I’m getting this weird feeling, it’s like some sort of emotional connection, or understanding, I wanna say it starts with sym… sym… ah well, can’t be too important when talking about a world-eating monster goddess, right?
Yes, yes, very tragic. I mean that honestly – it’s something that happens. When you grow up, seize power, and then continue the cycle, it rings hollow though.
I think the point that’s going to be got at is that even Mottom can’t end the cycle. Maybe Allison can, but Allison is the inheritor of the True King. If anyone has a shot it’s her.
If Mottom is honestly trying to build a connection to Allison, then she might have an opportunity to motivate Mottom to do something to break this cycle she seems to think she’s stuck in. Or maybe Mottom is throwing this party to commemorate the arrival of the chance she’s been waiting for all along! (…still murder/oppression/exploitation tho.)
Her hands are drenched in blood, but what could she really do to end the cycle?
Consider our newly-ascended Empress. Given the existence of means to achieve Eternal Life, Hastet had to be de-throned somehow, and what can happen once can happen twice. Furthermore, it’s been established that other Demiurges would be happy to take chunks out of her holdings at the first sign of weakness. So her court is nominally in her power, and actually under her complete control in the case of those without allies, like that guy who got tree’d. But it ought to have a healthy population of treacherous ambitious types.
Now, as an either an empress who was installed in Hastet’s place, or an empress who knows firsthand the possibility of assassination, she is vulnerable to her court. Not immensely vulnerable at any given moment perhaps, but she has to survive all the attempts, where as just one of the many parties gunning for her would need to get lucky. So she plays politics.
What kind of politics? I’m not sure. But whether she builds a coalition of allies, or keeps her vassals busy maneuvering against each other, or something else, the effective solutions for staying in power are somewhat dictated by the makeup of her vassals.
For sure, there are lots and lots of horrible and powerful things in that ballroom. Almost certainly, Om has the most power (political, personal, I don’t distinguish how they go about imposing their will) of any individual, other than Alice, on whom I decline to comment. Almost certainly, Om has lots of power, even over whatever rival factions exist, so long as she doesn’t stick her neck out too far beyond what worked for Hastet. But I doubt a reformer empress, however motivated, would live very long.
And if she tried to abdicate, the results would probably be anything from being killed by the new emperor to tie up loose ends, to the War of the 666,666 Worlds.
Deny the fate entirely and simply cease to be. Then again… It never is that easy to throw off one’s shackles no? As you said, war, death; and likely dismemberment await such a creature.
She was given the name of Queen by a powerful fool. But the name of Black Emperor was taken by force and blood and fire and death, as all such titles must.
Oh, the drama. I like it. Yes, now I see the ol’Mottom in this young woman. And now I feel guilty about thinking Nadia was just acting childish and like a fool. Because everytime she’s smiling, she’s just hiding her pain behind frivolties.
Eternity eats your flesh and your mind and leaves bare bones.
It seemed curious to me that Mottom was the only Demiurge who has become so hideous and withered with age. Albeit the other female Demiurges are not exactly lookers in the present day. It occurs to me that perhaps she appreciates being hideous when and with whom she can.
Think on the hideous exterior as another mask; one to terrify and offput, while the mask of the child is one of sympathy and longing. Mottom wears these masks as we all do; for truly who can be themselves at all times?
Do not forget: all of Mottom’s justifications are wind. The sentence has already been passed down; Kill Six Billion Demons will face the seven headed beast and anhilate it. All the Knights in the kingdom can’t separate this head from its body
Well, the prophecy was told by Jadis, who is herself one of the Seven. And if she’s as different from what we think of her now as Mottom is from what we thought she would be, there’s no telling how far her words could be twisted.
I think the prophecy originally comes from 1Metatron.
2Michael said that Metatron foresaw Zoss’ fleeing and the arrival of the Rising King, who would kill the usurpers and take the Throne (pun intended).
Yes, the prison is not bars, but the Cycle constructed by the will of the living. In accordance to The Cycle those that gain power act exactly like the previous generation they feel hatred towards. In one generation there is a single pretty queen. In the next there are hundreds of pretty maids. Not people, just roles. New twists to an old, old script.
Perhaps our heroine of adorably-pinchable-cheeks will burn the boring script, enacting change where Mottom has chosen to fail.
Sky-Devouring Radiant Beast Descends to Offer Lucrative Employment.
AL-YIS-UN, if you do not call Mottom out on the hypocrisy of fishing for sympathy while drifting above a murdered world, I will be severely disappointed.
I don’t think she’s trying to excuse herself. I geuss she’s just telling Allison her story.
And I doubt Allison is going to get out of this without getting her hands dirty with the blood of innocents. One doesn’t become empress of the omniverse without breaking a few eggs. Or heads.
Alison, while your disgust with the source and abundance of the dishes is admirable, especially in the face of such Want down below…the food is already cooked. The damage has been done. Refuse to eat, and all you accomplish is letting the food – and the sacrifices that birthed it – go to waste.
I’m getting this weird feeling, it’s like some sort of emotional connection, or understanding, I wanna say it starts with sym… sym… ah well, can’t be too important when talking about a world-eating monster goddess, right?
The emotions of Royalty are as a scythe; imposing, heavy, and ever-harder to wield as the years pass by.
Woe to them who behold that great blade’s dreadful passing.
Sympathy, a simple and superbly effective poison. The End of Hastet Om began with sympathy I wager.
No, but really, I think I like Mottom more and more with every page.
cool motive, still multiversal exploitation
Seconded on all accounts, yes yes!
I’m with you, but I like her as a villain still. Kind of like Aku from Samurai Jack, except not for kids.
I like her as a villain, too. I mean, I’m not chanting “REDEMPTION ARC!” over here; I’m just saying I like her as a character.
Also, unsurprisingly, Hastet sounds like a real creep. Poor baby Mottom.
Yes, yes, very tragic. I mean that honestly – it’s something that happens. When you grow up, seize power, and then continue the cycle, it rings hollow though.
I think the point that’s going to be got at is that even Mottom can’t end the cycle. Maybe Allison can, but Allison is the inheritor of the True King. If anyone has a shot it’s her.
If Mottom is honestly trying to build a connection to Allison, then she might have an opportunity to motivate Mottom to do something to break this cycle she seems to think she’s stuck in. Or maybe Mottom is throwing this party to commemorate the arrival of the chance she’s been waiting for all along! (…still murder/oppression/exploitation tho.)
The Circle. Pure. Infertile.
Her hands are drenched in blood, but what could she really do to end the cycle?
Consider our newly-ascended Empress. Given the existence of means to achieve Eternal Life, Hastet had to be de-throned somehow, and what can happen once can happen twice. Furthermore, it’s been established that other Demiurges would be happy to take chunks out of her holdings at the first sign of weakness. So her court is nominally in her power, and actually under her complete control in the case of those without allies, like that guy who got tree’d. But it ought to have a healthy population of treacherous ambitious types.
Now, as an either an empress who was installed in Hastet’s place, or an empress who knows firsthand the possibility of assassination, she is vulnerable to her court. Not immensely vulnerable at any given moment perhaps, but she has to survive all the attempts, where as just one of the many parties gunning for her would need to get lucky. So she plays politics.
What kind of politics? I’m not sure. But whether she builds a coalition of allies, or keeps her vassals busy maneuvering against each other, or something else, the effective solutions for staying in power are somewhat dictated by the makeup of her vassals.
For sure, there are lots and lots of horrible and powerful things in that ballroom. Almost certainly, Om has the most power (political, personal, I don’t distinguish how they go about imposing their will) of any individual, other than Alice, on whom I decline to comment. Almost certainly, Om has lots of power, even over whatever rival factions exist, so long as she doesn’t stick her neck out too far beyond what worked for Hastet. But I doubt a reformer empress, however motivated, would live very long.
And if she tried to abdicate, the results would probably be anything from being killed by the new emperor to tie up loose ends, to the War of the 666,666 Worlds.
Deny the fate entirely and simply cease to be. Then again… It never is that easy to throw off one’s shackles no? As you said, war, death; and likely dismemberment await such a creature.
Piteous is it not?
Yeah, it’s not like there was anyone else seizing power that she wanted to avoid being at the mercy of.
Hm. And here I thought Mother Om fought and battled her way into becoming a great Queen of the Universe.
We shall see.
She was given the name of Queen by a powerful fool. But the name of Black Emperor was taken by force and blood and fire and death, as all such titles must.
Oooh. Now I wanna see why she wants them to visit her husband. Wonder if she turned him into a nasty little shrub for dogs to pee on.
I hope she turned him into a beautiful golden jewel.
Or perhaps a literal jewel, like the one she was so often compared to?
Tiny hand.
Oh, the drama. I like it. Yes, now I see the ol’Mottom in this young woman. And now I feel guilty about thinking Nadia was just acting childish and like a fool. Because everytime she’s smiling, she’s just hiding her pain behind frivolties.
Eternity eats your flesh and your mind and leaves bare bones.
This is a Queen I would not flirt with, mighty Aeon.
I didn’t die 578 times fo’nothing. You gotta try it before judging it.
It seemed curious to me that Mottom was the only Demiurge who has become so hideous and withered with age. Albeit the other female Demiurges are not exactly lookers in the present day. It occurs to me that perhaps she appreciates being hideous when and with whom she can.
The more I know her and the more it seems to me she’s the most rational of the demiurges. What a scary thought.
I suspect they’re all near-perfectly rational within their own narratives
Think on the hideous exterior as another mask; one to terrify and offput, while the mask of the child is one of sympathy and longing. Mottom wears these masks as we all do; for truly who can be themselves at all times?
A forlorn tale to be sure, and handsomely composed to boot…
Yet the question is starved of elucidation; smothered in words as hollow and opaque as painted eggshells…
Do not forget: all of Mottom’s justifications are wind. The sentence has already been passed down; Kill Six Billion Demons will face the seven headed beast and anhilate it. All the Knights in the kingdom can’t separate this head from its body
Destiny is sometimes not would you would expect, Preem Driftwood. Dear Mother Om may yet live to see the Heir Triumphant.
Ah, but they are yet not! Only the beast needs annihilating. The seven individuals making it up need not die.
Well, the prophecy was told by Jadis, who is herself one of the Seven. And if she’s as different from what we think of her now as Mottom is from what we thought she would be, there’s no telling how far her words could be twisted.
I think the prophecy originally comes from 1Metatron.
2Michael said that Metatron foresaw Zoss’ fleeing and the arrival of the Rising King, who would kill the usurpers and take the Throne (pun intended).
Please stop making me feel sympathy for the interplanetary demi-god despot.
Beauty; a sword with a sharpened pommel.
So, one could say that she married her way into Royalty.
Yes, the prison is not bars, but the Cycle constructed by the will of the living. In accordance to The Cycle those that gain power act exactly like the previous generation they feel hatred towards. In one generation there is a single pretty queen. In the next there are hundreds of pretty maids. Not people, just roles. New twists to an old, old script.
Perhaps our heroine of adorably-pinchable-cheeks will burn the boring script, enacting change where Mottom has chosen to fail.
A life of marital slavery to a callous god is certainly tragic, but it doesn’t justify a campaign of brutal exploitation and systematic genocide.
“Justify” is a word the ignorant use to obscure their weakness.
The grim truth of Royalty: the strong do as they will. The weak suffer what they must.
The first step down to perdition starts with injustice against one’s self.
Oh, I guess that totally excuses genocide. Semi-solipsism must be an interesting existance.
AL-YIS-UN, if you do not call Mottom out on the hypocrisy of fishing for sympathy while drifting above a murdered world, I will be severely disappointed.
Mottom showed no mercy, no consideration, no pity.
She should expect none.
And so, Abaddon’s struggle with drawing feet continues…
Aren’t we lucky that he decided not to wait until he’d mastered feet before starting to make his comic?
I don’t think she’s trying to excuse herself. I geuss she’s just telling Allison her story.
And I doubt Allison is going to get out of this without getting her hands dirty with the blood of innocents. One doesn’t become empress of the omniverse without breaking a few eggs. Or heads.
Thrones alive that food looks good. I need to get some breakfast in me…
Alison, while your disgust with the source and abundance of the dishes is admirable, especially in the face of such Want down below…the food is already cooked. The damage has been done. Refuse to eat, and all you accomplish is letting the food – and the sacrifices that birthed it – go to waste.
Besides, it’s only polite.
Those reaped in the Blood Harvest feed the Reapers, and in turn become a part of them.
Those who die in the process are called virtuous.
Cut her fucking throat, Allison! While she’s being all sorry for herself!
Might that not have the same effect that decapitation had on the old True King, except with the added bonus of a new enemy?