And so, the true genius of Mammon’s defenses reveals itself.
Only one like Yabalchoath could pass the Door without destroying her heisting-crew.
But to pass that door without destruction is to condemn your band of criminals to be the lowest of the low, the most backstabbing and vindictive, blackened souls who will murder one another for no reason beyond their own entertainment.
At this point, I would assume that the red devil in question is simply attempting to guarantee that he can place himself in a greater position of power within the group by the end of the journey.
The pale mask was the literal demo man. All that stuff were his means of ‘clearing obstacles’, his job in the heist.
So he wasn’t trying to kill the others “posthumously,” for “no reason beyond [his] own entertainment.” He just got merked, and his corpse spilled his stuff, and Oscar is an idiot.
In fact, pale mask devils are noted for their obedience in executing tasks and for their predictable nature.
i wish commenters would stop trying so hard to be clever, apparently in an attempt to emulate Abbadon’s narrative style. It makes me cringe.
“She’s the sort that wouldn’t so much mind dying herself if she knew that the chap who killed her was going to be burned, or buried, or drowned five minutes later.”
Yes, but it could be a series of convoluted coincidences. The old demon was the team’s demolition expert, so he was supposed to be carrying all that explosive material. Then, guy gets sliced to bits, explosives spill out, lamp-jar breaks, firebugs start flitting about and lighting stuff up. It just might all be a chain of unfortunate accidents -but I doubt it.
Clio has four horns now? One has to wonder where they will be sprouting next. And will they get long, and spirally around the bases like a gemsbok?
And will the penitent devils plus barista pass? Should be easy now that they can see the lowest blade, and can slide under it. Any inconvenient explosives can be just pushed over the edge.
The only real problem is that everyone will inevitably end up covered in green devil guts. This will have a terrible effect on Oscar’s awesome pants.
You’re right. I thought she only had two back then, and had just sprouted an extra pair, but she’s had all four since the episode you mention.
I’m still worried about Oscar’s awesome pants though. If it becomes necessary to murder him, which is looking ever more likely, I do hope the pants are retrieved safely and given a good home.
She’s had them since “Yes, this is it. The last thing I remember” – when she held Mammon’s coin. Incidentally, they’re the same horns she had when she was Yabalchoath.
And so, the true genius of Mammon’s defenses reveals itself.
Only one like Yabalchoath could pass the Door without destroying her heisting-crew.
But to pass that door without destruction is to condemn your band of criminals to be the lowest of the low, the most backstabbing and vindictive, blackened souls who will murder one another for no reason beyond their own entertainment.
Whether proactively or posthumously.
Honestly, I’m starting to just think that Oscar is either dumb, or took the Dragon’s schilling and is sabotaging the op.
At this point, I would assume that the red devil in question is simply attempting to guarantee that he can place himself in a greater position of power within the group by the end of the journey.
Makes sense. You have to be as ruthless as Mammon to get to the vault, willing to do the things he did to prove your value.
The pale mask was the literal demo man. All that stuff were his means of ‘clearing obstacles’, his job in the heist.
So he wasn’t trying to kill the others “posthumously,” for “no reason beyond [his] own entertainment.” He just got merked, and his corpse spilled his stuff, and Oscar is an idiot.
In fact, pale mask devils are noted for their obedience in executing tasks and for their predictable nature.
i wish commenters would stop trying so hard to be clever, apparently in an attempt to emulate Abbadon’s narrative style. It makes me cringe.
Should have pushed the other guy
No way! 1-11 was the trap disarmer. And how well did he disarm that trap?
GG 1-11.
Well done, Boris.
Devils are not known for cleverness. At least not red devils. Impulsive simple creatures.
I want to think that Old Demon Guy had this prepared specifically as a revengency plan should the others backstab him like they just did.
Revengency is a very expressive word that I had no idea I was living without until this exact moment. Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Revenge contingency.
I approve. *Toast*
“She’s the sort that wouldn’t so much mind dying herself if she knew that the chap who killed her was going to be burned, or buried, or drowned five minutes later.”
Just so!
I doubt that you need to think it. Those explosives are entirely from 1-11’s bag.
Yes, but it could be a series of convoluted coincidences. The old demon was the team’s demolition expert, so he was supposed to be carrying all that explosive material. Then, guy gets sliced to bits, explosives spill out, lamp-jar breaks, firebugs start flitting about and lighting stuff up. It just might all be a chain of unfortunate accidents -but I doubt it.
1-11 is the “old demon guy.”
Goddamit Oscar.
Clio has four horns now? One has to wonder where they will be sprouting next. And will they get long, and spirally around the bases like a gemsbok?
And will the penitent devils plus barista pass? Should be easy now that they can see the lowest blade, and can slide under it. Any inconvenient explosives can be just pushed over the edge.
The only real problem is that everyone will inevitably end up covered in green devil guts. This will have a terrible effect on Oscar’s awesome pants.
Alas, poor pants.
I had to check back, but she has had those since touching the piece of silver.
Dun dun DUNNN
You’re right. I thought she only had two back then, and had just sprouted an extra pair, but she’s had all four since the episode you mention.
I’m still worried about Oscar’s awesome pants though. If it becomes necessary to murder him, which is looking ever more likely, I do hope the pants are retrieved safely and given a good home.
It was the last thing she remembered… but perhaps it remembered her too.
Literal firefly!
Ugh timed missions are the woooorst
Abbadon, you NEED to fix the url problems here. They are messed up beyond belief at this point.
Don’t wear it out.
Remember It’s an infinite vault
Where time and space can somersault
I don’t think it’s Abaddon’s fault
Flutter, Flutter
Die and sputter
Little flame oh so dark
Fade and leave an ashen mark
i’m noticing some “growths” on your face Cio… better get those looked at
They started growing when she touched the piece of silver *eyebrow wiggle*
Those growths are beads of sweat, methinks.
She’s had them since “Yes, this is it. The last thing I remember” – when she held Mammon’s coin. Incidentally, they’re the same horns she had when she was Yabalchoath.
Surely no connection there.
*slow claps*
Nice going, jackass.
It looks like Cio is struggling to contain her Ebon.
Fool of a took!
A grenade is never late, nor is it early.
It explodes precisely when it means to.
let me tell you about the bombs and the bees, my child…
Lol, watch it be like the Homestuck fantrolls: the fan submitted characters aaaaaall die.
(Also Oscar, probably)
I think after Suuz it was pretty much confirmed that heist crew isn’t making it out.
Her horns! I thought I was mistaken the last page, but this confirms it! When will she sprout?
“How much more convoluted can this get, I wonder?”
You mean like Maya and a Priest of the Count in a fight to the death breaking through an adjoining wall? I don’t know. I’ll bet you do…
Those priceless emotion on Oscar and Ally’s faces XD
I was wondering what had happened to the fireflies.
I also had failed to notice that 1-11 carried explosives with him, and even if I had, I would have not guessed it would be that many.
Such exciting developments!
Thorns spring up from the skull without buffering
Begging for mercy meets tedious muttering
Don’t cry please, it’s a waste of good suffering
*clap clap clap*
As we say in the guild: short on foresight, long on regret.