King of Swords 7-66
Chapter: 7
“When studying sword law, many of my students ask me about the principle of hesitation. I tell them plainly that hesitation is defeat. Thought is slower than the edge of a blade and does not cut half as well.
‘Master,’ they then ask me, ‘What if victory is impossible?’
The answer to this very simple question is this: flee, or go to your just and honest death. Either is a good choice. The worst of all is the man who agonizes for half a breath over the value of his own life and dies an indecisive coward.”
– Ryo-ten-Ryam
Ah yes, when one is about to fall off the path of Righteousness that is the Furious Dumbass style, it is good to have someone to remind you of why you got on it in the first place.
I feel like they had a plan for mammon, and that did not go well. Perhaps her only hope is perfecting the furious dumbass
They did have a plan: Rescue Zaid. They got told “sorry, your princess is in another castle”. Now Gog is telling them “ooh, it’s this castle over here!”
Yet to be determined: Solomon’s reaction to “nah, I’m not interested in your empire, just let Zaid go. What, you said *I* get to make a wish!”
Let’s see what they gonna do.
I concur. Remember Intra, the Sword-Saint? A swordsman considered to be even more powerful than Meti. His art is artlessness, his style is no style at all. He has mastered it, and has become Royalty.
I also think he is powerful.
They are scary.
He has a so many eyes.
Different characters.
I have read it already.
One of the best scene.
I!d love to learn more about how specifically that fellow fought. From what I can tell, he relied on making decisions so bafflingly strange, no (skilled) opponent knew how to combat him. The classic “the only thing a master fears is a novice” strategy.
Alternatively, it’s said the best swordsmen struck without thought, and perhaps he took that as literally as possible? Like, he spent no time training, no time considering his opponent, no time thinking at all; he just swung his sword with so much force and so little skill, nobody could predict, block, or avoid it.
After all, no-matter HOW skilled a master is, if you can successfully lop their head off before they get a chance to attack, you don’t even have to worry about what techniques they may know.
How does Furious Dumbass style differ from furious drunken dumbass, and which form is most useful in which situations?
Asking for a fiend, er, friend.
The movements are less, ahem, fluid.
::sees myself out::
While regular Furious Dumbass is seen as a faux paste in party settings, Drunken Furious Dumbass is only sensible there.
Trust me there. Go Drunken Dumbass. You’re sure to succeed, socially and royally.
Or Situation Comedy Furious Dumbass. Even if you fail, you will survive to appear again and the whole thing will be wrapped up in thirty minutes or less.
That seems like clown mode of operation on average Space Station 13 shift..
At least wrapped in 30 minutes or less part. Survival is 30% guaranteed.
30%!? Those are at least at MASTER levels! Who did you study under?
Whereas Baked Furious Dumbass is more of a choux pastry shell with a delicious creamy chocolate filling.
This house emanates coziness
Furious drunken dumbass involves more stumbling and less balance. Better on defense and for tricking gullible idiots. Can’t speak for furious dumbass, never done it sober.
Hope they will bring something good.
Ryo was a fool. But a decisive fool. And such creatures are much celebrated among the merchants of Throne.
I feel like Ryo would’ve gotten along swimmingly with Lord Isshin of Ashina
I agree. Hesitation is defeat.
Yes, Abbadon, please give us more K6BD culinary deep lore.
Little do we know, Cio is secretly practicing the Spicy Carrot fighting technique as we speak.
It’s a fighting style esteemed by line-cooks throughout Throne.
The Line-Cooks guild are fearsome, don’t jest, lest they hear you and you get a shaved shard of celery in your eye!
White Chain does not see Allison as the proper Heir to Royalty. Due to this oversight, she doesn’t understand that inaction does not befit her nature. After all, royalty is a continuous cutting motion.
White Chain I love your hair + eyes ! I know you don’t fight with your hair down, but if you did – would you be able to see behind you with your extra eyes ? Your Star brow is also quite radiant. Have you been practicing your “Head of John” martial arts style ? Or are all those stars just a side effect of being an Awesome Kick-Ass Aeon with great Karma ?
Are we not going to mention how Miss N is just as at her hottest in this page? Cause she is just a delight in the final panel.
YES ! You are so right. Nyave is speaking up. I do like how she’s taking a stand. She’s not just the team Brainiac / and potential MacGuyver – she’s got a moral center. “So… you want to motivate the team to decide choice X.
Okay- make your case – Then Roll for Persuasion !”
Don’t forget to add in the situation modifiers, charm bonus, Diplomacy and psychology modifiers but DO NOT attempt Intimidate.
Oh, she has certainly been taking a stand for a while off-camera. Brainiac or not, though, she does look like a blooming Scott/Missandei/apostle archetype. De-light!!
Just go fight God
“a god.”
Nah they speak with the voice of God even if just an aspect of it. A piece of the cloth is still of the cloth, even when cut away. Rather each demiurge has become God, and now the body battles itself.
YISUN is panentheistic, so that dolo monkey eating a teacup was also God.
That, or YISUN is a terrific liar.
Sorry. When I said “Or”, I meant “And”.
What can go wrong ?
It’s not like they can set you on fire and throw out of airlock .
“Fire, fire, burns much brighter
When oxygen is the supplier
And fire, fire, is killing his desire
To not be cold, as he expires”
-Steam Powered Giraffe, “Fire Fire”
Hrmm… Reckon they could, if they really wanted to. The only good part about that is you can’t really feel it the second time they do it to ya, if you get my meaning. x.x
that reminds me please stand in front of this flamethrower for a moment buddy pal friend
Oh , sure ! Want me to help you clean the flame exhaust tube , right ?
If you meet God along the road… give him a nut tap and yell “BRO! I GOT YOU! I GOT YOU!”
You guys keep talking about fighting God, but there is always fighting God if there is fighting involved because God is everything. God is you. God is the air. God is the ceiling. God is that Mammon Real Great Time. God is everything, therefore you’re always fighting yourself, that is, as God. Q.E.D.
You better agree. I mean, I’m God. And I’ll fite ya.
I am unable to explain why it makes me so happy that Princess is truly a member of the family.
I like that she has a grandpa-chair of her own.
Go! Fight! The power of narrative causality is on your side!
I love how your alt-text is about the tiny little shot of carrots.
I suspect Abbadon was tired of coming up with new and unrecognizable foodstuffs.
Young Nyave has a point, sometimes having a plan is foolishness, especially when it concerns some sort of fighting, as a plan to win a fight tends to crumble the second one gets hit in the gob.
It’s not planning that’s the problem. It’s hesitation. Of course Team Rising King can plan. What they cannot do is Nothing.
“Being still and doing nothing are two very different things”
– Karate Kid
You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that’s clear
I will choose free will.
A princess once observed that the most impossible things can sometimes be accomplished if one acts swiftly, shamelessly, and ruthlessly.
I feel like this is undignified of me to say, however…
…Since when has planning done them any good whatsoever?
They Say Life Is A Play, And We Are All Actors Well Let Me Tell You A Plan Is Like A Script For A Play – Whether You Have Gone Over It Or Not, You Are Going On Stage In Ten Minutes And At This Point If You Are Not Prepared It May Very Well Go Over Better If You Just Ad Lib It Instead Of Trying To Memorize
Planning, in it’s purist form, is Desire. Imagining a different reality and trying to make it so is WANT.
I humbly suggest that you mistake their neophyte use of such a powerful concept for a failing of the concept itself.
They are as yet like water tumbling chaotically down towards an ill-defined goal, haphazardly getting stuck in one false bottom or another.
Reminds me of Solomon.
This girl just stapled a death flag to her forehead
Never mind – we love her for this.
(And her looks took)
With name like , by some accounts , Kill Six Billion Demons , such flag seems appropriate , yes. There indeed will be death , so much death ! And !FUN! . Mottom burning palace crushing into Mammon vault scale of !FUN!
Ah, but whose?
The Purple Emperor cannot plan forsee what they will do if they have no plan. And when the time comes being prepared might tip the scales
Haha! That is an astute supposition.
Perhaps the author studied fencing? As a fencer, I can confirm the cited axiom on hesitation is true. Sword Law is legit.
Sword Law in KSBD is essentially a parody/exaggeration of the Book of Five Rings.
“Whatever attitude you are in, do not be conscious of making the attitude; think only of cutting.” – Musashi
I’m pretty sure it’s a reference to Sword Saint Isshin’s infamous quote:”Hesitation is defeat.” from Sekiro.
Little man of forgery
dabs his tongue with sauce (chilli)
and shakes his head to Karoshi
Is there way to see mouseover/alt text for android OS users ?
Only have PDA , ahem , I mean smartphone access to internet now.
For reasons. Not because was set on fire and spaced , no , that would be silly .
If you hold down on the image, the alt text will come up with context menu.
It does not seem to do that in opera , chrome or ghostery. Nor if desktop site version requested. Oh well , what you expect from
*HonkerBonker fumbles with his PDA and produces honks instead*
On mobile browsers, long pressing on the image simply just takes you to the next page, except in the rare instance where Abaddon didn’t make ‘click the image to go to the next page’ a thing.
It’s one page without Gog-Agog and I already miss her ! When lady Agoga be back ?
When the time is right for her to jump in and claim the prize from the rightful victor. Unless she’s always around due to the worms infesting the people
Oh my god, I just realised. It’s a sorority house.
“I’m going to cook you food”
She doesn’t have to win, she must just draw a single drop of blood…
What if you draw drop of blood , as in make drawing of it , so it recognisable ? Is this loophole open?
I feel like it would be Honkmother approved way.
Also what about scenario where some woman appears so hot and produces act of such arousing and sexual nature that Solomon bleeds from his nose ? I mean , its anime here , look at how big Allison eyes.Especially in first books. Must be anime , yes.
Oh my days, I love Nyave’s style here! She looks so effortlessly badass.
Patience, prudence and moderation would spell doom for the plotline
Yasss queen.