incarnation as a chronicler I did not have information regarding exact distance in time aside from it being a respectable gulf. I greatly anticipate the outcome.
“Don’t let the fact, that I am 368 years older than you, dull your impression of me. I can still -how do you Terrans say it?- throw down, with the best of them.”
Or going.
“The Void will purify you.”
And off go the leg weights…
Oh my, a battle of three angels! All I hope is that enough spectators remain in this arena to keep buying drinks–to see the cold white flame war against itself like this in view of us mortals a rare treat indeed.
Doesn’t look like it’ll be a three-way. I can’t imagine WC is much in fighting shape anymore, supposing they even survive the next update; looks like their arm is about to come off. The current portrayal is that Juggers is way above their power level anyways, can’t imagine WC would be of too much use fighting them.
Then again, speculation probably isn’t much use, we’ll see pretty soon how this plays out!
Hoy there me frosty bird! Ye’r a slip’ry one me says. Ne’r got a look nor a whisper from ye on that tha Frozen Fire ae’m lookun to deal and suchlike! Seeks, me, frosty bird, an fancy gente has coin if’un that’s yer price, but seeks me nonethesame.
Sorry about that, hadn’t been expecting replies.
Purple skies take warning, suchlike, but red is underrated. Spokes too purple for sailing, best not be kicked from good harbor.
(I’d like to deal back in Throne, but I’m not going to jeopardize my contract with Solomon David’s empire by suddenly getting arrested for dealing soul flames chilled to frozen blocks. This seems to be the result of a human trying to somehow use a creole of the Black Speech and Universal Metaconstant to convey all this.)
All this interloping is going to play havoc with Solid Dave’s tournament rule book.
Obviously Juggers is in for a thumping, but Juggers was beating White Chain, who beat Allison. So if it’s battle royale between anyone in the arena, this means old Vig is theoretically up for a one on one with Dave.
Which he probably won’t care about, so no final round this year. Bit of a let down for the fans.
To be fair, it got screwed up by Gog Agog who was trying to subtly rig it in Allisons favor and got caught (I wonder what aroused Solomons suspicions), then he tried to level the playing field in as much a RNG way as possible.
I’m sure he was aware of the general outlines of the faction statuses, but I seriously doubt that he knew of Juggernaut Star’s particular plot here.
Anyways, regarding an angel being the last contender, I wonder how many have actually fought in the tournament over the years? I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some rule against them being the final contender, though obviously that doesn’t stop them from participating.
To be honest I think you’re right in that he doesn’t really care about all this chaos and switching in and out of participants. I think he mainly wants to see what Allison does, being the key bearer and all; and everything else is just good tv, so to speak.
That being said I’m so FROTHING excited to see what happens next!! I absolutely /love/ that Abbadon puts so damn much love and skill into this comic, and believe me I understand that quality takes time… but man am I impatient.
Agreed, to all of this.
Aye, so it IS Vigilant Gaze! I sussed as much before, but there remained a small bit o’ doubt in my head. Who knew a little bit o’ dust was enough to obscure an Aeon’s identity.
Cannae be tinkin a chunk swathe dust do slowly slowin the arses te stone! Nae, thingeh nigh got me gibberling a time a nonce. Mae shavedly quicklike, but dance a rum, me.
(Agreed, but it’s unwise to assume angels would be slowed for long by mere dust build up! Such an assumption almost cost my life once, but I managed to escape with a very narrow margin. I like to think it was my skill but frankly I got lucky and needed a stiff drink afterwards.)
Plus he was able to hold his own while in that condition, but now that Juggernaut Star has (unintentionally I’m sure) knocked the dust loose… well….
I do be likin whats all you say. These boys do no be fools for fooling hitheryon, so I personably think not to cross even the dustiest.
(Agreed. I learned my lesson to not mess with even the ones who sit around for long periods of time.)
Hah! Us’s en’t right thickenskulled for shortsellin’ un heateater. Ebonship we nae keep with halfwittery, lest hues be dullin’. An’ content we, gazin’ at thee yammering unhinderly by stocksome tongue, unlike I.
(Hah! I’m not so foolish as to underestimate an angel. I wouldn’t be ebon if that were the case. It’s also pleasant to see a fellow devil using the Black Speech without dumbing it down for others like I’ve been.)
Rounding thunkle chump, me! Burbles and tenta sips, or nonce a rumdance, I! Tossin flaming cups to tha, Gilded nomen to be whence a once, me, but ae nae foundish soon through plywood skull cap knowings, thus dae Red be me.. Sell yae nae smol for wiggling et talker these, makin chit whence a slickerish bit, eh? Heh heh heh.
(You have me belly laughing in Glee so hard I needed to grab a drink or else I’d have fallen over! A toast and my respect to you for earning and keeping your vaunted Ebon Name…I had achieved Gold at one point but was too stubborn to take some timely advice so, now I’m the humble Red you see now. Don’t sell yourself short for talking in their tongues; as uncomfortable as it can be at times, it does make conversing a little easier. Heh heh heh.)
Brother 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon! This one rejoices vehemently! This one had been all but convinced by thus concordance commenters, but withheld judgement in the event…oh, thus matters not.. this one.. thi… I CAN CHANGE, TOO! WHOOP JUGGERS ARSE, BROTHER!! This one – no – /I/ hope that Vigilant Gaze gives thus–that upstart 7 Juggernaut Star what he deserves for treating these ones–/our/ brother so poorly! This one…me..I..think it is time to break and change as well. See thus–you all in the next reincarnation. This one’s…body..has grown…stuffy..anyway……..
It’s still 6 Juggernaut Star, but if the fight shifts to the void, they could very well end up being 7 Juggernaut Star.
Thinks, me, 17 Talks Too Damn Much dae blitherbrained after dust shucking talkish.
(I think this long-winded angel was confused since apparently they decided to shed this body on a whim, apparently to make/get a new one.)
Suicide is divine, Ebon!
One felt the involuntary need to proclaim
course through one’s own flame when one read the clear epiphaniacal babbling of a puttering flame held yet by a mere thin strand.
One also now wishes to inform that one’s aural openings are currently quite amused with the novel experience of Megalovania on repeat.
While I get what you’re roleplaying here, I’d be careful around the subject of suicide.
To morally worry is human; to understand first, divine.
These intricately woven tales, which you and we all enjoy, yet do have as one crux of their very mythology, the concept of divine suicide. This world nay multiverse would not exist but for it. Not to mention reaching Heaven through violence, received, as much as to others; remember wherein we write.
One already knows 17 will get and enjoy the reference you did not. Or 18 will, should one say. Just by paying attention when in amongst and reading all our many ramblings down here.
Cheers to thee, brother. I truly understand Ser Smjjames as it is a good point. I also truly understand thee. Your kinship is welcome.
Haaaaaaaaaa, readin somat wi a smell dry tinder-like, jump right in feetsom overhedge backsom us, nae bother. Sees thee stuck in a sticky middle Stoneyarse bein yey diplomatic! struck in twain, an breve an economic as never normal is!
Noticed if tha disnae reply ta un comment yey befitsome – a Bolgus as well befitsome as thee, an noticed if tha does. Noticed if tha like shows overly, as tha woulda for they Down System if no intacession, an noticed if tha doesn’t. Noticed if tha cares much, noticed if tha doesn’t. Noticed if tha favours good intents do goodin, noticed if tha doesn’t! Would say us feels for tha. Naaa, cannae, us be of but desire, wi naught else in us heart. Uncomfortsome! Say little, gather tha chopwise!
I completely get what it’s a reference to, just cautioning that suicide can be a sensitive topic for some. It’s not for me, but just just saying that not everybody is going to understand the context.
Is a human tha’s roleplayin smjjames in’t it. Thee stick ta tha’s guns milad. An be careful when mentionin tha s word, others din’t seem to like it! Hav a care.
lol ok.
Don’t tend to comment about suicide much if one’s honest, only in response to someone who was committing it, and another that said they did it on a whim. Obviously role-playing, and within an appropriate setting.
Many people here will be ‘close’ to it in one respect or another I’m sure, as am I.
Some people are always more sensitive than others, whatever the subject, but if anyone’s followed hundreds of pages of this very particular tome and its intricate mythology, I’d personally credit them with a fair bit of open-mindedness, and intelligence, enough to know what’s what by now, let alone half a page down.
One doesn’t see a point for misplaced moralising on others’ behalf I’m afraid, I’ve seen it make matters worse, in this very subject. People are very capable of placing comments themselves, especially here.
If you do that’s your choice and that’s fine, it takes all sorts to make a world, one realises the intent, apologies regarding getting the ref.
Us likes the devilish too, lol. Think I’ll stick to playing a 2nd rate stoneyarse though.
*Fat stoneyarse
Oi, Fat Stoneyarse. Dinny pretend tha knows whits divine. S’all a grand lie anyways! Jus follow whits chiselt inta tha eh
Job done. Everyone insulted. Tangible tension diffused. Or takin aim thisways.
Leaving us!
Your forgiveness Bolgus, one thought you were Ebon.
I am honored to be present at the fiery death/rebirth of such an erudite member of the concordance. As the phoenix they shall rise renewed with a new realization to guide. Go, experience, return with wisdom that we all may be enlightened there by.
One’s sharp eye may even already have noted their expeditious re-condensation elsewheres on today’s parable’s page if one’s not mistaken ;
Astutely said, brother. Mayhap it’s the odd temporal properties of this this world due to how Al-Yis-Un’s tale is being told by The Scribe Abbadon, but in my frame of reference nigh on a century and a half has passed since I was this one. I can see terrifically less time has passed in this space. I think the mighty yet dry scholarly passions of this one must have drawn me back to this specific instance in time. Odd. Fascinating.
Why did Megalovania start playing in my head when I looked at the last panel…
Ehh heh heh heh! Shiverspook, me! Cannae uncanny dancerly swing twice knotter Sans? Aye.. fearsome treble do be endings wae crossedly worn. He warn simply do nae, but aye blithersome stoneyarse. Aye.
(Lol! I thought the same and got devilbumps! Which incarnation of yours was unfortunate enough to hear my second and a half cousin’s battle song? He’s absolutely terrifying even to me, but at least he warns folk before the slaughter. Sad you didn’t heed that warning, angel.)
For some reason this makes me remember people getting ripped apart by Fog Princes in Kenshi.
I like to imagine that the “WHEEZE” is a loud train horn. CHOO CHOO MOTHAFUCKER
A mechanical sounding wheeze or blast seems appropriate given the mechanically jointed appearance compared to the more organic appearance of the Root knights and the Petal knights. The Thorn knights are in between the organic exoskeletal look of the Petal knights and Vigilant Gaze’s suit.
Maybe VG is from an older order of knights.
VG is a Root knight.
His armor was just forged by a different smith than WC’s.
Oh, okay, wasn’t sure on that. Still makes sense that his armor is just from a different (and probably much older) model line.