Seeker of Thrones 9-113
Chapter: 9
“Preserve my corpse within the necropolis!
Let no force turn against me in the earth!
And any false god who trespasses my tomb,
Let he be punished by the Wind of Akaroth!”
– Ya’at Death Prayer
“Preserve my corpse within the necropolis!
Let no force turn against me in the earth!
And any false god who trespasses my tomb,
Let he be punished by the Wind of Akaroth!”
– Ya’at Death Prayer
You went full Yabalchoath Cio. You never go full Yabalchoath.
That’s going to leave a mark on their friendship…
“Remember that time you left me for dead, and I came back in a feral rage and tried to murder you? Yeah, good times.”
Or at the very least, on Allison’s body.
Drop in the bucket, though. What’s one more scar earned today?
Among other things…
It sucks when the worst part of you is right
This is getting very interesting. I think this bloody journey will probably have a clear ending, but I will nevertheless enjoy the ride.
Cio seems to enjoy the ride too
What a marvelous horror it is
Oh hush, we all know that the fate of Allison is not that of death by some mere demon. So, in the immortal words the Lord of Cubic and Iced Water, ‘Check thyself before thoust wreck thyself’.
what you’ve done with your name is very clever, I only just figured it out after seeing your name redlinked quite a few times while reading the comments
Wow, you weren’t kidding around when you said these next few pages are going to be a journey
i diagnose you with incubus possession the only treatment is forceful surgery right now immediately
Hark! the seed has been sown.
The fields will grow bare.
A warm sun awaits.
On the bright side, I’m fairly certain she ain’t -dead- yet. Ain’t like she hasn’t had worse, if I recall. What with the lacerations and exsanguinatin’ after the palace incident.
p sure she was holding her rucksack. oldest trick in the book 😀
Here we see the interplay of sex and violence, and of love and betrayal.
Or at least of “we’re kinda friends and your hot and then you blew us up you bitch.”
Relationship Status: Complicated
Don’t think I don’t see that heart.
I know, right? And this one of alpha-numeric designation just so happened to have read up on “Bathos” earlier this evening.
What is love?
Devil don’t hurt me
Don’t hurt me
No more
This comment shows true mastery of the Art.
We all thought this was Allison’s redemption arc.
We were wrong.
Hang in there. Cutting out whinging takes some harsh medicine.
Probably not what you want in a friend, to be honest
Neither is being left to die under a pile of rocks. Me, I call this fair play.
Not really. One is not actively help, that’s a bit different then mauling/disfiguring then impaling. If someone watched you get hit with a stick you don’t burn their house.
I mean, a knife is problematic in anyone.
Well, a knife is problematic in anyone, regardless of your relationship.
On the contrary, I think a sword can be a very useful thing to have in a friend
I see your cheeky Valentine’s Day update heart shaped blood splatter you hopeless romantic, you!
Abbadon did… Did you just make a huge troll-14-valentines?
Blood hearts, the love interest penetrating the protagonist and showing a face of Le petit morte…
Ny’sgoth Ill Volja.
None of this seems to be a coincidence.
“None of this is a coincidence because nothing is ever a coincidence.”
“Leave no wounded. Either finish your wounded and mourn them, or tend their wounds and save them. A corpse following your footsteps is not an easy curse to break.”
— an old thieves’ proverb
Ah, the classic armpit-sword-grab technique. Should have seen it coming.
Beware the Ides of… February?
Unfortunately, the Ides of February are on the 13th rather than the 15th:
We always hurt the ones we love.
Bruh what
Well pack it up boys n girls, she ded.
I can’t believe Allison is ded.