King of Swords 2-13
An internal style focused on hardening the self. After many years of preparation and training, practitioners ram three metal studs into their skull, piercing the bone and blocking the flow of Atum at precise meridians. The studs extrude from the skull slightly and are said to be uncomfortable in cold weather. Once this ritual is accomplished, there is a healing, fasting, and meditation period of three weeks. After this, the practitioner finds that the skin of their head and neck becomes almost impermeable to harm and able to exert incredible force. It cannot be cut, severed, or scored by any blade, though I have seen many try.
The chief feature of this style is using the head as a blunt weapon. I have seen acolytes shatter bone with their headbutts in practice and an elder monk break a temple wall with the fierce application of his forehead. By practice of meditation they are also said to have accomplished unbelievable feats. It is a common story among the monks that their most senior member had his body destroyed and his head severed while defending the temple many years ago. His head survived for four weeks without a body, and was later sewn back on to the body of a deceased temple guard, which quickly revivified both the body and the head. I could not verify his claims but his neck did have a most spectacular scar. ”
– Manual of Hands and Feet
I find it a bit cheap that Allison (who is established as a fairly average lazy person with an interest primarily in anime and only lost weight to sort of fit in with the cool crowd) went through all this character development off-screen. A couple pages of training montage showing how much she suffered through it may have been clumsy, but I just find it odd that she just went through a powerup not long ago already.
She was possessed by a guy who made her super competent and she eventually got rid of those powers leaving her back as a mostly useless girl who can barely hold up her huge ass sword. I can allow that because there was a sort of cost to those powers and it was only temporary.
But now she’s got a permanent power boost presumably making her at least as competent as when she was possessed. Plus she’s presumably learned the super angel martial arts techniques. All off-screen.
Tell you what, if she ever returns to her world, she’ll have something to explain.
I read the comic in a way that she didn’t lose the Incubus competences, only the stamina and healing factor. What we saw in that embrace-your-self scene was her insecurities merge with her empowered self. She never lost her knowledge, but now she is back in control. A K so, she dropped the sword because she nearly cut up a little girl.
Except she wasn’t so much possessed as partitioned. As he explained, he just put in charge the part of her that was ruthless and strong willed enough to wield the Key without being handicapped by the other parts.
She now knows that potential is already in her, she just needed to access it and refine it with the rest of her.
I’m sorry you missed the pages and pages of on screen character development (a.k.a. the story so far)
Some of you mentioned the partitioned thing, which is very true. However, the reason why I feel like she received a degree of power boost during the Incubus thing is that she became a whirling beast of death and devastation while fighting down the invisible stairs and etc. That’s a little more than just putting aside her insecurities, isn’t it? She was easily fighting on par with demons and devils who’ve been doing this shit almost all their existence. Am I wrong?
I probably am. Perhaps we can put it down to abilities granted by tapping into the key. Up to this point however, I thought she could only use it to open portals and very very occasionally channel the power into her hand to perform a super punch like she did to that Tree King guy some time ago. Has someone stated the exact rules about what the One Key To Rule Them All can do?
> Has someone stated the exact rules about what the One Key To Rule Them All can do?
Yes, they did. And they are, basically, “You can do anything; no rules apply”.
Alison was into anime when she was little. When the comic starts she’s into working out. She’s never been lazy, only lacking direction. Now she has a mission, not to mention White Chain who’s going to teach her to fight like an angel if she wants it or not. I think it would be weird if she didn’t manage to build some muscle over a year.
Bean Buns of Power!
a healthy post-workout glow?
Are you a lucky little lady in the City of Light
Or just another lost angel?
Asking important question here.
I can only imagine the obligatory, “Bringeth me the asses of 20 great bears!” guy, and Allison just dropping back by Earth to order a bunch of rugs off of Amazon.
Experience Points.
Gotta grind those levels before you can continue the main quest.
Staying out of that war seems like a good idea. And the best place to stay out of that war is Throne, because it is neutral ground. Doing all the sidequests is probably a side effect of learning angelic martial arts.
This being should be grateful; the heir of the Conquering King has herself knelt down to offer aid, in spite of his prior insult. Were she less (or perhaps more?) wise a King, she could have simply smote him for his insolence. Praise Alice-UN, who has shirked Glory for Righteousness.
AL-YIS-UN doesn’t yet have the neck scar.
Good bao is fantastic and you did a wonderful job drawing it’s warm tasty fluffiness.
dude i’m living in vietnam at the moment and i swear to god i can actually taste that bun bao – amazing work right there
“yeah, YOU!”
Reach heaven through reps!
Carry coals for centuries
smouldering but still ready
to burst aglow with room to breathe
I will never be over buff Allison. the biceps that launched a thousand ‘ships.
And now I really want a Pork Bun. Thanks Abbadon.
Oh, saints and stars!
A hero!
Royalty for hire. Will cut injustice for food.
What is this? Behold! Our King has learned the value of aiding the small, the weak, and the poor! And in doing so, is rightly coming into Her power. HAHA! There may yet be hope for the cracked and broken Throne!
Down with the thiccness
Allison’s muscles are giving me palpitations.
What’s the filling? It cannot be purely Purpose, as Purpose on its own lacks layers and sauce.
In the recipes they have where YOU come from, maybe.
Indeed. Purpose on its own can be the meat, but a bun of perfection needs sauce too, and these particular buns appear to be layered. The nature of layering throughout the multiverse is that it contains discontinuity, a separation between one thing and another, an imposition of the great lie of partition upon reality.
Goblin blood and pastry would work fine for sauce and layering, respectively.
So,uh, does anybody else think that looks like a spine inside the pie?
I think those are beans.
Adds texture.
You’d think she would be lean and muscly with that kind of HIIT workout, i guess she’s cultivating mass Always Sunny style
Imagining someone running a gym in Throne is entertaining.
An amusing parable I once heard while travelling amongst humans:
Worshiper: Well, Ys-bey, I made it to your shrine. Despite your directions.
Merchant: Ah, Worshiper, welcome! I hope you’re ready for an unforgettable transaction.
*The merchant looks at the shrine and notices the Rising King using it as a pullup bar*
Merchant: Oh, Aesma’s Blood, the shrine is defiled! But what if… I were to give the Rising King some merchandise to coax her off it? Delightfully devilish, Oglod.
*The merchant begins to prepare a meat bun, and the Worshiper sees it.*
Worshiper: Why is there a tunnel ape defiling the shrine, merchant?
Merchant: That’s not a tunnel ape, it’s a Servant. A Servant that’s preparing the shrine for your worship. Ommmm… worship.
*The merchant finishes the preparation of the bun.*
Merchant: Well, Rising King, I hope you’re ready for a mouthwatering steamed bun!
Worshipper: I thought you said she was a Servant.
Merchant: Oh, no, I said she can sure eat. She can sure eat my steamed buns.
Worshipper: You’re giving this defiler a steamed bun?
Merchant: Yes. It’s a regional tradition.
Worshipper: Uh-huh. What region?
Merchant: Hell 52
Worshipper: Well, I’m from Hell 54 and I’ve never seen anyone give people steamed buns. You know, this servant looks quite similar to a human.
Merchant: Ohohoho no, old family disguise!
Worshipper: Yes, and they use this disguise despite the fact that a Servant would look far less out of place here.
Merchant: Uh, one thing I should, er, would you excuse me for a second?
*merchant gets the attention of the Rising King and gives her a steamed bun*
Merchant: Well, good worship was had by all, I’m pooped.
Worsipper: Yes, I should be g- Aesma’s Britches, what is that in her forehead?
Merchant: A key of kings.
Worshipper: A key of kings, in this era, in this part of Throne, held by a mere human girl?
Merchant: Yes.
Worshipper: May I see its power?
Worshipper: Well, Oglod, I must say that your friend is a brash fellow but they have a good heart.
A thousand and one permutations does this parable hold, and within each permutation a new interpretation.
Holy Heck, those scars and muscles are so good <3 <3
I'm so gay for that girl