Vigilant gaze was one of my favorite characters, and I believe him to be one of the best NON-HUMAN character studies Abbadon has ever made.
Even in his first apparition, he was wonderfully expressive without barely possesing any human physiologic traits, and he has only gotten better with time. I doubt any of us is in position to fully appreciate how hard is to make such an alien creature body language so fully expressive.
And I think that his first apparition, together with Allison´s Arc in the void with Cio & princess, also heralded Abbadon becoming comfortable with these otherworldy, bold color palettes we are now enjoying in the LANCER RPG and this current arena arc.
So really enjoying this arc, and my favorite character coming back to the forefront. Thanks for the ride, Abbadon.
That’s an awesome observation. Quite the analytical viewpoint you have when absorbing entertainment, especially when suspension of disbelief is a hard requirement of reading this type of story. I just get too swept up in the art/story to dissect the tiny details that make the story that much richer (unless I’ve already read it). This is the benefit to having a discussion section to webcomics (web-comics?) I get much more out of the language than the action anyway.
Dave continues to glower,
The audience continues to be confused,
Nyave, Princess and the creep continue to be in awe
and Gog Agog, Gog Agog and Gog Agog are just bored, ’cause, hey, what the hell, there was this aloof beauty that had turned blue for a spell, you see, and
Thinks me, ye thirsty? Us’s got mostly uncursed Redrum. Tha’s leathery covering bits may be wantin’ an extry hand or two to loosen, an this foine gente me ‘appens to ‘av a free un.
Bolgus!, din’t see tha there tha big red hairy oobit! Bringen tha Redrum thisaways an us’ll sit back an rightsome enjoy thum stoneyarses kickin ten bells oot a each ither on the big screen Gog Show! Agog’s got alla the camera angles cover’d!
M’gellie!, pop along an take charge wi a bit o Priestrixifyin any time tha’ likes!
You also missed a few Agog. So far we have seen 9 different Agogs. Host Gog, Cohost Gog, Interviewer Gog, 1st Host Assistant Gog, 2nd Host Assistant Gog, Audience Gog 1, Audience Gog 2, Audience Gog 3 and finally, Audience Gog 4. This arc has been Agog with Gog.
I started around Feb 1st, and now I’m finally caught up! Too bad it had to come during the middle of an awesome battle between angels and Thorns.
Question: is 10 Vigilant gaze purges the Horizon a wbite chain as well?
Ugh, don’t tha be wishin for more’n un White Chain. Un’s plentisome bellyful. Thums both stoneyarsed heateaters of they Concordant Harmonies, self-stylin peacekeepers. Us gives tha that un stringless tha noobsome flaxen-brain, an if tha nae be creedsome o that, well, tha’s learnin.
18 Excruciating Patience Earned Through Many Lectures of the Blue Flame
For an angelic tar is a soaring soul
And free as the mountain bird!
His energetic fist should be ready to resist
A dictatorial word!
His eyes should flash with an inborn fire,
His brow with scorn be wrung,
He never should bow down to a domineering frown,
Or the tang of a tyrant tongue!
Did White Chain ever declare gender one way or the other? It seems to me more like Allison and now Vigilant Gaze just decided to regender White Chain on their own, which actually isn’t all that respectful.
I don’t think she’s being misgendered. White Chain’s true form is female, she likes to dress femininely (like when she was playing cards earlier in this book), she always seems to bristle when called brother &, before leaving the void, she stated why does it matter if she is male or female.
Main issue is that she hasn’t fully accepted this herself, though maybe vigilant gaze & her friends’ support will be enough to help her.
More than Heavily Implied, as White Chain is openly mocked by other angels for having gender ideas. “An angel that’s a woman? Almost as ridiculous as an angel that’s human!” Preem Vash, even, goes “I could have use for a woman like you, we’ve all heard the rumors.” Plus all of the recent talk with Alicio, White Chain had perfected the ancient trans art of convincing yourself that figuring out how important genders may be to you can wait.
like, its true that in this current moment and culture its best to let individuals declare their own genders. but white chain is an angel, and the form of her soul is her own way of declaring who she is: shockingly human and a woman. she isn’t a trans woman exactly, she’s a metaphor for a trans woman. and vigilant gaze is metaphorically being the big brother every one of us wanted lol. love this comic.
In the early chapters, White Chain didn’t want to be referred to as female at all. Though, this was ?maybe? trying to imply that she was repressing that? Based on my reading of the first chapters, I think this might have been something the author decided to change to later.. which is fine but did make me confused at the tone for a while.
Though, I think that the angels calling WC ‘brother’ aren’t even being rude. Literally all of the angels are amorphous genderless spirits, so brother in their dialect would almost certainly also be genderless. (Though, demons might have a language that pays more attention to that; but the story ignores languages)
It has been some few thousand years since last 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges The Horizon spoke the words of power that bind him unto his shell, but the Mantra Paternal remains as ever. Speak first words of greeting, and speak then the true name of the world, that most beautiful lie of YISUN, whose untruth the Root is sworn to defend.
And then, of course: “I’m Dad.”
Ha! Ha! Fool, cretinous ember! Everyone knows that angels aren’t real! A lie swings at another lie! Ha! Ha! The great YISUN would be pleased by such duplicity! What wondrous idiocy! What delectable foolery! Ha! Ha!
Ha! Ha! Thank ye, tha old blackheart! One must put a bit more truth into this great lie of our residence, and there is little else that this fool can do!
And remember: If each earthly king need an idiot at their side, then surely all the other liars on this bastard plane could use a bit more truth as well.
Ha! Ha! Or idiocy! Though folly and truth go hand-in-hand, as this cretin knows!
That is an excellent question. I believe only Maya (and those members of the 108 Stars who saw that final confrontation and understood it) knows the wheel is the actual angel.
22 Black Ichor Seeps from Heaven's Festering Wounds
Agreed on excellent question. We haven’t seen him go very far from the wheel, but prefers to stay as close as possible to it, if not carrying it. Maybe it just takes less effort the closer they are to the main wheel body?
Maybe. Though I looked back at Wielder of Names and they had a similar blue shade in the ports as WC and VG at first, until they got all riled up and angry. But even then, the glow wasn’t as intense as it is here.
How much of it comes from refinement in Abbadon’s skill (which was still awesome even three years ago) and how much of it is Juggernaut Star actually inhabiting the armor vs proxying it, no idea.
Preem Calavera your sharp eye does you credit in your endeavours one does not doubt.
Woe be he that mistakes the rider for the steed.
Woe be he that mistakes the steed for the rider!
He has inhabited both and can inhabit both, simultaneously if he wishes, with no umbilical.
Whilst fighting Maya, the near-nuclear explosion of an ange, suddenly disbodied, was witnessed, yet he survived in current incarnation.
And either. His being in either on its own is no surprise, and neither of the current bodies he uses are his pre-Thorn pre-Shattering original.
Wasn’t the wheel that chopped Zoss’ head off.
You must stop by for some alms and a cuppa when you’re passing.
Probably in the stands watching, being feed the angel equivalent of popcorn by it’s skele-slaves, while having a faint feeling of deja-vu at the unfolding conflict.
True, monster, true. The first of many, one can but feel. Tho maybe not those thorny types.
Do excuse, one needs to go and warm one’s teapot and get the petit-fours ready.
And Yisun saw the universe as a homogeneity, and they realized that shit was boring as fuck. Thus they said, “Let’s get crazy up in here motherfuckers.” *POIT*
Thinks, me, tha should nae be stretchin tha’s head bits overmuch an instead be boiled with glee at thus show! Spikeyarse an Dustyarse wel nae be lettin tha down. Do nae be pushin te yogurt tha dreams wiv.
The topic, I believe, is apostasy: the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief. And the moral, as I fear Jughead shall soon learn, is “I wouldn’t if I were you.”
10 Vigilant Gazes showed up, said some cryptic bullshit that White Chain misinterpreted and noted that Allison was being too reckless. WC then attacked Allison, eventually winning. White Chain is under orders to kill her if necessary, and 7 Juggernaut Star would rather it be that way, so that Angels are in control of the key. Juggers sees WC not kill Allison somehow (there’s undoubtedly some way to watch WC to some extent) and just showed up to get WC to “finish her work” and kill Allison. WC wasn’t having any of it, so Juggers was about to rip her arm off and probably kill her. Then we get VG interrupting; he thinks WC is doing the right thing not killing Allison, and shouldn’t even be trying to control Allison as much as she is. Plus WC and VG seem to be on friendly terms, and murdering somebody’s friend in front of them tends to invoke some call to action.
It’s not Krayu Mat if neither Angel is showing their true form outside of their physical shells, I believe. What we’re seeing in panel 2 is a visual cue to finally establish the identity of Sir Coughsalot as 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon – we don’t see this lammasu-like shape in the final panel where he’s fighting Juggernaut, so he’s not released their full potential. Yet xD
Interesting that he’s shaped like a lamassu as these were originally female deities that got regendered male and given big beards by masculinists like Tiglath Pileser. I wonder if we’ll ever get to learn VG’s backstory.
The only thing that beats un’ angel is un’ other angel. Here’s to hoping Vigilant Gaze can beat the flame right out of thum igneous bastard. …Although, I’ve a bit of concern regarding his real vessel, that wheel.
Ae, me billowing Ebon! Aye ponderthus us’s, but tricksome me do nae ye betwae? Swipe’s two hands o tha’s blacken shineys ‘er ye nai spinny hotsome bit wae cause ae do be fullsome thusen thus. Sae nae?
(Ho there Ebon! I think you may likely be right about that but would you care to make a wager? I’ll bet and take twenty of your shards of black glass that they did not bring it because they’re very prideful. Up for it?)
Thou sayest true, devil. And there is some disquiet amongst our order with our Thorn brothers, if they are still such.
Juggernaut Star is a practitioner of renown of the Pattram Sword Hand. The human Musko Reeve wrote of it that he had “seen masters of this school sever solid rock with a fingernail…It is an evil school”.
Even Brother Vigilant’s mighty body is not immune then. And He himself has been in repose so long his style and mastery is unknown to me!
One feels my two powerful brothers are finely matched, and this shall be what one has heard called ‘a humdinger’, making ones ashen vessel tingle in flame with anticipation!
This’ll be a damn good show, if anythin’. I like seeing fools get what’s comin’ to them, and thum spiky Aeon’s had a beatdown comin’ a good long while. …Us’s only hoping Vigilant Gaze can land even a single strike. It’d be a sore shame if he can’t.
No, friend. Just the first time my brother has revealed himself in this form. We’ve seen him back at the beginning of this tale, when my /sister/ White Chain was first banished; then we saw this mysterious armor briefly several times, but only now has the truth of things been confirmed by Al-Yis-Un’s scribe Abbadon. This will be a fun fight.
Yes, we did indeed see him lurking in the registration hall before the tournament began. Which makes me wonder if he filled out the forms? He could be a legal contestant! Can’t imagine Jughead would sit still long enough to fill out that stack of paper, though.
It IS nice, isn’t it? *hands over bucket of popcorn* As a lone wanderer myself, I know all about the joys of being lost in a strange new world. Every time you stop at the unknown place between all destinations, you get to enjoy all kinds of new people, new places, new cultures, new “heroes” practicing innovative methods of beating the stuffing out of each other…
*snaps open briefcase* WONDERFUL new forms and official records… by the way, how up-to-date are your travel papers in regards to this particular realm? You know, if you don’t have the blue-starred version of Form 1097-S, it could be…you don’t? Oh MY, what a grave problem! Well, for a small fee, I’m sure I can guide you through the process. It’s very streamlined these days, I assure you…
Ho there me bookey lad! A quandary has I, and yer arbitaterish looks has me ponderthus if’n tha c’n helps a foine gente like us’s; what’s be te rules about the tradeswaps of frozen flames? Illia the icemonger says she do be nae dabblin in thusen for fear o consequential reaction in Throne, but me, I do nae be finding a seller elsewhere o elsewise.
Welcome, it is a pleasure to see one such as you, for the journey is among the most holy of lies. It is my dear hope that you linger some time here, or find this place a frequent stop in your travels.
For real tho, I have been wanting to link pages to people who don’t even read this comic almost every page for the last 15 or so just to show them its glory, and have done so a couple of times already.
It isn’t. They reincatnate, surprisingly, after they die and turn into stone for some ages/eons/calpas, that depends. Simple voyaging from the void to the Wheel and vice versa doesn’t count as death.
Bummer. I was under the impression that White Chain had returned as “83 White Chain” after her brief banishment to the Void, but neither the archives nor the wiki seem to support that idea.
A lie is a lie is a lie, but to change the lie you tell to better suit the lie that your sibling has made herself into is a good and noble thing. 10 Vigilant Gaze purges the Horizon indeed. Let us hope that he does not become 11 Vigilant Gaze as the “thorny” cost of this endeavor.
Do nae be stretchin tha’s holding of hope, Weepyarse. He do be mighty shiney, us’s thinken, but ye be knowin that such glorylike folks ne’r last long. Mayhap tha full-makes a survival, but no ae would bet on suchamuch. No he do have what ye may call, ‘plot armor.’
Did Juggernaut Star just shoot rocket fingers or I’m not exactly sure what he did there. Seems to take quite a bit of effort on his part to do that.
@Abbadon: 10 Vigilant Gaze has also had a bit over a years worth of in-comic time (I know, a year is practically an eyeblink in the expanse of time) to think and possibly observe WC (if he can do that, Juggernaut Star has clearly been observing though).
Nah, it was more like that anime type thing where their slashey things are so sharp and powerful that they send out long-ass slashes of energy. Either that, or possibly blade-whip-finger-chingaderas? I’m gonna go with, “so sharp they slash further than they reach.”
Two sets of arms, a body of stone, and yet… The best thing Vigilant Gaze seems to have is a heart of gold. Good luck out there, you noble angel.
Also, he seems to be so covered in dust that at this rate I’d not be surprised if terracotta isn’t his original color pallet.
I love that detail: Vigilant Gaze will get stronger the more dust is kicked out of him, but it’s not like he holds back.
It’s a logical and quite unusual explanation of why a manga character performs better and better the longer the fight goes on. Again: love it.
Vigilant gaze was one of my favorite characters, and I believe him to be one of the best NON-HUMAN character studies Abbadon has ever made.
Even in his first apparition, he was wonderfully expressive without barely possesing any human physiologic traits, and he has only gotten better with time. I doubt any of us is in position to fully appreciate how hard is to make such an alien creature body language so fully expressive.
And I think that his first apparition, together with Allison´s Arc in the void with Cio & princess, also heralded Abbadon becoming comfortable with these otherworldy, bold color palettes we are now enjoying in the LANCER RPG and this current arena arc.
So really enjoying this arc, and my favorite character coming back to the forefront. Thanks for the ride, Abbadon.
That’s an awesome observation. Quite the analytical viewpoint you have when absorbing entertainment, especially when suspension of disbelief is a hard requirement of reading this type of story. I just get too swept up in the art/story to dissect the tiny details that make the story that much richer (unless I’ve already read it). This is the benefit to having a discussion section to webcomics (web-comics?) I get much more out of the language than the action anyway.
Dave continues to glower,
The audience continues to be confused,
Nyave, Princess and the creep continue to be in awe
and Gog Agog, Gog Agog and Gog Agog are just bored, ’cause, hey, what the hell, there was this aloof beauty that had turned blue for a spell, you see, and
You missed an Agog (it’s easy to do that). There were four at last count.
Ah, but THAT Agog isn’t bored. She’s BROADCASTING.
How many angels have heard the words of 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon, spoken here at this tournament?
Actually, Serious Gog Agog is currently losing her shit about this.
That un’s Gog Ahegaog.
Intrestin parties tha, thinkin us!
Is an imp in tha.
In me? Oh, no, dear, no.
Not currently.
Thinks me, ye thirsty? Us’s got mostly uncursed Redrum. Tha’s leathery covering bits may be wantin’ an extry hand or two to loosen, an this foine gente me ‘appens to ‘av a free un.
Bolgus!, din’t see tha there tha big red hairy oobit! Bringen tha Redrum thisaways an us’ll sit back an rightsome enjoy thum stoneyarses kickin ten bells oot a each ither on the big screen Gog Show! Agog’s got alla the camera angles cover’d!
M’gellie!, pop along an take charge wi a bit o Priestrixifyin any time tha’ likes!
Never the same without the horns and tail? Aye, we knows, we knows.
But tha’s winkin most joisome.
The Conqueror Worm is Legion.
The Devourer of World is Everywhere.
They are among us.
You also missed a few Agog. So far we have seen 9 different Agogs. Host Gog, Cohost Gog, Interviewer Gog, 1st Host Assistant Gog, 2nd Host Assistant Gog, Audience Gog 1, Audience Gog 2, Audience Gog 3 and finally, Audience Gog 4. This arc has been Agog with Gog.
I started around Feb 1st, and now I’m finally caught up! Too bad it had to come during the middle of an awesome battle between angels and Thorns.
Question: is 10 Vigilant gaze purges the Horizon a wbite chain as well?
Ugh, don’t tha be wishin for more’n un White Chain. Un’s plentisome bellyful. Thums both stoneyarsed heateaters of they Concordant Harmonies, self-stylin peacekeepers. Us gives tha that un stringless tha noobsome flaxen-brain, an if tha nae be creedsome o that, well, tha’s learnin.
White Chain is just my sister’s name. Vigilant Gaze is of the Root Knights.
A heart of gold counts for many things.
For an angelic tar is a soaring soul
And free as the mountain bird!
His energetic fist should be ready to resist
A dictatorial word!
His eyes should flash with an inborn fire,
His brow with scorn be wrung,
He never should bow down to a domineering frown,
Or the tang of a tyrant tongue!
aw, sister ;-;
get they pointy ass! 10 Big Boy Purges the Horizon!
“she”, “her”, “sister”…. im tearing up. just a lil.
Indeed. Love the respect and understanding expressed here, but with the choice of a few words.
Did White Chain ever declare gender one way or the other? It seems to me more like Allison and now Vigilant Gaze just decided to regender White Chain on their own, which actually isn’t all that respectful.
I don’t think she’s being misgendered. White Chain’s true form is female, she likes to dress femininely (like when she was playing cards earlier in this book), she always seems to bristle when called brother &, before leaving the void, she stated why does it matter if she is male or female.
Main issue is that she hasn’t fully accepted this herself, though maybe vigilant gaze & her friends’ support will be enough to help her.
More than Heavily Implied, as White Chain is openly mocked by other angels for having gender ideas. “An angel that’s a woman? Almost as ridiculous as an angel that’s human!” Preem Vash, even, goes “I could have use for a woman like you, we’ve all heard the rumors.” Plus all of the recent talk with Alicio, White Chain had perfected the ancient trans art of convincing yourself that figuring out how important genders may be to you can wait.
like, its true that in this current moment and culture its best to let individuals declare their own genders. but white chain is an angel, and the form of her soul is her own way of declaring who she is: shockingly human and a woman. she isn’t a trans woman exactly, she’s a metaphor for a trans woman. and vigilant gaze is metaphorically being the big brother every one of us wanted lol. love this comic.
In the early chapters, White Chain didn’t want to be referred to as female at all. Though, this was ?maybe? trying to imply that she was repressing that? Based on my reading of the first chapters, I think this might have been something the author decided to change to later.. which is fine but did make me confused at the tone for a while.
Though, I think that the angels calling WC ‘brother’ aren’t even being rude. Literally all of the angels are amorphous genderless spirits, so brother in their dialect would almost certainly also be genderless. (Though, demons might have a language that pays more attention to that; but the story ignores languages)
It has been some few thousand years since last 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges The Horizon spoke the words of power that bind him unto his shell, but the Mantra Paternal remains as ever. Speak first words of greeting, and speak then the true name of the world, that most beautiful lie of YISUN, whose untruth the Root is sworn to defend.
And then, of course: “I’m Dad.”
Hi Dad, I’m a lurker
Ally goals
I know, right? “Sister”! This is awesome.
Ha! Ha! Fool, cretinous ember! Everyone knows that angels aren’t real! A lie swings at another lie! Ha! Ha! The great YISUN would be pleased by such duplicity! What wondrous idiocy! What delectable foolery! Ha! Ha!
Bahaha! Blitherbrained sharpish, ye! Tha full-makes this ol red’s black heart!
Ha! Ha! Thank ye, tha old blackheart! One must put a bit more truth into this great lie of our residence, and there is little else that this fool can do!
And remember: If each earthly king need an idiot at their side, then surely all the other liars on this bastard plane could use a bit more truth as well.
Ha! Ha! Or idiocy! Though folly and truth go hand-in-hand, as this cretin knows!
Sister Sledge, I’m thinking.
One wonders where Juggernaut Star’s wheel is
That is an excellent question. I believe only Maya (and those members of the 108 Stars who saw that final confrontation and understood it) knows the wheel is the actual angel.
Juggy hid himself by dropping his wheel into a block of wet concrete in the middle of arena construction. This angel plays 5d chess.
Agreed on excellent question. We haven’t seen him go very far from the wheel, but prefers to stay as close as possible to it, if not carrying it. Maybe it just takes less effort the closer they are to the main wheel body?
Ya know, I think this time around that is Juggys real body.
Do you notice how we can see a lot of red underneath? at the joints, beneath the mask and at uh, the ports.
It leads me to believe that she is now possessing the armor proper, not the wheel.
Maybe. Though I looked back at Wielder of Names and they had a similar blue shade in the ports as WC and VG at first, until they got all riled up and angry. But even then, the glow wasn’t as intense as it is here.
How much of it comes from refinement in Abbadon’s skill (which was still awesome even three years ago) and how much of it is Juggernaut Star actually inhabiting the armor vs proxying it, no idea.
Preem Calavera your sharp eye does you credit in your endeavours one does not doubt.
Woe be he that mistakes the rider for the steed.
Woe be he that mistakes the steed for the rider!
He has inhabited both and can inhabit both, simultaneously if he wishes, with no umbilical.
Whilst fighting Maya, the near-nuclear explosion of an ange, suddenly disbodied, was witnessed, yet he survived in current incarnation.
And either. His being in either on its own is no surprise, and neither of the current bodies he uses are his pre-Thorn pre-Shattering original.
Wasn’t the wheel that chopped Zoss’ head off.
You must stop by for some alms and a cuppa when you’re passing.
Probably in the stands watching, being feed the angel equivalent of popcorn by it’s skele-slaves, while having a faint feeling of deja-vu at the unfolding conflict.
Yeah, going to err on the side of “not to be fucked with.”
Truly, an unfuckable force you be reckoned with.
If 10 Vigilant Gaze calls you a “blackguard,” you know you done fucked up
10 Vigilant Gaze Burns The Horizon says trans rights!
And it is indeed a glorious thing to behold!
Gloria! For 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon is first Aeon to accept the truth of Trans Rights!
True, monster, true. The first of many, one can but feel. Tho maybe not those thorny types.
Do excuse, one needs to go and warm one’s teapot and get the petit-fours ready.
I came here just to say this; it is good to see it said already
That’s an…Interesting reaction to someone saying ‘trans rights.’ I can’t think of anything in this thread that says ‘eeewww’ to me.
have you really been reading this entire time without recognizing a major part of white chain’s character bruh
Truly, seeing those words made me BEAM
Trans rights are angel rights
A battle between the enforcers of YISUN’s Law is ironically the most YISUN-esque thing there is.
YISUN is powered by irony.
Hm, could it be? A simple replacement cypher?
Let’s see,
Y = I : that’s 25, 9
I = R : 9, 18
S = O : 19, 15
U = N : 21, 14
N = Y : 14, 25
Ok, not the simplest one at least, but could still be something there.
Where are my cryptographers?
And Yisun smiled in the Second Way and said “sure, that’ll not cause madness on anyone.”
And Yisun saw the universe as a homogeneity, and they realized that shit was boring as fuck. Thus they said, “Let’s get crazy up in here motherfuckers.” *POIT*
And Yisun said: “You are like a little baby. Watch this.” *S U C C*
Yisun is now Meme Man. Change my mind.
I love this but I don’t know what is going on anymore
Thinks, me, tha should nae be stretchin tha’s head bits overmuch an instead be boiled with glee at thus show! Spikeyarse an Dustyarse wel nae be lettin tha down. Do nae be pushin te yogurt tha dreams wiv.
Two angels are about to have a theological discussion, on the nature of law, and of change, and of stewardship.
It is advised to clear the area, as such debates tend to end in nuclear fire.
“Reach Heaven through violence.”
Terse, but delectably accurate.
Angels discuss in millenia and shattered worlds.
Viable real-time commentary requires a background on philosophy, Atru theological studies and a nuclear bunker on the nearest moon.
The topic, I believe, is apostasy: the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief. And the moral, as I fear Jughead shall soon learn, is “I wouldn’t if I were you.”
10 Vigilant Gazes showed up, said some cryptic bullshit that White Chain misinterpreted and noted that Allison was being too reckless. WC then attacked Allison, eventually winning. White Chain is under orders to kill her if necessary, and 7 Juggernaut Star would rather it be that way, so that Angels are in control of the key. Juggers sees WC not kill Allison somehow (there’s undoubtedly some way to watch WC to some extent) and just showed up to get WC to “finish her work” and kill Allison. WC wasn’t having any of it, so Juggers was about to rip her arm off and probably kill her. Then we get VG interrupting; he thinks WC is doing the right thing not killing Allison, and shouldn’t even be trying to control Allison as much as she is. Plus WC and VG seem to be on friendly terms, and murdering somebody’s friend in front of them tends to invoke some call to action.
You’re a blessing, thank you for the summary.
Krayu Mat. Exquisite.
It’s not Krayu Mat if neither Angel is showing their true form outside of their physical shells, I believe. What we’re seeing in panel 2 is a visual cue to finally establish the identity of Sir Coughsalot as 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon – we don’t see this lammasu-like shape in the final panel where he’s fighting Juggernaut, so he’s not released their full potential. Yet xD
Interesting that he’s shaped like a lamassu as these were originally female deities that got regendered male and given big beards by masculinists like Tiglath Pileser. I wonder if we’ll ever get to learn VG’s backstory.
The only thing that beats un’ angel is un’ other angel. Here’s to hoping Vigilant Gaze can beat the flame right out of thum igneous bastard. …Although, I’ve a bit of concern regarding his real vessel, that wheel.
Ae, me billowing Ebon! Aye ponderthus us’s, but tricksome me do nae ye betwae? Swipe’s two hands o tha’s blacken shineys ‘er ye nai spinny hotsome bit wae cause ae do be fullsome thusen thus. Sae nae?
(Ho there Ebon! I think you may likely be right about that but would you care to make a wager? I’ll bet and take twenty of your shards of black glass that they did not bring it because they’re very prideful. Up for it?)
Us’s a devil o’ risks, ne’er we gainsay a wager! Tha’s on, if thon prize be twofold. Red reckon, still?
(I’m a gambling devil, never have I denied a wager! You’re on, but only if we double the prize. Still interested, Red?)
*slaps down a bag of black glass* Tha’s cumbersome shineys nae slog ye more et the tail o this’n rumble!
(You’re on! You won’t need to worry about being weighed down with all your money for too much longer!)
Thou sayest true, devil. And there is some disquiet amongst our order with our Thorn brothers, if they are still such.
Juggernaut Star is a practitioner of renown of the Pattram Sword Hand. The human Musko Reeve wrote of it that he had “seen masters of this school sever solid rock with a fingernail…It is an evil school”.
Even Brother Vigilant’s mighty body is not immune then. And He himself has been in repose so long his style and mastery is unknown to me!
One feels my two powerful brothers are finely matched, and this shall be what one has heard called ‘a humdinger’, making ones ashen vessel tingle in flame with anticipation!
This’ll be a damn good show, if anythin’. I like seeing fools get what’s comin’ to them, and thum spiky Aeon’s had a beatdown comin’ a good long while. …Us’s only hoping Vigilant Gaze can land even a single strike. It’d be a sore shame if he can’t.
To be fair, Jugs had unhanded her already, but whatever.
Unhanded her? Heck, he nearly disarmed her!
That too!
New angel? Best angel.
Nay, he ain’t new. We’ve seen Vigilant Gaze a few books before, around when stonyarse got her ass whupped after learnin’ Metatron lives.
No, friend. Just the first time my brother has revealed himself in this form. We’ve seen him back at the beginning of this tale, when my /sister/ White Chain was first banished; then we saw this mysterious armor briefly several times, but only now has the truth of things been confirmed by Al-Yis-Un’s scribe Abbadon. This will be a fun fight.
Yes, we did indeed see him lurking in the registration hall before the tournament began. Which makes me wonder if he filled out the forms? He could be a legal contestant! Can’t imagine Jughead would sit still long enough to fill out that stack of paper, though.
He’s a legal contestant, yeah. He did note having to fight off a few ruffians to get to White Chain rather than just porting in like Juggers did.
Oh shit
You thought White Chain could punch fast? Vigilant Gaze can punch *twice as fast*
I have no idea how I have ended up here, of all places, yet I am glad to have done so.
All lost travellers are found here, sooner or later. Welcome, you arrive at an especially auspicious time.
A wandering minstrel thy?
It IS nice, isn’t it? *hands over bucket of popcorn* As a lone wanderer myself, I know all about the joys of being lost in a strange new world. Every time you stop at the unknown place between all destinations, you get to enjoy all kinds of new people, new places, new cultures, new “heroes” practicing innovative methods of beating the stuffing out of each other…
*snaps open briefcase* WONDERFUL new forms and official records… by the way, how up-to-date are your travel papers in regards to this particular realm? You know, if you don’t have the blue-starred version of Form 1097-S, it could be…you don’t? Oh MY, what a grave problem! Well, for a small fee, I’m sure I can guide you through the process. It’s very streamlined these days, I assure you…
Ho there me bookey lad! A quandary has I, and yer arbitaterish looks has me ponderthus if’n tha c’n helps a foine gente like us’s; what’s be te rules about the tradeswaps of frozen flames? Illia the icemonger says she do be nae dabblin in thusen for fear o consequential reaction in Throne, but me, I do nae be finding a seller elsewhere o elsewise.
Welcome, it is a pleasure to see one such as you, for the journey is among the most holy of lies. It is my dear hope that you linger some time here, or find this place a frequent stop in your travels.
That name sounds familiar….
Oh well I’m sure it was no one important.
Please excuse me while I get full size posters printed of roughly every other page in this chapter
For reaaaal holy crap so much amazingness!
For real tho, I have been wanting to link pages to people who don’t even read this comic almost every page for the last 15 or so just to show them its glory, and have done so a couple of times already.
11 Vigilant Gaze Says Trans Rights
That’s it. That shall be his new name.
It’s still 10 Vigilant Gaze though. They can have an ephiphany without making a new incarnation.
Isn’t it a new encarnation every time they return from the void, though?
It isn’t. They reincatnate, surprisingly, after they die and turn into stone for some ages/eons/calpas, that depends. Simple voyaging from the void to the Wheel and vice versa doesn’t count as death.
Bummer. I was under the impression that White Chain had returned as “83 White Chain” after her brief banishment to the Void, but neither the archives nor the wiki seem to support that idea.
OK then:
10 Vigilant Gaze Says Trans Rights.
10 Vigilant Gaze Says We Are Family I Got All My Sisters With Me!
Honestly, I couldn’t be more pleased.
A lie is a lie is a lie, but to change the lie you tell to better suit the lie that your sibling has made herself into is a good and noble thing. 10 Vigilant Gaze purges the Horizon indeed. Let us hope that he does not become 11 Vigilant Gaze as the “thorny” cost of this endeavor.
Some people say a lie’s a lie’s a lie
But I say, “Why?
Why deny the obvious child?
Four Arms
Four is Death
But death to whom?
The answer is “Yes”.
That’s your answer to everything.
ooh someone is mad.
He’s BEAUTIFUL. Please let him win. Hell, please let him SURVIVE. He’s what we need, a proper, kind, noble hero.
Do nae be stretchin tha’s holding of hope, Weepyarse. He do be mighty shiney, us’s thinken, but ye be knowin that such glorylike folks ne’r last long. Mayhap tha full-makes a survival, but no ae would bet on suchamuch. No he do have what ye may call, ‘plot armor.’
Even if Juggernaut Star does get their armor destroyed, it wouldn’t be the last we see of them either.
Purge that blasted Horizon, my dude!
Nae! Us nae needin na purgin!
Did Juggernaut Star just shoot rocket fingers or I’m not exactly sure what he did there. Seems to take quite a bit of effort on his part to do that.
@Abbadon: 10 Vigilant Gaze has also had a bit over a years worth of in-comic time (I know, a year is practically an eyeblink in the expanse of time) to think and possibly observe WC (if he can do that, Juggernaut Star has clearly been observing though).
Nah, it was more like that anime type thing where their slashey things are so sharp and powerful that they send out long-ass slashes of energy. Either that, or possibly blade-whip-finger-chingaderas? I’m gonna go with, “so sharp they slash further than they reach.”
Yeah, blade energy waves make more sense here.
The term “sense” has no meaning in relation to the offensive capabilities of angels.
I’m voting for the old favorite of a slash so sharp it cuts air itself, and then the vacuum from the cut slices everything else.
Either way, it looks awesome.
Humans see 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon and be like
Go Grandpa!