Unfortunately for our masked ninja friend, he failed to realize those polyhedron masks are metal, and mostly hollow, so he’s literally just rang the alarm. This is what happens you spend more time learning how to use telekinesis to end someone rightly over doing recon on the Pro Bass Fishing shop you plan to break into
Hmm… his eyes ARE brown. So it could be Zaid, but he obviously learned some new tricks.
It’s beginnning to look like this might be the real world after all. Maybe Allison really was healed? But then why the damaged-but-heroic Allison from the cover? Some form of time-travel may be involved after all! But didn’t Abaddon say there would be a book 6? We’re still in book 5 so there’s plenty of time! (Fortunately. I think I’ll be really sad when K6BD comes to an end.)
Or this entire section could be a construct of the huge machine that Allison got drawn into, designed to sap her will to end this cycle. It could also be that Jadis’ knowledge of the future is corrupted in some way, or only extends to those who are also in the construct, or she is lying through her teeth and using some sort of trick to make Allison think that Jadis is predicting things.
Hell, it might very well be Jadis *has* to be a colossal nihilist asshole, even knowing she is wrong, because that’s the part she is trapped playing by her own foreknowledge. After all, if her every word and action is predestined and cannot be changed, her opinions on the matter are completely irrelevant to anyone but her, because she can’t really share them. For all we know, even as she begs Allison to give up, she actually wants her to power through.
There is a reason that Time Travel/Absolute Knowledge stories are hard to write.
42 Fragments the Universe Beyond All Reintegration
I mean, Jadis talked about how Allison could have healed herself but she lost the will. The author said in a tweet that this represents the themes of the chapter, which seems to be powerlessness and hopelessness Allison feels. And Mottom, Mammon and White Chain have shown that self-perspective and willpower can transform you. So it seems she’s going to recover and remake her body. Also everything being a dream would be a cheap cop-out, and the author said in a tweet weeks ago that it’s real life.
I believe this is the last book, but a very long one. Further- I was under the impression that the “Six months later” was six months after Jagganoth’s attack, and that Jadis lied. However, this could be unfounded
It is a craft as old as violence, predating the Art of Cutting my millennia, singular in its beauty and purpose. Focus! Feel the weight of Cain’s Stone in your palm! First Author of Death, first king of kings! Taste his wisdom! His foolishness! Discover the ancient and venerable Art of Bonking!
Interesting theory, I thought the red eyes were a sign of pact with Incubus, but Vigilant Gaze is Vigilant Gaze after all. The question that arises is, will they be capable of going back to the void if they’re killed ?¿ mmmmm
The eye look more brown than red to me, but your suggestion is a good and interesting one, too!
I just want it to be Vigilant Gaze because I love him, so I’m choosing to see similarities in the design: clothes, color scheme, one eye, build, etc. but I may just be seeing what I want to see.
Either way, I’m sure the reveal will be interesting and I look forward to it!
I don’t think you’re wrong in seeing the comparisons, though. Perhaps Zaid has been training with Vigilant Gaze in the same way that Allison was training with White Chain. He *is* supposed to be the heir, after all, so maybe he has some potential to learn angelic arts.
Or it’s just a rad look, and Zaid recognizes fashion game when he sees it and isn’t above stealing VG’s look.
42 Fragments the Universe Beyond All Reintegration
“Where are you, Allison?” was what Zaid said at the very beginnging of Book 4 “King of Swords”. So I guess it’s him, Abbadon loves this sort of callback.
Death by pommel such is the proper way to end one’s opponent though for those without blades that fly they will have to settle for more traditional methods
looks like he was
to death
12HGSBFV is cogent.
He was ended rightly.
Glory to the divine corpse! They were sent off proper!
I wait for Pommel throw meme
Here I am.
Why just use the pommel, when you can throw the entire sword. That’s when the backup sword comes in.
He ended him rightly!
12 Horrible Goose Steals Bell From Village,
Your Punishment will be swift.
For all the puns.
The sanctioned action is to Bonk your opponent on the head.
The tetraform mantra: Wisdom, Restraint, Emptiness, Release.
“Respond. Vibrate. Feedback. Resonate.” – Rush, “Chain Lightning”.
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.
He ended him rightly
He was probably just on break…
Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve heard of the Art of Cutting, allow me to introduce you to its older sibling… The Art of Bonking!
Honey wake up new polyhedron head just dropped
You’d think a guy with a dice for a head would succeed his initiative roll.
Unfortunately for our masked ninja friend, he failed to realize those polyhedron masks are metal, and mostly hollow, so he’s literally just rang the alarm. This is what happens you spend more time learning how to use telekinesis to end someone rightly over doing recon on the Pro Bass Fishing shop you plan to break into
Dude’s bell has been rung though.
Now every one else, as you point out, knows something is going down.
By her own words, the nihilist lich has known for a long while now.
The impact visually resembles the striking of a glass tank full of liquid.
The dancing sword
But to what tune does it dance?
It says quite clearly, in that last panel:
The final judgment, rand out like a bell.
Shadow the Hedgehog infiltrating G.U.N. Island vibes
I have to wonder if this is really a rescue.
Well, if the intention was murder, you’d think the fellow would be using the business end of his sword…
Hmm… his eyes ARE brown. So it could be Zaid, but he obviously learned some new tricks.
It’s beginnning to look like this might be the real world after all. Maybe Allison really was healed? But then why the damaged-but-heroic Allison from the cover? Some form of time-travel may be involved after all! But didn’t Abaddon say there would be a book 6? We’re still in book 5 so there’s plenty of time! (Fortunately. I think I’ll be really sad when K6BD comes to an end.)
Cover Allison is likely from an alternate timeline. we have actually seen her before. Although it was just her face. “Don’t wear it out”.
There are no alternate timelines.
Or this entire section could be a construct of the huge machine that Allison got drawn into, designed to sap her will to end this cycle. It could also be that Jadis’ knowledge of the future is corrupted in some way, or only extends to those who are also in the construct, or she is lying through her teeth and using some sort of trick to make Allison think that Jadis is predicting things.
Hell, it might very well be Jadis *has* to be a colossal nihilist asshole, even knowing she is wrong, because that’s the part she is trapped playing by her own foreknowledge. After all, if her every word and action is predestined and cannot be changed, her opinions on the matter are completely irrelevant to anyone but her, because she can’t really share them. For all we know, even as she begs Allison to give up, she actually wants her to power through.
There is a reason that Time Travel/Absolute Knowledge stories are hard to write.
We saw a pyramid within a pyramid a few pages back. Maybe the inner one is the gaslit construct and the outer one is physical reality?
I mean, Jadis talked about how Allison could have healed herself but she lost the will. The author said in a tweet that this represents the themes of the chapter, which seems to be powerlessness and hopelessness Allison feels. And Mottom, Mammon and White Chain have shown that self-perspective and willpower can transform you. So it seems she’s going to recover and remake her body. Also everything being a dream would be a cheap cop-out, and the author said in a tweet weeks ago that it’s real life.
I mean, Mottom’s transformations have been a thing for a while, andWhite Chain’s transformation was a big event, how did people forget about that?
And Jadis being honest, or believing herself to be honest, as she drags Allison into her perspective and misery, is more interesting in my opinion.
As Zoss said, “A true ruler is the Wielder of Names. By names she cuts the world as she pleases, and she cuts herself into greater forms still”
“Where are you, Allison?” is a line Zaid delivered at the end of his scene with Solomon, so that seems like confirmation that this is he.
That is an excellent catch. I agree, it would be trolling at this point if it wasn’t Zaid, given that echo drop.
BTW: Original way to use a sword!
I believe this is the last book, but a very long one. Further- I was under the impression that the “Six months later” was six months after Jagganoth’s attack, and that Jadis lied. However, this could be unfounded
lmao polygon head owned
So much waiting just to see this guy hit a guard on the head…. >.>
Time is an illusion. Reflect on the nature of eternity to learn patience.
Prim Fishmonger is observant.
How to infiltrate Jadis’s temple by Naruto running
People in masks or some type (perhaps magic-activated) of robot?
Oh it is a mask certainly. How could it be otherwise?
Oh boy, that’s some long ass flexible sword.
Yes, definitely not a speed line to show motion. I think Jagganoth used ribbon swords like this, too, so they must be effective.
Getting some strong Skybreaker vibes from that sword release…
Speak the immortal words, Ninja Man!
Time is an illusion, thus there is no difference between the Path and the Traveller. This is as true for Blades as for Men.
Alert! Red spy is in the base!
“You need to protect the headcase!”
Masked badass has come to rescue Allison from the bluewash zone
Probably will be disappointed to find her drinking tea and perfectly safe.
That depends rather heavily on your definition of “safe.”
Depression is subtle. Is she fine? She is wasting.
Does that say doom or boom?
bonk, I believe
It is a craft as old as violence, predating the Art of Cutting my millennia, singular in its beauty and purpose. Focus! Feel the weight of Cain’s Stone in your palm! First Author of Death, first king of kings! Taste his wisdom! His foolishness! Discover the ancient and venerable Art of Bonking!
I know a lot of people think this is Zaid but …
I want it to be 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon in human form.
Interesting theory, I thought the red eyes were a sign of pact with Incubus, but Vigilant Gaze is Vigilant Gaze after all. The question that arises is, will they be capable of going back to the void if they’re killed ?¿ mmmmm
The eye look more brown than red to me, but your suggestion is a good and interesting one, too!
I just want it to be Vigilant Gaze because I love him, so I’m choosing to see similarities in the design: clothes, color scheme, one eye, build, etc. but I may just be seeing what I want to see.
Either way, I’m sure the reveal will be interesting and I look forward to it!
I don’t think you’re wrong in seeing the comparisons, though. Perhaps Zaid has been training with Vigilant Gaze in the same way that Allison was training with White Chain. He *is* supposed to be the heir, after all, so maybe he has some potential to learn angelic arts.
Or it’s just a rad look, and Zaid recognizes fashion game when he sees it and isn’t above stealing VG’s look.
Or this _is_ Incubus. Not a rescue as such, in that case.
“Where are you, Allison?” was what Zaid said at the very beginnging of Book 4 “King of Swords”. So I guess it’s him, Abbadon loves this sort of callback.
Ooh, he’s flashy. But it seems like he has enough substance to back it up.
It certainly seems that way
Death by pommel such is the proper way to end one’s opponent though for those without blades that fly they will have to settle for more traditional methods
Hmmm. Getting those Zu: Warriors of the Magic Mountain vibes from those two swords.
Excellent reference of Wu Shia Pian cinema!
kinda sexy of him
I’ve found the alt text also to be true of sex toys.
I’m immensely glad that I am not the only one who immediately thought the alt text might be a euphemism.
to quote Indra, “Men are too preoccupied with their swords.”
Ended him rightly.