Wielder of Names 2-24 (Incarnate)
Het and the Rakshasa
(Part 4)
When the Sergeant and Centurion strode through the palace gates that morning clean and shiny, they reacted with a start when Het rose to greet them, for she was so covered in mud that she appeared just like the dwellers. But the Sergeant recognized her stave and questioned her at once about her inexcusable appearance.
“Delay your investigation” pleaded Het, “For we have treated these people with nothing but brutality and cruelty! Out of your love for the Law, please let the Centurion sheathe his sword today!” The Sergeant denied her of course, for there was not one ounce of anything resembling love in his whole body. As he denied her, Het found her longing for the Sergeant slip out of her like a cold liquid, and she felt deeply saddened, for it confirmed what she had known all along. But it was an expected loss, and resolution quickly filled its place.
The Sergeant immediately began his investigation, rapping on doors and even windows with his perfect fingernails The buttons of his uniform suddenly seemed too bright and sharp to Het, and the glint from them hurt her eyes. She heard the sweaty palm of the Centurion rubbing over his sword hilt.
But true to their word, the dwellers had gathered absolutely everyone to the central square for the delayed funeral rites, and there was nary a soul to be found in any of the humble and stooped dwellings of that land. For once, Het saw the Sergeant taken aback. “Well this is awfully strange,” he said to Het with a cold look in his eye, and the Centurion fumed. It was then that the funereal wailing started, and following its sound and the smoke from the fire, the group made their way to the central square.
“Stop this nonsense!” said the Sergeant in his very reasonable policeman’s voice as they strode amongst the gathered masses, but nobody listened. They were filled with grief and resentment at having to delay their funeral rites, and many of them threw spurious glances at Het as they wailed. “Hold a moment,” said Het, and they held as the bread was laid out. “A little longer,” said Het as the amulets were laid on the eyes of the dead. “Just a little longer,” said Het, as the cloth was wrapped around the bodies. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that the Centurion’s expert sword arm was bulging with unreleased tension, and the cords of his neck were thick and red. But at the moment Het was sure he would spring forth, foaming at the mouth, the funeral was over, and the breaking of the bread began. It was then that Het jumped into action.
“May I have some bread?” she asked the fire-stoking woman, and was handed a thin and meager piece. She swallowed it down as the Sergeant watched, cold and irate, and then pulled herself up to her full height and planted her staff. In fact, Het was very tall, and her arms were corded like boughs, and her staff was so heavy that a rough man of the fields who worked a plough all day would scarcely be able to lift it. Even though she knew none of these things, everyone else recognized them very quickly, and so it grew very quiet indeed when she stood up.
“This bread is the finest I’ve had in my three years of service,” she proclaimed, loudly and precisely. “Why, I’d deign to say it’s better than the bread my grandmother baked.” The assembled dwellers nodded in approval, even though they knew the bread was bitter and dry. The land may have been cold and harsh, but they were gracious for what they had. “How is your bread, auntie?” Het asked the fire-stoking woman. The woman caught the glint in Het’s eye, and all of a sudden a wave of understanding and excitement passed around the gathered dwellers. “I’d deign to say it’s the best bread I’ve baked yet,” said the woman at the top of her voice, “The best bread in a century!” There was a loud chorus of approval, and other voices joined in.
“The best bread on this side of the Wheel!”
“See how sweet and fresh it is!”
“They should serve it in the capital!”
More and more voices joined in until it was a cacophony of praise. Ridiculous, overfed, hyperbolic lies tumbled back and forth through the air, and Het stood at the center of it all, with her eye bright and sharp, and both hands on her quarterstaff. She was beginning to lose hope, when there was suddenly a shrill and piercing scream.
The scream came from an old and shriveled woman, who was bent double over the great table, and bile was pouring from her mouth and nose. For, as they all remembered then, the Rakshasa could not stand the sound of lies, and it crawled right out of the woman’s mouth and writhed in a black and suppurating mass on the table. “Enough!” It shrieked, but Het scarcely gave it pause before she dashed forth and smashed its skull into five hundred pieces with a mighty blow of her quarterstaff. The blow was so powerful it split the table clean in two and send echoes all the way up to the palace where it shattered the lord’s prized crystal chandelier with the mere sound of its violence.
A great cheer went up and the broken body of the Rakshasa was beaten and bludgeoned by the furious crowd and dragged into the muck where it was later eaten by dogs. The old woman was brought immediately to the dwelling of a healer where she recovered through the healer’s strong skill in herbal cleansing and lived another decade, demon free.
But it wasn’t over for Het, by far. If anything, she gripped her quarterstaff even tighter, for while the crowd had been filling the air with lies, she had noticed something bizarre that filled her up to the brim with dread. The Sergeant had been trembling and quaking the entire time, just like the old woman, and his handsome face was lined with pain.
And Het turned to him in fear and said, “You too, have a Rakshasa inside of you.”
“Of course,” choked the Sergeant, “It takes a demon to find a demon, didn’t you know? That’s why they made me a Sergeant.”
“You don’t have a Watchman’s Eye at all,” said Het, choking back tears, “You just know whether someone is lying or not.”
“Yes,” said the convulsing Sergeant, bile pouring from his nose and ruining his perfect mustache. “I am very good at catching liars and criminals. If you want to fraternize with the filthy, that is your business. I, however, am a perfect policeman.” Het had to admit, he was right. He was a very good policeman, with very clean fingernails. But he was a very poor person.
“Liars and criminals are not the same,” said Het, and struck the Sergeant a mighty blow across the chest. At that, the Centurion, who had been waiting to kill someone all morning, sprung forth with a lustful, sputtering cry and drew his sword. But although he far outmatched Het at skill with the sword, he was a very poor swordsman. He got a few good cuts in on Het, which she bore for the rest of her life, but she was filled with the terrible fires of Will, and he was not. The moment she got a good blow on his over-swollen sword hand, it was over. He whined like a dog as Het gave him a thorough beating.
“Kill me,” he begged, broken and bleeding, and cried piteously. It was the only thing he ever said to Het.
Het looked him over in pity, unbuckled her sword belt, and then threw it in the muck, for it was a killing weapon, unlike the stave. In this respect, Het was a very good swordswoman. She left the Centurion weeping and bade the dwellers teach him a more useful skill than killing. It was said he became a middling carpenter, but that’s a story for another time.
Het turned back to the Sergeant. He had coughed his Rakshasa out into the dirt, and it was dragging itself feebly away from a ring of furious dwellers, who were harassing it with sticks and stones. The sight of it disgusted Het, for it was a greatly fattened and pampered thing. She bashed its brains out with very little thought and hurled its body into a sucking mire. When she returned, the Sergeant was bent over, quivering and cold. Without the demon inside of him, he was a small man, thin and sickly looking. Het was suddenly aware how much taller she was than him.
“You fool,” babbled the Sergeant, “What will I do now? How will I make my living? How will I afford the money to keep my boots shined and my nails clean?” Het looked at him, all clean-pressed and sharp, his eyes feverish and hateful, and over to the funeral pyre, which was burnt nearly to ashes, and the sorrowful gazes of the dwellers who bent there. Truly, she thought, she would waste very little time on this small and cruel man, so she walked away.
“Thank you for slaying the Rakshasa,” said the dwellers, and went back to their harsh existence. They were gracious for it, nonetheless. Het shed her uniform and her boots and spent the last of her pay buying a good traveling cloak, a set of rough-spun clothing, and iron-nailed boots.
“Where will you go?” asked the fire-stoking woman. “To the Road, of course,” said Het, for that was the nature of things. Het abhorred violence. But there were Rakshasas about, and worse. Indeed, though her stave was used for cracking skulls very rarely, the skulls it cracked were very famous indeed. You may have heard of a few, and perhaps also how she came to be the doorkeeper of YISUN’s speaking house, and how she met Prim again on the road some time later. But those are stories for another time.
Before she left, Het offered her old clothing to the dwellers, who declined. “Your boots are very impractical for walking in the mud,” they said, and Het had to agree. If you had to wash all the stains out every night, stains ceased to have meaning.
It didn’t stop Het from taking a bath later, however. Some habits die hard.
that angel got killed
a lot
“He was a very good policeman, with very clean fingernails. But he was a very poor person.”
Alas for Javert.
In the wake of your humor follows my callous, hearty laughter.
The Spiked Angels serve the aide of the old god
“Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.”
There must be some kid just outside of view, furiously wailing on a little bell with a stick.
He is standing at the center of the page.
Now I’m imagining the wheel sounding like 1000 church bells going off at once while its spinning up and firing.
I imagine Delicious is the bell, not the wheel.
I am often rendered speechless, but rarely by such fine wit. Bravo.
Your speechless praise is appreciated, my friend.
Void Rotisserie. May i take thy Order, child?
seems like metatron lost his hair since the last time we saw him
Time is the best barber you’ll ever find, if perhaps a bit overzealous in her craft.
I should know! My hair was once long and black and silky, but now I must wear wigs on my bare skull.
Damn, I’d love to have that last panel as a wallpaper.
“Waking the Angel” indeed.
I wonder if the wings Metatron is currently leaking is his blood, as a prime angel, or some type of fungal infection of the spirit. Maybe you could get Achilles’ Foot Powder to deal with that.
It could just be whatever Zoss left alive. Not dead, but not the same either.
I think you have the right of it, in a way
Angels when killed reincarnate, how ever what happens to one who is rendered mostly dead, but still alive.
One would assume the dead angel flesh would then begin to reincarnate into a newer form, regardless of the still living tissue it is attached to
This I think would be a most unpleasant way to spend eternity.
False, unfounded, and pleasing. We have seen the angels break and let slip their precious essence from its earthly shell, but the shell does not recover to easily as the angel. It is a made thing, and it requires craftsmanship to repair rather than merely nature and time! They are creatures without flesh, and they are weaker for it!
Behold them, brittle and broken things holding only the fleeting notion of a creature!
Don’t angels crack like that when they lie?
I suspect the Thorns have been trying to patch ol’ Metatron together from pieces of other angels (like 174 Screamer of Stars and our friend here)–resulting in a Frankensteinian chimerical cannibal prime angel…
I suspect the Thorns have been trying to heal ol’ Metatron with pieces of other angels (like 174 Screamer of Stars and our friend here), resulting in a Frankensteinian chimerical cannibal prime angel…
I suspect they’re just stuffing the cracks with the remains of their victims. Don’t ask me why they’d do that O_Ou
All angels are but remnants of Yisun. To cut up angels and stitch them together is to reassemble god himself. In the this context the Alt-text for this page is incredibly on-point: The thorn knights are inventing god.
Yeah, I assumed it must be something like that. I just didn’t want to think about it because gross.
The thorns cannot accept time, and thus seek to undo its damage.
Creating a God by stitching together angels? Why didn’t I think of that before?
I wonder if it’s too late to start a competing project…
Having cheated/bested many a test all the above is the answer.
With all respect to a very talented artist and frame composer whose work I have quite enjoyed and anticipate enjoying further, I had a lot higher hopes for this page. It would have been a lot more metal if the death hadn’t been hidden from view and a thorough rending of angel was depicted. (I know it’s well within your skill to do justice to a full-page execution or I’d not mention it.)
Though 6 Juggernaught THNKing away at the bottom of the page looking all tiny is actually kind of funny.
[Someone will no doubt be along shortly to tell me that I’m wrong; in the sense that this is a setting-driven story and you didn’t waste an opportunity to show more of the setting as stuff was happening, I do agree with your layout decision.]
Thank you for providing us with an enjoyable comic!
I would have loved to see the page diagonally split between angel gore in the top left, and the Metatron panorama bottom right.
I still think this is a brilliant page though
I too wished to sate my bloodlust.
This is a rather visceral comic. I had hoped for a little more violence to reach heaven with.
As Doot said, It is still an excellent page.
Interesting how even in the void, angels seem… Stonelike. Cracked and venting something internal.
In the case of our poor, wheel-struck Sisterbrother, it seems she was, in the end, one of those glowsticks. Do not ingest.
Break to activate.
I think that applies more to the Prime Angels, doesn’t it? Maybe it’s some sort of ashen shell that still clings to their body from the time when they were thrown into the ashes of Koss’ forge. Perhaps they burn too brightly in comparison to their lesser brethren that their fire needs to be contained within another shell even in the void.
Het exercise the finest of justice indeed.
Metatron is dead, all hail the New Flesh.
I don’t think the giant angel is Metatron. For if Metatron lives, how can he be here in the void? No, I think this is just one of the Seraphim.
Zoss chased the Prime to the Void where he met Metatron, and the difference in look can be the wounds “festering” or the flashback being a more “artistic” representation of what happened, or the Universe itself being somewhat changed.
It sort of looks like Metatron died at some point and wings suspiciously similar to Chain’s and Delicious’s are sprouting from the corpse.
Or you know, they’re in a coma.
this comic pairs extremely well with the Neotokyo OST, oddly enough.
Question: Are devils and demons still the same thing? The demon in Het’s story is the first time something been referred to as a demon in cannon, and the way they’re described don’t sound like any devils we’ve seen.
Devils were different before their masking.
Were devils and demons ever the same thing? I was always under the impression that they were quite distinct, with devils being… well, devils, and demons being an as-of-yet unknown class of beings.
I remember seeing somewhere that devils and demons were originally going to be different but that Abbadon decided they’d be the same thing at one point?
Our nature is self-evident, as is that of our masks! We were once merely “We”, a seething mass clawing and devouring itself in an undulating orgy of undefined destruction! We had no stories, for none were distinct, though all were separate. Then came Order from fleeting things hardly resembling others of the ever-changing fire. With order came names, and masks, identity to distinguish We from They from I from You.
But come, enough talk of what was and has been. A Belligerent surely has things other than questioning reality in its tiny box of a skull.
I wonder how Preem Vash is doing. Our favorite gangster just lost his strongest muscle, if he’s even still alive..
might want to look at where the pupil on Metatrons right eye is, as its a little… off centre
Also in the original Texts Metatron was described as having 36 pairs of wings
More wings equals more of gods love
Oh it’s absolutely intended to be off center. That eye is a little dead.
Fair enough, considering he’s literally spitting wings [from his eyes] such deformities should be taken on board.
its as they say That which can eternal lie, and with strange eons Death may die.
Huh. So, Juggy starts swinging from right to left on the previous page. But on this page he finished where he started.
Where did Metatron 1’s hair go? Can a suit of divine armor go bald, or did some enterprising soul pry it off his scalp?
Some devil out there is running around with an excellent wig
Somewhere, even now, the wig is spawning Donald Trumps. Perhaps one for each universe?
The word of the prophet:
And I saw an angel come down unto me
In her hand she holds the very key
Words of compassion, words of peace
And in the distance an army’s marching feet
But behold, we will watch them fall
All 7 and we’ll watch them fall
They stand in the way of love
And we will smoke them all
With an intellect and a savoir-faire
No one in the whole universe
Will ever compare
I am yours now and u are mine
And together we’ll love through
All space and time, so don’t cry
One day all 7 will die
Death is a lie. YISUN lives. In the eternity of existence before the First Division, YISUN was dead. He was dead because he was stagnant, unchanging, less alive than thousand-year-old bones buried in stone, for they at least may one day be ground to dust. In the moment of Division, YISUN grasped life, and has held fast to it ever since. The two became the multitude. The multitude gave rise to servants, angels, demons, and peoples, and carved realms throughout the cosmos. It changed. It continues to change. And so long as the worlds continue to change, so long as they avoid the silence and stillness that is death, YISUN still lives. So long as there are stories to be told, and an audience to hear them, YISUN lives. His death was his greatest lie.
You, good sir, are a heretic. But you are not wrong.
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