Chapter: 3
“Ox faced, black-tongued, the Wheel Turning King is master of terrestrial powers and war arts. His dominance is unchallenged and he crushes the kings of mankind using only three of his fingers. He wields the legacy of the crimson eyed god with a blazing will and a heated brow. His mighty body is a gate to hold back heaven.
He will never touch royalty.”
The end of a legend.
Just another key in his halo now
All in all you’re just an… -other key in the brow
That is one sexy leg, mmmmhmmmm.
That’s what she gets for still wearing clothes.
That’s what he gets for not wearing pants made out of armband material.
i mean she’s not wrong
Worst palm reading ever
That time when you cast “Finger of Death”, and discover that your opponent is immune.
Or “Power Word: Kill” but the target has more than 100 hit points.
Better get to relinquishing those thoughts of victory while the gettin’s good.
“He will never touch royalty”
Nnnnobody is winning here, really.
Mottom going out like a champ.
when you finally splat upon the wall of inevitability, the only choice is whether to do a star-jump, or a backflip.
I’m going to go for a cartwheeling bellyflop. I think my viscera will make a neat pattern!
oh hey free leg
Free right arm would have been better
“Ohm, Heavn dain be crossroads to un Daik Kaik movement y foule di Winigesh.”
“Gaze upon my fixture, I posture une appendage across my hand, and a brerb within the other.”
This reference just hit me like a truck once Brerb crossed my eye.
Allison merely needs to access her inner Great Blue Shell and she’ll easily defeat any enemy before her
KBSD was an early 2010s video game parody web toon all along.
Is this the legendary “It’s a me, Mario” Chrass Pront?
Jag had two keys on his head.
Ia! The Count has stopped, because Mammon is fucking dead
Each Demiurge’s key is 111,111 keys. 111,111 Words of God.
And then there were five.
are you quoting ten little nword boys?
what an amazing comment
No, I don’t think so.
I honestly got nothing other than as some mortals may “were boned”. At this point I may as well carve as much of my entire life story on stone so that when I reincarnate I may remember all the good things in life before it was all turned to ash, melted, or even erased by the least fun demagogue the wheel has ever seen.
You think the stone will endure?
Marginally longer, perhaps… or not.
Your faith in a dead god is notable, if not commendable.
Accumulating meaningless power with little to no consideration of others’ wellbeing. It’s what that great big ol’ lizard would’ve wanted…
Notable, and noted. Please initial here, and bring this to the Angel of Accounting on the second floor to have it notarized. Thank you for your support during this change of management. All accounts are final.
We all know dead gods are far spookier then living ones, making them all the stronger!
Kill ONE demigod… ah ah ah…kill TWO demigods…ah ah ah…kill SIX BILLION D- *gets decapitated by Jagganoth*
Demiurge, not Demigod. While a Demigod is the offspring of a God and a Human, a Demiurge is itself a Universal Creator, though not the One Creator Above All that is YISUN.
Well of course he has over 100 HP Mottom. He hasn’t taken any damage yet
Someone should have tolled her.
Perfect waste of a 9th level spell. But if you are about to roll death saves, it’s more about making a statement than making a difference, I suppose.
I wouldn’t know, I tend to be on the other side.
Hmmn, he’s definitely missing the golden nails.
I also suspect Solomon will be the next one, assuming Jaggy doesn’t already know where Incubus and Alison are.
Makes sense from a story standpoint that Solomon is next. He, Mottom and the dragon are the most explored demiurges. Incubus is well explored as well but has other story threads remaining with noodle vendors.
All that said, it’s perfectly possible for characters to die or be killed without exploration but those three on the cover were shown further in the background while Janis, Gog and Incubus were much more prominent
I’ll be sad to see solomon go, honestly. I hope there’s still more in store for him, besides being crushed to smithereens by the big red man with a big red hand
Yeah I think Solomon may be able to put up at least a little bit of a futile fight.. perhaps even make him bleed one drop of blood, mirroring the previous fight against solomon.
Solomon will cut off the Jaggahog, before being atomized by the Red God.
Jaggahog ahoy! What big boy.
Solomon David might even reveal the truth of the Imperial Scepter for that purpose.
Sad noise.
i was sad for the old dragon, but for the bitch witch? not at all, i rejoice even!
Would have been interesting to see her character grow a bit more… Even if the current f’ckery is mostly her up.
Taking the term Smash too hard
Well, as the Martians of old used to say – For mash get smash.
Well I guess Mottom isn’t unaccounted for anymore…
Alright, so that leaves White Chain, Salami Dave, Maya, and Jadis unaccounted for.
And the worm.
She left.
She could’ve at least conjured some underpants onto him, if only for the sake of the others.
You would deny us the Jaggahog? Nay. Let it be the last thing we see before our fibers are instantly torn asunder.
it’s how i’d like to go out tbh
Nah, what she should have done is center her cast a good bit lower.
Excellent last words. Let’s give Mottom a big ol’ hand.
I was about to say something positive and agreeable in response to this…then i finally noticed the pun. HOW DARE YOU MOCK THE DEAD, SIR.
You disapprove of mocking the dead? Why, that’s the best time to mock them! That’s the basis of the Unseen Web school of Word Arts! By mocking your target when they’re defenseless, a student of the Unseen Web can align their inner troll to channel the power of [RUMOR], giving access to such techniques as [ULTRASMUG], [LOOKS COULD KILL], and [BACKHANDED COMPLIMENT].
As a great human poet once said:
“Another one bites the dust.”
and as a weird person once said:
“another one rides the bus”
I think I’m missing a contact lens
I think my wallet’s gone
I think this bus is stoppin’ again
let a couple more freaks get on
Jaggahog continues to be confirmed
Fuzzy resolution Jaggahog fills me with warmth, despite the otherwise grim circumstances. It’s also worth complimenting Jagganoth on his superb dad bod. #demiurge_goals
And so comes the time of harvest, winnowing, and gathering in; even the blood flower has been plucked.
well said
I mean, much as the comic ending with the ‘good’ guys winning with the Power of Friendship would have been pretty meh, I hope Jag doesn’t get to just sleepwalk through the rest of this. I’ve kind of had my fill of bad/sad/depressing endings to my fictional choices of late.
At the very least, if Alison doesn’t survive long enough to get a prosthetic arm and a makeover, the book title page will have been a lie.
I actually consider this to be a really good example of how skilled a writer Abbadon is. Oftentimes, when a protagonist is trying to save the world and/or universe, and they go through the figurative “Belly of the Whale”, where all hope seems lost for them…it’s pretty damn hard to take it seriously!!! Because we generally KNOW that the world isn’t actually going to get destroyed, so getting is to really feel the true depth of the hero’s despair is nigh-impossible. And yet…Abbadon fucking did EXACTLY THAT. Even now, part of me is still kind of aware that there’s no way this story actually ends with Jagganoth winning…but this entire aftermath is just SO GODDAMN DEVASTATING and BLEAK that I…it just really feels like there’s nothing left except failure. Reading this page, I’m only a hair’s breadth from seriously believing that the universe is just gonna fucking end within the next dozen or so pages. It takes WORK to convince me of that.
Oh, for sure. Absolutely consider this right up there with many of my favorite comic series, and am way interested in where Alison’s story ends up at. I mean, no matter how this all shakes out, assuming she survives, I can’t really see her returning to any semblance of a normal life, but I don’t see her ruling over Throne or the mulitverse or what have you either.
I think an interesting aspect of this is we’ve been told that every time Jagganoth wins, the loop resets. I wonder if having been a key bearer will make Allison remember, which is why she’s different from everything before. Then again, if that were the case we’d have a lot more Comic to go through.
For all we know this is just the beginning..
Fellow Votaries,
I confess, I don’t understand Jagganoth’s transformations.
Okay, I get that he had reached the level/skill/potential to perform the transformation to the Chakravartin 500 armed form. After doing so he knocked down all his attackers and smote Mammon with ruin.
So why didn’t he stay in the Chakravartin form ?
Why is he back to ‘regular Jagganoth form’ ?
Do we expect he can transform back to the Chakravartin form at will ?
Jagganoth just proved himself immune to Mottom’s potent DEATH spell, with or without the fabled 30 Angel Nails of Invulnerability.
[ And what happened to those ? Did he absorb them ? Did they melt away ? ]
Best thoughtful guesses accepted.
Cheers !
I expect it takes energy/effort to maintain. And while he probably CAN maintain it forever, he also CAN simply endure every and any strike made against him—and yet he chooses to deflect and avoid attacks.
Assuming he still can, there doesn’t really seem to be a point in him doing so. It’s not like anybody’s in a state to contest him anymore.
The wheel-turning king in his transcendent form is supreme and self-completed. He cannot grow and cannot learn. Therefore, not a good form to discover the voices of God.
The artist got tired of drawing that many arms. Jag could pop back into it at any time. But with out how complex the costumes were in the last arc, the artist just said “eff it, everyone is naked now”
I think The Squad got a devastating cubit spear blow against Jag, then got hit by 80,000 god swords in almost the same moment.
Jag was significantly deposited but The Squad was scattered, knocked senseless, temporarily lost focus.
Jag, weakened, is still as strong as the rest of the demiurges together. He’s picking them off before they can regroup. I think he’s no longer invulnerable, and may need time to get back to Chakravartin form, but if he takes out the last resistance before they can regroup and eats their power now then he’ll be unstoppable.
I don’t think it’ll be a sleepwalk. Salami Dave put a big hurt on him but just got trumped by the invulnerability. Jadis hasn’t been very active yet, and is probably the most powerful of the bunch. Worm hasn’t *really* taken the clown gloves off yet.
If anything, I think this will be a more interesting fight, where the antagonist is more dangerous but no longer invincible. Assuming there’s even a fight beyond the next few pages… might be a totally different directionz
The nails themselves are unimportant, having implanted them at all, ever, made him 100% invulnverable. But he feels pain from everything he endures.
I presume it takes a certain level of power to maintain the form. Between the multiperson cubit spear and the 80k slashes I think he might be a bit tuckered out.
Must a man clothe himself in steel and transcendent arts to extinguish the ants in his home? Only Pree Aesma would willingly engage in such excess of destruction.