Solo Ninja with a chorus of Jagganite invaders, I suspect.
There are few surviving, male, human characters in the story, so Zaid seems probable. Unless this is one of the pursuers. Or a character adopted from War for Rayuba.
He may be a few months too late for a rescue. Allison may be gone already.
I think it is safe to assume that this is six months from her reaching out for the food. A few pages ago, we had a caption box stating “Two months later,” so I think we can assume that by “Six months later,” Abbadon means that it is six months after the two months after Allison waking up. Assuming Jadis was truthful with the time, it has been three years and eight months since the battle at Rayuba.
I’m fairly sure each “____ later” is counting down from Allison waking up. The six months later on this page definitely isn’t after she reached out for the food at least, the pyramid head guy in the previous panel hears the ninja on the wall, and I doubt he kept climbing that wall for six months while no one did anything about it.
So far we have example after example of her being (functionally) immortal. The narrative we read demands that she be dead several times over, but there you have it. Maybe her bindi is actually doing something, but up to now it’s been characterized as a cursed useless thing.
The key has been show to give her Super human durability and the ability to throw lightning javalins. White chain even chastises her for depending on it too much.
You mistake the once holy mists of throne, poured endlessly from the well at the very center of creation, now befouled and filled of grim and yuck, for cleansing fire that the red city is in dire need of.
I know nothing of the masked one, but they share the complexion of the prophesied heir. May the wheel turn to his stride.
Jadis, I know you’re being strong-armed by predestiny into telling me that, but the option not to fight is embracing death, and at the very least that’s some 35 years away by your own admission, so can Allison *Really* stop? I don’t think so.
Hope this masked fella finds a much healthier Allison after 4 months (And that he doesn’t try to kill her, giving that roughly even odds unless it’s Zaid)
I think that her hatred of being strong-armed by predestiny is precisely why she pushes so hard. Allison was a prophetic anomaly from the beginning and she still bears the Master Key. Showing her the entirety of the universe from the outside might’ve been a gamble to see if Allison can finally break her ordained self-destructive fate…
…or this is another instance of a demiurge toying with Allison for the hell of it.
It brings forth recollection of Allison post-timeskip back in King of Swords. It seems if it were the “Successor” he would be taking a page from Allison’s book.
I don’t think liking or disliking Jadis’ actions are options really. She just did what she had already seen herself do. Allison needed exactly what happened to continue on her story. Nothing more nothing less. And now the story continues.
Yeah. Jadis spends 3 years keeping Allison alive, just to tell her ‘game over’? Jadis knows this is what Allison needs to hear to do whatever she’s supposed to do in the future.
More specifically, Jadis has already seen herself do all of these things. All of her choice and behaviors are already made. What she’s doing isn’t based on what she’s seen; but what she was predestined to do.
Pondering omniscience— if Jadis knows what’s going to happen, is she saying this because it is the moment where Allison begins to “fight” again? Or is it because those words are the catalyst for Allison to stop fighting her internal struggle, and allowing herself to simply live? Does observing these things change anything? If Jadis knew a choice would lead to great suffering… would she even bother trying to change it?
She can’t change anything, that’s the point. She’s a mannequin of fate now. It seems that whoever wrote the script of the universe also wrote in that Jadis would gain omniscience, and rather cruelly also wrote her dialogue after this as if she was ‘using’ her omniscience to ‘predict’ things, but that can’t truly happen.
Omniscience, such that only one future is known, must imply the lack of free will. I think the only reason people are getting confused is because her script is written in order to make sense to the people she talks to. However, this isn’t a choice made by Jadis. She does what she does. I quite liked the idea of her being trapped in a crystal as it rather neatly sidestepped that problem, or rather, more obviously portrayed her total lack of free will.
In reality it’s actually not that complicated, because the truth is right in front of us: it’s a work of fiction authored by someone else. Abaddon is writing the script, wrote her as an omniscient character, and gives her things to say to tell us that she’s omniscient, despite the fact that the character herself has no power to change the story. The same is true in-universe.
It kind of baffles me that people are regularly assuming Jadis is on the up-and-up here, at least in terms of her infallibility. For one, she’d be the first (former) demiurge that wasn’t full of shit to one degree or another; secondly, the only ‘proof’ we have of it are stories presented in a very biblical / storytelling type manner, which is pretty much the dictionary definition of Unreliable Narrator.
I’d agree with you, but Abbadon has gone on Twitter a couple times basically saying that people who are looking for some sort of subversion or twist to Jadis’ omniscience are sticking their heads in the sand. He’s made it pretty clear she’s not supposed to be taken at anything other than face value.
I have felt like such a combative jerk for a while in the comments section of the past several pages, going on and on about how much I dislike Jadis because she is totally omniscient, and seeing SO MANY PEOPLE going “no, wait, there’s a trick coming, there’s something we don’t understand, it’s a simulation, she’s lying, there’s an error”.
But no! According to Abbadon’s very own twitter, posted September 17th 2022, they seem to be frustrated by “a complete inability from many readers to accept the current arc on the terms it is presenting but rather to hyper analyze it for some grain of insincerity or hidden truth”.
Direct quote! Jadis isn’t lying! She’s not being dishonest! Everything is literally what it is on the page itself!
And then, AND THEN, there’s the perfect reply tweet:
“I mean after killing off most of the characters, having the antagonist win, and the precognitive character tell the protagonist there isn’t anything they can do it makes sense for an audience to push back. Both emotionally, but also there must be a reason the story is continuing.”
I’m actually engaging with the comic the way the author intended, apparently! I can’t see how they’re gonna write their way out of this, but it should be fun to see regardless of the outcome!
I follow the author on twitter and read that tweet. As the author didn’t seem to be inviting further comments failing “to accept the current arc on the terms it is presenting”, I didn’t respond (nor do I imagine they would have cared if I did).
But what I might have said is this – It’s their story, and thus they can of course dictate whatever they like to be the truth in the context of the story. But it would be a lot easier for readers to accept Jadis’ claims if she didn’t regularly contradict herself – for example, stating that there are no choices, but that Alison should choose.
Perhaps there’s a reason for this, or perhaps not. We’ll see, I guess.
One’s perspective matter. Only she knows. Ignorants remain free.
Jadis saw it. She knows all. She cannot choose.
Allison wouldn’t see. She knows nothing. She can choose.
Do we (the readers) know with any certainty that Jadis has seen The Future?
We’ve learned in earlier pages that the universe of Throne is cyclical.
What if Jadis’s machine doesn’t show The Future, per se, but rather shows The Past? If Throne’s time is cyclical, a close viewing of the last X number of past cycles would presumably show the viewer the most likely outcome of any set of circumstances in the current cycle.
… and then there’s Alison. Specifically chosen by Zoss as the wrench to throw in the gears.
I think one of the underlying engines of this whole story is finding out which interpretation is right — 1. Is the crushing weight of cyclical time enough to force temporal homeostasis, and keep the universe in its status quo of inevitable repetition? 2. Or will Zoss’s bet pay off, and the right amount of chaos introduced into the pattern will bring the whole train off the rails?
After all, sometimes it takes only a pebble in just the right place to derail a real-world train. Maybe Alison is just that pebble, in just the right place…
True, but to be fair that same author also prefaced the previous chapter with a title page that explicitly made it look as though Allison was going to spring back into short-haired, badass action with a nifty prosthetic limb; which unless this entire sequence proves to be an illusion, something that is looking increasingly unlikely, was obviously a misdirect.
So we’ll see. I love the comic so far, I’m not going anywhere and I am curious to see where this goes, but tbh the whole thing wrapping up (eventually) on an inevitable note of “Not only does everything suck but everything is *preordained* to suck and you can’t do anything about it” doesn’t exactly thrill me narratively tbh.
To be fair, Abaddon also had a whole thread about how problematic he found the whole “bury your gays” trope back when Cio got butchered, and promised us that he wasn’t going that direction, and implored us to trust him.
If his current tweets about fans being in denial or whatever is true, that Jadis is being honest (which means Cio is truly gone), then he lied to/manipulated his fans, especially his queer ones. =/
If that’s the case, then I’m going to be extremely disappointed in him as a creator. I was ready to give up on the comic because of the Cio thing, and have only stuck around because of his promise.
Also true. I’m still hoping that part of the remainder of the story is devoted to Allison resurrecting Cio in spite of all that. Guess we’ll see, but I won’t deny that I’d share your disappointment.
Almost certainly the rest of that arc will be reminding us that her GFs are… a devil and an angel, immortal beings that reincarnate frequently, and we’ll see how closely they do and they don’t resemble the people Allison knew.
Or how closely Al resembles the woman *they* knew, for that matter. Growth and progression.
So about that version of Allison with the prostetic arm. . . It’s a perfect match for the figure that was on the hidden page during the first meeting of demiurges, specifically when they were told of the heralds name(kill six billion demons). It’s been very clear that there is a “evil” version of Allison, skulking someplace in the timestream, and part of zosses resets have something to do with her.
Well I tried posting a link to a re-upload of the image, but moderation dosnt seem to like that. Anyway KSBD 4-79 is the page that the secret image is inside. if you search the comic name+ “who.jpg” In Google, you should get the answers.
Jadis is exactly what she says she is, the sum total of all knowledge. And as a result she has no self, no concept of being. She certainly isn’t Royalty.
The girl can be omniscient and still wrong, funnily.
No one has ever been able to explain that paradox. How can someone who knows everything be wrong about anything, in such a way that wasn’t intentional? Please. What am I missing here?
The only hard rule is that there are no hard rules.
There’s always an exception, that’s basically the motto of the universe. Royalty is just being the personification of an exception.
As you point out, she could be lying. And a great way to hide a lie, is to tell it from a place of seemingly unassailable accuracy – like claiming omniscience.
Even worse, in Jadis’ case, is that if she could be believed about doing things just because “she always does them” – she could be quite unintentionally lying. Ie. she’s following a script… but no one ever said the dialogue of said script was accurate.
Correct knowledge does not imply correct interpretation. It is possible to see every particle and yet not interpret that they form a cell, to see every cell and not interpret it as a tree, to see all trees and yet lack the framework to know what a forest is.
Jadis can believe that she’s right and still be wrong. Her contradictory statements could just as easily indicate an internally contradictory worldview. I think this is a lot more likely than the idea that she’s lying.
The demiurges represent the seven deadly sins. All of the demiurges we’ve gotten to know well have been imprisoned by their sins — Mottom is driven to desperation and cruelty by her need to consume the fruit that’s keeping her alive, Mammon is cloistered in his vault obsessively counting his wealth while his mind deteriorates, Solomon can’t step down as emperor because his pride prevents him from choosing a successor. Likewise, Jadis believes that there’s no point in taking any action and the only thing to do is avoid suffering and wait for the world to end.
If she’s intentionally trying to deceive or manipulate Allison, that goes against the whole narrative point of the demiurges, whose worldviews have all been sincerely held and understandable in their own contexts but are still extremely destructive.
Thing is she’s reading from a script, that of existence. Now I have a theory about time travle/ influence. That when something like a bootstrap paradox occurs(for whatever reason) causing a feedbackloop, that time would instantly go through these loops of self-alteration, untill it enters a loop that is, for whatever reason, 100% self-enforcing.(I have a feeling jadises siblings all died specifically due to the fact that the way they would respond to omniscience would to endlessly try to fight it, and thus never result in a self stableizing state, and so “reality” killed them off to prevent them from being a part of the equation, and forcing a paradox).
Now the interesting thing is that with jadis omniscience, the feedback loop would be based on how she “responds” to said omniscience. If we follow this logic, then all of jadises script is technically based on how she might behave if she wasn’t omniscient, in that her personality internally is dead, but her “script” is an impression of what she would on average act like. Think of it like the jadis we have now is like a story writing ai, that was taught by feeding it jadises personality, and then was put through trial and error of generating responses to a script(ie the story) until it would make only the responses that were satisfactory in making the plot and its role in it consistent and “coherent”.
Another way to think about it is that when jadis gained omniscience, the personality and behavior of her original self was”translated” over the course of this loop into one that would not cause a paradox. Much like a book translation, and there are thus flaws that while confusing, dumb, or contradictory to us and Allison, are not in conflict with the ultimate script.
Ultimately, there are numerous ways to Interpret jadis words, but based on word of God, her omniscience is fully real, and as such my points above could solve any potential contradictions, so far anyway.
Saido Chesto
One is also (and more) intrigued as to whom it might be he is wearing on his face.
My guess? The being formerly known as White chain
Nope. White chain has boobs now.
Speaking of: how has Allison still both eyes? Glass eye? Prosthetic?
Tower of Knowledge magitech. Looks like they really did take the three years to regrow her.
I like this part very much.
One can’t help but notice that Throne appears to be burning?
We’re guessing One-Eye here is Zaid, right?
Solo Ninja with a chorus of Jagganite invaders, I suspect.
There are few surviving, male, human characters in the story, so Zaid seems probable. Unless this is one of the pursuers. Or a character adopted from War for Rayuba.
He may be a few months too late for a rescue. Allison may be gone already.
It’s unclear whether the “six months later” means six months after Allison decided to start eating again.
And I would bet dollars to doughnuts that is not Zaid.
I think it is safe to assume that this is six months from her reaching out for the food. A few pages ago, we had a caption box stating “Two months later,” so I think we can assume that by “Six months later,” Abbadon means that it is six months after the two months after Allison waking up. Assuming Jadis was truthful with the time, it has been three years and eight months since the battle at Rayuba.
I’m fairly sure each “____ later” is counting down from Allison waking up. The six months later on this page definitely isn’t after she reached out for the food at least, the pyramid head guy in the previous panel hears the ninja on the wall, and I doubt he kept climbing that wall for six months while no one did anything about it.
I think what they heard was Alison reaching for the food.
“i doubt he kept climbing that wall for six months”
im sorry, but that’s very much something i would be okay with in a comic this anima.
Sure! What do you think this is? Blame!? Where an elevator ride takes a few thousand years?
nah i think the “six months later” counts for the whole page
So far we have example after example of her being (functionally) immortal. The narrative we read demands that she be dead several times over, but there you have it. Maybe her bindi is actually doing something, but up to now it’s been characterized as a cursed useless thing.
The key has been show to give her Super human durability and the ability to throw lightning javalins. White chain even chastises her for depending on it too much.
You mistake the once holy mists of throne, poured endlessly from the well at the very center of creation, now befouled and filled of grim and yuck, for cleansing fire that the red city is in dire need of.
I know nothing of the masked one, but they share the complexion of the prophesied heir. May the wheel turn to his stride.
I’m more focused on the prophesied hair. This guy’s shade seems darker than Zaid’s brown, yesno?
Holy shit has Allison eaten nothing for six months?! That’s just awful, seriously hope she recovers soon.
She hasn’t eaten for two month, this is 6 month after she started eating.
Jadis, I know you’re being strong-armed by predestiny into telling me that, but the option not to fight is embracing death, and at the very least that’s some 35 years away by your own admission, so can Allison *Really* stop? I don’t think so.
Hope this masked fella finds a much healthier Allison after 4 months (And that he doesn’t try to kill her, giving that roughly even odds unless it’s Zaid)
Right now Al is fighting herself. She should sue for ceasefire if peace is out of question
I think that her hatred of being strong-armed by predestiny is precisely why she pushes so hard. Allison was a prophetic anomaly from the beginning and she still bears the Master Key. Showing her the entirety of the universe from the outside might’ve been a gamble to see if Allison can finally break her ordained self-destructive fate…
…or this is another instance of a demiurge toying with Allison for the hell of it.
ok i pull up
Those big wok panels are making me hungry. I want a rundown of all the foods in them.
Now I’m gonna go get some pancakes, or a benny maybe.
That’s Big Wok Energy in action.
Yessssss I would very much like Zaid to do something
Jadis’ bedside manner is lacking, but after seeing the last few pages I’ll say this much. She puts out a nice breakfast spread.
If you haven’t already, check out the breakfast spreads in 3000 Years of Longing. Want some!
I really have to find the time to go and see that movie, it looks so fun.
looks like allison is done cutting.
Royalty is a continuous bulking motion
Gonna snake an oranj.
Extra-grippy shoes, for those tricky pyramid climbing jobs. Big earlobe stretchers. Two swords. Blank mask with one eye. Heavy build. Hmmm.
Looks very unZaidlike.
Given the earrings and reddish eyes, whoever it is whether it’s Zaid or not was trained by or with Maya.
He said, “Ok.”
This does sound like something a character from LA would say, in contrast to characters from Throne.
So this might very well be Zaid.
It brings forth recollection of Allison post-timeskip back in King of Swords. It seems if it were the “Successor” he would be taking a page from Allison’s book.
Jadis said “Ok” 20ish pages ago, so I wouldn’t look THAT hard at it.
It seem Zaid has been hitting the gym.
New mask, who dis?
I don’t think liking or disliking Jadis’ actions are options really. She just did what she had already seen herself do. Allison needed exactly what happened to continue on her story. Nothing more nothing less. And now the story continues.
Yeah. Jadis spends 3 years keeping Allison alive, just to tell her ‘game over’? Jadis knows this is what Allison needs to hear to do whatever she’s supposed to do in the future.
More specifically, Jadis has already seen herself do all of these things. All of her choice and behaviors are already made. What she’s doing isn’t based on what she’s seen; but what she was predestined to do.
Pondering omniscience— if Jadis knows what’s going to happen, is she saying this because it is the moment where Allison begins to “fight” again? Or is it because those words are the catalyst for Allison to stop fighting her internal struggle, and allowing herself to simply live? Does observing these things change anything? If Jadis knew a choice would lead to great suffering… would she even bother trying to change it?
No easy answers here, likely.
She can’t change anything, that’s the point. She’s a mannequin of fate now. It seems that whoever wrote the script of the universe also wrote in that Jadis would gain omniscience, and rather cruelly also wrote her dialogue after this as if she was ‘using’ her omniscience to ‘predict’ things, but that can’t truly happen.
Omniscience, such that only one future is known, must imply the lack of free will. I think the only reason people are getting confused is because her script is written in order to make sense to the people she talks to. However, this isn’t a choice made by Jadis. She does what she does. I quite liked the idea of her being trapped in a crystal as it rather neatly sidestepped that problem, or rather, more obviously portrayed her total lack of free will.
In reality it’s actually not that complicated, because the truth is right in front of us: it’s a work of fiction authored by someone else. Abaddon is writing the script, wrote her as an omniscient character, and gives her things to say to tell us that she’s omniscient, despite the fact that the character herself has no power to change the story. The same is true in-universe.
My money, 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon got their human form. The right eye, beads, they had 3 years to learn from White Chain.
Would he still have that accent of his in human form though?
Another possibility, he could be the mask.
Wouldn’t he say “HO THERE” instead of “Ok”?
“Today, your first lesson begins.”
“The first lesson will be the lesson of indoor voices.”
“… a bit better.”
It kind of baffles me that people are regularly assuming Jadis is on the up-and-up here, at least in terms of her infallibility. For one, she’d be the first (former) demiurge that wasn’t full of shit to one degree or another; secondly, the only ‘proof’ we have of it are stories presented in a very biblical / storytelling type manner, which is pretty much the dictionary definition of Unreliable Narrator.
I’d agree with you, but Abbadon has gone on Twitter a couple times basically saying that people who are looking for some sort of subversion or twist to Jadis’ omniscience are sticking their heads in the sand. He’s made it pretty clear she’s not supposed to be taken at anything other than face value.
I have felt like such a combative jerk for a while in the comments section of the past several pages, going on and on about how much I dislike Jadis because she is totally omniscient, and seeing SO MANY PEOPLE going “no, wait, there’s a trick coming, there’s something we don’t understand, it’s a simulation, she’s lying, there’s an error”.
But no! According to Abbadon’s very own twitter, posted September 17th 2022, they seem to be frustrated by “a complete inability from many readers to accept the current arc on the terms it is presenting but rather to hyper analyze it for some grain of insincerity or hidden truth”.
Direct quote! Jadis isn’t lying! She’s not being dishonest! Everything is literally what it is on the page itself!
And then, AND THEN, there’s the perfect reply tweet:
“I mean after killing off most of the characters, having the antagonist win, and the precognitive character tell the protagonist there isn’t anything they can do it makes sense for an audience to push back. Both emotionally, but also there must be a reason the story is continuing.”
I’m actually engaging with the comic the way the author intended, apparently! I can’t see how they’re gonna write their way out of this, but it should be fun to see regardless of the outcome!
I follow the author on twitter and read that tweet. As the author didn’t seem to be inviting further comments failing “to accept the current arc on the terms it is presenting”, I didn’t respond (nor do I imagine they would have cared if I did).
But what I might have said is this – It’s their story, and thus they can of course dictate whatever they like to be the truth in the context of the story. But it would be a lot easier for readers to accept Jadis’ claims if she didn’t regularly contradict herself – for example, stating that there are no choices, but that Alison should choose.
Perhaps there’s a reason for this, or perhaps not. We’ll see, I guess.
One’s perspective matter. Only she knows. Ignorants remain free.
Jadis saw it. She knows all. She cannot choose.
Allison wouldn’t see. She knows nothing. She can choose.
There’s no contridictions to Jadis, it took me a while to wrap my head around the concept too:
Jadis has not been sentient in the way your or I think about it since she entered the machine.
She possess full knowledge of the future and no ability to express it. She cannot lie, nor can she tell the truth.
It is not known if this future-locking that Jadis talks about applies to others, because Jadis cannot express that or any other concept.
Do we (the readers) know with any certainty that Jadis has seen The Future?
We’ve learned in earlier pages that the universe of Throne is cyclical.
What if Jadis’s machine doesn’t show The Future, per se, but rather shows The Past? If Throne’s time is cyclical, a close viewing of the last X number of past cycles would presumably show the viewer the most likely outcome of any set of circumstances in the current cycle.
… and then there’s Alison. Specifically chosen by Zoss as the wrench to throw in the gears.
I think one of the underlying engines of this whole story is finding out which interpretation is right — 1. Is the crushing weight of cyclical time enough to force temporal homeostasis, and keep the universe in its status quo of inevitable repetition? 2. Or will Zoss’s bet pay off, and the right amount of chaos introduced into the pattern will bring the whole train off the rails?
After all, sometimes it takes only a pebble in just the right place to derail a real-world train. Maybe Alison is just that pebble, in just the right place…
True, but to be fair that same author also prefaced the previous chapter with a title page that explicitly made it look as though Allison was going to spring back into short-haired, badass action with a nifty prosthetic limb; which unless this entire sequence proves to be an illusion, something that is looking increasingly unlikely, was obviously a misdirect.
So we’ll see. I love the comic so far, I’m not going anywhere and I am curious to see where this goes, but tbh the whole thing wrapping up (eventually) on an inevitable note of “Not only does everything suck but everything is *preordained* to suck and you can’t do anything about it” doesn’t exactly thrill me narratively tbh.
Haven’t the title pages always been somewhat misleading?
To be fair, Abaddon also had a whole thread about how problematic he found the whole “bury your gays” trope back when Cio got butchered, and promised us that he wasn’t going that direction, and implored us to trust him.
If his current tweets about fans being in denial or whatever is true, that Jadis is being honest (which means Cio is truly gone), then he lied to/manipulated his fans, especially his queer ones. =/
If that’s the case, then I’m going to be extremely disappointed in him as a creator. I was ready to give up on the comic because of the Cio thing, and have only stuck around because of his promise.
Also true. I’m still hoping that part of the remainder of the story is devoted to Allison resurrecting Cio in spite of all that. Guess we’ll see, but I won’t deny that I’d share your disappointment.
Almost certainly the rest of that arc will be reminding us that her GFs are… a devil and an angel, immortal beings that reincarnate frequently, and we’ll see how closely they do and they don’t resemble the people Allison knew.
Or how closely Al resembles the woman *they* knew, for that matter. Growth and progression.
So about that version of Allison with the prostetic arm. . . It’s a perfect match for the figure that was on the hidden page during the first meeting of demiurges, specifically when they were told of the heralds name(kill six billion demons). It’s been very clear that there is a “evil” version of Allison, skulking someplace in the timestream, and part of zosses resets have something to do with her.
Hidden page? I must’ve missed this, don’t suppose I could bother you for a link or instructions on accessing it..?
Well I tried posting a link to a re-upload of the image, but moderation dosnt seem to like that. Anyway KSBD 4-79 is the page that the secret image is inside. if you search the comic name+ “who.jpg” In Google, you should get the answers.
Awesome, thanks.
Jadis is exactly what she says she is, the sum total of all knowledge. And as a result she has no self, no concept of being. She certainly isn’t Royalty.
The girl can be omniscient and still wrong, funnily.
Actually how.
No one has ever been able to explain that paradox. How can someone who knows everything be wrong about anything, in such a way that wasn’t intentional? Please. What am I missing here?
There is no such thing as free will in KSBD. All is predetermined, set in amber, and certain. Nothing can chance, nor deviate from its correct path.
Royalty is the act of understanding this, and then exercising free will anyway.
The only hard rule is that there are no hard rules.
There’s always an exception, that’s basically the motto of the universe. Royalty is just being the personification of an exception.
As you point out, she could be lying. And a great way to hide a lie, is to tell it from a place of seemingly unassailable accuracy – like claiming omniscience.
Even worse, in Jadis’ case, is that if she could be believed about doing things just because “she always does them” – she could be quite unintentionally lying. Ie. she’s following a script… but no one ever said the dialogue of said script was accurate.
Correct knowledge does not imply correct interpretation. It is possible to see every particle and yet not interpret that they form a cell, to see every cell and not interpret it as a tree, to see all trees and yet lack the framework to know what a forest is.
Jadis can believe that she’s right and still be wrong. Her contradictory statements could just as easily indicate an internally contradictory worldview. I think this is a lot more likely than the idea that she’s lying.
The demiurges represent the seven deadly sins. All of the demiurges we’ve gotten to know well have been imprisoned by their sins — Mottom is driven to desperation and cruelty by her need to consume the fruit that’s keeping her alive, Mammon is cloistered in his vault obsessively counting his wealth while his mind deteriorates, Solomon can’t step down as emperor because his pride prevents him from choosing a successor. Likewise, Jadis believes that there’s no point in taking any action and the only thing to do is avoid suffering and wait for the world to end.
If she’s intentionally trying to deceive or manipulate Allison, that goes against the whole narrative point of the demiurges, whose worldviews have all been sincerely held and understandable in their own contexts but are still extremely destructive.
Thing is she’s reading from a script, that of existence. Now I have a theory about time travle/ influence. That when something like a bootstrap paradox occurs(for whatever reason) causing a feedbackloop, that time would instantly go through these loops of self-alteration, untill it enters a loop that is, for whatever reason, 100% self-enforcing.(I have a feeling jadises siblings all died specifically due to the fact that the way they would respond to omniscience would to endlessly try to fight it, and thus never result in a self stableizing state, and so “reality” killed them off to prevent them from being a part of the equation, and forcing a paradox).
Now the interesting thing is that with jadis omniscience, the feedback loop would be based on how she “responds” to said omniscience. If we follow this logic, then all of jadises script is technically based on how she might behave if she wasn’t omniscient, in that her personality internally is dead, but her “script” is an impression of what she would on average act like. Think of it like the jadis we have now is like a story writing ai, that was taught by feeding it jadises personality, and then was put through trial and error of generating responses to a script(ie the story) until it would make only the responses that were satisfactory in making the plot and its role in it consistent and “coherent”.
Another way to think about it is that when jadis gained omniscience, the personality and behavior of her original self was”translated” over the course of this loop into one that would not cause a paradox. Much like a book translation, and there are thus flaws that while confusing, dumb, or contradictory to us and Allison, are not in conflict with the ultimate script.
Ultimately, there are numerous ways to Interpret jadis words, but based on word of God, her omniscience is fully real, and as such my points above could solve any potential contradictions, so far anyway.
The build and the skin and hair tone are right for Zaid, but that eye is red, and Zaid’s were a pale brown last we saw him.
I hope Zaid joined with a demon… On His Face (Remember we might still kill/kiss/keep 6 billion demons)
We have seen Allison with red eyes… after she accepted Inky boy’s help. Considering we know he’s still around, this may not bode well…