Chapter: 3
“Listen to me, my son, and listen to me well. The strongest man in the world is only meat after all. To surpass him, you must merely become the strongest butcher.”
– Jantris, Dead Man
“Listen to me, my son, and listen to me well. The strongest man in the world is only meat after all. To surpass him, you must merely become the strongest butcher.”
– Jantris, Dead Man
Could have been worse, really.
“My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.”
Not everybody escaped with their skin, though!
no the others just paid and arm and leg to get covered in mud.
The only skin he needs is his scalp to keep that luscious hair intact.
Jagger’s foreskin?
But only the skin on his teeth survived.
Strange how his face has been flayed, like the rest of his body of course, yet he still somehow has scalp follicles for his trademark hair?
Well, we saw him scalp himself, many pages ago, and that didn’t stop his hair from growing back. I guess Incubus’ hair is… persistent.
When was that?
When Meti bade him cut his hair a sword. Much blood.
Which reminds me:
You know shit is going to go down when she turns up and asks “what do you think about death?”
I’m very much thinking of Brook from One Piece now.
I did the calculations but boy am I bad at math
T’be fair, he only had a FEW thousand years to prepare for the inevitable.
Jaggahog, FINALLY!
I misread that as “whelp”
What a consequential missing “h”
Things have not gone at all how I expected. Or hoped.
There goes Plan A. Time for Plan B!
*pulls out revolver
*loads single bullet
The Rango strat, I like it.
*tips hat*
Wasn’t that already plan B? Not looking too great for plan C either. Good thing the alphabet is so long.
for the plans of Gods, and time,…
i think they’re gonna have to start using the Chinese alphabet to list them …..
Welp, time for plan 草
Plan kusa, lets gooooo
Inky hoping for Plan Pubes, 草
“No, Plan Two. Saying ‘Plan A’ or ‘Plan B’ implies we only have twenty-six plans.”
Plan B? You mean the legendary Joestar Family Technique?
Honestly, I can really get behind Incubus’ reaction here.
What else can you say when your skin is straight-up gone and the world is a blazing ruin?
Definitely not ‘welp’. Not without lips…
That is the power of Royalty. To ‘Welp’ without Lips.
Without lips, it might be:
I seem to recall a dragon that was able to manage a decent vocabulary with a similar lack of lips.
Same, like it seems like they gave everything but they still lost.
ngl I had to squint to see it lol.
If you look back on the previous page… it’s kind of faintly there as well. Just not as obvious.
Seek the hog, and ye shall receive.
I starting to imagine there cult somewhere in KSBD universe dedicated to worshipping Jaggahog. Cult of The Jaggahog. yeah.
Dude, that’s *us*
It is, of course, reviled by Jagganoth’s wider priesthood. Or, as one of their oldest chants would have it:
You have been raised up from Brutality, to kill the Brutals who multiply, and are legion. To this end, Jagganoth, your God, gave you the gift of the Blade. The Blade is good.
The Penis is evil. The Penis shoots seeds, and makes new life to poison the Earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the Blade gives death and purifies the Earth of the filth of Brutals. Go forth, and kill! Jagganoth has spoken!
“penis is evil” – yep , that seems like something puritanic clergy would say. I say its legit.
It’s from Zardoz. Sean Connery with a ponytail and a red posing pouch.
Indeed. Perhaps the finest documentary on 32,323 universes.
I can’t believe our dreams really did come true! JAGGOHOG
finally, at long last, we have an answer to the most elusive question in all the years of this comic:
Quite clearly not.
How do you cut the uncuttable?
But why would he?
Incubussy reveal next????
OH MAN thats impressive! To think he’s still walking around in that state, with a head of lovely hair as well! Im guessing that means most of the other lords are equally… Very Eviscerated
When a master of the terrible art of cutting must be cut, he will choose how his enemy cuts him, turning his body upon the edge of his enemy so as to wield the attack against the parts of himself least useful for retaliation.
This implies that Incubus’ most valuble asset is his hair.
Dead cells, same as his similarly uncut fingernails and toenails. Not eligible targets for attacks that cut down all living things.
The one, true hair, inheritor of all his power.
Incubus refuses to relive his initial sacrifice in the pursuit of the blade. That or its just a funny inversion of his chopping his own hair & parts of his scalp off to do so. Haha.
Jagganoth uses bifurcate
The most holy movement; the first act of YISUN
Any Goblin mains around to exploit him being in Danger Zone?
Jagganoth casts sectumsempra!
Abbadon actually seems to have gone there……. Way to fan appeal 😛
edit: fan service is the word I was looking for.
The Mass remembers, the mass is immortal, and most of all- the mass always wins.
The mass ‘member
If you’re going to show naked bodies, just show them!
Unless your gods don’t procreate, in which case get rrady for the ken doll comparisons for the rest of time.
Time to hit the old dusty trail while there’s are any left in the multiverse.
Strong Oskar vibes in that last panel, somehow.
While others will no doubt focus on the unleashing of the Jaggahog, I believe that the question of the nails is more significant.
They don’t seem to be visible. Perhaps they’re too gore-coated? Even if they are gone, the Jag has at least two parts of the seven now, and in theory that renders him undefeatable by what remains, as they have proven that they cannot work together.
Well, he’s certainly coated in even more gore now.
Nails, and he is *significantly* de powered. Even before the binding, Jag was so radioactively malevolent he was eroding Salami Dave just by being nearby. Whatever happened above Rayuba reset Jag back to essentially the start of the fight, minus armor and weapons.
Of course, now he’s not indestructible but has TWO keys, which is terrifying for a whole different reason.
Small correction. Jagganoth started off with 111,111 keys, or one conglomerate key. Now he has 222,222, assuming he hasn’t successfully looted the other demiurges yet.
He (and everyone else still in play) is also.back on a planet where Maya is.
Their depiction has always been ambiguous
J has 2/7 of the keys but Allison has 7/7. She should be supreme. That was Incubus’ plan, I guess. But she’s currently too terrified to use her keys.
Plus, she doesn’t have millennia of experience using Keys in battle.
and her arm’s off
It’s just a flesh wound!
She’s had worse.
Oof. Yikes. Weeeeeeeeeelp….looks like it’s about time I hit the old dusty trail…
Well, we have a hint of the Jaggahog.
“Hey there, Alice. Can you lend me a hand?”
“Fuck off, Incubus.”
“Hey, no skin off my back.”
see? you can’t trust Incubus. he has no skin in the game
This comic has a great comments section.
We love you too.
So says over-god Yisun, “there will be no genesis.”
So say I, that we commenters do not create. We merely refine, polish, and repackage beauty from this comic and from other sources across the internet. For Abaddon and our community.
Blame my astigmatism, but I initially rad that line as “There will be no penises”. That made perfect sense to me because tehre appears to be a strong ajivika strand in Jagganoth’s thinking. The ajivikas were a group of ascetic sects around the time of the Buddha who went in for extreme sadhanas of the type J favours. The Buddha studied under one of them, probably Ajitha Kesakambalin, for many years, but gave it up when he realised they were just flexing at the universe and learning nothing. Extreme sexual self control and ‘retention of seed’ is a feature of these disciplines.
Welp indeed.
Welp. So. That happened.
Five more keys and the ball to win?
Incubus is a heavy metal band mascot/feral vampire or is he the the grandmaster of the martial arts of indestructible heads?
How much total annihilation is Jagganoth going to inflict to pop the key out of Incubus’ indestructible head?
Is Maya going to get her revenge only to have Jagganoth take up his third key?
Stay tuned next week true believers!
I think even Maya would recognize that now is a bad time to do her revenge.
True fools know no limits.
The latter. Apparently the Head of John is worth the money
Flayed incubus huh, how did he manage to do that.
As Dau said earlier, we should expect the other demiurges to be similarily damaged if they aren’t dead.
Gog Agog already exited stage left
We can probably expect Jadis’s ice block to be shattered, but what other effects?
Solomon, shattered into a zillion pieces but somehow still alive as a cloud of shards?
Mottom, probably still alive on the basis that Jagganoth would likely have grabbed her body as well, but her current state, no idea.
Could… Could Solomon David use his last moments to send his keys off, empowering any surviving subjects of Rayuba? Or to any of his sons that were off-world during the tournament?
That’d be a great way for White Chain’s last words to him to change the goals and opportunities of this arc. Hell, he could have sent them to Zaid!
I really hope not. It’d be disappointing to say the least if Alison started playing second fiddle to her dipshit ‘boyfriend’.
If I’m thinking in a story sense, I could easily see Mottom and Solomon dead. These characters have been explored and could be ended now without any need for continuation.
Gog is obviously alive as it escaped, but if there’s further nuanced to it’s character we’d now have the opportunity to explore those. Incubus is also alive here because there’s unfinished business between him and a Noodle Vendor but there was apparently some plotting between him and Jag which we don’t have much understanding bout yet.
Jadis is that other one. I could imagine that this has shattered her prison, and that may mean she is dying but this could be a chance to explore her character more… and she has seen the universe’s true form.
The cover page did show Jadis out of stone, with a shade of herself hiding behind her. But then, that cover did also show Mammon alive and semi-well.
I highly doubt Solomon David is dead yet. Of all the demiurges except perhaps Incubus,he was the most powerful in terms of just sheer offensive / defensive capability and experience. In spite of the description of Jag’s attack, the swords were not literally everywhere and did not cut literally everything, so I expect he was able to either block the brunt of this attack or dodge around a lot of it.
It might have been at the point of impact that was undodgeable. Anyways, yea, I agree that Solomon is alive, if injured in some way just because of the fact that Mammon is the one who got killed and Jagganoth didn’t bring down any other corpses with him.
Too bad Mammon couldn’t direct the damage to his tail or something.
He seemed much more powerful than incubus during that fight.
I phrased that poorly, I meant more that Incubus was the only other player on the field besides SD who seemed to have a relative sense of skill or strategy. Everyone else was just trying to hit Jag with seemingly whatever came to mind.
Ah that makes sense.
I was re-reading this book and it seems to me that Solomon actually *blocked* a sword attack with his arm, to defend Mommy Om (Breaker of infinities, 1-16). So he might be unharmed, or at least alive.
Incubus your epidermis isn’t showing
Jag’s sure as hell is though
Something I’ve always wondered is this – Zoss got the original keys, all of them. He then made copies which were spun out to the various demiurges, who in turn concentrated them via a multiversal war down to the 7 (now 6) that we all know and presumably love. Are the copies just as good as the original? Or could the holder of the master key somehow revoke access?
In theory, maybe, but that’d be too much of an ‘easy button’ and Alison doesn’t know how anyway.
Deus ex machina, if one day Abbadon gets tired of this comic, it’s an easy way out.
I think that is strongly implied throughout the comic, but not said explicitly. Even so, Allison obviously hasn’t stumbled upon that feature yet, and none of her teachers have ever held the Master key, so she could not have been taught. Yet.
I guess the ghost of Zoss could’ve, but cryptic pep talks are more his thing.
Y’know, we haven’t seen Zoss’s Ghost in a while. It feels like we’re approaching the kind of 11th hour he likes to pop up in.
It’s been a million billion pages since we saw him, but in-universe he spoke to Allison in the cell earlier this morning. Since that makes a grand total of, what, three visitations I wouldn’t expect him again until after the fight is over.
Zoss: “My work here is done!”
Allison: “You didn’t do anything!”
Zoss fades away dramatically.
i think the important thing to remember is that the power of keys is entirely a function of how large a fragment of YISUN’s full name they’re attuned to. zoss’ key is the most powerful because it’s tuned to complete name of god. the copies are weaker, not because they’re copies, but because they only contain fragments of the divine name — before this page, each of the seven’s keys only contained a single holy word.
so yeah, a copy should theoretically be as powerful as zoss’ key if it incoporated the full name of god. but is it actually true that YISUN’s name is seven words long, that zoss’ key contains just those seven words? i think we’re being duped. “god’s true name is ‘i.'” in this universe, there’s definitely some kind of catch.
You’ve just reminded me that Allison has a word too. I hope we get a demiurge title page for her as well.
Allison Ruth
Business Major with a minor in philosophy
Former Valley Girl
Bearer of the word “I” and heir to the seven-part world.
The true mark of royalty is being able to say “P” while not having lips.
Actually, it’s quite easy, though slightly disturbing, You just press your tongue against flesh above teeth. Not a conventional way to do it, certainly, but you can articulate billabial consonants in this manner when pressed by necessity, such as missing lips.
I am trying F r five days in a row and can only pronounce “T”. A very muffled T, but a T none the less. But I know it’s my fault
Or maybe I’m not Royalty…